Bu hub courses search Effective Fall 2018, this course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: Historical Consciousness, Digital/Multimedia Expression, Teamwork/Collaboration. For a complete listing of all courses that fulfill Hub requirements, please visit the BU Hub Course Search is a tool that allows you to search the entire database of Boston University courses. Please refer to the published schedule of classes on the MyBU Student Portal for confirmation a class is actually being taught and for specific course meeting dates and times. Students learn to evaluate scholarly and policy pieces, compile evidence, and write research reports. For more information, please contact BU Financial Assistance at 617-353-2965 or finaid@bu. By Phillip Jacob March 19th, 2021 in xcc. Review the BU Hub requirements in more detail at the University’s BU Hub website. The ability to think critically is the fundamental characteristic of an educated person. In addition to courses offered in the schools and colleges, there are other experiences that carry Hub units and have “HUB” as the college code, including the Cross-College Challenge (XCC), Hub cocurriculars, and Hub. BU Hub. Please refer to the published schedule of classes on the Student Link for confirmation a class is actually being taught and for specific course meeting dates and times. BU undergraduates looking to fulfill BU Hub requirements have hundreds of options in the summer. What is the Hub? How the Hub Works Six Essential Capacities with Areas of Learning. Hub Courses. Physics Courses with Hub Units. The Boston market, multimedia assignments and team-based projects are integrated into the learning environment. Effective Fall 2020, this course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: Writing-Intensive Course, Research and Information Literacy, Teamwork/Collaboration. Explore the historical and systemic bases of social and racial Students can take Hub courses throughout all of their years of undergraduate study; they are Using the Course Search, start by looking for a class with one or more of the following units: Philosophical Inquiry (PLM), Aesthetic Exploration (AEX), Historical Consciousness (HCO), Scientific Inquiry I (SCI I). Effective Spring 2022, this course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: Writing-Intensive Course, Global Citizenship and Intercultural Literacy, Social Inquiry II. In addition to courses offered in the schools and colleges, there are other experiences that carry Hub units and have “HUB” as the college code, including the Cross-College Challenge (XCC), the Hub Social & Racial Justice course sequence, Hub Search Search for: Register for an Online Hub Course in Summer 2021. To explore courses further, please see the Class Search in MyBU Student or the Bulletin. In addition to courses offered in the schools and colleges, there are other experiences that carry Hub units and have “HUB” as the college code, including the Cross-College Challenge (XCC), Hub cocurriculars, and Hub Use the chart below to understand how the following required courses for the Questrom degree will fulfill Boston University Hub units. Beginning in the fall 2023 semester, BU Hub courses will be removed from the list of exclusions under the University’s Policy on Pass/Fail Courses for Undergraduate Students. Requirements: CONSULT with a study abroad program director or a program leader/ supervisor about how you will meet the IIC learning outcomes during your experience abroad (learning outcomes are at the bottom of this page). BU undergraduate students who matriculated as first-years in Fall 2018 or later need to complete BU Hub Requirements for graduation. I was looking through courses and they all look really cool, I'm just confused as to how If you search for any class in the BU database, the course description will list which, if any, of those categories the course fulfills. Below is a full list of courses that fulfill requirements in a given Hub area. In this course, we'll explore vision, hearing, touch, smell, and taste and find out how the brain constructs our perceptual experience from light, sound, pressure, and chemicals in the world. Deborah Carr. A single course can satisfy multiple Hub requirements, and most transfer students will fulfill Hub requirements in 4–5 courses. Learners of all ability levels in the arts are welcome. ) By the mid-semester deadline, submit Browse or Search Courses: Select the “Browse Subjects” tab below, Use the “Summer Hub Courses” button below to see which Hub courses are available this summer. For a Hub course that a student chooses to take P*/F*, the student For a complete listing of all courses that fulfill Hub requirements, please visit the BU Hub website. By Phillip Jacob April 4th, 2023. Things to For a Hub course that can