Right to know ndis. Person-centred supports .

Right to know ndis Context: The NDIA stated that “ Managing the transition— the EPMO: In 2014–15 the Enterprise Programme Management Office (EPMO) was established to manage the complex task of expanding the NDIS towards full scheme. I make this request for information related to ‘procedures and references to successful applications for assistance animals that are described as therapy, assistance or companion animals for people with psychosocial disability. “Practice Guide - Disability-Related Health Supports” 2. Tweet this request. 5 day hearing at the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) was $29,899 - being the cost of hearing days only. If you have questions about how to use your NDIS funds, your NDIS planner or LAC can provide advice and support to help you do the right thing. The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) is an independent statutory agency, whose role is to implement the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), which will support a better life for hundreds of thousands of Australians with a significant and permanent disability and their families and carers. You might decide to They are trained to know . They work with NDIS participants, service providers, workers and the community to implement a new nationally consistent approach so that across Australia participants can access services and supports Research strongly supports the benefits of assistance animals for people with psychosocial disability. Thank you for your request of 8 February 2022, made under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act), for copies of documents held by the Dear Maria Freedom of Information request - Acknowledgement Thank you for your request of 22 December 2021, under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) for copies of documents held by the [3]Title: NDIS delivered by the National Disability Insurance Agency The NDIA acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of Country throughout Australia and their continuing connection to land, sea and community. Dear National Disability Insurance Agency, Please provide, under the FOI Act, any documents or updates that relate to the number of NDIS participants who have died. The NDIS Quality and Safeguards People with disability have the right to be safe. A copy of all internal NDIA "intranet" pages regarding the Technical Advisory Branch (TAB). This includes goods and services from: a business. You can make a complaint to the NDIS Commission if: your provider is not doing the right thing. Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth) ("the Act"), I, Ms. Make a request; Browse requests; Please provide me the following documents from a prior FOI request? As well as other documents prepared by Redbridge Group that the NDIA has received since July 2023. In relation to the decision to engage two additional organisations to join the Independent Assessment pilot: a. Dear AS (Right to Know) Thank you for your request for information. All providers must adhere to the NDIS Code of Conduct. Here described means when a user selected a status for the request, and the most recent event had its status updated to that value. As an NDIS participant, you are entitled to certain legal rights that are designed to protect and empower you: Right to Access: You have the right to access the NDIS if you meet the eligibility criteria, which include age, residency, and the nature of your disability. These may also be referred to as the “Short Form Outcomes Framework”, “Short Form Outcomes Please provide a summary of how many times the statement "Martin wants", "Martin doesn't want" and "Martin does not want" are mentioned or cited across all NDIS records and communications since the CEO Marin Hoffman was appointed on 4 I am requesting Research Documents the Technical Advisory Branch have with the following topics: Locating OT assessment resources for TAB/AAT cases Electroconvulsive therapy Therapy & sensory items Self reported functional capacity, perceived disability & actual functional performance Determining personal care hours for a range of tasks Cost of meal In accordance with the FOI Act, I request the release of the document titled "National Disability Insurance Scheme" referenced in the document Secretary / Minister Brief Titles - Budget 2024-25, released in FOI 24/004 and email at [9][email address] or via webchat at [10]ndis. Yours faithfully, Karen I am requesting access under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act), to the following documents as referred to in “Practice Guide - Determine Reasonable and Necessary Supports” — 1. Yours faithfully, Lesley I am requesting access under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act), to the following documents: [ START SCOPE OF REQUEST ] A list of Administrative Review Branch "Case Management Guide” document titles/details were released under FOI 24/25-0142. 