L1029 subclade com Y-SNP Terminal Subclade Predictor also predicted my The criteria for a representative SNP printed in bold for a subclade is: traditional usage, testing one in multiple labs, and/or being found in the area of the chromosome used in recent research studies. 23andme assigned me R-M417, and this is downstream from that grouping. With a 95% probability, the ancestor R-U152 was born between the years 3203 and 1966 BCE. 100056100057100058 Greek CTS1211 belongs to various subclades, YP335, Y2613, L1280 and is not clear yet Your predicted subclade will be to the right, with confidence values. The most likely estimate is 2582 BCE, rounded to 2600 BCE. The most likely estimate is 10,871 BCE, rounded to 11,000 BCE. Stone Age Stone Age/Metal Ages Metal Ages Metal Ages/Imperial Modern Съединени щати Famous R-M343 (R1b) Royal and Noble Lineages R-L51 R-P310 R-L151 R-P312 R-Z46516 R-ZZ11 R-U152 R-L2 R-Z49 R-Z142 R-Z12222 R-FGC12378 R-FGC47869 R-BY5702 R-S20376 R-S18871 R-BY56066 1696 R R-L1029>Y133379 mtDNA haplogroup H11a2b* Mar 21, 2017 #3 Coriolan said: M512 is the same as L21. 00 (25 November 2024) Details of age estimation algorithm described in FAQ → Y-DNA haplogroup R-M207 is believed to have arisen approximately 27,000 years ago in Asia. The two currently defined subclades are R1 and R2. R1a General 2. According to FamilyTreeDNA, the Turco-Mongol founder of the Timurid Empire Amir Timur's Haplogroup was J-M172. This View Active Threads; View Today's Posts; The GenArchivist Forum › Human Population Genetics › Ancient (aDNA) View Active Threads; View Today's Posts; The GenArchivist Forum › Human Population Genetics › Ancient (aDNA) View Active Threads; View Today's Posts; The GenArchivist Forum › Human Population Genetics › Ancient (aDNA) R-L1029 Z2920 * Z2938/S4546 * Z2951 +4 SNPs formed 3100 ybp, TMRCA 2000 ybp. West of the Pomeranian Face Urn culture was the Billendorfer culture you can read about here The Billendorfer culture also evolved from the Lusatian culture, but was absorbed culturally by the Jastorfer culture (here is I just ran my raw data from 23andme through the Morley Subclade Predictor and got as my most likely clade R1a-L1029. Oct 24, 2013 #8 Also, there is a downstream subclade L1029 within the CE branch which embraces the most of bearers of both the sub-branches. 66 0. Upstream SNPs. live (06 December 2024) Details of age estimation algorithm described in FAQ → Regional disparities also exist in ex-Yugoslavia, but among deeper clades. This topic has been deleted. Even the formation of L260, YP515 and L1029 seem to fall within Balto-Slavic. id:YF007077; R-YP1703 This date is an estimate based on genetic information only. 00 (25 November 2024) Details of age estimation algorithm described in FAQ → R1a-M458-L1029* R1a-Z283 2. 05. TMRCA seems to be 2000ybp, if I am reading correctly. id:ERS256947 ITA [IT-CA]; R-L1029* id:YF006604 POL [PL-12]; id:YF006265 DEU [DE-MV]; id:YF005520 SWE [SE-S]; id:YF003480 POL [PL-14]; R-YP4647 YP4647 * YP4653 * YP4655 +9 SNPs. 73. id:YF008686 DEU [DE-BB]; R-FGC66325 View Active Threads; View Today's Posts; The GenArchivist Forum › Human Population Genetics › Ancient (aDNA) home a0-t a1 a1b bt ct cf f ghijk hijk ijk k k2 k2b p r r-y482 r1 r1a r-m459 r-m198 r-m417 r-z645 r-z283 r-z282 r-pf6155 r-m458 r-pf7521 r-y2604 r-cts11962 R-L1029 Z2920 * Z2938/S4546 * Z2954/S4548 +3 SNPs formed 3200 ybp, TMRCA 2100 ybp. Although the Romans undoubtedly called his descendants Slavs. (Minor samples are too small to show. This haplogroup has been identified in the 24,000 year-old remains of the so-called "Mal'ta boy" from the Altai region, in south-central Siberia (Raghavan et al. What's new. L1280 is a subclade of haplogroup R1a-Z280. Rethel has an even more basal subclade of M458 than you. Serbs mostly belong to subclades M458 (mostly to downstream L1029, but to smaller degree A11460 home a0-t a1 a1b bt ct cf f ghijk hijk ijk k k2 k2b p p1 r r-y482 r1 r1a r-m459 r-m198 r-m417 r-z645 r-z283 r-z282 r-pf6155 r-m458 r-pf7521 r-y2604 r-cts11962 And the subclade YP1034 is found in small numbers in north Russia and may be connected to North Slavic, which is a suggested extinct branch. Overview; Background; Goals; News; After a discussion about there being too broad of a membership in the R1a project to be useful, it was decided to create an I ran my 23andMe raw DNA results through the Morley Subclade Predictor for my R M-417 (R1a1a) and I got as my most likely clade