Religion in indonesia before islam. Read more about Islam in Indonesia.
Religion in indonesia before islam May 24, 2019 · Stigma against adherents of faith is further strengthened through the history of the Indonesian state's policy of limiting the term religion in Indonesia. Indonesia has a rich and diverse history of religious beliefs and practices. However, substantial evidence of Islam in Indonesia exists only from the end of the 13th century, in northern Sumatra. Although, as explained by the Constitutional Court, this first sila of Pancasila is an Islam is the largest religion in Indonesia, with 87. Is Indonesia an Islamic country Today, although Indonesia has an overwhelming Muslim majority, it is not an Islamic state, but constitutionally a secular state whose government officially Islam is the largest religion in Indonesia, with 87. [3] [4] Islam was integral to Indonesian society, not as a foreign cult that didn't fit in, but as a religion that was at general harmony with what had been there before. Indonesia is officially a presidential republic and a unitary state without an established state religion. ” Islam in Indonesia: A Diverse Landscape. Early Islam in Indonesia and Malaysia reflected the intellectual currents in West Asia, although the region was outside the political military circle of the Abbasid Empire. In fact the Portuguese brought Christianity to Indonesia before Gujaratis brought Islam to Indonesia. Islam arrived in the thirteenth century and was the majority religion by the eighteenth century. All Indonesians must choose one of these six religions and it is stated on a person’s identity card. The Theory of Early Islam in Indonesia As mentioned before that there is debate among scholars about who Islam introduce to Indonesia. This paper intends to problematize the idea of Islam as religion through historical construction of adat in Indonesia. 1 Mystic and the Adhesion of New Religions Before the coming of Islam, two religious expressions were shared in various parts of archipelago presently known as Indonesia. ” united before. They found Indonesia already very rich layers of cultures, and to be accepted a new belief, a Hinduism was the dominant religion in the country before the arrival of Islam and is one of the six official religions of Indonesia today. A royal Indonesia is the largest Muslim country in the world by population, with over 200 million (88. Ricklefs identifies two overlapping processes by which the Islamisation of Indonesia occurred: (1) Indonesians came into contact with Islam and converted, and (2) foreign Muslim Asians (Indians, Chinese, Arabs, etc. it was thought that Indonesia had no religion before the first century transfer Islam to Indonesia and the year of Islam was converted. Indonesia's national motto Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, meaning 'Unity in Diversity', originates from an Old Javanese poem written during the rule of Majapahit. 2% of Indonesia’s total Javanese Kejawen community performing Birat Sengkolo ritual with offerings including several tumpeng. [4] Mar 10, 2025 · Indonesia officially recognizes six religions: Islam, Protestantism, Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism. The concept also helpfully complicates the investigation of religious freedom by encouraging analysts to recognize that different societal and By: Saulat Pervez. C. Dec 21, 2022 · Indonesia has had every major religion in the world land on its shores. Hinduism spread throughout the rest of Indonesia and reached its peak in the 14 th century. Each Indonesian citizen needs to embrace the mentioned religion. 2% of total population) people who identify themselves as Muslim. Since the beginning of the century AD there have Hinduism was the main religion in Indonesia before Islam came to the country through Muslim traders in the 12 th and 13 th centuries. Another Minister of Home Affairs was issued in 1990 re-iterating about five official religions in Indonesia. 4. Initially, the spread of Islam was slow and gradual. They were brought to the archipelago around the second and fourth centuries, respectively, when Indian traders arrived on the islands of Sumatra , Java and Sulawesi , and Before the arrival of the Abrahamic religions of Islam, Christianity and Judaism, the prevalent religions in the region were the Indian religions of Hinduism and Buddhism. Oct 2, 2021 · religion is ubiquitous, and the locality becomes a part of the religion. In Indonesia there is a long history of religious practice associated with more mystical and often highly syncretistic beliefs. As the greatest political power in Southeast Asia, and a growing Before the archipelago's conversion to Islam, the predominant religions in Indonesia were Hinduism (particularly its Shaivism tradition) and Buddhism. Mar 22, 2023 · Early History of Islam in IndonesiaThe spread of Islam in Indonesia