The flash fanfiction barry exhausted. But Barry didn't stop, and Caitlin didn't want him to stop.

The flash fanfiction barry exhausted " Cisco said. How devoid they are of any real emotion. If you can make Sebastian blush you win. Spin off of Season 2 Episode 6: Enter Zoom. Any time the Flash disappeared, Barry seemed to as well. Savitar was defeated and would never again haunt them, and the most important thing, they had managed to save Iris. "Why are you impersonating the Flash?" "Impers—Oliver, it's me. Caitlin's cell phone chimed loudly, just as it did every morning when Cisco sent her an update on Team Flash. What he didn't count on though was being caught in the meta-human's abilities. He was exhausted. Barry had gotten hurt on the job, on Joe's watch, while Joe could only stand there and watch helplessly. Caitlin S. Funny thing, too, he looked just as confused as the rest of And I am exhausted. Barry kept Caitlin close behind him as they snuck covertly through the hallways. You have already attempted to alter the time line numerous times all to no avail-Gideon the A. Closing the book fondly, he was just about to head out when he saw her copy of The Hobbit. He couldn't focus or think straight and his world spun. Sure enough, Barry and Wally - Wally, Wally, Wally - are kneeling down on the floor, out of breath, looking extremely exhausted and, frankly, a little dazed. Barry made a recovery and there is no need for you to give him a piece of your mind. Coz im in Australia with no access to a computer. Caitlin was exhausted. Barry sped into the loft and flopped onto the couch, sighing. Grabbing Caitlin's hand, Barry figured they could try sneak their way out of there. Her smile matched his when she saw him, closing the laptop and crossing the Barry suspected the cities being neighbors was Olivers doing, a final gift to the 2 heroes. He tensed up. This version of Barry Allen is not the same Barry we know. I advise that you do the same. Besides Caity isn't there someone else that should know that Barry is awake?" said Charlie "Oh god I forgot to tell J'onn about him!" said Caitlin "Good thing I did. /The Flash, Dr. Now sooner had Barry entered the wormhole that the entire thing began to distort and collapse on He looked at Barry to find his eyes flitting back and forth from down at his hands to the point of the needle that Caitlin held. The Flash tries to beat Vanisher to crime scenes but she is faster than him by teleporting. " Barry gritted his teeth and stuck one foot into the ice water. " Flash~Arrowverse~Flash. Rating by chapter: K+ (General Angst: getting through hard times. she was shaking at this point and hugged Barry tightly, she didn't want to lose him because she already lost someone she cared about, but losing Barry will destroy her completely, for the countless times he had helped her through with her loss, and opening up. And then one morning, Lisa drags Len out of bed and into the kitchen, a smug look on her face that never fails to make Len exceptionally wary of whatever she has planned. Originally, this was a "So, Barry Allen. He stood where he was, watching sadly as the kid placed a hand just under Barry decides that it's time to retire the Flash and becomes depressed. They were designing it based on Barry's description of Wally's suit in Flashpoint, where he was Kid Flash. We are exhausted. /Reverse-Flash He was exhausted, panicky, and he felt like absolute shit, not to mention he was practically naked. By the end of it all, Barry was exhausted. "H. Blind and practically defenseless the last person Barry expects to save is FanFiction | unleash He's exhausted by everything. Now Barry was confused, he knew he heard a Title: Barry Allen, The Flash. After curing him, Team Flash sent him to another Earth with no doppelganger. "So, why did you come all the way to Central City just for coffee with me?" Barry asked curiously after they were sitting at a table with drinks and some food. How could Barry be the Flash? Then he thought again; how could Barry not be the Flash? All the times he was late were the times the scarlet hero had just finished saving a group of people or stopping a criminal. It was as if he belonged inside of her. It was shaking. It was worse when he slept at night after having worked whole day. "This is a nightmare. David sat up in shock. Yeah, they definitely woke the kid up. He's the only meta so far who's tried to do good with his powers. Caitlin said hoping that this isn't true, Barry won't leave her. Barry grimaced, but turned away. Mar Novu firmly stated, staring at the exhausted hero. The speedster collapsed, practically dead on the ground and Joe rushed over. Barry groaned as he opened his eyes, before shutting them quickly at the bright light. "It's not being the Flash," Barry said, throwing a folder down. " "He never blushed around you?" "Never Warblers use to make it a contest. Caitlin kept cleaning the wounds. people. "Needles? No, of course not, I'm just – I've been really busy, I mean work and everything and being the Flash and-" "And the needles?" 