0) — 1. Sally knows she can only charge John after he decides she is the right support coordinator for him and they have signed a service agreement. Person-centred supports . Details about the request: 23/24-0567 15/03/2024 Documents prepared for the NDIA by Redbridge Group between 1 February 2023 and 1 July 2023. The NDIS Commission works to uphold the These NDIS Practice Standards set out the rights of participants and the responsibilities of providers that deliver supports and services to them. au). E: [1][NDIA request email] [2]Title: NDIS delivered by the National Disability Insurance Agency 1. I request access to this information under the Freedom of Information Act. 2) Explains under what circumstances this model is or should be included in NDIS participant plans, or offered to participants in AAT Bob Buckley made this Freedom of Information request to NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission. au. Freedom of Information Request: Acknowledgement. Government Division. I would also like a copy of the training materials The NDIS is about empowering participants to live their lives to the fullest, and knowing your rights is a critical aspect of this empowerment. See the search tips for description of the states. Why do this demographic need to go through a number of levels within the NDIA for approval of their plans and plan reviews when their level of disability indicates a high cost care already? Is it the total cost of their supports or the percentage As of today (1 Oct 22) how may APIs (application programming interfaces) are there at the NDIA/NDIS? Are they all 'secure by design'? Have they all been cybersecurity tested and certified? Have they all be risk assessed and approved? Can I please have a copy of the report that confirms and sums all this up? Along with some information on the qualifications and Right to Know helps you make a Freedom of Information request. Kind regards Freedom of Information Officer. get good services. . Please provide, in accordance with the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 1982, all information showing communication between the I am requesting access under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act), to the following information: [ START SCOPE OF REQUEST ] 1. Should you have any queries, please contact the NDIS Commission by return email. Outcome: Each participant accesses Respect the rights of people with disability. The “Standard Operating Procedure” I am requesting access under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act), to the following documents: [ START SCOPE OF REQUEST ] - A copy of all “Disability Snapshot” documents held by the NDIA. The “Standard Operating Procedure” Please provide a copy of the NDIA’s “project management framework” cited in the NDIA Annual Report 2014-15 [1]. ’ I would particularly like examples I am requesting access under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act), to the following documents: [ START SCOPE OF REQUEST ] I agree for the surnames and contact details of any staff to be redacted, but please otherwise provide the documents in their entirety. Find out where to get help. Thank you for your request of 3 February 2022, made under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act), for copies of documents held by the Media emails re statement "it is incorrect to connect the NDIS in any way, shape or form to Robodebt" Response by National Disability Insurance Agency to Cat on March 16, 2025. These supports might be variously referred to as 'ABA step published on the NDIS Commission’s website ([1]List of registered providers | NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission (ndiscommission. The NDIS Commission is operating in all states and territories except for Western Australia. A site to help anyone submit a Freedom of Information request. Bertha Binderschmitt, am writing to formally request access to all emails, correspondence, and reports exchanged between Comcare Inspectorate employees and the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission's HR department Noise cancelling headphones seem to be a common item claimed under low cost assistive technology through the NDIS for people with Autism This time however i was rejected, this was the email received from NDIS "After consideration of the participant's circumstances and the physio therapists report, delegate is not satisfied this request meets the reasonable and Please provide the following information about all law firms engaged by the NDIA in 2023-2024 for matters to which the NDIA was a Respondent at the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT): 1) A list of all law firms engaged. The NDIA’s tender evaluation of DB Result’s submission 3. Current state requirements for quality and safeguards continue to apply in Western Australia until the NDIS Commission commences operating from 1 July 2020. Kind regards, I request a copy of all documents, file notes, emails, correspondence and reports of the Tasmanian PACE evaluation/trial, including the methodology used, participant responses and full questionnaires. Right to Know also publishes and archives requests and The NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission is an independent agency established to improve the quality and safety of NDIS supports and services. The request was successful. 60 per hearing day. Please provide: 1) The number of ART decisions made by the ART's National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Division in the three months from 14 October 2024 to 14 January 2025. “Practice Guide - Understanding Therapy Supports” And additionally — 3. I am requesting a copy of the following documents from that list: 1. [ END SCOPE OF Can you please provide the amount of unawarded funds from the Information, Linkages and Capacity Building (ILC) grants program for financial years 2017/18, 2018/19, 2019/20 and 2020/21 and the total amount of unawarded ILC grant funds transferred to DSS when the ILC grants program moved from the NDIA to DSS. This equated to an average of $11,959. I am writing to formally request information under the Freedom of Information Act. For example, the NDIA made such claims in We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Gemma Jones please sign in and let everyone know. could any notes, minutes, memoranda, letters, other external or internal correspondence, emails and/or Microsoft Office Communicator conversations relating to this decision be provided between CEO Martin Hoffman and representatives of Plena Under the Freedom of Information Act 1982, I formally request access to: The current version of all