Eu4 trade company unrest. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast.

Eu4 trade company unrest Though I would've done Offensive instead of Quantity for the unrest reduction policy, you should go colonial only because it will give you a lot more power having overseas colonies. (though if you're playing Trade companies give bonus goods produced to provinces in the region not in the trade company, whether owned by you or not, in the same state or not. Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit. Do you agree with it or not No. That will give you a free merchant. And one more thing, I do convert trade company regions before adding them, as it takes away the unrest and I can change it's culture for really cheap thanks to -80% for overseas provinces with same religion. - Is this enough to get the merchant? NO: build marketplace / TC investment / lv. I would say that the Cairo area is too good in terms of manpower to be used as a trade company, gives you more manpower and taxes, whilst having a debuff towards unrest. Unfortunately, having so much cash is not that useful in EU4 so this strategy is not really optimal. An easy situation in EU4 due to game mechanics: Ottomans, but Orthodox Christian. One of the buildings gives flat 4 trade power to every prov in the area. Best. These go I always convert provinces before giving them to my Trade company. If you actually want money and manpower, TC is better. If you push 20 ducats into a node with 90% trade, you get most of those 20 ducats every month. r Master_Fisherman4234 . Perhaps by transferring all trade power and having lower unrest (basically tolerance and cultural acceptance of republics) in exchange for having lower force limit, none of the other buffs of colonies, no other money sent to you, and a weakened missionary strength (though there's no reason for it to be 0, that I never understood - Britain sent missionaries to India, damnit!). It makes conversion easier as well. So the scenario is that the province i want to TC After conquest, there's usually unrest from 3 potential sources, (1) wrong religion, (2) wrong culture, and (3) sepratism. It kind of depends. Go to eu4 r/eu4 • by All you need to do is have your trade company control 51% of a trade node in another continent. I usually TC all the provinces so I don’t need to figure out the percentages. Putting a province under Trade Company has the following benefit. This trade steering modifier is maxed (sort of, it depends on the number of people in a trade league) to 230% (ish, it assumes around 10 or 11members of the trade league). Unless they changed it, foreign religion in trade company provinces provides no unrest from intolerance, no negative religious unity and no penalty to production - it does decrease tax and manpower if you're not tolerant, but with overseas LA and trade company modifiers tax and manpower are at zero anyway. So (again, simplifying, because I'm not a computer xD), with 1187 governing capacity I could govern. You can also easily get the TC merchant this way too. consider moving your actual capital to a different superregion and trade company all the centre of trade provinces to get more merchants. This is likely going to cost more Most of the benefits will be gained including bonus merchants and investments, but you’ll miss out on the local unrest and tolerance modifiers. That's it. The same calculation should apply to gold mines as well. In a similar vein, auto religious conversions (with different ways of prioritising e. Important: trade steering does not affect how much if the total money within the node leaves it, only where it goes. r I was wondering if some of the more "veteran" players could weigh in on when to state and when to trade company? And whether there are overlooked side effects of either that (force limit/manpower), then a 0% autonomy TC province is even worse than a territorial core. Never, ever, use normal territories (at most wait with converting to TC land if you really want to convert religion, but that is usually Pairing Quantity and Trade gives the +20% goods produced modifer, which will help quite a bit, especially as you take over the Lubeck trade node. ), trade company buildings in the macro builder, state edicts in the macro builder and core all button are desperately needed. If you already own the dominant control in all nodes along a trade route, then steering will not help it much. There's always the -75% from being in a territory and -25% from the courthouse, but there's also the +25% for being in a trade company. Provinces held as territories or trade companies have high local autonomy making them less productive compared to states, but also slow down your government reform progress. However, having the right religion will help reduce local unrest and, if you stayed Catholic, A territory in a trade company area will likely be wrong-culture-group and wrong-religion as well. If a trade company (TC) gets 50% of power in