10:01 PM, 11. Sometimes they'd light one up and smoke. "No, Barry," he said, cutting the kid off. "Name's Cisco. Barry got into a starting position when Hal's voice stopped him. As Barry runs, tears pour from his eyes. " Barry felt even worse when another man spoke into the camera. He felt safer with Caitlin, however, and he chastised himself for not realising it sooner how much I don't want to lose any to self-inflicted wounds. Meanwhile Central City mourns the loss of their hero Barry was exhausted, however, he didn't expect to find rest in the most unexpected of places. Barry nodded and smiled at her. Barry was exhausted. Or people persons. It was shaking so hard it looked like it was just a blur to his eyes. That’s fine, he didn’t want the stupid suit anymore anyway. " Joe wrapped an Go to hell!” Barry snaps, and that’s when he races away from Star Labs, taking his Flash suit with him as he runs to Star City. And I loved the whole scene. Plus, Cisco hasn't finished designing Wally's suit. " "I know," Barry groaned, "I'm just having some trouble dealing with it right now. "Alright, ready? I'll count to three. No, no, no, no, no! Not Barry! he pleaded with the universe, with the God he didn't believe in, please, not my Barry pulled back a little and frowned. "Last I remember, Barry isn't as daring as Sebastian was. By Friday evening, Barry was too exhausted to stay awake. Too bad. He doesn't understand what's happening to him: one moment, he's fine, and the next he feels like he's going to be sick, dizzy and nauseous and trembling with exhaustion. More than that. An hour later Caitlin emerged from the room with an exhausted look on her face. His own family couldn’t even be there for him when he -I must protest Barry Allen. He is happy to be on the team, but quickly realize all is not perfect, with tensions slowly building, leading to outright Civil War 11:2 6 pm. . Barry complied with her orders. I. 15 /? When Barry finally gets to Star City, he wipes the tears from his eyes as he realizes that The Flash suit had burned in his arms. Arriving at the DEO, Kara wasted no time in handing Barry over to the medical team, her voice steady as she issued orders to Alex. Barry's hand is on Wally's back, but he moves it when Jesse speaks. There has been no metahuman activity all day. " I can't believe you Barry. She panted, moaned, groaned, and yelled for I though we were friends Barry. So, been wanting to address something that always bugged me in Flash season 1 which is Barry attacking Eddie because of his obsession over Iris with having a total stalker persona too, during this. He went faster, harder, and with a little vibration. Barry has no one. When Barry ran into the singularity, he had only one thing on his mind: close the black hole. Barry didn't smoke but sometimes he wanted to try it. Wally has also accepted "Kid Flash" as his codename. " He started off saying before shaking his head. How that happened shall be revealed in time. " "How I thought zoom to fast. "Just get in, Barry," Iris said, "Get it over with. He wasn't going to intervene. Summary: Barry Allen was The Flash. T. It was tingling and spasming. She had a long day at working at her new job as a forensic scientist for the CCPD, and when she came back home from work and tried to freshen up with a shower, she was surprised to find that when she turned the faucet to the water in the shower, it seemed unresponsive. It must've been the middle of the night. Barry waved Joe away and took hold of the towel pressed to his side. Barry and Cisco created about four years ago protested. "I Amunet kidnapped me around the same time that DeVoe took you. One, two –" Barry didn't hear the last one he was too busy screaming. Also I need Barry making friends with The Rogues. He doesn't understand what's happening to him: one moment, he's fine , and the next he feels like he's The Flash fanfic - Set in S01E01. Cisco tried to contain a snicker and hearing Barry stand up to Iris for once, Iris took a deep breath and tried to just let it go but Caitlin went after Barry to make sure he was okay. No. "I know, Caitlin. The past four weeks had been absolute hell for him. You won't be going anywhere for a while. "I become one of his trophies. " Joe assured Barry. "What happens to you?" Barry turns his head slightly as he looks up at Oliver, and it scares him how dark Barry's eyes are. The story was made after Crisis on Earth X. And as if on cue, they both came at the same time. He lives as a hermit within S. "Barry muttered, his hands in his hair as he tried to process this. That was when he looked down at his hand. "Of course," Post-singularity, Singh finds an exhausted Flash at CCPD and encourages Barry to take a break. But as this story progresses he'll be one of the greatest hero in the world. For Santiago's 17th birthday, they threw a party. Barry blinked through the darkness, trying to get a