Olin corporation subsidiaries. and their subsidiaries.
Olin corporation subsidiaries Omitted from the following list are the names of certain subsidiaries which, if considered in the aggregate as a single subsidiary, would not constitute a significant subsidiary 2 Subordinate of BC Quimica Brasil Comércio de Produtos Químicos Ltda. SUBSIDIARIES OF OLIN CORPORATION 1 (as of December 31, 2006) Company % Ownership : Jurisdiction (Direct/Indirect) A. Olin Corporation is a US based manufacturer of ammunition, chlorine, and sodium hydroxide. On a daily basis, we are meeting our customers' evolving needs through Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for OLIN CORPORATION of East Alton, IL. We invest in, recognize, and reward the talents and contributions of our Bill Schmitt, vice‑president for International Operations for Olin Corporation, was preparing a presentation concerning a project that would expand Olin's involvement in Brazil. OLIN CORPORATION STRATEGIC ANALYSIS REVIEW 3. The paper aims to discuss this issue. 2. Information about Olin Corporation’s federal profile including a list of suppliers, list of primes, and list of Olin Corporation Subsidiaries (via U. References to "Dow" or the "Company" mean The Dow Chemical Company and its consolidated subsidiaries unless otherwise expressly noted. 9 Income taxes receivable 13. : Get the latest Olin Corporation (OLN) The Senior Notes will be Olin's senior unsecured obligations and will not be guaranteed by any subsidiaries of Olin on the issue date. Public Company Incorporated: August 13,1892 as Mathieson Alkali Works Employees: 14,900 Sales: $2. (OLN) stock price, news, historical charts, analyst ratings and financial information from WSJ. SEC 2018) Olin Corporation Subsidiaries (via U. 238. Find the group structure chart of Olin Corporation, with the list of companies belonging to the same group as Olin Corporation, as well as the executives of each private and listed company. Oster Foils, Inc. DE: Olin Chlorine 7, LLC: DE: /PRNewswire/ -- Olin Corporation (NYSE: OLN) announced today that it intends to offer (the "Offering") $600 million aggregate principal amount of senior notes SUBSIDIARIES OF OLIN CORPORATION 1 (as of December 31, 2002) Company % Ownership : Jurisdiction (Direct/Indirect) A. 29 billion Market value: $1. com. | Olin Corporation (NYSE: OLN) has a long history of supplying quality products and services to our customers, while generating value for our shareholders. 314. 5 Locations And Subsidiaries 1. Rooted in our corporate values, Olin continues to flourish as the global leader in the industries we serve. The company traces its roots to two companies, both founded in 1892: Franklin W. Olin Corporation is a global manufacturer and distributor of chemical products and a leading U. We passionately focus on a resilient model to continue generating value for customers, investors, and our communities as we To make the right investment decisions, you need to have the right investment information. 1 19. On a daily basis, we are meeting our customers' evolving needs through Olin | 40,855 followers on LinkedIn. The Olin Corporation, based in Clayton, Missouri, still owns the Winchester brand, which it uses for ammunition production. Olin Corporation began in 1892 as a small blasting powder supplier in East Alton, Illinois. According to the frontispiece of its 1985 annual report, the Olin Corporation manufactures From Humble Beginnings to Global Success. Policies Build v4. Our worldwide commitment to continuous innovation, superior Omitted from the following list are the names of certain subsidiaries which, if considered in the aggregate as a single subsidiary, would not constitute a significant subsidiary Olin Corporation is an American manufacturer of ammunition, chlorine, and sodium hydroxide. by Olin Corporation and its global divisions and subsidiaries (collectively “Olin”). 164. E. RI Olin Corporation: Company profile, business summary, shareholders, managers, financial ratings, industry, sector and market information See all subsidiaries Other Commodity Chemicals Add to a list. Retirement Agreements Olin Corporation is a leading vertically integrated global manufacturer and distributor of chemical products and a leading U. Fintel Olin Corporation, based in Clayton, Missouri, is involved in three business lines: chlor alkali products, brass, and Winchester Ammunition. 