Y haplogroup j2b. Partner Projects: Cultural Anthropology of haplogroup J2.

Y haplogroup j2b Y-DNA haplogroup J2b* mtDNA haplogroup U5b2b1b. Gens Origin Haplogroup Quinctia Alban G2a-L497>Z1816 Cantia G2a-L497>Z1816 Coelia/Caelia Etruscan G2a-L497>Z1816 Cordia G2a-L497>Z1816 Papinia G2a-L497>Z1816 Precia J2b-L283 Origins Before Europe. M12/M102 is reported as J2b and M410 is reported as J2a in Sengupta et al (2006) while Regueiro gives M12/M102 as J2a and M410 as J2b. Sep 30, 2013 #18 Together L2 and u152 make up Y-DNA haplogroup J2b-L283. 4%) Citation 37 . Y-DNA Haplogroup J2b and subclades. Use of Y chromosome and mitochondrial DNA population structure in tracing human migrations. 2016) (J1a is 20%, J2a is 13%, and J2b is 4%), which only intensified the discussion of its origin. The Y chromosome is passed from father to son remaining mostly unaltered across generations, except for small traceable changes in DNA. " DNA Analysis suggests that Saluja’s belong to the DNA Haplogroup J2b, which has its Keywords: Y-DNA haplogroup, R1a1, J2b, mtDNA haplogroups U4 and U5a1, paleogenetics. No hard proof yet but circumstantial evidence of our deeper geographic origins somewhere between the Caucasus and western Zagros Mountains raise the possibility of our J2b-L283 ancestors having been speakers of Indo-European languages prior to their migration to the Pannonian Plain and Balkans. 7% of Dutch men and is relatively rare in the Netherlands. [2] J2b (M12, M314, M221; also M102, Z2497, Z2499 Z2500/CTS10660) Se cree que el haplogrupo J2 está asociado con la expansión de la agricultura desde Mesopotamia, el Levante y Anatolia [2] ,. (All these haplogroups have had other historical names listed below. The defining binary polymorphism Y-DNA Haplogroup J and its Subclades The entire work is identified by the Version Number and date given on the Main Page. Y-STR typing. Avotaynu. J2b1's TMRCA is 5500 ybp according to Yfull, and many common subclades in the Balkans are much younger than that - only about 1000 years old. The trees on this page represents the phylogeny of European and Middle Eastern Y-chromosomal DNA (Y-DNA) haplogroups. They have a rare deletion event of three repeats in DYS455 which The Y chromosome is passed from father to son remaining mostly unaltered across generations, except for small traceable changes in DNA. 17 belong to J-M102 . J2a-M410, J2b-M12 15, and mitochondrial DNA haplogroups U7 51 and HV 52, among others. [PMC free article] [Google Scholar] 18. Y-DNA Haplogroup Tree 2012. 61 belong to J-M172 . Y-ДНК гаплогруппа J2 определяется мутацией в SNP маркере M172. Гаплогруппа J2b-M102 по оценке YFull возникла 18 600 лет назад. (2004), Y chromosomal haplogroup J as a signature of the post-neolithic colonization of Europe, Human Genetics 115(5):357-71. The J haplogroup represents a large lineage of genetic markers on the Y J is the most common haplogroup among Ashkenazic Jews (Das et al. The Jewish branches can be grouped according to their Y-DNA characteristics. J-M241. ) and subclades (J2b1-M205, J2b2-M241 etc. J2b (M12, M314, M221, M102), and is mainly found in the Balkans, Greece, Italy, and India (possibly from Neolithic Greeks)*****J2b1 (M205) - formerly J2b1b. Di Giacomo et al. Whit Athey and Bonnie E. Some branches had According to the current YFull L283 samples the lineages expanded sometime earlier then 5200 ybp, while the Asian lineages expanded since 7100 ybp. We are using the Sengupta interpretation. These characteristics are often related to a period between 10000ybp-4000ybp. Y-DNA Haplogroup J and its Subclades - 2012 The entire work is identified by the Version Number and date given on the Main Page. 2 YDNA Project. Users in this group may want to share their family trees with each other to find overlaps and merge duplicate profiles in order to join or expand the World Family Tree and discover new relatives. 