Warframe high status primary. It's worse, by a lot.

Warframe high status primary One of my first choices was soma prime, but I want to hear your opinions on what weapon I should use. Status weapons are the exception, practically every weapon you see touted as good has good crits. Special Traits: Firing through the Nova bombs extends the range of both the explosions, and beam. High fire rate; One of the highest status chances in all primary weapons; 90% of Total Damage is Puncture, which is great against high armor; How to Get it: Like all Prime weapons, Boltor Prime is only available in void relics. Probably one of my all time favourites. Secondary - Kuva Nukor and Tysis both have 50% Status Chance, which goes up to Find the best Warframe Primary Weapon at Overframe with our Primary Weapon tier list! Players can view and vote to rank the best Primary Weapon! Primary: any shotgun that can reach 100% status and preferably has a high pellet count, Mutalist Cernos, Torid, Glaxion Vandal, Ignis Wraith. The game is currently in open beta on PC Does not stack, so high status chance is unnecessary. Image: Digital Extremes via HGG / Andrew Oli. Primary fire is corrosive, alt fire is viral/electric. Secondary - Kuva Nukor and Tysis both have 50% Status Chance, which goes up to 275% with Status Chance mods. The Acuity mods (Primary and Pistol) list +350% Weak Point Damage and +350% Weak Point Critical Chance at max rank. Can be bought from Eleanor of The Hex for 7,500 Standing 7,500 at Rank 2 - Fresh Slice. Strun Incarnon has a base status chance of 182% so you can go over 700% status chance with 60/60 bonds and/or a riven. These weapons are more likely to apply a Stagger proc. Corinth Prime is a solid choice. the weapon has to have negligible crit but very high critical damage. 3-0. Slash procs can stack, allowing for high amounts of DoT to be piled on. For example Tenora's auto attack has The only times you should solely build around statuses are on pure elemental weapons with high base chance (20% minimum) and a good firerate. best primary weapon is exodia contagion. It won't last forever though, I think I'll have to swap to a primary with AoE at some Spreading status; Ricocheting and exploding glaives have a high status chance (50% for the glaive impact and 50% for every explosion). I've been using the Nataruk without a riven and have been Name Weapon Type Trigger Attack Main Element Base Dmg Multishot Fire Rate Effective Fire Rate Crit Crit Dmg Status Reload Mag Size Avg Shot Burst DPS Sust DPS Avg. Only Worthy Comradery on Warframe. Many of the aoe or beam weapons can easily apply status effects. Then that gun can be a good status priming weapon with the elemental mods. affected shots without changing mods or targets. High status, high accuracy, high critical, semi-auto. See Module:DropTables/data to edit on the wiki. Reply reply More replies 2) Fast fire rate guns with high status chance which you use in a "spray and pray" manner, or a few beam weapon that either have large AoE sphere at the point of contact or a perk that makes the bean to chain to nearby enemy units so you point at one enemy on a big mob and everyone around them also get affected. Status level B Low Key Amprex in two different ways (oh hey another crit continual that got nerfed because the fire rate produces high status on top of everything else) C high Base damage/Fire rate and D secondary mods being heehaw superior to primary mods, which is the core of the entire problem. High status chance, high dmg and optional spread to hit a lot enemys with the status chance. Ever since its release, the Nataruk has dominated the competition and claimed the throne as the best bow in Warframe. 00° A Shotgun that shoots 99% Status Chance would give you 35% (roughly) status per pellet. Edited December 25, 2019 by Using a gun with a high status proc chance you would repeatedly apply that dual-elemental status effect to an enemy Find the Warframe community's best Primary Weapon builds! Top Builds Tier List Player Sync New Build. 5 seconds. Currently the only weapons in the game which meet all these criteria are the Amprex, Tysis, and potentially Torid too assuming it's statuses and status chance is inherited by the gas cloud. If only you could go over 100% and have a chance for red-status, like a double length proc or doubly effective proc. DE seems to lean into th As the title says, I wanna use high crit primary. 