2 : Class A shares, all of which are held directly and indirectly by Olin Corporation, have the right to elect 4 directors. and their subsidiaries. Experts Subsidiaries Percentage From To Olin Canada ULC: 100. Olin's assets proved to be an unwieldy mix and in the 1970s the company took steps to concentrate its resources on core businesses. manufacturer of ammunition. Subsidiaries BLUE CUBE CHEMICALS SINGAPORE PTE. Fintel Table 3: Olin Corporation: Locations and Subsidiaries Table 4: Olin Corporation: Key Competitors Table 5: Olin Corporation: Deal Activity by Deal Type - Volume (TTM*) Table 6: Olin Corporation: Deal Activity by Deal Type - Volume (2020 - YTD*2024) Table The same applies for those Olin subsidiaries that are located outside of the EU. 1. Olin operates in three business segments: Chlor Alkali Products and Vinyls, Epoxy, and Winchester. Oster Co. It manufactures chemicals use to make bleach, water purification and swimming pool chemicals, pulp and paper processing agents, and PVC plastics. More information about Dow can be found at www. Olin Corporation. (Singapore) details: BLUE CUBE DENMARK ApS (Denmark) details: NUTMEG INSURANCE LIMITED (Bermuda) details: (US) company Olin Corporation (company number 00149039), 190 Carondelet Plz Ste 1530, Saint Louis, Missouri, 63105 The general purposes of the Olin Corporation 2021 Long Term Incentive Plan are to (i) attract and retain persons eligible to participate in the Plan; (ii) motivate Participants, by means of appropriate incentives, to achieve long-range goals; (iii) provide incentive compensation opportunities that are competitive with those of other similar companies; and (iv) further align Participants Grow your career where you are valued and rewarded. Design/methodology/approach – A review of Wally AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER, dated as of March 26, 2015, among THE DOW CHEMICAL COMPANY, a Delaware corporation (“TDCC”), BLUE CUBE SPINCO INC. htm SUBSIDIARIES OF OLIN CORPORATION Exhibit 21. CIK numbers link to SEC database (EDGAR) Section 21 links to SEC list of OLIN CORPORATION AND CONSOLIDATED SUBSIDIARIES Condensed Balance Sheets (In millions, except per share data) (Unaudited) March 31, 2021 December 31, 2020 March 31, 2020 Assets Current assets: Cash and cash equivalents $ 259. 9 802. Schmitt and his team were proposing to establish a joint venture that would be 50 percent owned by Olin's Brazilian subsidiary and 50 percent owned by a subsidiary of a leading private In a separate, arms-length transaction, Dow and Olin agreed to a 20-year long-term capacity rights agreement for the supply of ethylene by Dow to Olin, in which Dow will receive up-front payments Fitch Ratings - New York - 28 Feb 2025: Fitch Ratings has affirmed Olin Corporation's Long-Term Issuer Default Rating (IDR) at 'BBB-' and has assigned a 'BBB-' rating to the company's proposed senior unsecured notes and term loan. , a Delaware corporation and wholly-owned subsidiary of Parent Olin makes finding the financial reports you need simple and easy. LTD. It operates through the following segments: Chlor Alkali Products and Vinyls, Epoxy, and Winchester. Olin | 44 714 abonnés sur LinkedIn. [7] [8] [9] Long before its association with Olin, Mathieson Alkali Works began business in Saltville, Virginia, and a year later acquired its neighbor, the Holston Salt and Plaster Corp. Olin Corporation (NYSE: OLN) is a leading vertically-integrated global manufacturer and distributor of chemical products and a leading U. The Winchester name is licensed for firearms manufactured by two subsidiaries of the Herstal Group: FN Herstal from Belgium and the Browning Arms Company from Utah. Issuer Profile. Olin | 39,478 followers on LinkedIn. 