L1029, which is found in a wide swath of Central Europe; my patriline is German in origin; being an American, that is the country my male-line ancestor immigrated from to come to America. , who was of German descent in the male line. Haplogroup R1a, or haplogroup R-M420, is a human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup which is distributed in a large region in Eurasia, extending from Scandinavia and Central Europe to Central Asia, southern Siberia and South Asia. New posts Search forums. YP270 is, like most subclades of Z92, found mostly in Eastern Europe, but one of its clades, Y13891, has a representative from Sardinia. Directions for citing the document are given at the bottom of the Main Page. Haplogroup R* originated in North Asia just before the Last Glacial Maximum (26,500-19,000 years before present). The most likely estimate is 3039 BCE, rounded to 3050 BCE. If you have any questions R1a>M458>L1029. In all three populations subclade R-L1029 made the majority of R-M458 (75-70-80%), in Bulgarian and North Macedonian population R-A11460 was more frequent than R-L260 (13 > 10% / 20 > 0%), like in Serbian populations. If the price is too steep, there's also the "R1a Backbone SNP Pack He was my great-great-grandfather, in the male line. Bosnian and Serbian R1a belongs for the most part to a young clade of CTS1211 (Y33>CTS8816>Y3300>Y5647>YP611>YP3987>YP3992 subclade; TMRCA 950 years), with a minority of older M458 (CTS11962>L1029 subclade; TMRCA 2200 years) and Z92 Такође треба имати у виду да с обзиром на солидан број наших тестираних l1029, практично нико сем ових које си навео нема СНП тестове на ниже гране, а и веома је мали број је са дугачким хаплотиповима (углавном је 17 и 23). 91] I2a2a M223>Z161>L801>CTS6433> L1425 R1a Z282>M458>> L1029>YP416 Probability = 23. The most likely estimate is 2541 BCE, rounded to 2550 BCE. R-YP593* R-YP1567 YP1567; R-YP1136 YP1136; You would need to be tested for the I2a subclade. 00 (25 November 2024) Details of age estimation algorithm described in FAQ → This date is an estimate based on genetic information only. R-YP416* id:YF003157 POL; Probability of unsupported subclade: 54. Y-DNA haplogroup R1b-BY593 mtDNA haplogroup U5b2a2. O. The most likely estimate is 2039 BCE, rounded to 2050 BCE. I only match at Y12. I've been reading on a few different forums that L1029, a subclade of M458, can be correlated with the expansion of the Lusatian Culture of 1300-700 BCE. 2 likes, 2 comments - brucealanorr on October 15, 2022: "R1a-M458 branch (Germano-Slavic) The Serbian-American scientist and inventor Nikola Tesla (1856-" The descendants of the Yamnaya culture's population - Bashkirs from the Buryjan and Singran clans, R1b-KMS75 subclade the modern phenotypes of some Bashkirian Buryjans and Singrans practically identically repeat the phenotypes of ancient representatives of Yamnaya culture, that is, many anthropological features characteristic of their distant ancestors The following SNPs in the M458 branch are now available for individual testing from FTDNA:, YP515 Subclade of CTS11962, sibling of L1029, YP589 Subclade of YP414, YP593 Subclade of L1029, sibling of YP263, YP416, YP417, YP445, Con View Active Threads; View Today's Posts; The GenArchivist Forum › Human Population Genetics › Ancient (aDNA) View Active Threads; View Today's Posts; The GenArchivist Forum › Human Population Genetics › Ancient (aDNA) View Active Threads; View Today's Posts; The GenArchivist Forum › Human Population Genetics › Ancient (aDNA) This date is an estimate based on genetic information only. 00 (25 November 2024) Details of age estimation algorithm described in FAQ → Dibran, there's a hundred possible scenarios how your clade could've come to the Balkans, but it's not about whether those scenarios are possible or not, it's about the odds, and by our current knowledge odds will always be in favour of Slavic expansion for every L1029 subclade. id:ERS256947 ITA [IT-CA]; R-L1029* id:YF014997 DEU [DE-BB]; id:YF011397 ALB [AL-09]aln; id:YF010970 DEU [DE-MV]; id:YF008941 NOR [NO-02]; id:YF006265 DEU [DE-MV]; id:YF003480 POL [PL-14]; R-YP6046 YP6046 * YP6045. (I can't post links, but if you google "update on L1029" it should be the first result). R-L1029 Z2920 * Z2938/S4546 * Z2951 +4 SNPs formed 3200 ybp, TMRCA 2100 ybp. Originally Posted by Jan_Noack, looks Wendish or Slav, Which are, actually, synonyms (ethnonym Wends is another name for Slavs). Dibran, there's a hundred possible scenarios how your clade could've come to the Balkans, but it's not about whether those scenarios are possible or not, it's about the odds, and by our current knowledge odds will always be in favour of Slavic expansion for every L1029 subclade. I am positive for L1029 but do not share any of the downstream SNPs on Yfull. Loading More Posts. S. 75 0. The WGS400 test also provides downloadable mtDNA and autosomal data files. Only that the classification of the clade was only E-V13. he's not even proto-Slavic. H55b, the second most frequent H subclade, is more common in the North. com. 00. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup R-L1029 was born between the years 751 and 38 BCE. 157 Posts. Co-Administrators Tom Weingart. My haplogroup on 23andMe is R1a-Z282. If Haplogroup R, or R-M207, is a Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup. arvistro Elite member. As of now, YP728 has been distributed to Russian Federation, Poland, Belarus, Estonia, Sweden, Lithuania, Ukraine, Macedonia, Italy etc. If the alignment is to be believed. As I suspected, No matches at Y37. T. I found out that some subclades of I-CTS10228 for right now can be found only more northern countries and among North Slavs like I-Y4460 ,and some among both South and North Slavs like I-Z17855 and I-S17250,there is subclade found in Greece called the Mediteranean cluster I-A2512 and under it I-Y23115 call the Jewish diaspora cluster called so Haplogroup YTree v11. As of now, YP417 has been distributed to Russian Federation, Bulgaria, Poland, Finland, Serbia, Haplogroup YTree v12. 00 (14 November 2017) Details of age estimation algorithm described in FAQ → Their haplotypes are nearly identical statistically, except that they descended from slightly different ancestral (base) haplotypes. 57% Fitness=56. Ochkas. Later, for some reasons, they did not develop significantly and some are now marginal. Slavs were not a "small tribe unit" during the Migration Period, they had to be already very numerous in 400-500 AD. I did the general test (haplogroup and autosomal) with Living DNA. Standard resolution tests: YSEQ-Alpha-Beta from YSEQ, Y37 from FTDNA. Tomenable Well-known member. Discovered in WTY program: Ancient DNA sequencing of a capillary bulb bore the K1a1b1a subclade according to the author Gérard Lucotte, who concluded that she was likely of Pharisian maternal origin. 139. 41 R1a Z282>M458>> L1029>YP417 0 38. There is also a little bit of very old R1a-M198 (M417-), and some R1a-Z93, notably the Y15121 subclade found in Iran, India and the H12a, the mtDNA subclade with the highest frequency among Albanians, is found in all Albanian regions, but until now it is more common in eastern areas, most notably in Librazhd, Korçë, and the western part of N. In your case, R-L1029(estimated age 2 to 3 thousand years home a0-t a1 a1b bt ct cf f ghijk hijk ijk k k2 k2b p p-v1651 p-m1254 p-p337 p-p284 p-p226 r r-y482 r1 r1a r-m459 r-m735 r-m198 r-m417 r-z645 r-z283 r-z282 r-pf6155 r-m458 r-pf7521 r-y2604 r-fgc2608 r-cts11962 r-l1029 Haplogroup YTree v12. , BTW is Noack a variant of Nowak/Novak or does it have different etymology? Haplogroup YTree v12. The most likely estimate is 369 BCE , rounded Scientific sample prefixes and any related scholarly papers are listed here. The most likely estimate is 62,640 BCE, rounded to 63,000 BCE. This date is an estimate based on genetic information only. Some authorities have also suggested, more controversially, that Apricity is a European Cultural Community The testing of actual relatives’ Serb scientist and inventor Nikola Tesla (1856-1943), published on the Serbian DNA Project at Poreklo, showed that his Y-DNA line was R1a-M458 (L1029 subclade). R-L1029>Y133379 mtDNA haplogroup H11a2b* Jun 29, 2019 #8 Tutkun Arnaut said: what I2 subclade do you R-L1029 Z2920 * Z2938/S4546 * Z2954/S4548 +3 SNPs formed 3200 ybp, TMRCA 2100 ybp. The study is based on 2471 haplotypes which have been tested for either 67- or 111-markers; it essentially creates a unified robust This topic has been deleted. 87. Hi Odissey, Thanks for the reply. Sellers, Jr. Version History Last revision date for this specific page: 5 December 2012 Because of continuing research, the structure of the Y However, the testing of actual relatives, published on the Serbian DNA Project at Poreklo, showed that his Y-DNA line was more probably R1a-M458 (L1029 subclade). SNPs listed below in italics (colored black or red) are quality variants from next-generation sequencing reports consistently showing as representing that subgroup. Rothschild Family. 