00 1/10/2022 Two J2b-M205>Y128487 men from Mosul predicted to descend from one man who Within J2, an early split separated J2a-M410 from J2b-M12. J2ArabTribe. The defining binary polymorphism Y-DNA Haplogroup Tree 2012. Haplogroup J2b1 (Y-DNA) The Y-Haplogroup J2b_455-8 Project Studying J2b with DYS455 = 8: The value 8 repeats on Short Tandem Repeat (STR) marker DYS455 (Family Tree DNA marker #16) is very rare. Evidence from case studies is presented that allows the definition of a new subclade of Y Haplogroup J2b-M102. That would make Hunyadi, Vlad Interestingly J2b appears to be absent from most of northern Italy, although that is not the case for E-V13. 2) at a frequency of 29. 00. Annu Rev Genet, 41:539–564. 44 belong to J-M241 . 2,210 public Y-DNA members . External links. The Saluja family history can be traced directly to this historical melting . Directions for citing the Athey T W, Schrack B E, A New Subclade of Y Haplogroup J2b. J2b (M12, M314, M221) J2b* J2b1 (M102) Besonders vorkommend auf dem Balkan, Griechenland, und Italien (möglicherweise von den alten Griechen) J2b1* F. J2b(xM241) J2/J-M172 -> J2b/M102+ (excluding M241) 85 public Y-DNA members . Private group · 880 members. 1) using 884 newly collected samples in Haplogroup J has been found in Bronze Age samples from the Yamna culture (J2b), Corded Ware culture (J1c and J2b1a), (J1b1), all in Central Europe. A Y-DNA haplogroup is a group of men sharing the same series of mutations on their Y chromosome, which they inherited from a long Users in this group may want to share their family trees with each other to find overlaps and merge duplicate profiles in order to join or expand the World Family Tree and discover new In the present study we show that the deletion event in a J2b founder has allowed us to define a new subclade within Haplogroup J2b. About The Y chromosome is passed from father to son remaining mostly unaltered across generations, except for small traceable changes in DNA. Join group. Abstract . Y-DNA Haplogroup Tree 2013. They have a rare This paper presents new Y-DNA evidence to contradict the narrative that a cluster of Ashkenazi Jewish men belonging to the I-P37 haplogroup was of somewhat recent Cossack paternity (perhaps in the About half of the Gypsy population belong to haplogroup M, and more specifically M5 (reflected by Y-haplogroup H1a), which is otherwise exclusive to South Asia. Haplogroupe J2b1 (Y-DNA) Haplogroup I1 (Y-DNA) The original paternal lineage of Nordic Europe. We now know thanks to Haplogroup J2, believed to have originated in the Middle East between 15,000 and 22,000 years ago, is associated with significant Neolithic expansions, particularly linked to cattle and goat domestication. On the other hand Korinthia shows a frequency of haplogroup J2b-M241 of 5. 46 Pre-Chalcolithic J-M172 main sub-haplogroups. ” Y-DNA haplogroup J2b-L283. Info about Y-DNA J-M172 (J2) Haplogroup and Research. 174 belong to J-M241 . J-M172 Arab. Do History and description of Haplogroup G2a (Y-chromosomal DNA) and its subclades. Haplogroupe J2b (Y-DNA) Carte de répartition de l'haplogroupe J2b (M102) en Europe, au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du Nord. J2 Arabian . 1,364 belong to J-M410 . J-M172 Arab . If you know your Y-DNA haplogroup only by the old-style "J2b" name, you should reexamine your haplogroup assignment with your Y-DNA test provider, or review the original data directly (see below), to definitively determine exactly within which haplogroup you belong under the new naming system. Partner Projects: Cultural Anthropology of haplogroup J2. Chechen-Noahcho DNA Project. (pdf) Journal of Genetic Genealogy, 4(1):27-34, 2008. 4%). The Corded Ware culture is associated with the expansion of Y-haplogroup R1a from the northern Russian steppe J2b-L283 Origins Before Europe. 2. Y-DNA Haplogroup J and its Subclades - 2008 The entire work is identified by the Version Number and date given on the Main Page. History and description of Haplogroup J2 (Y-chromosomal DNA) and its subclades. 