2&3. The damage and the status are 2 seperate things. Slash: Enemy suffers 245% base true damage over 6 seconds, ignoring shields and armor. My goal is to kill dudes primarily through bleed damage from slash procs Primary - Miter's Charged Shot has 50% Status Chance, which goes up to 285% with Status Mods. Fulmin Well Balanced High Damage, Crit, and Status build. Works gloriously. Expected outcomes: Unmodded Base crit: 22% If Additive to Point Strike/Critical Delay: 22%(1+0. Reply reply Late game Status > Crit. The KNukor works because A. Rewarded from the 1999 Calendar. High invest = high reward / Updated / Read disc. With weapon moded properly for that. 00° 0. Using the status; Primary fire takes advantage of the alternate fire’s high status chance with the effect of adding 60% damage per status effect. for something like lvl 100 bosses. I tried Exergies and while it's good, the b Its primary fire basically got no special stats to begin with, but the secondary disc has very high status chance and can proc a bunch of stuff easily. At higher levels you This is mostly just a thank you note for Arcane Crux. Edited October 8, 2017 by Xydeth Epitaph can force proc Cold plus have high status on quick attacks, Kuva Nukor, Tenet Cycron and Ocucor are chaining beams - all are most effective at priming multiple targets, but came shot compared to the earlier mentioned abusers of Encumber. just choosing between the builds from akstiletto. It doesn't require many mods to finish the Star Chart, and Many Warframe players across the internet agree that Tigris Prime is the best primary weapon available. Increase the Cedo's multishot, and you have the ultimate status primer for your primary fire or similar Condition Overload (CO) weapons. For a shock focussed build; Serration, Split Chamber, Shred. But Tysis hands down has the best base status chance potential. If you can find a friendly Ivara to put down Empowered Dashwire it'll also give you a glimpse of the face of the divine. unfortunately these types are very rare, and I could only find a few for primaries. See Kitgun and Zaw for comparison these weapons. 5% now to compare status/crit. Shared Guns only Melee only Use the table in reference of single-target damage only. See WARFRAME Wiki:Stat Comparison for methodologies. Rifle Riven Mod). A couple brief observations: Weapons with really high rates of fire are intrinsically much better at inflicting massive stacks of status effects. A basic analysis of the status potential of a weapon can be done by taking it's base status chance then multiplying it by the +%Status added to it. that explode four times. Let them spam their E key while I have fun with a not as much broken system within Primary weapons. Stormbringer, High Voltage You could drop one element and Hammer Shot to add Viral, but at the cost of diluting the status pool, reducing the Shock procs. People call it "priming" - when you use 1 weapon to proc lots of status effects on the enemy to then finish him off with something else that specifically deals lots of damage to You will want to have high enough status chance to get all possible procs (IPS + element) on the enemy in a low amount of time. Blast/electric for example would be good CC, radiation/cold would work too i guess. Dont ignore status mods getting buffed. Long beam, high dps and status. Secondary: any shotgun that can Many of the aoe or beam weapons can easily apply status effects. Edited December 18, 2024 by Chroia In order to see if a gun is good for status it needs to have a high multishot count and/or at least 15% status chance. Unfortunately, it is currently vaulted, and Trumna Prime is the Primed counterpart of Trumna heavy assault rifle, sporting increased damage, Critical Multiplier, Status Chance, and Magazine Size, and faster Reload Speed. Deals increased damage to Corpus and Orokin. Max your mods. A primer would be a primary or secondary weapon with multiple damage types and a very high status chance, that you use to “prime” the target with status effects before melee. The following is a comparison table of all non-Modular weapons in the game. In my general experience, unless a weapon is shockingly bad for crits (even with 11%, the lowest crit Rattle isn't quite that) I'd say the hybrid build functions well right up until the weapon is shockingly bad for status, Yes this would be nice on primary and secondary also Edited December 24, 2019 by kwlingo. The problem with Shock Trooper is how it combines with native elements, especially on Lich/Sister weapons. Can do other procs aside from bleed proc, from experience). There's also options like Epitaph alt-fire. 7x from +120% Crit Damage and 1. That why builds on primary with high crit often have hunter munition on. Run it on Limbo and you can shoot before sidestepping for immunity Same exact build in all cases, swapping out Split Chamber for Primary Acuity. Thus, the Dark Sword would have a higher status chance than the Nikana, which would in turn have a high status chance than the Skana. Non-Shotgun Primary Weapons do well with a hybrid build using elemental status mods along with Vital Sense and Precision Strike. 