only be taken P/F, the student must earn a P in order to fulfill the Hub requirement(s) met by the course. In addition to courses offered in the schools and colleges, there are other experiences that carry Hub units and have “HUB” as the college code, including the Cross-College Challenge (XCC), the Hub Social & Racial Justice course sequence, Hub For a listing of Hub courses in BU Study Abroad programs, please visit the BU Study Abroad website. Explore the list of Hub courses. With Prof. There are currently two Hub Pathways: Social & Racial Justice, and Environment & Society. To find out whether or not a course carries Hub units, you can use the Course Description Search in a couple of different ways. You can search by keywords associated with topics that interest you, and you can filter your search by semester, by college, and/or by Take Hub courses in a significant thematic topic like Social & Racial Justice or Environment & Society. HUB SJ 101 is a 4-credit elective course for BU Hub areas: Social Inquiry II, Writing- Intensive Course, Research and Information Literacy. . To view a listing of all courses in this Hub Pathway, please visit the BU Course Search. For many BU students, experiential learning can be as important to their education as coursework. Perform a basic search by entering keywords you would expect to find in the course four hours lab. Perform a basic search by entering keywords you would expect to find in the course description or by entering a full course number (example: BU Hub general education program: KHC: Questrom School of Business: LAW: School of Law: MED: School of Medicine: OTP: * NOTE: HUB SA 225 may also be completed in the summer, if you are graduating in September. Spring 2022 Course Directory. This course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: Writing-Intensive Course, Global Citizenship and Intercultural Literacy, Philosophical Inquiry and Life's Meanings. Last October, six months after BU and colleges around the nation transferred to online learning, the Boston University Global Programs announced the cancellation of all study abroad programs in a BU Today article, citing the safety and wellbeing of all students. edu for more details. Students can use the Course Description search tool to find courses that fit their remaining Hub units. A course can fulfill more than one Hub requirement – in fact, most students will fulfill Hub The Hub also encourages students to explore opportunities to develop various Life Skills, particularly by taking advantage of resources offered through BU Student Wellbeing and the BU Center for Career Development. The Hub courses offered in Summer Term 2025 are organized by Hub capacity and area in the list below. Explore how it works. edu. Hub requirements will continue to be added to some courses throughout the academic year, so be sure to confirm the Hub requirements for your courses prior to registration. BU Hub Pathways; Philosophical, Aesthetic, and Historical Interpretation; Search Search for: About the Hub. In addition to courses offered in the schools and colleges, there are other experiences that carry Hub units and have “HUB” as the college code, including the Cross-College Challenge (XCC), Hub cocurriculars, and Hub For a complete listing of all courses that fulfill Hub requirements, please visit the BU Hub website. In addition to the below listed courses, there are also sections of the Cross-College Challenge (XCC), sections of CAS Writing Program courses, and other topics-based For a complete listing of all courses that fulfill Hub requirements, please visit the BU Hub website. Direct enrollment can then also occur from the Class Search page. In addition to courses offered in the schools and colleges, there are other experiences that carry Hub units and have “HUB” as the college code, including the Cross-College Challenge (XCC), Hub cocurriculars, and Hub Take a Hub course together! With over 1,800 Hub courses, you should be able to find one that interests you, or seems useful for the future, in every area. Hub Interdisciplinary Courses. For a listing of Hub courses in BU Study Abroad programs, please visit the BU Study Abroad website. Search our database of over 7,000 courses. Effective Fall 2019, this course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: Aesthetic Exploration, Global Citizenship and Intercultural Literacy, Critical Thinking. BU Hub Pathways; Philosophical, Aesthetic, and Historical Interpretation; Search Search for: Hub Cocurricular Gallery. Effective Spring 2024, this course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: Writing-Intensive Course, Research and Information Literacy, Teamwork/Collaboration, Creativity I'm in the class of 2024 in COM, and I was hoping someone could explain how the BU hub works. edu The Hub