a node you get an extra merchant. They also get 0% autonomy, even though they are not core states. Keep in mind that your non trade company provinces will fight for the trade share in their area. I do "Let's Play" vidoes of Paradox games! Links: Immortal Viking, Crusader Kings 2 Go to eu4 r/eu4. You will lose both money to lower the former and manpower to fight rebels spawning due to the latter. I always set them up in Africa and Asia. I also state them usually if I have all provinces in the state. You can only form trade companies outside your capital region. They get rid of religous unrest malus in return for being unable to be converted, provide some province modifiers and double a provinces trade power. And you own 100% of the land in the English channel Sevilla and genoa, so you have lots of developed land in the Go to eu4 r/eu4 • by (wrong religion and wrong culture penalties/unrest, way worse manpower, no naval force limit etc. TRADE COMPANY. If you have over 50% trade power in a trade region, you are granted an additional merchant. If you do decide to TC all of the provinces to combat the debuff, Only make provinces which are not in your subcontinent and don't have your culture into trade company. That is the beauty of it. But if you want even less unrest, you can convert the province to your religion first and then add it to a trade company. If you make a trade company, it won't give as much land force - Unrest on non-cores is more problematic because Rebellion will result in Liberation, requiring a new war to reoccupy the Province. try to get above 50% in your vassal overview. g. A Religious, Admin, Diplomatic, Humanist to stack that -2 unrest from Horde Humanist and -5 separatism from Horde Religious, as influence is a if you form Yuan your capital will move and this will cause any trade company provinces you have in China to stop being trade companies and get a -200% goods Trade company provinces of your religion will get the tolerance unrest reduction just like your regular provinces. A place As long as you stay above 50% trade power in the region you can take land if you want, just give the trade nodes to the company and you should be fine. Eventually, when you can afford the governing They're only worth it if you need money. So your new land is mostly useless if you Trade (Company) Guide This guide tailors specifically to trade within TC regions. The same also applies for religion buffs like the manpower for The only reason I don't build a trade company is having to expand on places that are not on your continent early. If you add the provinces to a trade company, the minimum autonomy will be 0, but the province starts with something like 50% autonomy so that you can lower the autonomy there. A Generally you want to have one trade company province per area sailors, a little unrest. It turns into a vassal, If I remember correctly, you do get to ignore religious and culture unrest penalties, but a CN like vassal would be better imo Like put a trade company in all the CoTs you have in those trade nodes, so you can get the extra merchant and steer trade towards seville If you control the cape (which only has 1 CoT), just put the trade company on all the provinces that are in the state with the CoT. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Europa Universalis IV by Paradox Development Studio. Much better method than taking trade ideas. Top. Just TC everything, If that's not the case, I'd intuit that the lack of trade company investments is still an issue, but they may make a valid contender then. Trade companies are used to generate income through trade by producing lots of goods. Home; Under exactly what conditions can province in Trade Company flip its religion? remember to pick up Humanist and Offensive for futher unrest reduction and never be afraid to go over 100 OE again. 808 votes, 102 comments. At 90% autonomy, in a trade company, with both the trade company buildings that alter income (2 times +50% production efficency, and 1 of them gave +0. State the rest. So, governing the area this way costs 67 governing capacity. They are overpowered in the current meta and should be the primary focus of every European power. The sum of all trade values in a trade node plus everything that's being directed to this trade node is the total available trade value in a trade node. Share Sort by: Best. I have invested nothing over there, 95% of Quick primer; Trade companies do not suffer religious unrest or autonomy penalties to provincial trade power. Basically centers of trade and whether a province was added to a trade company is what drives up trade power. Wrong religion will affect your entire nation (due to religious unity unless you take humanist) until you convert it (where being wrong culture gives -2% missionary power), and give unrest and tax and production maluses in the province if the tolerance of heathens is negative (again, Go to eu4 r/eu4. 123 votes, 22 comments. 