Mail segreteria studenti luiss. Chi è iscritto al IV anno nell'A.
Mail segreteria studenti luiss it) by 15 April 2025. brischi@studenti. The students enrolled in the Master’s Degree Programs have chosen to pursue their studies while increasing their expertise and acquiring specific professional skills. it Il diploma di scuola secondaria superiore di provenienza dovrà essere conforme alla normativa vigente in materia di titoli di accesso segreteria@luiss. it oppure telefonicamente: T: +39 06 8522 5270-5263 dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 8:30 alle 13:00 e dalle 14:30 alle 17:00 Students can withdraw from the University by submitting an application, without being bound by any conditions, deadlines or provisos limiting the effect of this decision. surname@studenti. F. Finally, we would like to remind you that after you have booked your university enrolment and obtained your final upper secondary school leaving qualification, you must finalise your enrolment by 22 July 2025 at the latest . it È possibile contattare la Segreteria Studenti anche attraverso l'e-mail segreteria@luiss. it Nascondi per questa lingua Visibile Parent Level 3 Parent Page Student Office Nascondi per questa lingua Within the prescribed timeframe: second year - 2024-2025 academic year To register for the second year (master’s degree programs), the first installment of the tuition fees and the full amount of the regional student tax must be paid by the July 19, 2024 deadline, from the Web Self Service (Registration > Payments > Payments to be made > Payment slip number). it or at the following numbers: T: +39 06 8522 5270-5263 from Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 1:00 pm and from 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm To transfer from another university to Luiss Guido Carli for the a. Each LUISS Account is identified by a username in one of the formats: Students: first. it or at the following numbers: T: +39 06 8522 5270-5263 from Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 1:00 pm and from 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm Segreteria Studenti Viale Romania, 32 00197 Roma T: 06 85225270/5263 F: 06 85225920 ammissione@luiss. A. Ricciardi Anna Liguori Michele Sorrentino Simone Paratore Roberta Limone Viale Romania 32 00197 Rome T: 06 85225642/5389/5722 Admission / Enrollment I am an international student and would Front Office - viale Romania, 32 It is possible to contact the Student Office at segreteria@luiss. lastname@alumni. it or at the following numbers: T: +39 06 8522 5270-5263 from Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 1:00 pm and from 2:30 pm to Segreteria Studenti Executive Education – Luiss Executive Management Education (LEME) studentsoffice@luissexecutivemanagementeducation. it Four-year Degree Programs-Registration for students outside the prescribed timeframe Tuition fee amounts and deadlines title and To check your Luiss e-mail, you can connect to https://cloudmail. it Foreword This privacy notice Front Office - viale Romania, 32 It is possible to contact the Student Office at segreteria@luiss. it Please note that Home / Studenti iscritti / Servizi agli studenti / Segreteria Studenti / Lauree Triennali About Luiss Programmes Research Scholarships Join Luiss EN Bachelor's Degree Programs Student Office Student Office T 06 Bachelor's segreteria@luiss. Withdrawal is irrevocable for the student, who in the future will be unable to resume their university studies. murelli@studenti. it REQUEST TO TRANSFER TO ANOTHER I, the Segreteria Studenti with current laws Luiss Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli Viale Romania 32, 00197 Roma T +39 06 85 22 52 70 segreteria@luiss. it - with the indication of the group, the timetable, delivery modalities (online/presence) and classroom where the course is going to be held. it Please note that Student mobility Annamaria A. studenti@luisscert. it Il diploma di scuola secondaria superiore di provenienza dovrà essere conforme alla normativa vigente in materia di titoli di accesso È possibile contattare la Segreteria Studenti anche attraverso l'e-mail segreteria@luiss. it Orari lunedì-venerdì: 9-12 martedì e giovedì: 9-12/15-16 Participation in selection procedures for the a. it Executive education Tel (+39) 06/8522 –2361 Student mobility Annamaria A. it oppure telefonicamente: T: +39 06 8522 5270-5263 dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 8:30 alle 13:00 e dalle 14:30 alle 17:00 Graduates with a Four-Year Bachelor's Degree or Master's Degree who wish to pursue a second degree in one of the Master’s Degree Programs in Luiss for the a. it The Student Office provides this interactive guide, adapted to its students’ needs. it Lauree Triennali-Iscrizione ad anni successivi al primo Graduates with a Bachelor’s Degree, a Four-Year Bachelor's Degree or Master's Degree who wish to pursue a second degree in one of the Bachelor’s Degree Programs in Luiss for the a. Should you not have the credentials to log on to the Luiss Web Self-Service platform, please write to the Admissions Office (ammissione@luiss. 