will be interwoven throughout your BU experience. The Hub does not require that students take a specific set of courses, but rather encourages students to explore their interests while integrating Hub requirements with their undergraduate studies. With that in mind, the BU Hub offers two introductory level courses, HUB SJ 101 and HUB SJ 102, that provide an innovative and engaging overview of the topic. Search Search for: The Hub and Your Career. BU Hub Pathways; Philosophical, Aesthetic, and Historical Interpretation; Scientific and Social Inquiry; Search Search for: Front page. Search Search for: Courses. In addition to courses offered in the schools and colleges, there are other experiences that carry Hub units and have “HUB” as the college code, including the Cross-College Challenge (XCC), Hub cocurriculars, and Hub Transfer students take BU courses that fulfill requirements in each of the Hub areas below and must complete all 10 Hub requirements in order to graduate. Many BU Study Abroad Programs offer BU courses that satisfy Hub requirements. Bringing together the fields of business and communications, the course develops the skills needed to execute a future business plan through three different types of learning–lectures, case studies, Summer Hub Courses. (See the 2 learning outcomes at the bottom of this page. This change means that if a student elects to take a class Pass/Fail (P*/F*) and they receive a passing filter your search: by Section All Sections Departments Programs Courses Policies. In accordance with the University policy on Pass/Fail Courses for Undergraduate Students, a student may also elect to take a Hub course P*/F*. For curated lists of Hub courses that focus on interdisciplinary themes of global significance, please view the BU Hub Pathways for Social & Racial Justice and for Environment & Society. Hub Interdisciplinary Courses New Hub Interdisciplinary Courses. Class Search allows for easy exploration of offered classes for a term, providing the most robust set of criteria to view and narrow down available classes. Take the time to explore the possibilities, rather than just signing up for something to check it off your list. Student participants in Innovate@BU’s HUB CC 161 and HUB CC 162 presented their final projects to other students and BU community members at the BUild Lab on May 16, For a listing of Hub courses in BU Study Abroad programs, please visit the BU Study Abroad website. Rather than require students to take a specific set of courses, the Hub helps them to develop six essential capacities–the knowledge, skills, and habits of mind–that will prepare them for a lifetime of learning and leading. Learning Outcomes Students will demonstrate knowledge and appreciation of notable works in literature and/or the arts, including the cultural contexts in which those works were created, and be able to identify their ongoing HUB IC 203 is a 4-credit elective course in which students learn to pitch business ideas and start their own ventures, including how to receive funding for, operate, and grow an enterprise. The listing of a course description here does not guarantee a course’s being offered in a particular term. 4 cr. For a complete listing of all courses that fulfill Hub requirements, please visit the BU Hub website. Boston University Hub George Sherman Union, 775 Commonwealth Avenue, 5th Floor, Boston, MA 02215 617-358-6535 | thehub@bu. To learn more about these exciting online BU courses that fulfill Hub requirements, visit the Summer Term website. Requirements: CONSULT with a study abroad program director or a program leader/ supervisor about how you will meet the GCI learning outcomes during your experience abroad (learning outcomes are at the bottom of this page). 4 For a complete listing of all courses that fulfill Hub requirements, please visit the BU Hub website. by Academic Year BU Hub Pathways are an optional way for undergraduates to fulfill some or many of their general education requirements by taking Hub courses from across the University that are focused on an interdisciplinary topic of global significance. The BU Hub is the university-wide general education program that emphasizes working across disciplines to prepare for a complex and diverse world. You will take courses in your major that are Hub courses, you will take electives that are Hub courses, and you may also choose any number of Hub specialty courses to fulfill Hub requirements. Listed below are a variety of Hub cocurriculars for students that have been developed by the BU Hub in partnership with offices, programs, schools, please view the Class Search on the MyBU Student. Effective Summer 1 2022, this course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: Writing-Intensive Course, The Individual in Community, Creativity Below is a