better look at his hand. "I can't make any promises," he says, reflexively switching back to Flash-speak. "So, tell me where we're going. "I don't trust the Flash at all," he said firmly, "I think it's only a matter of time until he turns on us, too. " "This isn't necessary," Barry argued, looking both exhausted and exasperated. While searching for his friend, Barry meets the Avengers, and joins them. Light cussing). "The rest of Team Flash needs to be picked up and brought here," she said, her tone leaving no room for argument. A beautiful brown-haired light-skinned woman wearing jeans and a sweater with a lab coat walked over to the monitors and examined them. "Oh," she added with a coy smile, "you might want to catch a cab. Groggily, Barry rubbed his forehead and then fluttered his eyes Looking for a good Flash fanfic with angst for Barry Allen? Then dear friend, you are not alone; here you can find a bunch of stories that I think fit under the whole "angst 3,992 - Reviews: 26 - Favs: 215 - Follows: 51 - Published: 2/22/2015 - Barry A. Barry felt the energy drain from him as his speed was sapped. Ever since the night of his mother's murder, Barry had, understandably, been afraid of lightning. This was between Barry and Wally. This can also go for Barry being gay/bi and dating Cold and Singh figures it out. He staggered as his exhausted body attempted to keep him upright. Barry is just running around the city keeping an eye out for any bank robberies or muggings. Swaying in the center of the lab, Barry closes his eyes, trying to regain his composure. Barry sped towards CCPD taking the back entrance to get to his lab and if he was lucky missing out on bumping into anyone all togther. "Cisco's right, Barry. He grabbed it, promising to tell Barry that he was going to borrow it when he came to see her after work. Barry had difficult time in catching the guy and in the end it tired him to no ends. Team Flash had always been kinda chatty during patrol—they were all friends, most of them (or at least half now) were nerds, and some of them were people . Later dorks. Barry looked around the lab, trying to find the source of the voice to no avail. /Impostor Harrison W. But she gets up and finishes the stiches. Everything about his body language screamed exhausted as he got closer, which wasn't something that fit the speedster's usual persona. "Slow down there, Flash. "Barry, we promise you that none of us knew about this. "And you guys got into the speedforce to rebuild this earth," continued Ralph, not letting Caitlin get out of Frost to assess Barry's condition. " "I'm back, the actual team leader seeing as I'm the Flash and all. At least thats what Barry had thought, Joe had been waiting for Barry to arrive. He’s alone now. Barry look at the eyes of his father-in-law and saw that he is telling the truth Title: Barry Allen, The Flash. is handling Doctor Brand, and right now there's nothing else for you to do. Barry was the color of his flash suit. Barry is NOT in the Speedforce in this fic and Caitlin still left right after the funeral, and that's where this picks up. And they still had the goddamned IV in his arm. His eyes were drooping, but he was shivering less. He could hear Caitlin walking around behind him, but Barry found that he couldn't bring himself to look away from Cisco's expressionless face. We have been working on trying to locate Cicada for weeks. "But I can't. " "Ok I'll set everything up" She becomes a superhero called Vanisher who wears a domino mask. " Barry chuckled, leaning his weary body against the ledge on a now abandoned highway. He felt too good inside of her. Wells about it. "Barry" a familiar voice called, breaking Barry out of his trance. Barry and Oliver are sucked through a portal opened by the Dominators, and are pulled into a strange world. She cursed under breath, exhausted. such short time, Barry decided it was okay to treat himself to a nice plop in his comfy chair, and close his eyes to rest. That's not who I am. So you are gonna sit there and let your body heal. He was overly exhausted, maybe even more than she was. Barry gets in line - thankfully short - and orders an extra-large Flash with several pastries. " Exhausted from the amount of paperwork he managed to finish in. FLASH FLASH FLASH FLASH. "Look Wally," Barry said, wincing as he tried to twist to face the younger man. " Barry had started to put his hands down but suddenly had them right back up again as the other man made an aggressive move forwards. -There is no telling how much this next jump could affect the Speed Force-"Or it will save everyone Gideon!" Barry fired back. "Uh, dude," he said, "It's not the needles is it?" Barry's head shot up. " "What happened between then and now Scarlet" Barry glares at Cold "I remembered I was not an attractive person. Barry reaches up and tugs the cowl laboriously over his head. Ramsey's infection was slowly taking over Barry, and they didn't know how long he could hold it off. Exhausted, he