2015/2016 dovranno riconsegnare il badge e il libretto di iscrizione in formato cartaceo per posta a Luiss Guido Carli - Segreteria Studenti - viale Romania, 32 - 00197 Roma. More info Antiphishing Antiphishing More Info Computer rooms Available on the Starting period to submit the Thesis Title Assignment - Summer Degree Session a. Chi è iscritto al IV anno nell'A. it REQUEST TO TRANSFER TO ANOTHER I, the A student who wishes to take a leave of absence from their university studies must fill out a leave of absence application on duty stamped paper (€ 16. it Master in Scienze del Comportamento e Amministrazioni Second-level master’s degree The Master in Behavioral Science and segreteria@luiss. 2023-2024 e vuole modificare il percorso di studi (profilo) è tenuto ad iscriversi in qualità di “ripetente” del IV anno nell'A. Career Service Curricular internships T: +39 06 8522 5488/5719/5678/5830/5609 M: tirocinicurriculari@luiss. Consulta delle Associazioni Studentesche e Commissioni tematiche Graduates with a Bachelor’s Degree, a Four-Year Bachelor's Degree or Master's Degree who wish to pursue a second degree in one of the Bachelor’s Degree Programs in Luiss for the a. it Orari di apertura 10:00 -12: Incoming Erasmus, Exchange, and Double-Degree students The Luiss University accommodation office is available to help incoming students in their search for housing during their participation in Erasmus, Exchange, and Double-Degree programs. it Segreteria Studenti -Lauree Triennali Lauree Magistrali Al fine di effettuare una scelta consapevole, per gli elenchi dei corsi disponibili e i syllabi, si rimanda alla Guida alla compilazione dei piani di studio della Undergraduate School. He was Dean of the Luiss Business School from 2015 to May 2022, after serving as Dean for the international development at the same School from 詳細の表示を試みましたが、サイトのオーナーによって制限されているため表示できません。 and contact the Student Office: segreteria@luiss. it or at the following numbers:T: +39 06 8522 5270-5263 from Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 1:00 pm and from 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm studentigiurisprudenza@luiss. LUISS About Luiss Programmes Research Scholarships Join Luiss EN × Web Immagine Ordina per: Relevance Relevance Date Forms Master's Degree Programs-Registration for the second year and subsequent years Tuition fee Changing degree programs within Luiss Guido Carli for the a. Each Luiss Account, associated to a username in one of the formats below, allows access to Microsoft 365 Cloud Services: Students: name. it-Go back to Join Luiss Foreign students may be admitted to one or more courses at Luiss Guido Carli according to slots allotted Segreteria Studenti Viale Romania, 32 00197 Roma T 06 8522 5270/5263 ammissione@luiss. 2024/2025 To transfer from another university to Luiss Guido Carli for the a. Segreteria Studenti with current laws Luiss Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli Viale Romania 32, 00197 Roma T +39 06 85 22 52 70 segreteria@luiss. it A transfer to another Italian university requires an application to the Provost on a specific form for this purpose. surname@alumni. Each section of this guide contains the necessary information and forms to Front Office - viale Romania, 32 It is possible to contact the Student Office at segreteria@luiss. Ricciardi Anna Liguori Simone Paratore Roberta Limone Stefania Ruccia Marina Riccardi Pierangelo Milano Viale Romania, 32 00197 Roma T: 06 85225642/5389/5722 relint@luiss. it , cellulare: 3899047751) e Ariane Graber (e-mail: ariane. it authorization to online consultation of final paper: eprints@luiss. it Four-year Degree Programs Registration for students outside the prescribed timeframe Tuition fee amounts and deadlines Requesting and issuing official documents Taking official exams Provisional registration Assignment of thesis title and degree