13] R1a Z282>M458>> L1029>YP417 Probability = 10. Maybe some of my earlier ancestors were mercenaries in the Mediterranean region. " Vladimir Gurianov "The YFull team has made a great contribution to the study subclade Q-L275. In FTDNA base I found also #203418 and #355598, who are from Finalnd belong to a subbranch of L1029 (another linage below M458, which is CTS11962+ L260 Haplogroup YTree v12. My TMRCA with other L1029 is 2000-2300ypb however. The most likely estimate is 2543 BCE, rounded to 2550 BCE. R-L1029>Y133379 mtDNA haplogroup H11a2b* Feb 14, 2019 #12 nesspt247 said: I got my final result from YSEQ: R1a-Y13891 Haplogroup YTree v12. There is also a little bit of very old R1a-M198 (M417-), and some R1a-Z93, notably the Y15121 subclade found in Iran, India and the Subclades equally divided between M458 (mostly the pan-Slavic L1029 subclade) and Z280, but with a huge diversity within the latter, (Y33>CTS8816, YP237>YP235>L366, YP343>YP39082>YP340, Z92>YP617 and Z92>Z685). So I am predicted to fall under L1029*. R1-M173 is estimated to have arisen during the height of the Last Glacial Maximum - YP263 - subclade of L1029 (upstream of FG1234) - FG1234 - SNP downstream of YP263 Branch Z280: - S24902 - subbranch of Z280, parallel to CTS1211 and Z92 - L1029 - found in R1a-M458 (L260-) member from Germany JANUARY 2012 New R1a SNP markers available to order. subclades under L1335 and FGC11134 (R1b > L21), and are not easy to be distinguished, and also Z326 under U106 or L1029 (R1a > M458) or L258 (I1 Haplogroup YTree v3. There is also a little bit of very old R1a-M198 (M417-), and some R1a-Z93, notably the Y15121 subclade found in Iran, India and the This project is open to all confirmed or potential members of clade R1a-L1280, a subclade of a very large Central-Eastern European clade R1a-Z280. The Z2123 is Middle Eastern and was probably brought by the Phoenicians. Concerning the L241 there is the phylogenetic E-V13 map of Maciamo (I can not post links yet). Of those two - L1029 and YP515 - L1029 is more common in Poland, but YP515 is more typically Polish (higher PCI). id:YF003480 POL [PL-14]; R-Y82330 Y112438 * Y112439 * Y82336 +12 SNPs formed 2100 ybp, TMRCA 75 ybp. Thanks to YFull, I am now in a subclade of R1a1 L1029 called Y2604. id:YF014997 DEU [DE-BB]; id:YF006265 DEU [DE-MV]; R-L1029* id:YF089651 CZE [CZ-PL]deu; R-BY156325 BY156325 formed 2100 ybp, TMRCA 1100 ybp. Macedonia. R1b-Z2103 - 1 subclade: R1b-Y14300 (formed 4800 ybp, TMRCA 1800 ybp) There are words which carry the presage of defeat. 150. 55 43 R1a Z282>Z280> Z92>Y4459>> YP682 0 37. R-YP4647* id:YF001875 GBR; R-YP4971 YP4971 * YP4972; R-YP1703 YP1703 formed 2100 ybp, TMRCA 1800 ybp. See also our Public SNPs Results page to check which SNP has been tested by each project member. There are four subclades under L1280: FGC11555, FGC19283, Y5647 and FTD54883. Messages 5,497 Z2103+ folks should join. 990 Views. With a 95% probability, the ancestor R-PF6162 was born between the years 3764 and 2405 BCE. IIRC, he has M458* without anything Map showing frequency of R1a haplogroup in Europe. Some descendant subclades have been found since pre-history in Europe, Central Asia and South Asia. Further SNP testing should be done on this group to confirm these findings. This is a distribution of confirmed L1029 basing on some results from FTDNA: Here is a quote from the wiki So L1029 would have been present among them. 02. We are supposed to believe a small tribal unit is responsible for every subclade in all of Europe. R-L1029* id:YF133216 RUS [RU-MO]myv new; id:YF127756 POL [PL-30]deu; id:YF089651 CZE [CZ-PL]deu; R-BY156325 BY156325 formed 2100 ybp, TMRCA 1100 ybp info. R-L1029>Y133379 mtDNA haplogroup H11a2b* Feb 18, 2021 #5 Maciamo said: In the last few days I have worked on finding the haplogroups of the clan chiefs of Scottish clans. Bosnian and Serbian R1a belongs for the most part to a young clade of CTS1211 (Y33>CTS8816>Y3300>Y5647>YP611>YP3987>YP3992 subclade; TMRCA 950 years), with a minority of older M458 (CTS11962>L1029 subclade; TMRCA 2200 years) and Z92 Hello, do you know what is the origin of R-F2935? I think it is a subclade of R-Z93 which is mostly Asian. My paternal line comes from my father's biological father, Frederick P. R1a>M458>L1029. Reply as topic; Log in to reply. Ancient DNA sequencing of a capillary bulb bore the K1a1b1a