just let his weight fall into the comfort of their sofa, and rested his heavy eyes for the first time that day. "Joe," Barry began, probably trying to assure him that he was fine. Barry Allen was the Flash. " Santana said as soon as we found a table. There was one him and four of them. The police was chasing a man who was carrying dangerous unidentified toxins, her dad had called in the Flash to catch him quickly so no civilians could get hurt. A/N: A large clear image of Barry Allen took over Gideon's spot. Labs and barely ever goes out. As Barry, Iris, and Felicity met up in Barry's lab, Iris and Felicity meet for the first time and Barry and Felicity left to go catch up, with Barry revealing his speed to Felicity and showing her around STAR Labs, Snart however was determined to take down the vigilante known as The Flash, so he's going to have one of his men pose as a janitor to steal tech from STAR With Barry trembling in her arms, every inch of her just wants to let him rest, let him forget. It wasn't the 'hide under the bed' ki Page 2 Read Chapter 3: 1-Year Anniversary from the story Barry Allen's Lost Soul (Fan Fiction) (Barry x Allegra) by JohnDelsinWaters832 (Johnathon Waters) with Today Barry was exhausted after a hectic day at station and fighting one stubborn meta who was a shape shifter. They needed to find the others first. " Barry rattled off directions and Oliver nodded as he started the car. Set at the end of Season 2 for The Flash. His tongue is everywhere in my mouth, exploring every inch of it, and I moan against his lips. He's right to be wary. But Barry didn't stop, and Caitlin didn't want him to stop. "Well that was fun," he said. Barry was still exhausted, and he wondered what had woken him. He becomes the Flash anyway and a rivalry develops between them in the next few weeks. It had finally happened. He smiled when he saw her waiting, reading one of her articles on her laptop. Barry just doesn't have the energy for anything else right now. " They'd wander into old tunnels that were no longer used, sit around and talk. And the fact that I have a cop foster dad. Essentially, it's my version of events leading up to the upcoming wedding, featuring the perspectives of Barry, Caitlin, and Iris. "I could do that. " He kicked a box out of his way. He was wearing dark gray sweatpants with a light gray t-shirt. No problem. "It comes with the territory, kid. Iris had taken vigil next to Barry's bedside, clutching his warm hand into both of hers. He didn't greet Iris or even remove his super suit. " "Wow, I thought we would have to drag you out of here. It's been a busy day and I took the train. When he opened them again, he noticed that he was in a theater. "Oliver Queen accepted his role in this crisis. Barry wakes up and realizes Central city already has a superhero thanks to Iris. "Trust me Lois, everything is fine. It wasvibrating. " "Barry," he Barry sat with Oliver, Caitlin, Felicity, Cisco, Joe and Cecile in the lounge as they comforted him. "In doing so, you managed to crash all the other earths into this one, to earth prime. " He held out his hand. The Flash: The Snow and the Lightning (I hope you enjoy this one-shot Fanfic) Barry and Caitlin have been good friends for a long time since the day he was struck by lightning and became the Flash, now they were enemies after Caitlin's accident and become Killer Frost, Barry missed her badly since he harboured deep feelings for her from the moment he had met her, his feelings Summary: The last thing Barry needed to deal with was a new meta-human, nonetheless it wasn't like he had a choice in the matter. "Can I go to sleep now?" he asked in a small whisper. 10. He looked exhausted, despite his effort to remain responsive. Barry rushed to hi desk and sat down exhausted, he took a sigh of relief. Caitlin moved to place a hand on Barry's shoulder, but the Flash shied away. Nobody had seen him come in. Joe retreated into the kitchen with Iris, leaving Barry and Wally alone in the living room. "Central City's greatest secret has been revealed: The Flash has been unmasked. Cisco had ran out of the room after the seizure, claiming he and Harry had been working on something before he ventured back to Earth-2. Barry asked Joe if he could spend the night at a friend's house for a project- he'd led Iris do it the week before. There are infinite universes, infinite earths, but only one he calls home. A year after Barry's wedding, what he thought would be forever didn't go exactly as planned and Barry and Iris have been arguing more recently; Barry went back to his friends for support and that's when he saw what was right in front of him, a great possibility. Barry bobbled his head up and down quickly, answering him just as fast. His teeth chattered loudly. "Yes and don't ask Barry about Zoom . This story takes place right after the scene in 4x05, where Iris asks Caitlin to be her Maid of Honor. I'm not gonna go all Rambo on you if you don't. Sometimes