exams Transferring to another university Leaves of absence and interruption of studies In the case of certifications with specific, additional requirements – such as, for example, certificates to be used abroad with a handwritten signature of the Director – it is necessary to contact the Student Office via email: segreteria i corsi liberi, se non sostenuti, possono essere eliminati dal piano di studi tramite apposita richiesta da inviare in Segreteria Studenti tramite e-mail; non è possibile richiedere la tesi in un insegnamento sostenuto in qualità di corso libero ; Starting period to submit the Thesis Title Assignment - Summer Degree Session a. To submit the pre-application request, students must send the form that will be available on this webpage in the above-indicated timeframe and the ID document to the email address To check your Luiss e-mail, you can connect to https://cloudmail. it Orientation T: +39 06 85225354 E-mail: orientamento@luiss. Scopri i percorsi d'eccellenza LUISS a Roma. It is possible to contact the Student Office at segreteria@luiss. 05MB Download Tuition fee and amount a. Hortensia nasce come spazio di discussione, formazione e diffusione del The Student Office at Luiss Guido Carli, after receiving the transfer request, is only responsible for sending the documentation to the selected university. 2024/2025 - Single-Cycle Master's Degree in Law LUISS About Luiss Programmes Research Scholarships Join Luiss EN × Web Immagine Ordina per: Relevance Relevance Date Forms Student Office Viale Romania, 32 00197 Roma T 06 8522 5270/5263 segreteria@luiss. 02508710585 International students from Extra-EU countries who do not obtain their bachelor's degree in Italy may gain admission to Luiss University’s master's degree programmes in the 2025/2026 academic year if they meet one of the following requirements: To comply with regulation, Luiss will issue duty stamped certificates that can only be used in relationships between private individuals and entities, on which the following caption is printed, as required by law: "This certificate cannot Segreteria Studenti Viale Romania, 32 00197 Roma T 06 8522 5270/5263 segreteria@luiss. it Executive education Tel (+39) 06/8522 –2361 – 2363 - 2369 Graduates with a Four-Year Bachelor's Degree or Master's Degree who wish to pursue a second degree in one of the Master’s Degree Programs in Luiss for the a. Criteria and I docenti che intendano aprire una utenza e-mail presso la Luiss possono farlo attraverso il modulo sottostante. it Bachelor's, Master's and PhD degrees - Leaders in education in law, economics, management and political science. it Umberto Murelli: umberto. it-Go back to Join Luiss Foreign students may be admitted to one or more courses at Luiss Guido Carli according to slots allotted LUISS About Luiss Programmes Research Scholarships Join Luiss EN × Web Immagine Ordina per: Relevance Relevance Date Forms Four-year Degree Programs-Registration for students outside the prescribed timeframe Segreteria Post Lauream SEP Via di Villa Emiliani, 14 00197 Roma T 06 85225090 sep@luiss. Erasmus Policy Statement (EPS) Luiss 2021-2027 Luiss University provides an innovative and internationalized educational approach with the aim to train its students, coming from different backgrounds and cultures, to be critical L’anticipo deve essere richiesto prima dell'inizio del semestre di lezione in cui è impartito il corso con istanza da inviare tramite e-mail in Segreteria Studenti e deve essere autorizzato in tempo utile per la frequenza delle lezioni e segreteria@luiss. it University Tutoring Luiss Business School Villa Blanc, Via Nomentana, 216 - 00162 Roma Italia Master Tel (+39) 06/8522 – 2354 – 5889 - 2338 studentsofficemaster@luissbusinessschool. itIs a highly competitive and selective Non-Profit Student Association of LUISS Guido Carli which aims to shorten the distance between university's students and financial markets, focusing on market updates, asset management and sharing Call for Applicants for the assignation of accommodation in Luiss Residences in the 2025/2026 academic year open solely to students already allocated accommodation for the 2024/2025 academic year In the next weeks, in the Accommodation section of the Luiss website, the Call for Applicants for the assignation of accommodation in Luiss Residences in the 2025/2026 To comply with regulation, Luiss will issue duty stamped certificates that can only be used in relationships between private individuals and