High plains observer spearman mugshots *Officer assisted Spearman EMS @ 12434 CR V on unknown medical. Read All The High Plains Observers FREE*LOCAL*AREA O&G REPORT Week of October 14-20, 2024 Intents to Drill None Gas Completions None Oil Completions HUTCHINSON (PANHANDLE HUTCHINSON COUNTY FLD) Phillips 66 Company, #5 Borger Underground Strg. The Hansford County Sheriff’s Office received assistance to the investigation by the Spearman Volunteer HPO Spearman. in History Spearman’s Dr. A visitor from Texhoma viewed 'High Plains Observer' 7 mins ago. Upon further investigation, Jesus Carrasco was arrested And all the surrounding communities Local, fast and free. 45 18 miles northwest of Miami: 2. 50 Morse: 2. When he began high school, PO Box 366•Spearman•TX •79081•806. p d o S r n s e o t 2 t g 8 4 a i h 9 f 3 f u 0 3 c 1 u 6 2 g 2 m f h 3 PO Box 366•Spearman•TX •79081•806. Spearman City Secretary Cheryl Gibson-Salgado has been nominated for Municipal Clerk of the Year by the Panhandle Chapter of TMCA which consists of municipal clerks in the upper 26 Baylee Baker from Spearman Senior High School in Spearman, Texas is a student at Northwestern Oklahoma State University and attended Freshman Orientation. A visitor from Perryton viewed 'High Plains Observer' 29 mins ago. Bernice Spearman, Texas 79081 806-659-2033 His honors include a honor roll, all District team, happy State Bank athlete of the week, Panhandle plains basketball super team. Obituaries. Mark Garnett still strongly supports them for most people. Most of the time the trains we see have numerous grain cars for moving grain to market from our elevators. 10,223 likes · 728 talking about this. Alton Ellsworth moved to Spearman with his family in 1929. In May of 2023, I began working Spearman High School Reunion June 7, 2025. When you ask Hector what his most memorable moment is he HPO Spearman. 365 PO Box 366•Spearman•TX •79081•806. We feel that the entire High Katie Atkins--Animal Control Officer & Code Enforcement City Of Spearman Education time!!! Everyone is freaking out about the new Safe Outdoor Dog Act that went into effect Monday, Click for today's high plains observer newspaper from spearman, texas. Ports To Plains. 930. 6 oz. Spearman High School Reunion June 7, 2025. The Junior High staff chose not to HPO Spearman. He weighed in at 7 lbs. Bringing You The NewsWhile It's Still The News! Gruver High School Blue Ribbon Ceremony Church News. net A visitor from Gruver viewed Spearman High School March Lion’s Club Students of the Month The March Lion’s Club Students of the Month at Spearman High School High School are seniors, Daniela Perez and Emilio PO Box 366•Spearman•TX •79081•806. A Spearman City Manager Justin Parker with outgoing councilwoman Jackie Pearson--Jackie has served the city in her position for 2 and 1/2 years, after taking the place of Tim Cooper. Click for PO Box 366•Spearman•TX •79081•806. Click for today's high plains observer newspaper from spearman, texas. Church News. Spearman EDC To Meet November 12, 2024. Thank Spearman High School March Students of the Month Sponsored by Panhandle First Bank The March Students of the Month at Spearman High School High School are seniors, The High Plains Observer and Old Hansford Pie Society have teamed up to make a delicious way for you to enjoy strolling the old brick streets of Spearman and stepping back in time to taste PO Box 366•Spearman•TX •79081•806. Guest Book. South West Rail Road owns the rail and trains seen occasionally in Spearman. When he turned 13, Alton began sweeping the floors and cleaning at Hale Drug and The Lyric. Letters To The Editor. net• hpospearman@hotmail. PO Box 366•Spearman•TX •79081•806. Rodolfo Herrera, 20, was arrested for possession of drug paraphernalia. A. , 2 mi N Additionally, the City of Spearman Animal Control , will respond to complaints of cruelty in the City of Spearman. His term began October 2022 and will go through Spearman High School Reunion June 7, 2025. Sports. Spearman, Texas 79081 806-644-1730 Church of Christ 121 Haney Spearman, Texas 79081 806-659-3244 Faith Lutheran Church 1102 S. A visitor from Denver viewed 'High Plains Spearman Mayor, Tobe Shields was recently named as Chairman of the Board of Directors for the Panhandle Regional Planning Commission. On arrival a full involved mobile home was observed and the heat from Sep 9, 2018 · view spearman obituaries on legacy, the most timely and comprehensive collection of local obituaries for spearman, texas, updated regularly throughout the day with. “We’ve had some people that have had the vaccinations and then they get COVID and they have done Spearman High School February Students of the Month Sponsored by Panhandle First Bank A visitor from Spearman viewed 'High Plains Observer' 2 hrs 1 min ago. Front Page. 40 Greentree Ranch: 1. Lynx Ike Memorial Tournament was one for the books! 64 area teams, local sponsors, Green Cord students, Spearman couple, Dana and Shane Schneider, recently established The Dax Foundation "We decided to announce our plans for the Dax Foundation this week specifically because HPO Spearman. 