full list of courses that fulfill requirements in a given Hub area. Additional resources are available at the Hub website. The BU Hub recognizes the value and impact of learning that happens outside of classroom settings by offering students opportunities to participate in cocurricular experiences that combine activities, discussion, reflection, and Summer 1 Section O1 and Summer 2 Section O2: As a special provision of these summer online BU Hub courses, BU financial aid may be available to BU need-based scholarship recipients for up to one course in summer 2024. Course numbers for Hub cocurriculars typically begin with “HUB CC. This change means that if a student elects to take a class Pass/Fail (P*/F*) and they receive a passing grade (P), they will still fulfill the Hub requirements Boston University Summer Term offers more than 700 courses in 70 subjects to meet your needs. NE 333 – Search Search for: New BU Hub Pathways Launched! The BU Hub recently launched BU Hub Pathways, an optional way for undergraduates to fulfill some or many of their general education requirements by taking Hub courses from across the University that are focused on an interdisciplinary topic of global significance. In addition to courses offered in the schools and colleges, there are other experiences that carry Hub units and have “HUB” as the college code, including the Cross-College Challenge (XCC), Hub cocurriculars, and Hub Below is a full list of courses that fulfill requirements in a given Hub area. ” To register for a Hub cocurricular, An important goal of the BU Hub, and Boston University, is to provide all undergraduates with an introduction to issues of social and racial justice as part of their undergraduate education. For a complete listing of all courses that carry Hub units, please visit the BU Hub website. Hub Courses in BU Study Abroad Programs. by School All Schools BU Hub CAS CDS CELOP CFA CGS Chobanian & Avedisian SOM COM ENG FitRec GMS GRS KHC LAW MET Questrom ROTC Sargent SDM SED (Archives Only) SHA SMG (Archives Only) SPH SSW STH Study Abroad Wheelock. Fulfill a Hub requirement with a 0-credit cocurricular experience. View Courses * NOTE: HUB RL 401 can also be taken during Summer Term. There are additional * NOTE: HUB SA 230 may also be completed in the summer, if you are graduating in September. What is the Hub? Learn about the structure, curriculum, and learning outcomes of the BU Hub, the University-wide general education program for all BU undergraduates. Specifically, the Hub helps students develop six essential capacities to thrive in their Courses. Hub Requirements for Students. The listing of a course description here does not guarantee a course’s being offered in a particular semester. The Hub and Your Career How Your Hub Experience Can Support Your Professional Goals. edu As a special provision of these six summer online BU courses, BU financial aid may be available to BU need-based scholarship recipients. In addition to courses offered in the schools and colleges, there are other experiences that carry Hub units and have “HUB” as the college code, including the Cross-College Challenge (XCC), Hub cocurriculars, and Hub XCC Worldwide: The Digital Pivot of BU Study Abroad. Open to all BU undergraduates, these courses will also satisfy sought-after (and less common) combinations Browse or Search Courses: Select the “Browse Subjects” tab below, Use the “Summer Hub Courses” button below to see which Hub courses are available this summer. The BU Hub is launching a new series of introductory-level Hub interdisciplinary courses in AY 2024-25 that will introduce students to exciting topics of broad appeal from a multidisciplinary perspective. Effective Summer 2024, this course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: Quantitative Reasoning II, Critical Thinking. Email thehub@bu. HUB SA 220: Cultures in Context: A BU Hub Study Abroad Experience (GCI, select Exploration of literature and the arts through the Hub may foster involvement in Boston’s vibrant arts communities, a distinct advantage of a BU education. Learn more Search Search for: Request a Brochure; Email CAS MA 381 or CAS MA 581. In order to Hub Courses. edu For a listing of Hub courses in BU Study Abroad programs, please visit the BU Study Abroad website. A single course can satisfy multiple Hub requirements, and most students will fulfill Hub requirements in 10–12 courses. Browse or Search Courses: Select the “Browse Subjects” tab below, Use the “Summer Hub Courses” button below to see which Hub courses are available this summer. In addition to courses offered in the schools and colleges, there are other experiences that carry Hub units and have “HUB” as the college code, including the Cross-College Challenge (XCC), Hub cocurriculars, and Hub For a complete listing of all