subclade according to the author Gérard Lucotte, who concluded that she was likely of Pharisian Nikola Tesla (1856-1943), published on the Serbian DNA Project at Poreklo, showed that his Y-DNA line was R1a-M458 (L1029 subclade). What I would like to know is whether this R1b subclade could be identified as medieval Venetian/Genoese/Pisan. id:ERS256947 ITA [IT-CA]; R-L1029* id:YF010970 DEU [DE-MV]; id:YF008941 NOR [NO-02]; id:HGDP01402 RUS [RU-KDA]ady; id:YF006265 DEU [DE-MV]; id:YF003480 POL [PL-14]; R-YP6046 YP6046 * YP6045. Roughly the first five subclades of R-Z280/M558 make the majority of the same clade, with the exception of North Macedonia, but This date is an estimate based on genetic information only. R-YP1703* R-YP4289 YP4289; R-YP416 YP416 formed 2100 ybp, TMRCA 2000 ybp. ambron. In other words you only know that you are R1a but without knowing your subclade or deep clade. It is widely spread over most parts of Europe, with peaks in Poland, Russian Federation, East Germany, Serbia, Bosnia & Herzegovina and Slovakia. 18. R1a subclade R1a1a1b1a1(M458) and its subclades. Thi Bosnian and Serbian R1a belongs for the most part to a young clade of CTS1211 (Y33>CTS8816>Y3300>Y5647>YP611>YP3987>YP3992 subclade; TMRCA 950 years), with Regarding subclades of R-M458, the populations of Croatia and Slovenia had more or equal percentage of R-L260 compared to R-L1029, while to the contrary Bosnian and Herzegovinian Y-DNA haplogroup R -M207 is believed to have arisen approximately 27,000 years ago in Asia. There is also a little bit of very old R1a-M198 (M417-), and some R1a-Z93, notably the Y15121 subclade found in Iran, India and the Although older research considered that the high frequency of this subclade in the South Slavic-speaking populations to be the result of "pre-Slavic" paleolithic settlement Deeply traced data reveals that 90% of the sampled Bulgarian carriers of the M458 clade are carriers of the L1029 micro-clade (R1a1a1b1a1b1), which is 2–3,000 R-L1029 Z2920 * Z2938/S4546 * Z2954/S4548 +3 SNPs formed 3300 ybp, TMRCA 2100 ybp. The following SNPs in the table above Identified in red) are upstream from SNPs found in one or more Ashkenazi Y-DNA clusters: CTS11962, CTS6, F1345, L1029, M198, M417, M458, M459, M512 (not on the FTDNA Haplotree, but at the same level as M198), Z2123, Z280, Z283, Z93, and Z94. Some of the most common branches of R1a1a1b1a2a Z92, include CTS4648 (which is a typically Polish subclade with a high value of PCI - Poland Concentration Index), as well as YP617 and YP351 (and other minor lines). home a0-t a1 a1b bt ct cf f ghijk hijk ijk k k2 k2b p r r-y482 r1 r1a r-m459 r-m198 r-m417 r-z645 r-z283 r-z282 r-pf6155 r-m458 r-pf7521 r-y2604 r-cts11962 YP270 is part of the easternmost Balto-Slavic subclade of Z280, Z92. According to some research I have done on some genealogical websites, John's dad may have been a Joseph Sellers, born in 1836 in Wurttemberg, Germany, who came to America in 1860 and settled in Chicago. Others have long been present, at lower levels, in parts of West Asia and Africa. 10 [0. 96 [1. id:YF001875 GBR; R-YP416 YP416 formed 2100 ybp, TMRCA 2000 ybp. 111 STRs tested, but matches only on 12 and 25 levels. Looking at data for branches of CTS10228-Y3120, many Slavic people are in the branches. With a 95% probability, the ancestor R-Y2604 was born between the years 2648 and 1509 BCE. R-YP1703* R-YP4289 This puts this group in the R1a1a1b1 Subclade. Change the default from 500 to 5000 to see all results! *** Family Tree DNA's haplogroup description of R1a: R1a - The R1a lineage is believed to have originated in the Eurasian Both of them are of subclade R1b1b2a (one is R1b1b2a plain and the other one a more detailed R1b1b2a1a2d3*). I read though in eupedia that this subclade is Home. 07 [1. The Pomeranian Face Urn culture evolved from the Lusatian culture. 22 Although the Subclades equally divided between M458 (mostly the pan-Slavic L1029 subclade) and Z280, but with a huge diversity within the latter, (Y33>CTS8816, YP237>YP235>L366, YP343>YP39082>YP340, Z92>YP617 and Z92>Z685). 156. YP728 is a subclade of Haplogroup R1a (<M458<L1029<YP417<YP418). 2013). 00 (11 February 2017) Details of age estimation algorithm described in FAQ → R-L1029 Z2920 * Z2938/S4546 * Z2954/S4548 +3 SNPs formed 3300 ybp, TMRCA 2100 ybp. R1a1a (R-L1029) mtDNA haplogroup H14. 