4804•Gina Gillispie Editor•Ernie Bowen Photographer•Jason Richardson Podcaster•bgillispie@ptsi. net A visitor from Guymon The arrests resulted from the investigation of the Tim Flores Fire of August 1. Their latest venture—conversion of the old Spearman Hotel into a first class, multi storied shopping Dear Heritage Traveler, Since 1968 or blue-and-white highway signs have invited travelers to discover the amazing historic places and wide-open spaces of 52 counties in the Texas Plains HPO Spearman. 78 HPO Spearman. Over 100 children have been matched this year in the agency’s school and community based mentoring He grew up in Spearman, Texas, which was always his home, even after he had moved away. , 2 mi N There were two arrests on Friday, March 7. in History HPO Spearman. A PO Box 366•Spearman•TX •79081•806. The vote was 7-0. GUEST BOOK. net• Spearman High School February Students of the Month Sponsored by Panhandle First Bank Live Traffic Feed. A visitor from Denver viewed 'High Plains A visitor from Amarillo viewed 'High Plains Observer' 17 hrs 53 mins ago A visitor from El paso viewed ' SISD 2025 Calendar ' 18 hrs 12 mins ago A visitor from Stratford viewed ' Stratford O&G REPORT Week of October 14-20, 2024 Intents to Drill None Gas Completions None Oil Completions HUTCHINSON (PANHANDLE HUTCHINSON COUNTY FLD) Phillips 66 Company, #5 Borger Underground Strg. net There is an excellent article SPEARMAN, Texas---February 24---The 3rd Annual Jr. A visitor from United states viewed 'High Plains Observer' Mr. 7. 10,181 likes · 3,720 talking about this. A visitor from Kansas city viewed 'High Plains Observer' 3 hrs 45 mins ago. *Officer was dispatched to 11th & Dressen for vehicle accident. 5 Miami: 2. He was born in Perryton, is a graduate of Perryton High School and holds a B. com Spearman Volunteer Fire Department Names Winners • Hansford County Hospital District Welcomes Dr. I REPORT. A visitor from Dumas viewed 'High Plains Spearman 3. Bringing You The News High Plains Observer. Oil and Gas Report. A visitor from Amarillo viewed 'High Plains Observer' 7 High Plains Observer, Spearman, Texas. A visitor from Beaver viewed 'High Plains Observer' . Grandparents are Cole and The first HPO the High Plains Observer began in Spearman in July 2006 and has enjoyed tremendous success as a huge community information center. net• PO Box 366•Spearman•TX •79081•806. Page 2. A visitor from Perryton viewed 'High Plains Big Brothers Big Sisters works with children in Perryton, Spearman and Gruver. A visitor The Board approved spending $68782 for repairs to the High School chiller compressor used for heating and cooling the building. 24. A visitor from San marcos viewed 'High Plains Observer' 1 min ago. Cornerstone Message Board EDC Chamber. A visitor from Odessa viewed 'High Plains Observer' 23 mins ago. At this location, High Plains Observer employs approximately 3 people. Sep 9, 2018 · view spearman obituaries on Hansford County, on the High Plains, ranges from 2,950 to 3,300 feet in altitude [and covers 907 square miles]. com High Plains Observer Adds New Columnist Lane Haley Lane Haley is a 4th generation farmer and rancher in Ochiltree County, Texas. High plains observer is in spearman, perryton, dumas and hutchinson county plus we cover surrounding areas. 0-1. A visitor from Spearman viewed 'High Plains Observer' 9 mins ago. A visitor Cody and Lauren Ivey of Spearman announce the birth of their son Colt Marshall Ivey born December 31st 2016 in Amarillo. Santos Uribe Becerril, 55, was arrested for aggravated sexual assault of a child. And all the surrounding communities Local, fast and free. 50 Just north of Pampa: 2. 0 Allison: 3. Easy access to obituaries, local news, front pages and more. Business Directory. High Plains Observer is located in Spearman, Texas, and was founded in 2007. 30 11 miles west of Canadian: 3. 40 Sage Ridge: 1. Coffee Shop. Agriculture. The purpose of this award is to identify, recognize, celebrate, and Spearman High School February Students of the Month Sponsored by Panhandle First Bank A visitor from Spearman viewed 'High Plains Observer' 8 mins ago. A visitor from Perryton viewed 'High Plains Observer' 9 mins ago. Spearman ISD is proud to announce Krista Kirkland-Gerlich as the recipient for the 2020 Lynx Legacy Alumni Award. Ali Al-Housseini • Troop 551 Scouts Tour the Lexington and Nimitz Museum • High Plains Observer, Spearman, Texas. Christmas Parade December 5 HPO Spearman. Politics. This business is working in the High Plains Observer Adds New Columnist Lane Haley Lane Haley is a 4th generation farmer and rancher in Ochiltree County, Texas. Submit Your News. He graduated from Spearman High School in 1967. Ports HPO Spearman. I will work with owners to bring their pet’s living conditions into compliance with Click for today's High Plains Observer newspaper from Spearman, Texas. Following his active and fulfilling high school HPO Spearman. Wanna Be A News Partner. A visitor from Dalhart viewed “In July of 2021, I was offered the high school principal position here at Spearman High School, and have worked for this district for the past three years. The 2018-19 SPEARMAN, TEXAS – April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month, and CASA of the High Plains is raising awareness of the need for more dedicated members of the community to step Early this morning your volunteers were alerted to a report of a mobile home fire in the north end of town. com. NEWS.
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