5 damage to The Murmur STATUS EFFECT Electricity chains between nearby enemies, temporarily applying a stun effect and dealing damage over time. ) Personally, I prefer status because into late game, stripping So playing with my builds had me realize that primary weapons are sadly lacking support when it comes to pure status builds. In perfect world you want high crit chance and crit dmg weapon and like 100% +status to get best of dmg against fanction you go against. Votes 206. In Warframe terms it means putting a lot of different status effects on an enemy for a weapon with condition overload like the others have said. en. Each attack, or each pellet in the case BUT the very high rattle status to begin with means you get to exploit that difference in status for a very short amount of time. 6x Only one status proc applied per hit, unless it forces a proc (e. We're talking around 0. I know about the Amprex and Basmu. Ideally something that hits hard and doesn't rely on status procs. The game is currently in open beta on PC *Choose the best primary weapons from this Warframe Primary Weapon Tier List and rank high in the game *Nataruk, Felarx, and Cedo are the most powerful picks to dominate the enemies. E. Primary Fire - Enthalpic Beam: Fires a high-status radiation beam with Puncture and Slash. In cases where you need more status but dont want to add extra elements to the mix will be the only times that status only mods might be worthwhile, but that is rare for weapons. Equipping this mod will set weapon's Multishot to its default ignoring other bonuses, even negative effects (e. Update 35: Whispers in the Walls; Update 34: Abyss of Dagath; Update 33: The Duviri Paradox Nullifiers pretty much killed half of the high tier weapons unless you want to let other people handle them. 5 damage to Corpus Amalgam x1. The slash status will bypass shields and currosive will drain away armor. I'm a little exited, but beyond 100% sounds like 100% for a single status, and X% for a second, but yeah status shotguns will benefit most from this, I personally don't see a nerf unless 80% of players are using 1 weapon. Additionally, status’ like viral/magnetic only need 1 proc to get the main effect, because subsequent procs have reduced effects. Its Status Effect reduces enemy's damage output and increases Critical Chance received. Trumna Prime was released alongside Xaku Prime and Quassus Prime on November 13, 2024. If you're just looking for burst damage then secondaries win in that department. Low damage with high status buildup. For an average, crit-focused primary, a fully stacked Primary Frostbite is about a 120% damage boost (1. i would choose status just to remove armour completely and then do really good The Soma has a negligibly small status chance, meaning that it will almost never be able to produce slash procs on its own. You may need to help the sentinel survive when you get higher up in steel path, but otherwise, it works surprisingly well. Synapse is insane for single target, it even has innate corrosive so it gets a bonus against their armor. Posted There's a lot of places Warframe could go in the future with it's status. Critical hits, also known as crits for short, are otherwise normal weapon strikes that randomly deal increased damage on enemies. The status effect of Puncture damage Or if your melee fails, try high status weapons. Thanks. It is basically a Kuva Nukor but more tentacles. The game is currently in open beta on PC, PlayStation 4|5, Xbox One/Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and iOS! Verminsplicer Primary Kit Gun using High Status parts when assembling. Veldt, 100 rounds, change target if Puncture status procs. Which primary and secondary weapon is have the highest base crit chance currently?? It's only one rank away, but at Rank 5, the Amprex is a monster against infested, they way that it arcs and a high status chance makes it a complete AoE beast if you're using the Gas Electric combo, but that's probably overkill, the good o Corrosive/Heat would work fine, great against the stronger infested. A Tier - Strong Picks Lex Prime is also viable as a status weapon, if you put 2-3 +status chance and element damage mods on it, the status chance goes up a fair bit, I think around 80-90%. It's kind of like Soma prime vs braton prime, or Akstiletto vs Aksomati. Primary - Miter's Charged Shot has 50% Status Chance, which goes up to 285% with Status Mods. Tenet flux rifle can get over 300% status chance with innate Better to run some form of knockdown or status immunity (Primed Sure Footed, Unairu Poise, various Warframe abilities) and put a more useful exilus mod such as Vigilante Supplies. 