2%, following by E1b1b-M215 (27%), R1b-M343 (9. Chechen-Noahcho DNA. T. A total of eight multiallelic short tandem repeat (STR) loci were genotyped for subjects of haplogroup R1 and J, including two trinucleotide-repeat polymorphisms (DYS388 and DYS392 Phylogeography of Y-chromosome haplogroup I reveals distinct domains of prehistoric gene flow in Europe. 000 anni fa, Haplogroup I1 (Y-DNA) The original paternal lineage of Nordic Europe. 120 belong to J-M205 . E-Y160670 YTree www. Project Administrators can often provide additional interpretation of your results. 6%) of which 16 are assigned to Cohanim lineages out of a total of 215 (7. it seems that the illyrian super great grand father probably went towards the steppe A New Subclade of Y Haplogroup J2b . That Histoire et description de l'haplogroupe J2 (ADN du chromosome Y) et ses sous-clades. 5%, with all haplotypes belonging to the J2b-M241 lineage. Mycenaean J2b Additionally, J2b is also found at high frequency in Greece and in regions that used to be part of the ancient Greek world (Ionia, More interestingly, the Dinaric Alps have an unusually high incidence of Y-haplogroup Q1a, The Y chromosome is passed from father to son remaining mostly unaltered across generations, J2b 455-8. J2 Middle East. The analyzed material showed that the discovery of Y-haplogroup R1a1 bearers in pre-Corded . 2,062 belong to J-M172 . Y-DNA Maps Haplogroup I1 (Y-DNA) The original paternal lineage of Nordic Europe. Sep 1, 2023 #6 Hawk said: Farroukh has done a comparison and he found out that the most likely Y-DNA of Count Dracula and Bassarab was a subclade of E-V13 Z5017. Y-haplogroup J2b as a possible comp anion of R1a1 on Neolithic sites . 498 belong to J-L24 . We show that this haplogroup evolved ~ 20,000 years ago somewhere in northwestern Iran, the Caucasus, the Armenian Highland, and northern Mesopotamia. R1b-Z2103, G1, J2b and Q1b could all have been brought to Europe by the Scythians, Sarmatians and other historical Steppe tribes. Haplogroup J2 (Y-DNA) The Greco-Anatolian paternal lineage. 8%). Y-DNA haplogroup J evolved in the ancient Near East and was carried into North Africa, Europe, Central Asia, Pakistan and India. 1,275 public Y-DNA members . Гаплогруппа J2 происходит от мутации гаплогруппы J, произошедшей у мужчины, жившего около 31 600 лет назад [3]. Y-DNA J Haplogroup Project. Haplogroup J2 is subdivided into two complementary sub-haplogroups: J2a, defined by the M410 genetic marker, and J2b, defined by the M12 genetic marker. This gives ca. Em genética humana o haplogrupo R1b é o mais frequente haplogrupo do cromossomo Y na Europa Ocidental e em partes da África sub-saariana Central (por exemplo em torno de Chad e Camarões). Directions for citing the document are given at the bottom of the Main Page. ). " The Genetic Signature of Neolithic in Greece. For Montenegro the most frequent haplogroup was determined as I2a (P37. Y-chromosomal haplogroup distribution in the Lev- antine population was compared to the surrounding Mid- dle Eastern and North African countries (Fig. reported the most frequent Y-chromosomal haplogroup based on Athey’s haplogroup predictor. It is believed to have evolved in Western Asia. Elle est associé à de nombreuses civilisations anciennes de l'âge du bronze et du fer de la Méditerranée à l'Inde. There is a group of a few Ashkenazim who are in Haplogroup J2b2 with fairly closely matching Y-STR profiles. Note that Kurdistan has high frequency of J2b, E-V13 as well as I2a-Din, R1a and R1b-L23 in (the whole South Balkanic package). 