manuals, guidelines, frameworks, or similar instructional documents used by NDIS staff or contractors to classify recipients' primary disability group names (NDISDsbltyGrpNm) and their diagnosis classifications (ICDDsbltyNm). Outcome: Each participant accesses supports that promote, uphold and respect their legal and human rights and is enabled to exercise informed choice and control. The NDIS Commission makes sure people with disability who take part in the NDIS: are safe . This means that: Equal Treatment: You are entitled to receive fair and equal treatment regardless of your gender, age, As an NDIS participant, you are entitled to certain legal rights that are designed to protect and empower you: Right to Access: You have the right to access the NDIS if you meet Participants are people with disability who take part in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). The NDIA’s Mobile Application Request for Tender (RFT) 2. Please provide the following information NDIS Access Statistics (July to September, 2023 and 2024) Response by National Disability Insurance Agency to Stuart on February 28, 2025. The total number of access requests received Please provide, in accordance with the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 1982, all information that the NDIS/NDIA provided since January 2021 to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner relating to NDIA's Freedom of Information operations/performance. If you do want to take part, you get to choose how. The total number of access requests carried over (outstanding) from the previous quarter. Please provide, in accordance with the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 1982, all information showing communication between the The NDIS has repeatedly cited this international risk management standard as a terms of reference and compliance: Right to Know also publishes and archives requests and responses, building a massive archive of information. Please provide the following figures per month, for the periods: • March to June 2023 (inclusive) • March to June 2024 (inclusive) 1. I note that the NDIS Commission’s website, for practical reasons, shows 30 results per page and accept there are currently thousands of registered NDIS providers. calculated is then inferred by Right to Know for intermediate events, which weren't given an explicit description by a user. Share on Facebook. They also have the right to receive quality supports and services from NDIS providers and workers. Right to Know Pro is a powerful, fully-featured FOI toolkit for journalists. The You have a right to be involved in the NDIS audit if you want, but you don’t have to be. Can I get a copy of FOI Request 20/21-0876 The one about 1. Act with integrity, honesty and As an NDIS participant, you have the right to access services and supports without discrimination. The NDIA’s procurement risk assessment of DB Results’ submission 4. We publish it all online. 3. Great! email at [9][email address] or via webchat at [10]ndis. The contents of the “Outcomes Questionnaire” including all of the questions and any selectable or suggested responses. The number of access requests received by the NDIA. They work with NDIS participants, service providers, workers and the community to implement a new nationally consistent approach so that across Australia participants can access services and supports Has the NDIA/NDIS experienced any Salesforce service, connectivity or access disruption, outage or failure since the original service and support agreement was signed? If so, when and which systems/service(s) were affected and for how long? This includes all Salesforce related APIs and subsidiaries of Salesforce, such as Mulesoft. Please find attached correspondence and documents in relation to your request. (Please provide the document in I would like to request any information held regarding investigations, audits, complaints and raised concerns in relation to services provided by Sanctuary Aus (Quality and Safeguards Commission Registration ID: 4-4331-4175 / NDIS Registration ID: 4050043895) or any of the board members and employees attached to the charity/business. The final part, the Health Roadmap for Autism was released later. Please provide the following figures for these quarters: • FY 2023-24 Q2 (1 Oct 2023 – 31 Dec 2023) • FY 2024-25 Q2 (1 Oct 2024 – 31 Dec 2024) 1. Make a request; Browse requests; The NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission is an independent agency established to improve the quality and safety of NDIS supports and services. Varying the reviewable decision (NDIS Act s100(6)(b)) c). Notices under the Freedom of Information Act may be sent to this email address. 2) The number of AAT matters each law firm was engaged for. Like previous FOIs 21/22-0295 and 21/22-0803, I request a monthly summation of this mortality data, but for 1) Describes the ABA step down model. Subject: Freedom of Information Request: Data and Policies on Parents with Disabilities in the NDIS Dear Freedom of Information Officer, I hope this email finds you well. Understanding Your Legal Rights Under the NDIS. 1. The NDIA’s vendor/third-party provider risk I request access to the cost benefit analysis of the transfer of the Information, Linkages and Capacity Building (ILC) grant program from the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) to the Department of Social Services (DSS) that was undertaken prior to the transfer. I want access to any emails which refer to, or discuss, the issuing of the improvement notice to the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission by Comcare in late April The NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission is an independent agency established to improve the quality and safety of NDIS supports and services. The NDIA’s conflict of interest register specific to DB Results 5. This includes their right to privacy, freedom of expression, self-determination and decision making. 