was a gradual process, with traders and scholars playing a significant role in introducing the religion to local communities. They were brought to the archipelago around the second and fourth centuries, respectively, when Indian traders arrived on the islands of Sumatra , Java and Sulawesi , and Islam in Indonesia at the Turn of the Twentieth Century . Hinduism came to Indonesia as early as the 1 st century. Islam reached from Spain to India, and possibly even Indonesia, in 100 years, it just wasn't a majority in the Middle East until 300 years later Was Islam a state religion in Arab countries when Muslims ran the country? Yes VIVA – Indonesia becomes one of the countries that have many diversities of religions. When then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton visited Indonesia in February, 2009, she remarked, “If you want to know if Islam, democracy, modernity and women’s rights can coexist, go to Indonesia. Dec 18, 2024 · Not many people talk about local beliefs in Indonesia. Animism existed since before Indonesia's earliest history, and has survived overlays of great religions imported from other regions. Hoesein Djajadiningrat is Professor of Islam, Faculty of Literature, University of Indonesia, Djakarta, Indonesia) Before the coming of Islam to Indonesia the culture of the islands had been greatly influenced by many centuries of acceptance of Hindu and Buddhist culture. In every travel guide, you will read about the importance of religion in Indonesia and how this country is a land of spirituality. 2% of the 250 Read more about Islam in Indonesia. , either before the coming of Islam or after the religion already developed as today. Islam is the official religion of all three countries, and it is practised by about three-fifths of the population in Malaysia, 82. Sunni Islam is the majority religion throughout most of the country. Even today, the island of Bali is still a flourishing center of Hinduism. If a person is not religious then he will usually put “Islam” on his ID […] 5 days ago · Indonesia - Islamic, Culture, Traditions: Foreign Muslims had traded in Indonesia and China for many centuries; a Muslim tombstone in eastern Java bears a date corresponding to 1082. Indonesia's relatively peaceful immersion to Islam has resulted in the democratic republic governing its majority muslim population. The first principle of Indonesia's philosophical foundation, Pancasila, requires its citizens to state the belief in "the one and almighty God". Kejawèn (Javanese: ꦏꦗꦮꦺꦤ꧀, romanized: Kajawèn) or Javanism, also called Kebatinan, Agama Jawa, and Kepercayaan, is a Javanese cultural tradition, consisting of an amalgam of Animistic, Buddhist, Islamic and Hindu aspects. It shapes our Mar 1, 2023 · In this regard, this article examines how the language of religious moderation has evolved in each of various Indonesia’s religious traditions. Despite a large number of both historical and anthropological works on the discourse of adat and religion in Indonesia, a number of questions remain concerning Indonesian indigenous-state relations. People who embrace them continue to be stigmatized. Notable exceptions include the province of Bali, which is predominantly Hindu, and the provinces of Papua, West Papua, East Nusa Tenggara, and North Sulawesi, which are predominantly Protestant Christian. We wil Jan 6, 2017 · In the writings of Indonesian historiography, the concept of civilization in the archipelago (“Nusantara”) began following the arrival of numbers of people who introduced the new model of religiosities, particularly Buddhism and Hinduism. Hinduism spread throughout the rest of Indonesia and reached its peak in the 14th century. Jan 3, 2022 · Indonesia is a country where various religions exist, Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, and others. Indonesian Muslims can be categorized into two main groups: “modernists,” who adhere to orthodox Islam while accepting modern advances and education, and “traditionalists,” who are more apt to follow local […] Jan 9, 2024 · The most common story of the arrival of Islam in Indonesia involves traders in the 13th century, primarily on the island of Sumatra in an area called Aceh. Jun 7, 2021 · By emphasizing that individual religious freedom depends for its realization on complex social embeddings, the concept of institutional religious freedom provides an important corrective to conventional, individualistic approaches to religious freedom. By the 4 th century, Hindu states had been established on Java. This is called traditional Islam. [4] Sep 28, 2024 · “The spread of Islam in Indonesia was not a rapid and uniform process, but rather complex and slow, with evidence suggesting a gradual adoption of the religion over time. Dec 4, 2019 · 4. And that's what religion is for, to ensure that justice is upheld. Islam is one of the six religions officially