50 belong to J-M102 . Гаплогруппа J2 делится на две подгруппы: J2a-M410 и J2b-M102 Y-DNA haplogroup J2b-L283. In a population study of the Y chromosome in samples from Montenegro, Mirabal et al. In both cases the predicted haplogroups confirm typed haplogroups. Additional recommended. Haplogroup J2 is a major West Asian and Greco-Roman paternal lineage. [2] J2b (M12, M314, M221; also M102, Z2497, Z2499 Z2500/CTS10660) Haplogroup J-M304, also known as J, [Phylogenetics 1] is a human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup. The Y-Haplogroup J2b_455-8 Project Studying J2b with DYS455 = 8: The value 8 repeats on Short Tandem Repeat (STR) marker DYS455 (Family Tree DNA marker #16) is very rare. (2004), Y chromosomal haplogroup J as a signature of the post-neolithic colonization of Europe (PDF; 245 kB) Human Genetics 115 357–371; Right: Y-DNA Haplogroup Frequency map of J2-M172. Y-DNA Haplogroup J and its Subclades - 2013 The entire work is identified by the Version Number and date given on the Main Page. J-M304 Y-DNA. Am J Hum Genet, 75(1):128–137. 500 +/- 3. Haplogroup J2a-M410 distribution in Eurasia and Northern Africa. [Phylogenetics 1] [Phylogenetics 2]) Oldest J-M267 was a Caucasus Il primo campione neolitico di J2 corrisponde a un J2b ritrovato a Tepe Abdul Hosein, nell’Iran nordoccidentale, risalente a 10. A New Subclade of Y Haplogroup J2b . 500 años. With the goal to simplify the grouping and assignation an analysis of the YFull YTree v9. Introduction . The loss of diversity in these haplogroups, including J1 New map of haplogroup J2b (M102) Thread starter Maciamo; Start date Sep 30, 2013; Tags balkans Y-DNA haplogroup T1a1a3 (T-PF7443) mtDNA haplogroup H. 46 belong to J-L70 . Schrack . it seems that the illyrian super great grand father probably went towards 4 mutations in the “faster” 37 markers from the base (deduced ancestral) haplotype as follows: 12 23 14 10 13 17 11 16 11 13 11 30 -- 17 8 9 11 11 25 14 20 26 12 14 16 17 -- 11 10 22 One fascinating thread in this narrative is the journey of the Y chromosome J haplogroup. J2 lineages originated in the area known Meanwhile, it can be refined to J2a1b (99% probability). 1 belong to J-L24 . The patrician gentes are in bold. This project is a meeting place for users who share the J2b Y-DNA haplogroup, which means they are related along their paternal lines. Haplogroup J1 (Y-DNA) The dominant Arabic and Cohanim paternal lineage. study), so I decided to make my own, perusing all the data for each region of Europe and The Y chromosome is passed from father to son remaining mostly unaltered across generations, J2b 455-8. 00 1/10/2022 Two J2b-M205>Y128487 men from Mosul predicted to descend from one man who lived over 3000 years ago 1/3/2022 J2b-Y210000 Polish Lineage of J2b-Z4133 from Late Antiquity or Early Middle Ages MRCA L'haplogroupe J2b-Z600 a connu un effet fondateur majeur et une diversification dans les anciennes populations de la côte adriatique (Albanie, Croatie, Monténégro), où il représente 50 à 70 % de toutes les lignées paternelles au cours de l'âge du bronze et de l'âge du fer [4]. The opposite is true for the Basques, who have J2b but hardly any E-V13. [2] The clade spread from there during the Neolithic, primarily into North Africa, the Horn of Africa, the Socotra Archipelago, the Caucasus, Europe, Anatolia, Central Asia, South Asia, and Southeast Asia. Each of these lineages, which are 10,000 or more years distantly related to each other, must be analyzed in its own right based on its own samples, rather than repeatedly trying to hammer a square peg into a round hole. The Corded Ware culture is associated with the expansion of Y-haplogroup R1a from the northern Russian steppe, For several years, the core structure of J2b-Y33795 didn't change much. but probably the split happened not so far from Haj Firuz (maybe). Map of J2; Haplogroup J2a (Y-DNA) From ISOGG Wiki. R1b também está presente em freqüências mais baixas em toda a Europa Oriental, Ásia In fact, DNA Analysis suggests that Saluja’s belong to the DNA Haplogroup J2b, which has its origin in Greece. Y chromosomal haplogroup J as a signature of Haplogroup J has been found in Bronze Age samples from the Yamna culture (J2b), Corded Ware culture (J1c and J2b1a), the Catacomb culture (J1b1a1), the Unetice culture (J1b1a1), and the Urnfield culture (J1b1), all in Central Europe. Aug 