entities, on which the following caption is printed, as required by law: "This certificate cannot The ranking for the allocation of accommodation will be formulated exclusively based on the candidate's merit, determined by the score achieved in the admission ranking to Luiss Guido Carli, expressed in hundredths, which is LUISS About Luiss Programmes Research Scholarships Join Luiss EN × Web Immagine Ordina per: Relevance Relevance Date Forms Master's Degree Programs-Registration for the second year and subsequent years Tuition fee LUISS About Luiss Programmes Research Scholarships Join Luiss EN × Web Immagine Ordina per: Relevance Relevance Date Contact us Contacts Follow On: Mobile App: Where we are Luiss Shop Campus Life Brand Identity L’anticipo deve essere richiesto prima dell'inizio del semestre di lezione in cui è impartito il corso con istanza da inviare tramite e-mail in Segreteria Studenti e deve essere autorizzato in tempo utile per la frequenza delle lezioni e Should you not have the credentials to log on to the Luiss Web Self-Service platform, please write to the Admissions Office (ammissione@luiss. it oppure telefonicamente: T: +39 06 8522 5270-5263 dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 8:30 alle 13:00 e dalle 14:30 alle 17:00 Vicepresidenti: Stefania Lubelli (email: stefania. This application of segreteria@luiss. y. it Criteria for awarding degree grade Resolution of the Academic Senate (24 January 2017) The Examination Commission, appointed È possibile contattare la Segreteria Studenti anche attraverso l'e-mail segreteria@luiss. it) and will specify the group, the timetable, the teaching methods (online/in-person), the classroom and the venue where the course will be held. it Opening hours Career Service Curricular internships T: +39 06 8522 5488/5719/5678/5830/5609 M: tirocinicurriculari@luiss. 2024-2025 - corsi di laurea magistrale 0. Students To access the workstations in the computer rooms, students need to have an internet account. it, cellulare: +33 601051277). 65MB Download Scadenze e importi a. it Extra-curricular internships (graduates) T: +39 06 8522 5661/5772 M: tirociniextracurriculari@luiss. Upon successful completion of the program, students Luiss Business School Villa Blanc, Via Nomentana, 216 - 00162 Rome Italy Master Tel (+39) 06/8522 – 2354 – 5889 - 2338 segreteria@luissbusinessschool. it and enter your Luiss credentials. it Study plans can only be compiled online through the Web Self Service within the time periods provided for your degree program and segreteria@luiss. it ORARI lunedì-venerdì 9-12 martedì e giovedì 15-16 SEDE DI ESAME 00198 Roma Home / Studenti iscritti / Servizi agli studenti / Segreteria Studenti / Lauree Magistrali Social TV The University Programmes Research Scholarships Apply Now Events EN Master's Degree Programs Student Office T 06 8522 5270 Front Office - viale Romania, 32 It is possible to contact the Student Office at segreteria@luiss. it Segreteria Studenti -Lauree Triennali Lauree Magistrali Torna a Segreteria Studenti For those who wish to graduate by the Extraordinary Graduation Session of the academic year 2023-2024 (March-April 2025), the last available graduation session for the 2023-2024 a. Inglese/Academic English II semester 2024/2025 Starting from Friday, January 31, in time for the first lecture, students will receive a convocation e-mail on their Luiss account - @studenti. it) by 11 February 2025. Torna a Studenti incoming Ufficio di Sviluppo Internazionale Anna Pellegrino Emily Magliozzi Sergio Rios Perez Camilla Viganotti Viale Romania 32 00197 Roma T: 06 8522 5657 international@luiss. it Buddy - Welcome Office E-mail: buddy@luiss. a. 71MB Download PagoPa Guide 0. studentigiurisprudenza@luiss. luiss. Luiss offers its students a rich array of extracurricular activities, as well as full administrative support as they pursue their studies LUISS Social TV The University Programmes Research Scholarships Apply Now Events EN Changing degree programs within Luiss Guido Carli for the a. 2015/2016 will have to return their badge and academic record booklet (or libretto universitario) via mail to Luiss Guido Carli - Student Office - Viale Romania, 32 - 00197 Rome. 00), accompanied by documentation supporting the reasons why the student is requesting a leave of absence. it REQUEST TO TRANSFER TO ANOTHER I, the To comply with regulation, Luiss will issue duty stamped certificates that can only be used in relationships between private individuals and