courses that carry Hub units, please visit the BU Hub website. Summer 1 Section O1 and Summer 2 Section O2: As a special provision of these summer online BU Hub courses, BU financial aid may be available to BU need-based scholarship recipients for up to one course in summer 2024. Did you know that the BU Hub, in providing students with breadth of learning, Do you have a cluster of courses that can be found on the BU Hub Pathways for Social & Racial Justice or Environment & Society? You can search for an elective in the Class Search on the MyBU Student portal by using the various filters, including the Keyword filter, or the Course Attribute “Hub Requirements” and one of the Course Attribute Values of the above hub requirements. Fulfill GCI, IIC with Study Abroad. Please view current Hub courses for each semester on the Class Search in MyBU Student and Searching for BU Hub Courses. Effective Summer 2024, this course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: Scientific Inquiry I, Critical Thinking. In addition to the below listed courses, there are also sections of the Cross-College Challenge (XCC), sections of CAS Writing Program courses, and other topics-based BU Hub Information. Fourteen BU Hub online courses are available through BU Summer Term! These specially designed, online, fully remote courses are now open for registration for Summer 2021, and include the following Hub courses: Below are Hub courses in the Social & Racial Justice Hub Pathway grouped by Hub area. BU Hub Courses The Department of Earth & Environment offers undergraduate students many opportunities to satisfy requirements outlined for the BU Hub . Tuition: $ The BU Hub offers students multiple pathways for students to fulfill general education requirements. Some of these include: The Cross-College Challenge (XCC) as a capstone experience; Below are Hub courses in the Environment & Society Hub Pathway grouped by Hub area. Hub Pathways are fully elective, and students can You must fulfill all 10 Hub requirements in order to graduate, and courses used to fulfill Hub requirements must be taken at Boston University. Related to BU Hub Effective Fall 2018, this course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: Aesthetic Exploration, Global Citizenship and Intercultural Literacy. Be sure to consider your BU Hub Requirements when selecting courses. In addition to courses offered in the schools and colleges, there are other experiences that carry Hub units and have “HUB” as the college code, including the Cross-College Challenge (XCC), the Hub Social & Racial Justice course sequence, Hub BU Hub Courses to Become Eligible for Pass/Fail Credit. The BU Hub offers students multiple pathways to fulfill their general education requirements. Hub courses can also count toward major and minor requirements, and students can elect to fulfill up to two Hub requirements with Hub cocurricular experiences. Most students will take CAS WR 120, “First-Year Writing Seminar,” in the CAS Writing Program to fulfill the Hub requirement in this area. Effective Spring 2023 this course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: Writing-Intensive Course, Global Citizenship and Intercultural Literacy, Philosophical Inquiry and Life's This is the first of two required writing courses for incoming first-year students. The Hub does not require that students take a specific set of courses, but rather encourages them to explore their interests while integrating Hub requirements with their undergraduate studies. Critical Thinking. In addition to courses offered in the schools and colleges, there are other experiences that carry Hub units and have “HUB” as the college code, including the Cross-College Challenge (XCC), Hub cocurriculars, and Hub Explore the arts and writing to contemplate nature, identify unsustainable practices, and propose viable alternatives. WS 101 Gender and Sexuality I: This course is the first semester of a two-semester introduction to women’s, gender, and sexuality studies, that considers the origins, diversity, and expression of gendered and sexed individuals. Questions about the Earth & Environment curriculum may be addressed to Sayaka Yamaki , The Hub Cocurricular Experience. You can explore programs and courses on the Study Abroad website to see which Hub areas are included in courses at various programs worldwide. T he Hub helps students explore a variety of courses and innovative learning experiences — creating their own personal educational pathway. Requirements: CONSULT with your faculty mentor early in the semester about how you will meet the RIL learning outcomes through the process of completing your thesis or project. For more information about the Hub, please see the BU Hub page. CAS PY 104 Physics of Health Sciences. Offered in the Fall and Spring.