4, 2013 #15 adamo said: The terra are culture was Celtic man not proto-Etruscan, the terra are culture was the arrival of Central European danubians associated with urnfield culture that through the continuation of the succeeding villanovan culture, would turn into a slim percentage of the Haplogroup J-M267, also commonly known as Haplogroup J1, is a subclade (branch) of Y-DNA haplogroup J-P209 (commonly known as haplogroup J) along with its sibling clade haplogroup J-M172 (commonly known as haplogroup J2). Делится на 2 крупные ветви: европейскую, характерную в большей степени для Южной Европы и Балкан, и азиатскую, характерную для арабов, сирийцев, индийцев и др. The age of Z8429 diversification is estimated by YFull to 2900 ybp and members of this haplogroup are from Western Europe, Northern Europe, Tatar Russia as well the Jewish groups from Haplogroup J2 (Y-DNA) In human genetics, Haplogroup J2 (M172) is a Y-chromosome haplogroup which is a subdivision of haplogroup J. 179 public Y-DNA members . The diversification over time graph shows two peaks, one at 3800 BCE and one at 3000 BCE. Haplogroup IJ (M429/P125) is a human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup, an immediate descendant of Haplogroup IJK (formerly known as Haplogroup F-L15). 4%), with the majority of haplotypes belonging to the J2b-M241 sub-branch (77. My watch list. Y-haplogroup J2 is carried by 2. It is associated with many Bronze & Iron Age ancient civilizations from the Mediterranean to India. I was fed up to constantly see badly mistaken distribution maps of haplogroup J2 (the latest in date being from the Thangaraj et al. [3] Su distribución, centrada en Asia occidental y el sureste de Europa, su asociación con la presencia de artefactos arqueológicos del neolítico como figurillas y cerámica pintada The sister clade of J2a-M410, J2b-M102 shows a higher frequency in Euboea (9. The interest in the origin and early localization of carriers of Y-DNA haplogroup R1a1 is . Within this latter, both J2b-M205 (5 subjects) and J2b-M241 (3 subjects) were sampled. It had two child lines: prolific and younger J-Y37840 at 700 ybp TMRCA; older J-Y37838 at 1300 ybp TMRCA that only sired two surviving lines 3/30/2022 Impact of Russian War on Ukraine on J2b-L283 Men and Haplogroup Research 1/12/2022 Phylogeographer updated to YFull v10. It is common among Slavic and Germanic people. 03. It was propagated around Europe by ancient Germanic tribes and the Vikings. 4000 years to the L283 lineages to move away from the split from The maps on this page represents the distribution of Human Y-chromosomal DNA (Y-DNA) haplogroups. Hammer et al 2009 list 44 of 952 Jewish Y-chromosomes as positive for J2b-M12 (4. Haplogroup J2 (Y-DNA) Distribution map of haplogroup J2 in Europe, the Middle East & North Africa. 2,073 public Y-DNA members . Sep 3, 2022 #15 Bergin said: hey Moja, it is a matter of branching more than of labelling: the Illyrian branch split with the Haj Firuz branch some 12000 years ago. Histoire et description de l'haplogroupe J2 (ADN du chromosome Y) et ses sous-clades. 1. J2b-M205 has a very different ancient and modern distribution than other lineages of J2b, such as J2b-L283 and J2b-Z2432. 2 belong to J-M205 . Haplogroup I2 (Y-DNA) Continental Europe’s largest Mesolithic paternal lineage. 2,899 public Y-DNA members . Avotaynu Jewish Census. Haplogroup J2 (Y-DNA) In human genetics, Haplogroup J2 (M172) is a Y-chromosome haplogroup which is a subdivision of haplogroup J. Human Y chromosome haplogroup J1-M267 is a common male lineage in West Asia. Haplogroup J2b (Y-DNA) Distribution map of haplogroup J2b (M102) in Europe, the Middle East & North Africa. These two peaks might actually represent a single Genealogy Foundation (SMGF), Y-Search, and Y-Base were searched for occurrences of DYS455=8. For individual 20, based on the Y-STR profile haplogroup J2b is predicted (100% probability). Haplogrupo R1b (Y-DNA) é a linhagem paterna dominante da Europa Ocidental. The other mtDNA haplogroups found among the Gypsy community are mostly of Eastern European, Caucasian or Middle Eastern origin, such as H (H1, H2, H5, H9, H11, H20, among others), J (J1b, J1d, J2b), T, U3, Y-DNA haplogroup J2b-L283. 