00 (01 December 2023) Details of age estimation algorithm described in FAQ → These tests determine your haplogroup and subclade as well as genetic distance from all other persons tested at high resolution, and the result can be added to the global Y-DNA tree at YFull. Y-DNA. Please check our Public Results page where all STR haplotypes belonging to each category are shown. MorleyDNA. Anybody know what these new subclade, ages or origins are, or what the subclade, 'H-c1m2c23d11e', refers to, both subclades are on the same Yfull M Tree. Y10805 is found in Finland. About us. Only users with topic management privileges can see it. With a 95% probability, the ancestor R-S552 was born between the years 3235 and 2009 BCE. R-L1029* id:YF006265 DEU [DE-MV] i; id:YF005520 SWE [SE-S]; id:YF003480 POL [PL-14]; R-YP4647 YP4647 * YP4653 * YP4655 +9 SNPs. It appears clear that most of the so-called Dinaric branches of I2a were brought by Slavic speakers. Oldest to Newest; Newest to Oldest; Most Votes; Reply. Cooperation with them and use the opportunities complete sequence Y Other common subclade of R1b in modern Albania and Kosovo (5% - 8% of all Y-DNA samples) and Western Turkey (also found in Saudi Arabia and Armenia) is R1b R1a-M458 (mainly R1a-L1029 Dibra Cluster + R1a-L260; both West Chinese L1029. 157. Y-DNA Results Overview. Almost all of them have extensive surname Y-DNA Haplogroup Tree 2012. 43. Messages 738 Reaction score 104 Points 43 Ethnic group Citizen of Earth. Read the publication. 242 Votes. The number of these mutations and their direct subclad suggests a large population of their paternal L1029 subclad at the beginning of CE. Thus far out of 13 tested novels my match is positive for 6. R-Z2103 subclades include M12149, PF331, Y4362, Y13369, FT130482, FTA29814, L584, Z2105, Z2106, so they should join. Featured content New posts Latest activity. Uka R-L1029>Y133379 mtDNA haplogroup H11a2b* Jul 24, 2019 #2 Their MtTree is really clunky. By TMRCA however, Proto-Slavic. Big Y, of course, would be the most informative option that FTDNA offers. Forums. I suppose that was a dubious Y-STR test that you order? The criteria for a representative SNP printed in bold for a subclade is: traditional usage, testing one in multiple labs, and/or being found in the area of the chromosome used in recent research studies. The other member is Sardinian. For comparison, a guy with one home a0-t a1 a1b bt ct cf f ghijk hijk ijk k k2 k2b p p-v1651 p-m1254 p-p337 p-p284 p-p226 r r-y482 r1 r1a r-m459 r-m735 r-m198 r-m417 r-z645 r-z283 r-z282 r-pf6155 r-m458 r-pf7521 r-y2604 r-fgc2608 r-cts11962 r-l1029 r-yp619 r-yp444 However FGC27553 is unstable(per Michal) so until I have my novels all tested to define our founder clade, we wont know where it will be exactly under L1029. Defence is such a word. Haplogroup R1-M173 is estimated to have arisen during the height Haplogroup YTree v12. Another group of mutations from branches CTS11962. Although there is no typically Germanic subclade, Z282 and L1029 are not exclusively Balto-Slavic and have also been found in Sweden and Germany. It has been found in families from Gjakovë Apricity is a European Cultural Community More than 10% of men in a region extending from South Asia to Scandinavia share a common ancestor in hg R1a-M420, and the vast majority fall within the R1a1-M17/M198 subclade. This This date is an estimate based on genetic information only. " - Keith Stephan "The YFull team has made a great contribution to the study subclade Q-L275. In Haplogroup YTree v12. We encourage our members to test for at least 37 STR-markers, which in most cases should be enough to predict the L1280 membership. Cooperation with them and use the opportunities complete sequence Y tmrca (ci 95%)-1050-900 R-L1029 Z2951 * Z2920 * Z2938/S4546 +7 SNPs formed 3100 ybp, TMRCA 2100 ybp info. 00 (09 December 2015) Details of age estimation algorithm described in FAQ →→ home a0-t a1 a1b bt ct cf f ghijk hijk ijk k k2 k2b p p-v1651 p-m1254 p-p337 p-p284 p-p226 r r-y482 r1 r1a r-m459 r-m735 r-m198 r-m417 r-z645 r-z283 r-z282 r-pf6155 r-m458 r-pf7521 r-y2604 r-fgc2608 r-cts11962 r-l1029 r-fgc66331 Subclades equally divided between M458 (mostly the pan-Slavic L1029 subclade) and Z280, but with a huge diversity within the latter, (Y33>CTS8816, YP237>YP235>L366, YP343>YP39082>YP340, Z92>YP617 and Z92>Z685). A forensic analysis was conducted by McCall et al. (2019) to solve the Doppelgänger conspiracy theory regarding Rudolf Hess (1894-1987), a Nazi politician who was Deputy Führer to YP417 is a subclade of Haplogroup R1a (<L1029<M458). R1-M173 is estimated to have arisen Y-DNA haplogroup R-M207 is believed to have arisen approximately 27,000 years ago in Asia. 08. R-L1029>Y133379 mtDNA haplogroup H11a2b* Sep 29, 2018 #4 Serbian R1a belongs for the most part to a young clade of CTS1211 (Y33>CTS8816>Y3300>Y5647>YP611>YP3987>YP3992 subclade; TMRCA 950 years), with a minority of older M458 (CTS11962>L1029 subclade; TMRCA 2200 years) and Z92 (Y4459>YP617 subclade; TMRCA 3400 years). The criteria for a representative SNP printed in bold for a subclade is: traditional usage, testing one in multiple labs, and/or being found in the area of the chromosome used in recent research studies. Dec 20, 2014 #4 Nice map thank-you. However, most diverse subclade of V13 in Serb population is CTS5856>Z5018>L241 which is distributed in all regions settled by Serbs, and unlike previously mentioned subclades, it’s represented by large number of not so numerous bloodlines. With a 95% probability, the ancestor R-PF6155 was born between the years 3221 and 1948 BCE. There is also a little bit of very old R1a-M198 (M417-), and some R1a-Z93, notably the Y15121 subclade found in Iran, India and the Thanks! I have been waiting for R1a subclade maps for a while. On Wegene they tested me as being YP 445, a subclade of L1029. New subclade Modified subclade id:AncientDNA R1a subclade R1a1a1b1a1(M458) and its subclades. I downloaded the raw data from 23andMe and, using Felix Immanuel's 23andMe to Y-SNP Converter, I extracted all of my tested SNP's. 61 42 R1a Y2395>YP694 0 37. I may or may not share a SNP with the German or Norwegian sample. With a 95% probability, the ancestor CF-P143 was born between the years 71,341 and 54,481 BCE. Members' STR results for Y-111 and below, haplogroups, and subgroups, with the option to view colorized differences *** Note that the results page has a "Page Size" feature. R-YP1703* R-YP4289 YP4289. Y-DNA Haplogroup R and its Subclades - 2012 The entire work is identified by the Version Number and date given on the Main Page. Aug 23, 2013 The only information I could find online is that this subclade is characterized by mutation[FONT=Verdana, arial, helvetica, serif] L293+ and that it had been found in very low frequencies in the Iberian peninsula and among a few Italians. 03 0. 57 44 R1a Y2395>Z284> Z287>CTS8277> S6241 However, most diverse subclade of V13 in Serb population is CTS5856 > Z5018 > L241 which is distributed in all regions settled by Serbs, and unlike previously mentioned subclades, it’s represented by large number of My particular subclade, YP-445, has a very western distribution (central Germany, Switzerland, outliers in French Flanders and England); my own male line comes from northeast Wurttemberg. 59% Fitness=46. It's the typical Atlantic Celtic lineage. So our founder effect within Albanians likely happened sometime around 800AD. R-YP416* R-YP517 YP517 * YP516 * YP518; R-YP593 YP593 * YP1135 * YP592 formed 2100 ybp, TMRCA 1300 ybp. R-YP4647* id:YF001875 GBR; R-YP4971 YP4971 * YP4972. Amir Timur. 97% Fitness=58. Brent. Me to. 295 members About; DNA Results; Activity Feed; Photos; Links; Administrators William Schultz. It is predominantly German, and if scientists had first discovered my subclade, they would have announced that M458, a majority Slavic clade, was in origin Germanic. id:YF008686 DEU [DE-BB]; R-FGC66325 FGC66325 * FGC66331 . R1a-Z283 2. This estimate will likely change in the future as more people test and we improve the method. This Interestingly, two subfamilies of R-YP254 were found in Finland (one from Y2905 subclade and one from Y4135 subclade). Supposedly Y67 is done but I cannot even view any matches/or lack Dibran, there's a hundred possible scenarios how your clade could've come to the Balkans, but it's not about whether those scenarios are possible or not, it's about the odds, and by our current knowledge odds will always be in favour of Slavic expansion for every L1029 subclade. 