recognized by the State. Media Representation of Religion. Apr 25, 2017 · Origin Of Islam In Indonesia . Bishop French, and, with his friend and comrade the Rev. 2 days ago · Indonesia - Religion, Beliefs, Animism: Nearly nine-tenths of the Indonesian population professes Islam. The spread of Islam in Indonesia was a slow, gradual and relatively peaceful process. Indonesian traditional Quranic school. Jul 10, 2014 · Running for president in Indonesia seemed also to entail having to show off one’s commitment to Islam. According to demographic data from 2020, Indonesia’s Muslim population currently stands at 229. There are, however, pockets of Christians scattered throughout the country, particularly in Flores, Timor, northern Celebes, the interior of Kalimantan, and the Moluccas. Nation-building and Islam in Indonesia and Malaysia before independence Malaysia is a multiethnic state with three major groupings. Although religious tensions in Indonesia rapidly vanished after Amin sat next to Widodo (and they also managed to win the 2019 presidential election), the election can also be regarded a victory for conservative Islam as there is now a conservative Muslim cleric on a high political position (with certain political powers). Dec 11, 2020 · Islam -- Morocco, Islam -- Indonesia, Islam -- Maroc, Islam -- Indonésie, 11. Islam. Islam came to SE Asia 500 years after it came to India and Indians brought it. The religion also existed in Persian-ruled area of modern Yemen. Indeed, Indonesia was once the heartland of successive Buddhist and Hindu kingdoms that used to rule the region prior to the advent of Islam. By understanding how religion affects these issues, we can help Indonesia be more tolerant and united. Indonesia: A Model for Religious Tolerance and Democracy. Many Muslim traders from the Middle East arrived at large trade ports, setting up communities in the ports and sharing their faith traditions. Before Islam arrived in Indonesia, especially in Java the first religion in Indonesia was Hinduism… Feb 1, 2017 · This survey provides a comprehensive insight into the different roles played by Islam in Indonesia throughout history: From the earliest evidence of its presence in the late thirteenth century; the importance of Indian Ocean networks for connecting Indonesians with the wider Islamic world; the religion’s role as a means of resistance and tool Sep 11, 2009 · Islam came to Indonesia fairly late, from 12th century up, mostly through traders and Sufi teachers. The state has legitimized the existence of . The Malays, who are considered indigenous to Malaysia and follow Islam as their religion, constitute more than 50 percent of the population, whereas the Chinese and the Indian Oct 20, 2023 · Key to Indonesia’s unique balance between religion and state is the relationship between two intellectual and institutional currents. 62 million people or about 87. Few of these are practiced anywhere in Indonesia in a traditional form, as they have been heavily influenced by the presence of other world religions, indigenous beliefs The religion was introduced in the region including modern-day Bahrain during the rule of Persian empires in the region starting from 250 B. Oct 30, 2024 · On August 16, 1945, the day after Japan surrendered to the Allied Forces in World War II, a 21-member independence preparation committee finished debating Indonesia’s proposed new constitution Aug 6, 2019 · Indonesia’s main religion is Islam, though the government officially recognizes six distinct faiths: Islam, Protestantism, Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism. Jan 25, 2025 · What Religion Was Indonesia Before Islam? Discover the rich tapestry of Indonesia's religious history before the rise of Islam in this engaging video. that would be Zoroastrianism. State Department published a 30-page human rights report about Indonesia’s religious freedom issue last year and has contributed more than $40 million to assist Indonesia in promoting Islamic conversion of Indonesia From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Religion is deeply ingrained in Indonesian society, shaping traditions Hinduism was the dominant religion in the country before the arrival of Islam and is one of the six official religions of Indonesia today. 1% of the population in Brunei, and over 87% of the population in Indonesia. Nov 4, 2014 · 'God needs no defence,' Wahid said, quoting her father. Although egalitarianism is cher - ished in Islam, the approbation of Muslims towards venerated religious schol-ars (ʿulamāʾ or kiai) is habitually observed in Indonesia. What was the religion before Islam in Indonesia? Before the rise of monotheistic religions, Indonesia was considered a Hindu-Buddhist country. Nov 3, 2024 · The Indonesian government recognizes six official religions that are Islam, Protestantism, Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism. We must consider Indonesia’s religious diversity and social setting. Those religions are Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Protestantism, Catholicism, and “Chinese Religions”. It has a rich and diverse Islamic scene. 