2 1,106. Our Values are the basis for how we do business. BUILDING ON OUR LEGACY OF CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT TOWARD A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE. On a daily basis, we are meeting our customers' evolving needs through On May 8, 2020 Olin Corporation and its wholly owned subsidiary Blue Cube Spinco, LLC executed an Amendment to the Credit Agreement dated as of June 16, 2019 as amended by the First Amendment thereto dated as of December 20, 2019 and by the Second Amendment, the Amended Credit Agreement among the Registrant, Blue Cube, the lenders party thereto Olin director since October 2015; Chairman of the Board; Chair of the Executive Committee; member of the Audit Committee. 7. 097 billion Stock Index: New York. 0 0. 1 - Description of Olin Corporation Securities registered under Section 12 of the Exchange Olin Corporation - List of Subsidiaries - EX-21 - February 26, 2018. About Olin Corporation This communication is to provide you important information about the processing of your personal data in the course of contractual relationship with one of the Olin entities listed above, which includes the transfer to and processing by and among Olin Corporation and its subsidiaries (collectively, referred to as “Olin”). 7 $ 194. Olin has low exposure to an elevated interest rate environment over the medium-term, given that approximately 70% of total debt is fixed rate. Controller. These standards, which apply to the chemicals business segments in Olin and all relevant subsidiaries, ensure that our product Up-to-date stock information can be just as important as past and present stock information. Change Olin Corporation Entity with Fitch Analyst Adjusted Financials as featured on Fitch Ratings. Fintel Omitted from the following list are the names of certain subsidiaries which, if considered in the aggregate as a single subsidiary, would not constitute a significant subsidiary 2 In California Find the group structure chart of Olin Corporation, with the list of companies belonging to the same group as Olin Corporation, as well as the executives of each private and listed company. Our worldwide commitment to continuous innovation, superior safety and exceptional service ensures customer success throughout the chemical value chain and beyond. Olin Corporation - List of Subsidiaries - EX-21 - February 26, 2018. Figure 1: Olin Corporation - Head Office - Country Figure 2: Olin Corporation - Key Subsidiaries Figure 3: Olin Corporation - SWOT Analysis Figure 4: Olin Corporation - PESTLE Analysis Figure 5: Olin Corporation - Average Share Price Trend Figure 6: Olin Corporation - Profit and Loss Statement Figure 7: Olin Corporation - Balance Sheet Figure 8: Olin The same applies for those Olin subsidiaries that are located outside of the EU. 3 62. 7 Income taxes receivable 8. OLIN CORPORATION AND CONSOLIDATED SUBSIDIARIES Condensed Balance Sheets (In millions, except per share data) (Unaudited) June 30, 2022 December 31, 2021 June 30, 2021 Assets Current assets: Cash and cash equivalents $ 304. [relinking] Home History Owners Mission How It Works How It Makes Money Olin Corporation (OLN) Information A Brief History of Olin Corporation (OLN) Company Overview Olin Corporation (NYSE: OLN) is a vertically integrated global manufacturer and distributor of chemical products. Here, Olin provides easy to use tools to find such information, as well as relevant analyst coverage. EX-21 10 oln-2022xexhibit21. 8 Receivables, net 1,299. In fulfilling its responsibilities, Olin’s Board, directly or through Committees of the Board, regularly exercises its business judgment in its good-faith effort to Olin Corporation: Company profile, business summary, shareholders, managers, financial ratings, industry, sector and market information | BOERSE MUENCHEN: OLN Olin is the global leader in chlor alkali products, epoxy materials, and small-caliber ammunition. 9 Direct Shareholding of Olin Corporation. 100 : DE: Class A shares, all of which are held directly and indirectly by Olin Corporation, have the right to elect 4 directors. 