entities, on which the following caption is printed, as required by law: "This certificate cannot Home / Studenti iscritti / Servizi agli studenti / Segreteria Studenti / Lauree Triennali Social TV The University Programmes Research Scholarships Apply Now Events EN Bachelor's Degree Programs Student Office 00197 Roma Using the University’s Web Self Service, students can access the following services: view and update their address and contact information check the status of payments made or to be made view and print self-certification forms view segreteria@luiss. it Segreteria Studenti Viale Romania, 32 00197 Roma T 06 8522 5270/5263 ammissione@luiss. it or at the following numbers: T: +39 06 8522 5270-5263 from Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 1:00 pm and from 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm Torna a Studenti Iscritti Student Office Viale Romania, 32 00197 Roma T 06 8522 5270/5263 segreteria@luiss. it Tuition fee amounts and deadlines Registration for the current academic year is subject to payment of an annual tuition fee, called segreteria@luiss. it Alumni: name. it - with the indication of the group, the timetable, delivery modalities and classroom where the course is going to be held. To submit the pre-application request, students must send the form which will be available in this webpage in the mentioned deadlines and the ID document to the email address Using the University’s Web Self Service, students can access the following services: view and update their address and contact information check the status of payments made or to be made view and print self-certification forms view Useful documents Size Guida all'utilizzo di PagoPa 0. To submit the pre-application request, students must send the form that will be available on this webpage in the above-indicated timeframe and the ID document to the email address segreteria@luiss. it Bachelor's Degree Programs-Registering for the second year and subsequent years Tuition fee amounts and deadlines Compiling a To check your Luiss e-mail, you can connect to https://cloudmail. Segreteria Studenti Viale Romania, 32 00197 Roma T 06 8522 5270/5263 ammissione@luiss. graber@studenti. it 06/8522 –2353 – 2369 – 2361 In the case of certifications with specific, additional requirements – such as, for example, certificates to be used abroad with a handwritten signature of the Director – it is necessary to Segreteria Studenti Luiss Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli Viale Romania 32, 00197 Roma T +39 06 85 22 52 70 segreteria@luiss. it Creative Learning Spaces Responsabile T: +39 06 8522 5731 M: eflannelly@luiss. Master of Science in Finance (MOSFI) Master Universitario di Primo Livello Luiss offers a unique opportunity for students who want in-depth knowledge of the field of finance. segreteria@luiss. For further information, please write from your Luiss account at the following addresses: administrative/technical questions: segreteria@luiss. it Career Guidance T To comply with regulation, Luiss will issue duty stamped certificates that can only be used in relationships between private individuals and entities, on which the following caption is printed, as required by law: "This certificate cannot To transfer from another university to Luiss Guido Carli for the a. The Master of Science in Finance (MOSFI) is a one-year specialization program held entirely in English which provides rigorous training in finance. it Il tuo 5x1000 alla Luiss: C. it The information available in this guide - created for those who are attending university for the first time - will help you learn Using the University’s Web Self Service, students can access the following services: view and update their address and contact information check the status of payments made or to be made view and print self-certification forms view Requisiti di accesso per studenti con titolo straniero Access to master’s degree courses is subject to the eligibility of the degree entitling students to enroll at Italian universities on the basis of ministerial requirements. it Via Parenzo, 11 00198 Roma T 06 8522 5895 studentigiurisprudenza@luiss. it Ufficio T: +39 Luiss Business School Villa Blanc, Via Nomentana, 216 - 00162 Roma Italia Master Tel (+39) 06/8522 – 2354 – 5889 - 2338 studentsofficemaster@luissbusinessschool. it or at the following numbers: T: +39 06 8522 5270-5263 from Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 1:00 pm and from 2:30 pm to It is possible to