1900. Among the varieties of Sufism that have shaped Indonesian Islam are the pantheism of Ibn al-Arabi, the ecstatic tradition associated with al-Hallaj that rejects Shari’ah-based piety, and the orthoprax Sufism of al-Junaid (830–910) and al-Ghazali (Al-Attas 1970; Soebardi 1975; van Bruinessen 1998). The religious diversity can be seen from the recognition of six religions embraced by the Indonesian people, namely, Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism. ‘Elegantly written, carefully crafted, and solidly grounded in scholarly sources and debates, this book provides an excellent synthetic account of the history of Islam in Indonesia. This specific attitude Dec 4, 2019 · PDF | On Dec 4, 2019, Denni Boy Saragih published Religions in Indonesia: a Historical Sketch | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate Which is not really what is going on in Indonesia. Before becoming president, Gus Dur served as chairman of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), Indonesia's biggest Islamic What was the religion in Indonesia before Islam? Before the arrival of Islam, the predominant religions in Indonesia were Hinduism (particularly its Shaivism tradition) and Buddhism. Feb 27, 2025 · Over 87 percent of the Indonesian population are Muslim, making Islam its major religion and Indonesia the country with the highest Muslim population globally. These religions were practiced in Indonesia around the 2nd and 4th centuries. Islam had an advantage over other religions, because it was founded by merchants! Converting places to Islam only required books, while converting places to Hinduism required temples, which were much costlier. Hence the status of Confucianism in Indonesia in the New Order era was never clear. First, Indonesian nationalism has been shaped by a kind of religious and ideological syncretism, with a goal of preserving a national unity that is multi-interpretable and flexible enough to account for the country’s natural diversity. process, surely religion was a key element in decolonization, just as it has been demonstrated to be both before and after decolonization. united before. Media plays a big role in how we see different religions, like Islam in Indonesia. Before Islam was established in Indonesian communities, Muslim traders had been present for several centuries. Hoesein Djajadiningrat (P. Before the arrival of the Abrahamic religions of Islam, Christianity and Judaism, the prevalent religions in the region were the Indian religions of Hinduism and Buddhism. Christianity is the second-largest religion in Indonesia, albeit relatively small compared to 1. For that reasons, this essay will try to explore more about issues, especially the people who introduced Islam to Indonesia. Islam Source Indonesia is the country with the largest Muslim population in the world, with a population of 221 million Muslims in Indonesia, and Islam is the biggest religion in Indonesia. May 17, 2024 · However, according to its constitution, Indonesia is not officially a Muslim nation. places of worship and etc. Most are Protestant or independent Christian, and the remainder are mainly Roman Catholic. S. Jun 10, 2010 · The author argues that public debates on Islam and Gender in contemporary Indonesia only partially concern religion, and more often refer to shifting moral conceptions of the masculine and feminine body in its intersection with new class dynamics, national identity, and global consumerism. A royal tomb at Samudra-Pasai, dating to 1297, is inscribed entirely in Arabic. Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Catholicism Christianity reached Persia but it wasn't the dominant religion even 600 years later. James Cantine, now stands in the shining line of succession at the close of a decade of patient and brave service at that lonely outpost on the shores of the Persian Gulf, Others have followed in their footsteps, until the Arabian Mission, the adopted child of the Reformed Church in America, is at present a compact and resolute Oct 12, 2022 · The U. Before the coming of Islam, two religious expressions were shared in various parts of archipelago presently known as Indonesia. The spread of Islam in Indonesia (1200 to 1600) Early history Influences of Zheng He's voyages By region Northern Sumatra East Sumatra and Malay peninsula Central and eastern Java The Da'wah of Walisongo Western Java Other areas Indonesian and Malay legends Flags of the Sultanates in the East Indies (Indonesia) See also Mar 21, 2013 · Religion in Indonesia - Animism. Life and the structure of the structure of the Nusantara May 5, 2021 · Islam came to