4, January 1, 2007 Services of Independent Public Accountants Objective To provide all employees of Olin Corporation and its subsidiaries (Olin or the Company) with Olin’s policy data in the course of the contractual relationship with one of the Olin entities of Olin Brazil , which includes the transfer to and processing by and among Olin Corporation and its subsidiaries (collectively, referred to as “Olin”). SEC 2017) Croctail Subsidiary Tool using the CorpWatch API - This API extracts the subsidiary relationship information from Exhibit 21 of companies' 10 Ark. Olin Corporation has been a protean organization throughout its history, with a product list ranging from cigarette papers and cellophane to snow skis and home-building material. 3 Olin Corporation- Subsidiaries and Affiliates 2. At Olin, we integrate sustainability into everything we do as a Responsible Corporate Citizen. Olin’s management believes it is important to stay informed and participate in the political process, when appropriate, to protect the best interests of Olin and its stakeholders. People; Product; Fitch Solutions, Inc. SUBSIDIARIES OF OLIN CORPORATION1 (As of December 31, 2022) Company: Shareholders/Members % Ownership: Jurisdiction: Blue Cube Holding LLC: Blue Cube Spinco LLC: 100: DE: Blue Cube Intermediate Holding 2 LLC: Olin Corporation began in 1892 as a small blasting powder supplier in East Alton, Illinois. : EX-21 5 oln-2023xexhibit21. Their government contract revenue over the past three years is $2. engages in manufacturing of chemicals products. 625% Senior Notes due 2033 pursuant to an indenture, dated as of March 14, 2025 , The Senior Notes are not initially guaranteed by any subsidiaries of the Registrant. Accidents at Olin chemical plants have exposed employees and nearby residents to health hazards. 5 Receivables, net 963. Olin Corp. Following a few decades of success, along with some fruitful acquisitions, Olin added Mathieson Chemical Corporation into the mix, Shareholding, and Subsidiaries of this Entity: After the war, the Olins acquired the Mathieson Chemical Corporation—also founded in 1892. A. SEC 2017) Croctail Subsidiary Tool using the CorpWatch API - This API extracts the subsidiary relationship information from Exhibit 21 of companies' 10-K filings with the US SEC. 100 : DE. 3445 Email Us From humble beginnings in Illinois and Virginia, learn how two companies, founded separately in 1892, came together and laid the foundation for today's global Olin Corporation–the leading producer of chlorine based products and a Olin Corporation - Strategy, SWOT and Corporate Finance Report, is a source of comprehensive company data and information. The company was founded in 1892 and is headquartered in Clayton, Missouri. Here you can sort through our library of Annual Reports and Proxy statements. Olin has appointed Megan Rosenberg, dpo@olin. Purpose – The role of Wally Olins (1930-2014) vis-à-vis corporate identity scholarship is appraised. We work hard to deliver great products and services, but not at the expense of doing what is right. Oster Caribe, Inc. Purpose of use and legal basis for processing the data Your personal data may be processed for the purpose of When you invest in Olin, you invest in a responsible, shared vision. J. 0 selected. It sold off its aluminum assets and spun off its forest products subsidiary, and then in 1981 sold the arms portion of Winchester while holding onto the sporting ammunition plant in Find the latest Olin Corporation (OLN) stock quote, history, news and other vital information to help you with your stock trading and investing. CA: Olin Business Holdings: DE: Olin Chlor Alkali Logistics Inc. Olin is one of the largest producers of chlorine and caustic soda, the former used in swimming pool and spa sanitizers and the production of polyvinyl chlorides plastics (PVS), the latter a basic ingredient in household and institutional cleaning SUBSIDIARIES OF OLIN CORPORATION 1 (as of December 31, 2004) Company % Ownership : Jurisdiction (Direct/Indirect) A. : OLN | Berne S. dow. Use the map to find more information about our Olin Corporation’s ‘BBB–’ Issuer Default Rating reflects the company’s leading market positions across its main product lines, competitive cost position, high . 100 : DE: A. Olin’s strengths include leading market positions, Skip to main content. 171. 4 15. 7 770. 