contact the Student Office at segreteria@luiss. it devono accedere alla piattaforma cliccando in alto a destra sul link Students Keyless and Luiss accounts Login e successivamente su Riconoscimento facciale per studenti, The e-mail will be sent to your Luiss e-mail account (@studenti. it Previous Internet accounts To access the workstations in the computer rooms, students need to have an internet account. Discover Luiss's paths of excellence in Rome. B. : Solo gli studenti immatricolati prima dell'a. Usually three test sessions, along with the related preparation courses, are held in April, July and November. it oppure telefonicamente: T: +39 06 8522 5270-5263 dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 8:30 alle 13:00 e dalle 14:30 alle 17:00 Front Office - viale Romania, 32 It is possible to contact the Student Office at segreteria@luiss. Finally, we would like to remind you that after you have booked your university enrolment and obtained your final upper secondary school leaving qualification, you must finalise your enrolment by 22 July 2025 at the To comply with regulation, Luiss will issue duty stamped certificates that can only be used in relationships between private individuals and entities, on which the following caption is printed, as required by law: "This certificate cannot Torna a Segreteria Studenti For those who wish to graduate by the Extraordinary Graduation Session of the academic year 2023-2024 (March-April 2025), the last available graduation session for the 2023-2024 a. Useful documents Size E-mail supportoit@luiss. , they do not need to renew their enrolment as described by the calendar for the deadlines and tuition fees of the 2024-2025 a. L'attivazione verrà effettuata entro le 48 ore e verrà inviata comunicazione scritta, all'indirizzo di posta segnalato, con le credenziali necessarie per la gestione della propria casella di posta elettronica (userid, password e indirizzo e-mail). it Segreteria Studenti Viale Romania, 32 00197 Roma T 06 8522 5270/5263 segreteria@luiss. it Master's Degree Programs-Registration for the second year and subsequent years Tuition fee amounts and deadlines Compiling a segreteria@luiss. 2025/2026 it is necessary to submit an online pre-application form, from June, 3rd to July, 25th 2025, that will be available on this webpage in the above-indicated timeframe. 2024-2025 previa presentazione di Al fine di effettuare una scelta consapevole, per gli elenchi dei corsi disponibili e i syllabi, si rimanda alla Guida alla compilazione dei piani di studio della Undergraduate School. it Welcome Desk T: +39 06 8522 5770 E-mail: welcomedesk@luiss. it Student Office -Bachelor's Degree Programs Master's Degree Programs Single-cycle Master's Degree Programs Four-year Degree segreteria@luiss. Changing degree programs within Luiss Guido Carli for the academic year 2024/2025 is possible, starting from the second year, by submitting a pre-application form from June, 4th to August, 4th 2024. . M: segreteria@luiss. lubelli@studenti. it Student Office-Bachelor's Degree Programs Master's Degree Programs Single-cycle Master's Degree Programs Four-year Degree Home / Studenti iscritti / Servizi agli studenti / Segreteria Studenti / Calendario accademico About Luiss Programmes Research Scholarships Join Luiss EN × Web Immagine Ordina per: Relevance Relevance Date End of the Segreteria Test Center LUISS Guido Carli Sig. it Executive education Tel (+39) 06/8522 –2361 segreteria@luiss. it REQUEST TO: _____ I, the of the degree program REQUEST Modalità di accesso Gli studenti con un account @studenti. it Single-cycle Master's Degree Programs-Registration for the second year and subsequent years Tuition fee amounts and deadlines Lauree, Master e PhD - Leader nella formazione in giurisprudenza, economia, management e scienze politiche. lastname@studenti. it www. it or at the following numbers: T: +39 06 8522 5270-5263 from Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 1:00 pm and from 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm In addition, it is possible to contact the Student Office at segreteria@luiss. È possibile contattare la Segreteria Studenti anche attraverso l'e-mail studentigiurisprudenza@luiss. it Centro Linguistico di Ateneo Ufficio T: +39 06 8522 5680 M: cla@luiss. it oppure telefonicamente: T: +39 06 8522 5895 dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 8:30 alle 13:00 e dalle 14:30 alle 17:00 Le segnalazioni all’Organismo di Vigilanza possono essere trasmesse con una delle seguenti modalità: Lettera raccomandata a: Organismo di Vigilanza Luiss, Viale Pola 12 - 00198 Roma. N. This application of LUISS Chi siamo Corsi e Master Ricerca Borse di Studio Ammissioni EN × Web Immagine Ordina per: Relevance Relevance Date Forms Student Office Viale Romania, 32 00197 Roma T 06 8522 5270/5263 segreteria@luiss. 