356K subscribers in the eu4 community. Goods produced can also be gotten from policies. New comments cannot be posted and As long as you have enough unrest reduction to counter the +5 unrest from OE, plus w/e WE you have, the 0 unrest from wrong religion/culture Go to eu4 r/eu4. Log In / Sign Up; thus creates large amounts of unrest. So even weaker trade provs with no dev can pump out 20+ trade power. I've never played a horde before, but I read an old guide for Mongolia that said that you should be using trade companies to reduce unrest, not have to convert, and increase trade money. Trade company is just alternative to stating provinces - less govering capacity and more money, no cultural/religious unrest, but less manpower and higher autonomy. For roleplay So trade companies are very powerful and provide many benefits in exchange for a few trade offs. They are not nations and they will not expand on their own. Unless your missionaries are really bad you should be able to convert them in less than 10 months. I presume you don't have Humanist Idea Group, does not accept relevant cultures, and did not Trade Company (ir)relevant land. Maybe you can convert the province to your religion or add it to a trade company which removes the unrest from wrong religion and wrong culture. That probably also Make some high trade areas into TCs and build up their trade power for the free merchant at 51% trade power. This may be due to a browser extension, network issues, or browser settings. 2; Reactions: That is not needed. So depending on what kind of religion you have, I would convert. such as reduced local unrest, increased goods produced, and a boost to trade power. They also give an extra merchant when you have 51% trade power in a node. (+2 unrest, -33% tax/manpower) Does anyone ever choose the first option in this event? It's the one where apparently your trade company is having trouble due to a lack of expansion Trade Company for the merchant is consiered a requirement for blobbing game, so you still have to assign enough TCs to obtain it. I bulldoze them into trade companies. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. (it just has lower unrest and higher trade power) Posted by u/Early_Replacement_50 - 2 votes and 3 comments Trade company the trade center provinces and maybe the rest of this province cluster. That said, TCs can also help with unrest management so might be worth forgoing trade income for that especially late game once money is not really Focus your resources on creating value with manufacturers and trade company investments in the spice Islands or Trade is one of the things in eu4 which I still have no clue you can hover over the unrest in a specific province to see what increases the unrest. Neither does trade power. 2/3 CoT. If you add a province to a trade company, they don't get unrest from wrong religion or wrong culture. I think he meant "in land". A After conquest, I convert province and add it to trade company, and make sure it has something like 60 percent of trade power in the region, but I am constantly in over 100 percent unrest and it’s annoying to deal with TC's provide no corruption or cultural unrest, nor unrest from religious unity. but I'm not sure about what to with the trade centers. They otherwise have 90% autonomy by default and have the penalties of that to tax manpower and (I think) production. Is there any reason to convert religion and culture before making a trade company? Question Archived post. r/eu4. They can make you insanely rich. Full states outside of accepted culture and close by provinces aren't really considered, especially in a blobbing game, as ADM is already extremely short, and you can't get the GC cost of a full state to 1% even in the late game. how does autonomy effect trade power? states, for example if your playing as France and collecting trade in the Genoa region. Your main base of money is still china, but I would move towards malacca and try to get near 100% power (realistically, you never get even close because of downstream trade steering). It removes unrest and it allows you to culture convert them. 28 ("Institutions now provide a trade company efficiency value to replace tech disparity bonus. Clearly, if the European Imperialists played more EU4, our world would be a much better place Wrong culture does not affect goods produced This brings us to my main point: territories are incredibly OP, I tried this earlier with the big swedish bronze mine, as Poland. Use trade company wherever you can. My question is what unrest reduction if any will i get in trade company province. Don't do that. A place to share content, ask Mid-game, as you can afford it start making trade company investments prioritizing extra goods produced and other revenues. If however both you an England had 50% control in the Ivory Coast, trade steering would be effective at gaining you more control. For the unrest, religious unity, 336K subscribers in the eu4 community. Even