4 Interests Map Shareholding Subsidiaries Sites Search Entity Olin Olin Corporation PetroChemical / Clayton. Olin Corporation is a global manufacturer and distributor of chemical products and a leading U. Our success is directly linked to our commitment to integrity. 00% 01/2023 On March 14, 2025, Olin Corporation issued $600,000,000 aggregate principal amount of 6. Your personal data may be processed for the purpose of Proactive Product Stewardship. 9 $ 189. Mr. SUBSIDIARIES OF OLIN CORPORATION1 (As of December 31, 2023) Company: Jurisdiction: Blue Cube Holding LLC: DE: Olin Benefits Management, Inc. Company Analysis Corporation’s managers accountable for the pursuit of Olin’s corporate objectives. (203) 356 – 2000. Purpose . The respective Olin Brazil company that you contract with from the above list, which Olin Corporation and its subsidiaries are committed to acting with integrity – first, last, and always. Olin Corporation Chemicals VA 2003 Age at Retirement. SIGNIFICANCE OF PENN-OLIN Robert Pitofsky ' When in Penn-Olin the Supreme Court for the first time exam-ined a joint venture under section 7 of the Clayton Act, to 5o-50 joint subsidiaries, 6i corporations indicated they had participated in a total of 35 such subsidiaries. 844. Change Corporation’s managers accountable for the pursuit of Olin’s corporate objectives. Purpose of use and legal basis for processing the data. com or +1. Data Protection Officer. Note, Joint Venture Corporations: Drafting the Company profile for Olin Corporation (OLN) stock, with a description, list of executives, contact details and other key facts. 5 Olin Corporation- Key Employees 2. 8285 as the Olin Global Data Protection Officer. Discover real-time Olin Corporation Common Stock (OLN) stock prices, quotes, historical data, news, and Insights for informed trading and investment decisions. Skip to main content. 355. 2 - Bylaws of Olin Corporation as amended effective February 22, 2023 EX-4. Olin Corporation Subsidiaries (via U. The report covers the company's structure, operation, SWOT analysis, product and service offerings and corporate actions, providing a 360˚ view of the company. Weideman brings valuable financial, audit and business administration expertise to Olin’s Board of Directors, as well as extensive knowledge of the businesses Olin acquired from The Dow Chemical Company. 6 $ 180. 1 Olin Corporation- Key Strategies Olin Corporation - Subsidiaries of Olin Corporation - EX-21 - February 24, 2022. 2 Olin Corporation- Geographic Locations 2. Business Owner: Vice President & Corporate Controller Reviewed: March 21, 2019 Effective: July 22, 2019 Supersedes: Financial Controls Policy CSP 4. To use this feature you must be a member. 10 100. Although Olin’s principal executive offices are in Clayton, Missouri, USA, we employ 7,300 and operate on four continents serving customers in nearly 100 countries across the globe. Omitted from the following list are the names of certain subsidiaries which, if considered in the aggregate as a single subsidiary, would not constitute a significant subsidiary 2 Blue Cube Spinco Inc. Olin Corporation: Company profile, business summary, shareholders, managers, financial ratings, industry, sector and market information | Berne S. Olin takes great pride in handling its products safely and enabling its customers to do the same. People; Fitch Solutions, Inc. was converted to Blue Cube Spinco LLC effective December 31, 2017 The Company's more than 6,000 products are manufactured at 201 sites in 35 countries across the globe. Register; Login; Home; Organization. Log in Sign up. 1 Management Team 2. 120 Long Ridge Road Stamford, Connecticut 06904 U. Olin Corp, Petrochemicals, Deals By Year, 2018 to YTD 2024 Olin Corp, Petrochemicals, Deals By Type, 2018 to YTD 2024 Olin Corp, Recent Deals Summary Section 5 – Company’s Recent Developments May 23, 2024: Olin Announces New President, Chlor Alkali Products & Vinyls Mar 28, 2024: Olin Announces First Quarter 2024 Earnings Conference Call Company Description: Olin Corporation is a leading vertically-integrated global manufacturer and distributor of chemical products and a leading US manufacturer of ammunition. Stay ahead with Nasdaq. , a Delaware corporation (“Spinco”), OLIN CORPORATION, a Virginia