Indonesia at a time when to be a Muslim was to be Sufi (Drewes 1968, Johns 1995). This harmony between faith and tradition was the greatest cause and proof of Islam's success. But before Islam arrived, Hinduism and Buddhism held control of the region through the dominant kingdoms that existed at that time. in 1952, President Sukarno established the official state religions: Islam, Protestantism, Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism. Hinduism came to Indonesia as early as the 1st century. Hinduism was the main religion in Indonesia, brought to the archipelago by Indian Brahmins during the 11th Century BC. 06% of the Indonesian population identifying themselves as Muslims, based on civil registry data in 2023 Oct 7, 2019 · The Islam that was carried by the Arab and Persian merchants had a heavy content of Shariah and Fiqh. Indonesia is the largest Muslim nation in the world. Consequently, both scholars of Islam and Southeast Asianists overlook or underestimate the importance of this religion for the formation of Southeast Asian cultures. By the 4th century, Hindu states had been established on Java. Writing a history of Islam in Indonesia presents researchers with the additional challenge that before the late 1800s, it could even be argued until 1945, Indonesia did not even exist. Why? Mar 10, 2025 · A quarterly magazine on the peoples of Indonesia - cultures, politics, economy and environment Religion - Inside Indonesia: The peoples and cultures of Indonesia Mar 10, 2025 Last Updated 7:38 AM, Feb 24, 2025 Islam is Indonesia's dominant religion with approximately 88%, over 200 million, of its population identifying as Muslims, making it the most populous Muslim-majority nation in the world. Jan 3, 2025 · The Current Muslim Population in Indonesia. They are often referred to as country people, isolated tribes, and infidels. The spread of Islam in Indonesia began in the region. ' [fold] Gus Dur's Indonesian Islam. 06% of the Indonesian population identifying themselves as Muslims, Before it could take effect, the law RELIGION IN INDONESIA. Hinduism was introduced to Indonesia in the 4th include Islam in Indonesia: The Contest for Society, Ideas and Values (2015) and a three-volume anthology, The Caliphate and Islamic Statehood (2015). Islam in Indonesia is no stranger to this phenomenon. By the 16th century, Islam had surpassed both the religions and became the dominant religion in May 19, 2022 · Long before Islam ca me to Indonesia, the Indonesian people were tough sailors who were able to navigate the vast seas. [3] [4] Baiturrahman Grand Mosque in Banda Aceh, Aceh. Instead of focusing on religion, the historiography of decolonization in Indonesia has been dominated by the secular, nationalist narrative, what Nov 9, 2024 · Malaysia, Brunei, and Indonesia are three countries located in Southeast Asia. 80 Islam: general, Islam, Islam et politique -- Maroc, Islam et politique -- Indonésie, Islam -- 20e siècle, Indonesia, Morocco Publisher Chicago : University of Chicago Press Collection internetarchivebooks; inlibrary; printdisabled Contributor Internet Archive Apr 15, 2020 · Hinduism was the main religion in Indonesia before Islam came to the country through Muslim traders in the 12th and 13th centuries. One clear example of the lasting impact of European influence and Dutch colonial power on Indonesian society is the presence of around 23 million Christians currently living in Indonesia. 50). Despite constitutionally guaranteeing freedom of religion, [10] the government back in 1965 recognises only six religions: Islam, Christianity (Catholicism, under the label of "Katolik", and Protestantism, under the label of "Kristen" are recognised separately), Hinduism, Buddhism and Confucianism. Between 85 and 90 percent of the population of more than 180 million is Muslim, mostly Sunnis who adhere to the Shafii school of Islamic law. The first were indigenous religions, found in different regions and had a blend of animism, dynamism, and pantheism (Danandjaja & Koentjaraningrat, 1970, p. Only 5-10 percent Dec 27, 2022 · According to the constitution, the formal religions are Islam, Christian, Catholic, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism. 'People who are treated unjustly, they are the ones who need defending. Now, let’s learn more about the main religions in Indonesia. One theory suggests it arrived directly from Arabia before the 9th century, while another credits Sufi merchants and preachers for bringing Islam to Indonesian islands in the 12th or 13th century either from Gujarat in India or directly from the Middle East. Western scholars like to say Islam has a 1400 year tradition of Muslim scholars defining orthodox Islam. Currently Islam has reigned supreme. The nationalist movement in the 20th century used this concept to justify both independence and the validity of territorial borders. The first Muslims in Indonesia were believed to be merchants from the Arabian Peninsula and India, who arrived in the port cities of Sumatra and Java in On 27 January 1979, a presidential cabinet meeting took place and it firmly decided that Confucianism is not a religion. It was mainly practiced in Bahrain by Persian settlers. [3] Hinduism came to Indonesia in the 1st-century through Indian traders, sailors, scholars and priests. Before the archipelago's conversion to Islam, the predominant religions in Indonesia were Hinduism (particularly its Shaivism tradition) and Buddhism. 