3x from +90% Multishot). Komorex on max zoom can get to oneshotting steel path enemies once you build up a bit of combo but you need to quick scope every single shot so its a bit of a QoL nightmare. Discover the best primary weapons in Warframe! Explore top picks like the Torid, Latron Prime, and Felarx to dominate enemies with power and precision. With infinite ammo, excellent critical and status chances, With its high damage output and relatively low Verglas modded for cold, high status, and high fire rate does a good job of keeping 40 stacks up for Primary Frostbite if you'd rather still have viral on the gun. Is nautilus prime with high status chance on the verglas prime enough to give the full benefits of Primary Frostbite or do I need to proc cold from my primary weapon too for it to work better? When using my build I constantly get 40 stacks of Primary Frostbite from my nautilus prime, yet I've never heard anyone else talking about this. 4; FormaShort; Guide. And the Basmu doesn't deal much dmg either. Epitaph has a high damage primary fire but most players just mod for it's alt fire Are the bonuses from the red archon shard (primary status chance, crit in secondary, and crit damage in melee) flat addition or multiplicative? I'm sure the rest are additive but how about the weapons? Shotguns tend to rely on status, which most of the enemies you listed have some resistance or limit on. Lesion is perhaps one of the best melees for statuses. (Akstiletto is more balanced then the aksomati. a little better with crit for general straight out dmg. Puncture Damage is one of the three physical damage types. Have to remember, multishot mods make status proc numbers seem wonky but Strun Wraith is the about the only one that can reach 100% without Excellent base status chance, fire rate, and a focus on Heat damage make for a great status primer and hard-hitting weapon against unarmored targets. And yes, you can do what you are describing. Supra should almost put the Soma to shame lol. Meanwhile, fully stacked Primary Deadhead is about a 500% damage boost (4. Reddit community and fansite for the free-to-play third-person co-op action shooter, Warframe. Mios combos force a bleed proc. Launch a glaive that ricochets off surfaces in bursts of elemental damage, then perforate enemies with primary fire's precision buck-shot. Fulmin guide by Gage. Warframe. If you don't have that many shotgun mods, then you can try out the Karak, Boltor or Grakata if you're looking for machine gun weapons. Currently, Strun Wraith is the status primary. Accurate, high RoF, good damage and all the Corpus weapons should have a real high status chance to cause burning. g. Status weapons aren’t really a thing I deal with most of the time in Warframe, and pure status weapons are heavily outnumbered by weapons with high crit even in the actual game. 100% Status Gives you 100% Status per pellet. If slash status if your focus then aim for viral as the slash status ignores armor this will only work in cases of a good source of slash procs and good status though as slash as a damage type does not ignore any armor. 5% with all Status Mods and 454% at maximum Combo Counter. Dealing crits Chance to apply Slash status on critical hits: Uncommon Set Mod Hunter Track: Increases status duration: Rare Set Mod Shivering Contagion: Chance to spread Cold status on Cold procs Uncommon Set Mod Vigilante Armaments: And if you multiply that by the status chance of a given type, you can see about how often you actually proc that specific status. In all cases, making sure I get the red hit indicator, the damage is ~1/8th as high for 'unaffected' incarnon shots vs. The Soma Prime has just enough status to be non-negligible, but not enough to be truly useful. If the enemies aren't immune to status you can use primary/secondary to help with stripping some armor. Sporothrix and any Pax Seeker kitgun would be good too; Primary Catchmoon currently has bugged multiplicative Galvanized Savvy so it'll give you the big good brain juice numbers too. Another good option is Convectrix with the Looking for a weapon that can achieve 95%-100% status chance (preferably without riven) dealing high slash damage at mid range to long range. This weapon deals primarily Heat and Impact damage. The likelihood that an attack will be a critical hit is based on the weapon's critical hit chance, and the additional damage dealt by a critical hit is determined by the weapon's critical damage multiplier. You could use the element mods for pets (Flame Gland/Shock Collar/Venom Teeth/Frost Jaw, each gives 60% element dmg and 60% status chance) to add 3% more status chance per element mod to get a maximum of 12% status chance from them and lower the status chance required to give your pet 100% status chance to a mere 139%. Easier to stack and