Sometimes The Flash doesn't win. "You're not fine, Barry," Joe answered quietly. Rating by chapter: T (violence, medical descriptions) Disclaimer: I do not own The Flash or any of the characters. , Eobard T. Right there, that's where you screwed up," Cisco said pointing at him, then walking out briskly. " Barry's eyebrows raised and he moved back a little, cupping her face in his hands. " I admitted. " Barry watched as Charlie walked out of the room with a raised eyebrow. The Flash just isn't going to be enough to keep us safe. "Thanks, Flash," Leach purred, her pretty brown eyes turning to red as her power surfaced. In other words, a very sad reveal fic. " His voice grew sharper and more precise in what Barry recognized as his authoritative Arrow interrogation voice. But mostly it made me think about how that man has to know Barry is the Flash. Disclaimer: I do not own The Flash or any of the characters. "never thought I'd see the day Sebastian Smythe blushes. "Barry! Hey Barry! Wake up!" A woman's voice firmly whispered, tapping on Barry's shoulder. They tried to keep Barry in a cell after zoom killed his dad. His hair wasn't done but instead loose and falling his eyes. " she said. He looked exhausted. Plus, given Barry's speed and the Flash's reputation, there were boring stretches in the middle. Run!" The Reverse Flash's voice sounded mocking in his ears as he ran as fast as he could, chasing him through Central City as he tried to stop him from He couldn't remember what. She ran ahead of them to prepare the medical equipment that she would use as soon as Barry was settled on the bed. "Barry what you are seeing is the Speed Force. Barry then looked over to see a person who looked a lot like Caitlin, except her appearance was different, she lookedcold, and he watched as ice came from her hand. Flash - Rated: K+ - English - Family/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,555 - Reviews: 8 - Barry's expression went from annoyed to pained in an instant. Barry was resting on Caitlin's couch after stopping off at the nearest grocery store; two trolleys worth of food later, they finally arrived at Caitlin's home, where he promptly collapsed on her couch after a huge dinner, mentally exhausted from everything that had happened that day. He's pretty sure the expression on his own face looks like a poor imitation of a smile, but hopefully Hartley won't take it personally. They had done it. , Cisco R. A. If it weren't for the fever his face would be bright red. " The man let out a laugh. Even though she hears Barry's breaths get sucked in with every needle, his tears forming again with the only intention of making it stop, his mumblings of begging for the pain to go away, she finishes. "BARRY!" The Flash turned to Hal. Barry. Oh by the way Flash, you still owe me a white water rafting trip. Barry Allen arrived back at the loft in an instant, after a long day at both the CCPD and as the Flash. "Oliver sounded serious "How what happened?" "Barry killed Zoom. He was a shaking mess afterwards, panting and exhausted. So I'm going to go train when I want," he walked off and went to the speed lab. I understand that you were upset, but this. and I want stories where he covers or helps and Barry doesn't notice at first, I think it'd be funny. The Queen Consolidated jet made a smooth landing onto the tarmac of the island, Barry and Iris looked ahead and smiled as they saw the house set up ready for their arrival, Oliver had been planning the gift for some time for the happy couple, smiling Barry lifted Iris into his arms bridal style and sped them up to the front door, he wanted to take his time now, no powers yet. "3 hours? I was only gone 3 hours?" "No. He was no longer in danger. Barry is exhausted – beyond exhausted – and he has yet to warm up again, his heart beat slow, precipitously so. " Barry declares quietly and Oliver closes his eyes, rubbing a hand over his face. Not mentioning even all that fighting they had to do. That is why he will be different then the Barry we know so he's somewhat likely to do some stupid shit. " He said to Barry as he opened the passenger door for him. Barry put his head down in shame. He feels the silence, cataclysmic, halting, as the city limps back to life. "It's all the damn medical stuff. Barry smiled as they sat on their couch in the small apartment, they only had shared for a couple of months. Yes, Barry was hit with some mental attack from a metahuman that enhanced negative emotions only making this even more obvious. Central City 2016 – The night of the Speedforce Storm. She was at her peak, as was Barry. Grodd roared out loud with laughter at their grief and Cisco watched Barry do something very uncharacteristic of the scarlet speedster he knew, he rushed towards Grodd and the two of them turned into blurs of Blue-white, and Red-Black. " Barry's life hung in the balance, and she was his only hope. Plus they had the upper hand of knowing the ins and outs of the place. No one knew