2024/2025 - Single-Cycle Master's Degree in Law segreteria@luiss. 2025/2026 is possible, starting from the second year, by submitting a pre-application form from June, 3rd to July, 25th 2025. it Tuition fee amounts and deadlines Registration for the current academic year is subject to payment of an annual tuition fee, called Inglese/Academic English I semester 2024/2025 Starting from Friday, September 6, in time for the first lecture, students will receive a convocation e-mail on their Luiss account - @studenti. In order to do so, please read the information available on the website: Admissions and contact the E-mail: segreteria@luiss. it Master's Degree Programs-Registration for the second year and subsequent years Tuition fee amounts and deadlines Compiling a LUISS About Luiss Programmes Research Scholarships Join Luiss EN × Web Immagine Ordina per: Relevance Relevance Date Forms Student Office Viale Romania, 32 00197 Roma T 06 8522 5270/5263 segreteria@luiss. It is recommended to add this e-mail address to your e-mail client (Outlook, Mail, etc. 2025/2026 must submit an online pre-application form, from June, 3rd to July, 25th 2025, that will be available on this webpage in the above-indicated timeframe. it Tuition fee amounts and deadlines Registration for the current academic year is subject to payment of an annual tuition fee, called ammissione@luiss. it Career Guidance T To check your Luiss e-mail, you can connect to https://cloudmail. 2024-2025 previa presentazione di segreteria@luiss. He is Director of the Research Center in Strategic Change “Franco Fontana” at Luiss, and Co-Director of the Board Academy Program at the Luiss Business School. ) and to the accounts that you can access with the e-mail client of your smartphone. 2024-2025 Segreteria Studenti with current laws Luiss Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli Viale Romania 32, 00197 Roma T +39 06 85 22 52 70 segreteria@luiss. Segreteria Studenti Luiss Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli Viale Romania 32, 00197 Roma T +39 06 85 22 52 70 segreteria@luiss. it REQUEST TO: _____ I, the Luiss — Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Ordina per: Luiss Business School Villa Blanc, Via Nomentana, 216 - 00162 Rome Italy Master Tel (+39) 06/8522 – 2354 – 5889 - 2338 studentsofficemaster@luissbusinessschool. (December 31, 2024). it Change class request Changing Degree Program Final Paper first page template General request form Leave of absence Proxy Luiss University promotes and holds IELTS Academic test sessions in association with International House - Accademia Britannica Rome, an IELTS test center accredited by IDP Education Australia. it Bachelor's Degree Programs-Registering for the second year and subsequent years Tuition fee amounts and deadlines Compiling a Æterna Capital Referenti: Matteo Brischi matteo. it or at the following numbers: T: +39 06 8522 5270-5263 from Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 1:00 pm and from 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm Each Luiss Account, associated to a username in one of the formats below, allows access to Microsoft 365 Cloud Services: Students: name. it M: segreteria. L’anticipo deve essere richiesto prima dell'inizio del semestre di lezione in cui è impartito il corso con istanza da inviare tramite e-mail in Segreteria Studenti e deve essere autorizzato in tempo utile per la frequenza delle lezioni e. The Student Office provides this interactive guide, adapted to the needs of students enrolled in the five-year Single-Cycle Master’s Degree Program in Law. it You can also enroll for a full degree program. it or segreteriamagistrali@luiss. it Alumni: first. In the case of certifications with specific, additional requirements – such as, for example, certificates to be used abroad with a handwritten signature of the Director – it is necessary to contact the Student Office via email: segreteria Please note: Only students enrolled prior to the a. it segreteria@luiss. ra Lina Purpo Viale Romania, 32 00197 Roma T: 06 85225690 F: 06 844078510 testcenter@luiss. oficozkkpkiintdkhdummoivzljpinlemjtcmwtljhbyzdbgevxxmpql