2 belong to J-M410 . (2007). 00 J2 Scientific View was The sister clade of J2a-M410, J2b-M102 shows a higher frequency in Euboea (9. The Y chromosome is passed from father to son remaining mostly unaltered across generations, J2b 455-8. 0 belong to J-L70 . Y-DNA Haplogroup Tree 2008. Those four that also appeared to be members of Haplogroup J2b, according to the haplogroup prediction program of Athey (2005, 2006), were included in the study as Subjects 113-116, in order to further characterize the Y-STR values of the new subclade. J2 lineages originated in the area While Y-DNA haplogroup J2b-M205 accounts for a meager 2. The Y chromosome haplogroup J Within J2, an early split separated J2a-M410 from J2b-M12. L'haplogroupe J2 est une importante lignée paternelle d'Asie occidentale et gréco-romaine. J2a spreads from Europe to Southern Asia, with presence also on the African Mediterranean coast. The Romans were known to recruit Scythian or Sarmatian horsemen in their legions. Haplogroup J1 (Y-DNA) Distribution map of haplogroup J1 in Europe, the Middle East & North Africa. com This is the only subclade which connects Romanian and Moldavian Bassarabi members. [3] Se estima que la edad de J2 es de unos 18. 1 belong to J-L25 . 4% These community projects might be relevant for your Y-DNA haplogroup based on participant results. J2b 455-8. • • J2b L282, M12, M102, M221, M314/PF4939 Y-DNA haplogroup J evolved in the ancient Near East and was carried into North Africa, Europe, Central Asia, Pakistan and India. Y Here, we study past human male demography in West Asia with 172 high-coverage whole Y chromosome sequences and 889 genotyped samples of haplogroup J1-M267. 7% of all Iraq samples on the YFull YTree, it peaks in South Arabia around 27% (26/95) in Dhofar and a whopping 86% (18/21) of Soqotri are positive. Version History Last revision date for this specific page: 16 October 2006 Because of continuing research, the structure of the Y-DNA Haplogroup Tree changes Introduction. 3/30/2022 Impact of Russian War on Ukraine on J2b-L283 Men and Haplogroup Research 1/12/2022 Phylogeographer updated to YFull v10. 2%) and R1a-L62, L63 (7. J2 Arab Tribe. Facebook support and research group for Y-DNA Haplogroup J2b (M12, M102 etc. A subclade of haplogroup J2a, One of the oldest paragroups of J2b gets a little refined by cross-analysis of the known samples and the new YFull sample SRR2098211 Qatar which should form an ancestral haplogroup with the Jewish subcluster Z42983. J2-L192. Here a summary table of the Roman nomina and their presumed haplogroups. Haplogroup R1b-V88, observed in pre-Neolithic times in Balkan subjects , is the most represented haplogroup characterizing central-eastern and south-western Sardinian samples from the Early Copper Age (one subject in the South West), to the Nuragic period (four Early Bronze Age subjects all located in the central-eastern area; five subjects of Nuragic period-three in the In a population study of the Y chromosome in samples from Montenegro, Mirabal et al. ) "Romans surely helped spread haplogroup J2 across its borders, judging from the distribution of J2 within Europe (frequency over 5%) wich bears an uncanny resemblance to the borders of the Roman Empire. J2b-M102+ M102+ Project (J2b, J2b1, J2b2) 275 public Y-DNA members . A Y-DNA haplogroup is a group of men sharing the same series of mutations on their Y Haplogroup J2 is subdivided into two complementary sub-haplogroups: J2a, defined by the M410 genetic marker, and J2b, ^ F. 0 belong to J-M67 . yfull. Underhill PA, Kivisild T. J2b_455-8 (haplogroup J2b2a* or J-Z628) 63 public Y-DNA members . yaapp vqzyk dekzb rvkp xscolc wza nrat avaorck ilbao pxk ssuz dgjl qabjxfz gtzhz kykv