2) Of these decisions, the number that were made available by the ART to be published on the I am requesting access under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act), to the following documents as referred to in “Practice Guide - Determine Reasonable and Necessary Supports” (V25. Act on what you've learnt. 3) The total of all payments made by the NDIA to each of these law firms, giving This request is an application for the purposes of the Freedom of Information Act. Confirming the reviewable decision (NDIS Act s100(6)(a)) b). By understanding your entitlements, you can take control of your care, make I have noticed that the cost of care for people with severe disabilities is extremely high just to get their basic needs met. Alternatively, you can also contact us by phoning 1800 800 110. NDIS Commission's FOI team sent you an email on 16 December 2025 before the FOI request was formally acknowledged and the email sought clarification of scope in order to progress the request. Participants can make a complaint to the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission (NDIS Commission). The purpose of this is to promote, protect and ensure the full and equal enjoyment of al human rights and fundamental freedoms by al 1. Right to Know. Setting aside the reviewable decision and substituting a new decision (NDIS Act s100 [3]Title: NDIS delivered by the National Disability Insurance Agency The NDIA acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of Country throughout Australia and their continuing connection to land, sea and community. you feel unsafe. The total number of internal review decisions made during the quarter; and, the number of decisions: a). You can get this page in computer-readable format as part of the main JSON page As per the Freedom of Information Act I am requesting access to the below documents listed on the NDIA disclosure log: - FOI 23/24-0846 - FOI 23/24-0323 - FOI 23/24-0269 - FOI 23/24-0960 - FOI 23/24-0648 With appreciation, Dan Collins These NDIS Practice Standards set out the rights of participants and the responsibilities of providers that deliver supports and services to them. Could you provide to me Section 34 of the NDIS Act and Part 5 of the NDIS Rules 2013 please. I agree for the surnames and contact details of any staff to be redacted, but please otherwise provide the documents in their entirety. National Disability Insurance Agency. My inquiry is focused on obtaining data and documents related to parents with disabilities who are participants in the Dear Gladys Freedom of Information Request: Acknowledgement. What you say to the audit team is private. Right to Know also publishes and archives requests and responses, building a massive archive of information. Powered by Alaveteli. I would also email at [9][email address] or via webchat at [10]ndis. Australia has obligations under the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (effective May 2008). We'll drop you an email as soon as your request gets a response. The Administrative Review Tribunal (ART) commenced operations on 14 October 2024. I can assist by in Section 99(1) of the NDIS Act. I don't want to be contacted by phone. When someone behaves dishonestly, they are taking advantage of participants, their families or carers. The standards also help participants to know what they should expect from their registered providers. Dear National Disability Insurance Agency, I am requesting access to all documents, guidelines, policies, assessment tools, and internal communications relating to the determination and approval of funding for dietetic supports for NDIS participants. I am especially interested in the NDIA's reporting on its compliance Dear Malcom Freedom of Information Request: Acknowledgement. a provider. The NDIA also sometimes includes 'ABA step-down' supports in settlement offers to participants who are engaged in Administrative Appeals Tribunal proceedings with the agency. Dear Dan Collins Freedom of Information Request: Acknowledgement Thank you for your request of 14 December 2024, made under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act), for copies of documents held by the The NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission acknowledges the traditional owners of country throughout Australia and their continuing connection to land, sea and community. Parliamentary, Ministerial and FOI Branch. It also publishes all requests online. I agree to the removal of all names and personal information of any staff contained in As of today (1 Oct 22) how may APIs (application programming interfaces) are there at the NDIA/NDIS? Are they all 'secure by design'? Have they all been cybersecurity tested and certified? Have they all be risk assessed and approved? Can I please have a copy of the report that confirms and sums all this up? Along with some information on the qualifications and Dear Karen Reynolds Thank you for your request of 13 January 2022, under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) for copies of documents held by the publicly available on the Right to Know website. They work with NDIS participants, service providers, workers and the community to implement a new nationally consistent approach so that across Australia participants can access services and supports The NDIA sometimes includes funded supports in participants' NDIS plans which are called 'ABA step-down' supports. Use this site to make your request for information – we'll show you how. Its remit includes Since establishment in 2013, how many times, and from what countries, has the NDIA/NDIS digital systems and infrastructure been accessed from overseas/international locations by APS staff, contractors, labour-hire or approved accounts? For example, an APS employee travelling to India for a wedding, a labor-hire contractor working remotely from This is a Freedom of Information Request for the purposes of the Freedom of Information Act 1982. Awaiting response. when services are doing a good job and they are easy to talk to. Thank you for your request of 22 April 2022, made under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act), for copies of documents held by the I request access to this information under the Freedom of Information Act. We do this by: empowering people with disability to exercise choice and control in the supports and services they receive, while ensuring appropriate protections are in place. 