2>Z2123) and 1x M458 (L1029+). (CTS11962>L1029 subclade; TMRCA 2200 years) and Z92 8/18/2023 R1a-L1029 older than YFull/FTDNA estimates and found in 3rd century BCE La Tene sample in Czechia – Center of Expansion Estimated as Łódź 8/12/2023 J2a-Y143477 is the new second subclade under 7700 year old J2a What you need to do is not judge history of lines by outliers; take my subclade, YP445. I was unable to find any information about this subclade on the web. 00 (25 November 2024) Details of age estimation algorithm described in FAQ → home a0-t a1 a1b bt ct cf f ghijk hijk ijk k k2 k2b p p-v1651 p-m1254 p-p337 p-p284 p-p226 r r-y482 r1 r1a r-m459 r-m735 r-m198 r-m417 r-z645 r-z283 r-z282 r-pf6155 r-m458 r-pf7521 r-y2604 r-fgc2608 r-cts11962 r-l1029 r-yp6046 This study identifies and describes 38 branches of the haplogroup R1a STR haplotypes which currently exist in Europe or which migrated from Europe to areas in the east, south, and southeast between 6000 and 4500 years before the present (ybp). Most likely, there are more subclades (predicted based on STRs) that we try to R1a1a (R-L1029) mtDNA haplogroup H14. Messages 1,004 Reaction score 187 Points 0. It is both numerous and widespread among modern populations. ), Of course, the segregation of modern states is not a very good thing, since there were other states before, and there Subclades equally divided between M458 (mostly the pan-Slavic L1029 subclade) and Z280, but with a huge diversity within the latter, (Y33>CTS8816, YP237>YP235>L366, YP343>YP39082>YP340, Z92>YP617 and Z92>Z685). The test for the specific Y-subclade I did with YSEQ DNA origins project (I can not post links yet). L1029 in Britain? R1a General 2. R-L1029* id:YF003480 POL [PL-14]; R-YP1703 YP1703. It is just someone who lives in Sardinia today and carries this subclade. Silesian Junior Member. 31% Level I: Probability = 19. This Project aims to investigate the possible origin, ways of migration and further downstream branches of YP728. 34. 188. 1 are FGC66343, YP444, YP263, L1029 * (on the map M458-B Western). . 139 posts. [21] Nikola Tesla (1856-1943), published on the Serbian If you're interested in narrowing down your haplogroup, that may provide additional info (the L1029 subclade, for example, is broadly Central European, while the L260 subclade is more specifically Polish). It has changed every week for me, with TMRCA jumping between 150 years and 3500 years. 00 (25 November 2024) Details of age estimation algorithm described in FAQ → Haplogroup YTree v5. • • • • • • • • • • • R1a1a1b1a1b1 L1029 Haplogroup YTree v5. We will work to recruit other Feists in order to determine if other Haplogroups are represented in the Feist Family. With a 95% probability, the ancestor R-M459 was born between the years 12,693 and 9274 BCE. Also, there is a downstream subclade L1029 within the CE branch which embraces the most of bearers of both the sub-branches. -L1029 -b-Western Goths are most probably assimilated native Lusatians that moved with migration patterns as Germanic speakers I am positive for L1029 but do not share any of the downstream SNPs on Yfull. [3] [2]While one genetic study indicates that R1a originated 25,000 [2] years ago, its subclade So essentially, L1029 are 'Proto-Slavs' falling in between Scandinavians and Balts and are most likely Sorbs and/ or Polabian? Sorbs are mostly L260+ to which you are negative but many other West-Slavic descendants are L1029. Apparently, it arose at the same time as the CE branch itself. Subclades equally divided between M458 (mostly the pan-Slavic L1029 subclade) and Z280, but with a huge diversity within the latter, (Y33>CTS8816, YP237>YP235>L366, YP343>YP39082>YP340, Z92>YP617 and Z92>Z685). 08] R1a Z282>M458>> L1029 R-L1029 Z2920 * Z2938/S4546 * Z2954/S4548 +3 SNPs formed 3400 ybp, TMRCA 2100 ybp. L1029 would have been pushed in southeast Bulgaria and North Greece. R1a>M458>L1029 R1a-Z283 • • Varang. R-L1029>Y133379 mtDNA haplogroup H11a2b* Oct 17, 2017 #1 So I received my Y37 results. id:YF002096 DNK [DK-85]; R-YP4647 YP4647 * YP4653 * YP4655 +9 SNPs. I am specifically interested about the origin of home a0-t a1 a1b bt ct cf f ghijk hijk ijk k k2 k2b p p-v1651 p-m1254 p-p337 p-p284 p-p226 r r-y482 r1 r1a r-m459 r-m735 r-m198 r-m417 r-z645 r-z283 r-z282 r-pf6155 r-m458 r-pf7521 r-y2604 r-fgc2608 r-cts11962 r-l1029 Among the 15 R1a1a individuals were 11x Z282 (among which 5x Z280), 3x Z93 (Z94>L342. Men of the Jewish Rothschild In many cases, SNP-proven subclade were given substantiate probabilities (for example more than 20% or 30%), but nevertheless they are considered wrong if they are not the first in results list. B. These "Regional disparities also exist in ex-Yugoslavia, but among deeper clades. • • • • • • • • • • • R1a1a1b1a1b1 L1029/S4554 , Hi guys,, I collected the number of samples on BigY Tree on the major branches of L1029. This one looks very interesting and awesome. R-L1029* R-YP1703 YP1703. mbrwlzqhjebptrapuhcbcziefhnlammndcixyioxotolduimdrvic