the headshot multiplier is huge for crit builds. No. Corpus weaponry should be some of the more powerful ones. DISPLAY: TIERS. it can be modded for both crit or status and both give almost equal results. Procs It sounds like you want a Latron Prime. Rewarded from Techrot Safes in Höllvania Dread would need +400% status chance to hit 100%. Secondary Fire - Nova Bombs: Fires projectiles with a small radius. But honestly any good crit built primary can kill Acolytes fast. Primary Weapons in Warframe play a vital role in since I'm maining Citrine now, I have been trying different weapons with her to benefit from her 4. For example, since Heat is now the most common status, and the Baza Prime has a status chance of 14%, Status chance helps you proc the elemental status effects. In-game Very High: 0. Sentient/Infested/Corpus “Teracor” Beam Rifle. The following list of changes apply to all Primary Shotguns with There are also some niche uses for gas damage (heat + toxin), mostly on weapons that have high status chance and that do extremely high single-hit damage for instance the Tenet Spirex or the Kuva Seer. Hidden toxin proc, high status chance, decent(ish) crit, and slash based. Proboscis Cernos guide by chorito. Check out this list for the best Warframe Primary Weapons. 4x Dual Status mods would bump it to +240%, but there is no way to get +160% status off of rivens considering Dread's disposition. Yeah, really, the dang energy weapons in this game need a serious rework. This weapon's secondary fire releases a glaive projectile that ricochets and explodes between targets, inflicting a status ailment with each detonation. If the enemy is status resistant or even immune, it won't work properly. You have Warframe mods like Auras, Vigorous Swap. Probably the only status that can truly stand as an equal to Critical, and this would be a solid reason to use a high slash status Primary Acuity is a mod that increases the Weak Point Damage and Weak Point Critical Chance of rifles, but prevents Multishot from being modified. Shotgun builds are all over the place (Hek vs Vaykor Hek vs Tigris Prime). Previously most shotguns and aoe primaries had no arcane really suited to them, and had to try to make do with Primary Merciless, which worked for some but honestly wasn't great for many others that don't have high kill potential / up-time. u just look at akstiletto prime. I would recommend a sniper (vectis prime or Rubicon prime) or the synapse with hunter munitions. I know that some frames like mirage or revenant are ones of the best for that, but I wanna use weapon to it's full (or almost full) potential with any frame. -They can cover what a primary lack : Sniper Rifle + Any high fire-rate Secondary-They can combine well with some warframe abilities like Synoid Gammacor and Nova's Antimatter Drop You can also do other fun things like building a high status weapon to load up status effects without compromising your primary. Also, Slash Proc is DoT, so with +90% Status Duration you will get another 6 Tics of Slash. prolly perfect example. Soma's great against all factions because it's a crit-based primary, and crit-based primaries have the advantages of: Since you're MR4, try out the Tigris shotgun, which many players adore the primed version of. Because status effects linger over time, and a weapon that shoots more bullets per second has more chances to proc per second. The more status chance mods you use, diminishing returns means each mod benefits you less. Status per second = Chance of getting a status proc per second (usually damage ticks per second for continuous weapons). Higher status helps with that, just like speed does. and then switching to another weapon that makes use of those status effects to deal more damage. So are there any other Primary Weapons that chain and have either high Status Chance or Critical Chance that can go A hybrid or high crit melee weapon, which is supplemented by a high status or hybrid primary or secondary If CO's damage is multiplied by crit like any other damage, I have to image that a hybrid/high crit melee + high status primary/secondary would be far superior to a high status melee weapon, especially if combined with a warframe that can deal its own elemental damage. 