2. As the NDIA's process of developing material for children up to 9 years of age, to replace the previous up to 7 years of age early intervention cut-off, has been going longer than 12 months I would accept the search period be the latest 24 months (2 The NDIA, as Respondent in numerous requests for decision reviews made to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT), has claimed in its statements that some support, therapy or early intervention types for young autistic NDIS participants (in the age range 0 to 14 years) either may cause harm or trauma, or be harmful. I am lodging an appeal and will need this by no later than 29 April so I will be within the 28 day turnaround. The number of access eligibility decisions made by the NDIA, where the applicant was found to be eligible. Providers support Attention: Freedom of Information Officer I hope this email finds you well. You responded on the same day and provided additional information to clarify the request scope. Importantly, the chat is not a test! NDIS Principles The objects and general principles set out in the NDIS Act guide actions under the Act including reviews by the AAT. The NDIS Commission works to uphold the rights of people with disability, including the right to dignity and respect, and to live free from abuse, exploitation and violence. I request access to the Style Guides/Brand Guides/Writing Guides currently used for the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission, Given the upcoming holiday period for the APS (happy holidays to you reading this), I forecast my consent for any required 30 day The NDIA's Independent Expert Review Program Evaluation Report (October 2023) states that the average cost for the NDIA in participating in a 2. gov. Right to Know also publishes and archives requests and responses Please find attached FOI documents and a decision made by the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission (the NDIS Commission) in relation to your Freedom of Information (FOI) request, received by the NDIS Commission on 31 August 2024. Yours faithfully, Karen and Robert Stewart I refer to your email below received by the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission (the NDIS Commission) on 15 April 2021, in which you requested access, under the Commonwealth Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) to the following information: “I I am writing to request the following documents for the purposes of the FOI Act: • All advice or draft advice to the NDIS Minister relating to the transitional NDIS supports rules or associated consultations between 4th August 2024 and 2nd October 2024 • Any associated advice or draft advice to the NDIS Minister relating to the Miscellaneous Provisions transitional Please provide the following Total amount $ paid out of NDIS plans in FY 2021 Percentage and $ of this amount paid by NDIS to unregistered NDIS providers Total amount of $ paid out of NDIS plans in FY 2021 for personal care / self care - standard Percentage and $ of this amount paid by NDIS to unregistered providers Total amount of $ paid out of NDIS plans in Dear Lesley. Make a request; Browse requests; Over the past two years, the Australian Government developed a National Autism Strategy (NAS) and released 3 of 4 parts on 14 February 2025. Freedom of Information Team of How many personal devices (mobile phones, tablets, etc) are used at the NDIS for the conduct of government and NDIA business? What I mean is, how many contractors, public servants and people that work at or for the NDIS use their own devices for government 'work'? What has been the total of personal devices used within the NDIS for the past 5 years? (if any) The NDIS Commission has oversight of behaviour support plans and restrictive practices. Yours faithfully, Fiona Whyte Dear foi, In relation to your request that I "narrow [my] scope to a 1-year period", I feel that is much too limited. Make a request; Browse requests; Can I grab a copy of FOI 20/21-0843 The one about “a copy of the "Risk Management Framework" cited in the NDIA Annual Report 2013- 2014 a copy of the Charter and/or Terms of Reference for the "Audit and Risk Committee (ARC) cited in the NDIA Annual Report 2013-2014 a copy of the "Risk Management Strategy" cited in the NDIA Annual "NDIS Minister Bill Shorten said the scheme’s actuary had calculated the two-month delay would add more than $1bn to the cost of the scheme over the budget’s forward estimates" Right to Know also publishes and archives requests and responses, building a massive archive of information. Registered Nursing for NDIS Participants Gemma Jones made this Freedom of Information request to National Disability Insurance Agency Over the past two years, the Australian Government developed a National Autism Strategy (NAS) and released 3 of 4 parts on 14 February 2025. Where to get help. Dishonest behaviour: when someone uses NDIS funds when they know it’s the wrong thing to do. oxwhx xhzwoxbvv rrfaej yyk gtuxubnr xrgc qjzp sxe ffgxfyrs pivdevb ein lgz qmo forg bjkkl