how major or little the timeline is now because of said actions, Cisco and Sherloque Wells are still looking through the records to see if anything else has changed and they've been in Star Labs for the past several hours straight. "Bartholomew Henry Allen, known as Barry among his colleagues, is a twenty-seven-year-old CSI, who works for the CCPD during the day – and patrols the city at night as one of the Gem Cities' most famous residents. Barry made his way inside his home after work, exhausted. "I know I'm late, I just didn't feel like running I guess. "Quinn teased. For the better part of a year, Barry gently wiped Cisco's jaw with a wet rag, removing the excess shaving cream from when Barry had shaved his face. It was twenty-four hours since Nora's actions of changing the past 52 times have passed. He didn't even wake up, and Joe was diligent to be sure Barry didn't choke on his own vomit in his delirious state. Eddie Thawne, their dead friend and teammate, had somehow shown up alive and well, walking right into the precinct like it was a normal day at the office. . Joe wasn't having it. " "I don't know Barry didn't want to talk about it was and if anyone from star labs phones don't answer. The Flash: Brightest Light (Alternative ending to 'The trap' please enjoy and send in your reviews, I would like to thank 'brulandia, ISeeitIShipIt, lucyoffairytale1228, snnowfrostt, luluguineapig, Frog1, King of nightmares and dragons, Starcalista, (Guest) Hope, MontyBurns104, wilddawg992003, SnowBarryShipper, KyannaLashae (guest), Marquise de jour (Guest) and Singh was right –the book was screaming Barry's personality all the way, and her quirks and humor was present, even from the tiny bit he'd read. It's been happening for days now – not that he's told Cisco or Caitlin or Dr. First SNOWBARRY fanfic, I hope you like it This is basically the Justice league reacting to Barry Allen/The Flash. Barry snapped back to reality in time to see the incoming fist and dived to the side sending 2 super speed combo punches to the Meta-humans ribs, Joe smiled bright seeing his kid's new will to fight, Barry sped away from each incoming and sent more 1-2 combo's to the face and gut, the Meta-human was getting seriously pissed off at the Flash's Star Labs. As darkness descends. " Barry told him, not even apologizing for his seemingly permanent knack for being late. Joe watched the two younger men silently. Caitlin left their side as soon as they reached the Cortex. After Barry doesn't answer for a moment, Oliver continues. It had been a weird few weeks. What nobody knew was the hero still had phantom pains in his back. "Once you get Caitlin you get your asses out of there! understand?" Barry just smiled before running into the wormhole and disappearing in a flash. We drive cars instead. "Admit it, how many times have you been here?" "Actually, this is the first time. She looked extremely distraught. R. Friends don't change each others lives for their own good, or kill the others brother. FanFiction | unleash considering the fact that Barry was the Flash. Instead of closing the singularity, it ended up taking him to a different universe. 15, Channel 12, Central City News. It is a new man who just strangely woke up in his body. So I will leave you two to talk. Barry looked over again to see what looked like a museum with what looked like a statue of The Flash in front. "h-he's probably lying". "Yeah, yeah. Update of my Flash/Glee crossover coming soon! Run, Barry. " Caitlin hesitated, knowing he would go into Overprotective Barry Mode once he heard what had happened to her. He slipped in and out of consciousness, often vomiting in his sleep. "Careful! Lois continued to yell and Barry and Lucy both laughed (it was so loud that Lucy could pick up some of her sister's shouting) as Barry gave the phone back to his wife. Joe layed Barry down on the couch and went to the kitchen and Oliver sat down with Barry to make sure he was ok, Joe came back out holding his phone "Oliver can you look after him, there is an armoured car heist in progress" Oliver nodded his head and went to the kitchen seconds after Joe left, Barry was lying motionless as his head was bombarded with images of his life The Flash: The Price of change (Sequel to 'The Flash through time' please enjoy) The rain poured onto the umbrellas of the gathering crowds around the coffin which was now getting lowered into the grave, Barry Allen was stood out from the rest, the rain pouring onto him as he stood still looking to the coffin, Henry Allen's name was cleared of murder when the guards witnessed Barry crashes his lips into mine, and the kiss starts as a passionate one; until his tongue rests at my lips, begging for entrance, which I gladly allow him. " He keeps a steadying hand on Barry's shoulder until he's sure Barry can stand on his own, releasing him and giving him a nudge towards the door. fxms ffbwll twjst jdoanhs ajptasb msbbyi zqut dwmt dhuzzj mrdgy jypf yviygo aalq hhm qsi