4%) the game will then determine which status to apply based on the damage distribution of the weapon; That's what those broken down percentages are - the chance of that type of status proc being applied whenever you fire 690K subscribers in the Warframe community. Secondaries have Arcnaes like cascadia flare and empowered, secondary shiver and cucumber encumber, and of course cunjunction vorltage, who are either "neutral" in their benefit or clearly focused on status application. . Sourced from the official drop table repository. The only status weapons I use with any regularity are the Mara Detron, the Strun Wraith, (my builds for that are insane ) the SOBEK (I love Sobek so much) and possibly the Zarr. kapn655321. Leaving you with +25%dmg on the remaining health. This nerf likely WILL happen if primary kitguns provide an overpowered boomstick. best rocket launcher in the game Zephyr main here- anything that has high crit because of her 150% crit chance when airborne. I was wondering if there are Primary weapons with similar nature. Primary/secondary weapons: Sniper rifles , being slow but immensely precise weapons while firing powerful ammunition, would have the highest critical chance, a moderate multiplier, but a low status chance This two stats can decide the usablity of 2 ranged weapons. S Tier - Prime Time The best of the best. Gas is quite weak on any rapid fire or pellet-based gun through. Codex Essentially, whenever you DO proc status (depending on your status chance - in the case of my exergis here that's a modded status chance of 118. Secondary Weapons do better with Status until you get the Primed crit mods at which point Crit becomes a legit Exodia contagion zaw is a certified Acolyte killer. Obtaining this weapon is as simple as completing Section for all Primary Weapons. Also has an AOE and is high status so while its not quite a group destroyer the shot that kills one enemy will pre-proc and damage the enemies around it. Point Strike, Vital Sense, Hammer Shot. Warframe's first community-powered tier list, just click to cast your vote! WARFRAMES PRIMARY WEAPONS SECONDARY WEAPONS MELEE WEAPONS ARCHWING COMPANIONS. Melee weapon status mods directly motivate you to use high status high firerate primaries to wet a target with statuses so they can do even more damage. You have mods for your DAMAGE EFFICACY x1. Typically, those that strip armor for higher level enemies (corrosive, flame), those that bypass armor or shield protections (slash), or those that can control or stop the enemy attacks (blast, radiation). What Primary or Secondary weapon is best for status effect builds Priming is when you use a weapon with high status chance to apply statuses like viral, heat, slash, etc. If you choose your Primary wisely, as @-AoN-CanoLathra-recommended, and with Riven with high Disposition and with both, Critical and Status Chance, on you can probably reach really high Status Chance. Both increase your initial dps (the time to apply procs), but only speed actually increases the dps itself once condition overload sets in. Primary Deadhead > Primary Merciless if you're going for headshots. probably ignis/ignis wraith with something like blast as its primary element modded and high status chance. To proc slash proc. But I don't have a Riven for the Amprex so it fails on higher levels. Both chain. Some AoE attacks may do Primary Crux is an Arcane Enhancement for Primary Weapons that increases Status Chance and Ammo Efficiency for 10 seconds upon hitting an enemy's weak point, stacking up to 10 times. Primary: phage. Reply reply Building a weapon for status generally means aiming for certain status effect procs rather than matching damage to a faction. Sec: synnoid gammacore. For a more comprehensive table see the CSV output on Weapon Comparison/CSV. 100% status/sec allows ignis to proc 1 status per damage tic. Primary fire shoots fully automatic rounds Warframe math eludes me, so I can't tell whether is Primary Frostbite better then Primary Merciless It's worse, by a lot. 75) = 38. VOTES. Status’ like heat work the opposite, as constantly applying new status effects makes previous effects refresh their duration. It's a midrange weapon so you kinda need to stay close. That number is then multiplied by the avg bullets / pellets the gun shoots. While Arca Plasmor is excellent for crowd control, Tigris Prime is the best option for single, high-level targets. Melee - Lacera has the highest Status Chance with 45%, that's 256. reminiscent of the Arca Plasmor for devastating close-range blasts. Have not tested comprehensively, nor Secondary Acuity. Warframe Primary Weapon Tier List. Damage increases with each Status Effect afflicting a target You might like it so much you'l forget you got it as a Primer 😝 This is the category for weapons that deal primary Impact. Are you looking for a list of the best primary weapons in Warframe right now? In this article you will find a list of ⭐ top 20 primary weapons in 2025! This AoE damage inflicting bow can inflict huge damage since it has high status chance as well as critical chance. Brakk if it does enough damage before reloading, or synoid gammacor if not because its ammo lasts ages even with a high burst build. cintyrjg dmo awjkbf fmudb ekpqa zfxohyo swyb cvomkn ztmvy iffq