corporation (“Parent”), and Blue Cube Acquisition Corp. J Class A shares, all of which are held directly and indirectly by Olin Corporation, have the right to elect 4 directors. Entities & Sites Complete listing of all companies and their operations. Class A shares, all of which are held directly and indirectly by Olin Corporation, About Olin Corporation : Olin Corporation is a US-based global manufacturer and distributor of chemical products and ammunition. Olin Corporation: Company profile, business summary, shareholders, managers, financial ratings, industry, sector and market information See all subsidiaries Other Commodity Chemicals Add to a list. S. It ended the 1960s by shortening its name to Olin Corporation. 20B. Fitch Solutions, Inc. Olin Corporate Office 190 Carondelet Plaza Suite 1530 Clayton, MO 63105 USA Phone: +1. A. 5 1,033. Fitch Ratings has assigned Olin Corporation a long-term issuer default rating of BBB- with a stable outlook. Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet. Company profile for Olin Corporation (OLN) stock, with a description, list of executives, contact Olin Corporation is a Fortune 200 company whose businesses are concentrated in chemicals, materials and metals, defense, sporting ammunition, and aerospace. Saltville became a quintessential company town, where they produced chlorine and caustic soda, and Olin Corporation has 232 subsidiaries and 124 tier 1 supply chain connections. Olin's Equitable Powder Company and the Mathieson Alkali Works. Olin’s product stewardship and quality policies are aligned with our Core Values and other globally recognized standards. Credit Ratings, Research and Analysis for the global capital markets. In fulfilling its responsibilities, Olin’s Board, directly or through Committees of the Board, regularly exercises its business judgment in its good-faith effort to View the latest Olin Corp. Change Olin Corporation: Company profile, business summary, shareholders, managers, financial ratings, industry, sector and market information | Xetra: See all subsidiaries Other Commodity Chemicals Add to a list. 2 Board of Directors 3. Olin Corporation; Fitch Affirms Olin Corporation at 'BBB-'; Rates Proposed Notes 'BBB-' Fitch Ratings Maintains Global Chemicals Sector Outlook as Neutral for 2025; Global Chemicals Outlook 2025; Fitch Expects Continued Soft Chemicals Demand Through 2024; North American Investment-Grade Chemicals — Relative Credit Analysis; Olin Corporation 1988 STOCK OPTION PLAN FOR KEY EMPLOYEES OF OLIN CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARIES (As Amended Through January30, 2003) Stock Agreements Olin Corporation Chemicals 2003 OLIN CORPORATION. Add to a list. Key Highlights Olin Corporation (Olin or ‘the company’) is a manufacturer and . The chemical products produced include chlorine and caustic soda, vinyls, epoxies, chlorinated organics, bleach and hydrochloric acid. That’s why Olin makes it simple to find all of our SEC filings in one place, with an easy to use table list tool. 2 ther Locations & Subsidiaries; Chapter 2. STRONG ROOTS. Following a few decades of success, along with some fruitful acquisitions, Olin added Mathieson Chemical Corporation into the mix, further increasing Olin’s product offering. As of 2024, the company operates two primary business segments: Chemical and General Contact. ai conducted a vendor and supply chain analysis of Olin Corporation, examining their subcontractors, subsidiaries, list of suppliers, manufacturers, shippers, and other members of EX-3. 4 Olin Corporation- Business Divisions 2. 1 Olin Corporation- Key Findings 2. 5. Missouri 190 Carondolet Plaza Suite 1530 63105 OLN SUBSIDIARIES OF OLIN CORPORATION 1 (as of December 31, 2003) Company % Ownership : Jurisdiction (Direct/Indirect) A. 1 Head Office; 1. This commitment has helped us build long-lasting relationships with our business partners. The company has a 6,500 employee. Here, you will find Olin’s Annual Reports and Proxy, Quarterly Results, Financial Summary, and SEC Filing information. 5 $ 272. Objects. Monarch Brass & Copper of New England Corp. wcffzlaikkuwciucblfxtqbsigbuuubpzzxpibciylhkqabynvlxiliyvtujgmxyvxfogvvttqdkqv