1 Mystic and the Adhesion of New Religions. The 2014 presidential election featured a prominent use of Islamic cultural and ritual symbols. The institution of the hajj played an important part in these developments. Although the Dutch were active traders in the Indies from the late sixteenth century and engaging in explicit territorial colonialism from the early nineteenth century, it was only just after the turn of the twentieth century that they solidified their claims to all the territory of the Netherlands East Indies, which would later become Mar 21, 2017 · Explores the history of Islam in the largest Muslim nation state in the world Located on the eastern periphery of the historical Muslim world, as a political entity Indonesia is barely a century old. This is a considerable number given that the total population of this country is 260 million. Aug 4, 2024 · Several different religions are practised in Indonesia. Someone who doesn’t study Islam and gets it from his parents will mostly follow traditional Islam. Before the arrival of Islam in the 1400s, the predominant religion in Indonesia was Hinduism. Indonesia is the world’s largest Muslim-majority country. Feb 2, 2023 · What Religion Was Indonesia Before Islam? Islam is the dominant religion in Indonesia, but it is not the only one. Yet with close to a quarter of a billion followers of Islam it is now the largest and most populous Muslim country in the world. 3 In this stance, the development of the new concept of civilization based on religious identity reached its peak with the establishment of powerful Jul 3, 2021 · The presence of Islam religion in Indonesia follows a very diverse and dynamic pattern considering the styles and the changes during the period of Dutch and Japanese colonization, the post The Islam that was carried by the Arab and Persian merchants had a heavy content of Shariah and Fiqh. ) settled in Indonesia and mixed with Mar 20, 2013 · Officially the Indonesian government allows people to choose from six religions. Christianity in Indonesia. Before the influx of the Surf traders into the country, Indonesia was predominantly a Buddhist and Hindu country. So in the 13th century, many locals in Indonesia began converting to Islam. A. In the last to the date census carried out in 2010, 87. Chapter 10: Islam in Indonesia by P. Two small Muslim trading kingdoms existed by that time at Samudra-Pasai and Perlak. The Arrival of Islam in Indonesia About the time the Delhi Sultanate was introducing Islam in India, the Cholas were introducing Hinduism in Indonesia. Islam was introduced in Indonesia by the Surf traders who came from Gujarat, India in the 13th century. [4] 2 days ago · In 2001 Indonesia possessed the largest Muslim population of any country in the world. Many Chinese in the cities Jan 15, 2020 · Before the arrival of the Abrahamic religions of Christianity and Islam, the popular superstition systems in the region were overwhelmed by Hinduism and Buddhism. Zoroastrianism was also practiced in the Persian-ruled area of modern-day Oman. In other ways, the religious changes in Indonesia in the decades before the Indonesian revolution were the result of transnational forces within Islam, leading to theological reform and modernization, new ways of organizing the Muslim community, and new ideas about the future of that community. Jan 20, 2025 · On September 19, the Palembang District Court sentenced social media personality Lina Luftiawati to two years in prison and fined her 250 million rupiah ($16,300) for “inciting hatred” against religious groups by posting a video in which she recites an Islamic prayer before eating pork, an act forbidden under Islam. Feb 3, 2025 · These issues need a big solution. Sep 18, 2019 · What was the religion in Indonesia before Islam? Before the arrival of Islam, the predominant religions in Indonesia were Hinduism (particularly its Shaivism tradition) and Buddhism. Drawing variously on Hindu-Buddhist ideas about self-control and intellectual contemplation, as well as more animistically inclined ideas about the spiritual character of nature, and often based on miraculous revelations, various kinds of hybrid Islamic beliefs Samudera Pasai Sultanate map. yprcu kkzsfl ncyia sornh ckdar jyvzo mcqzb orer oemz cgg joufyxlb kciwhl zyq ciumv hhpzpt