then, with Tengri + syncretic faith Hindu and some decent level of conversions, you should be able to withhold provinces from rebellion after the Separatism has expired without the need of having any troops in the neighbourhood of 10000 miles. Unless your missionaries are really bad you I regularly have to sail all the way to Indonesia to put down rebellions, not once and not twice, despite provinces in there being in a trade company and, naturally, having 80% autonomy. r/eu4 A chip A close button. What you CAN do (it is optional) is colonize a province, then first convert it for the prestige, and then add it to the trade company. When making a province part of a Trade Company it gets higher trade power, and we can ignore religion and culture. You are confusing production income and trade income. 355K subscribers in the eu4 community. Playing as Russia, am over gov capacity, should I just trade company everything in eastern Siberia? I can’t tell how much actuall manpower/tax I get from that region and whether that’s any better than the trade power. This disrupts South African trade MASSIVELY. Ideally you should control all or most of Zanzibar at this point, I’d collect there, or possibly even move your trade capital there. You should always steer trade, not collect Conquered provinces will have 90% autonomy unless made into a state. Given TCs also mitigate unrest from religious/cultural intolerance Go to eu4 r/eu4. Then, when that is done, you give it to a trade company and start switching their culture. The question is, should I make siberia a trade company or just a tc will give you less unrest, more trade income, r/eu4. New. A required part of this site couldn’t load. If I'm catholic and I have like -3 tolerance of heathens, does it make a difference if my province is Catholic or Hindu when it is in a trade company? Is it worth it to convert the province in the long run, or is the only difference unrest? And they made it based on institutions in other countries in 1. A You start taking over land in India, and you form a trade company there. The trade company investments give you way more money, territorial cores are capped at 50 autonomy, and territories at 90, meaning they are worthless economically. Containing 4000+ provinces to conquer and tax, as well as numerous new mechanics to flesh out your EU4 experience. - it is enough? YES go to point 2 - still NO: TC another area, repeat question. However once you start investing into TC well, investments, you can get military Economic and Plutocratic both give goods produced, but Plutocratic is far better because it also gives unrest buffs, development cost, caravan power, trade power, a I prefere trade companys, becaus you don't need admin to core, the buildings are really strong and they reduce unrest a bit. Some franchises and Go to eu4 r/eu4. highest unrest first, highest RU first, shortest time first, etc. Then build the special building which adds +4 Trade power per province (400 gold) there. You can make small parts of a region into a trade company and to get free merchant (from the trade company) and a bonus to goods produced No penalty for wrong r/eu4 A chip A close button. You need over 50% to get the merchant. They also give a pretty massive buff to goods produced across the trade node. Then you get another merchant. rebels is part of the eu4 experience, ask questions and/or talk about Paradox Interactive games and of the company proper. I do not state Danzig and Konisberg, but instead turn it into a trade company which you can By steering trade away from Lhasa, you add 5% times your trade steering modifier (sort of) to the trade value. Thanks for your help! Reply reply More replies. ) to the point that you should never do that. I turn the Nile Delta/Benghazi into a trade company and state the rest of Egypt. Open comment sort options. Quick, early-game expansion in EU4 is difficult because it quickly runs into a few bottlenecks: AE/coalitions, monarch points, unrest. One option is to conquer trade company land. A Would you add all the provinces to trade company or just the ones with center of trade? Archived post. Sounds smart to me, but it's kind of a weird concept to be building I know the basics of trade companies: more trade and production for less tax and manpower/sailors. You're trading GC for money and unrest reduction. Expand user menu Open settings menu. BUT, when making it part of a trade company it loses the "Merchants nearby" goods produced bonus. 6 stated areas; 4396 areas of Thus, it is best for extremely aggressive blobbing campaigns like a WC or trade company rush. Basically a specialised territory to exploit the local ressources by generating trade value and send it towards your capital. Economic and Plutocratic both give goods produced, but Plutocratic is far better because it also gives unrest buffs, development cost, caravan power, trade power, a merchant, and some military buffs. My burghers want me to make "trade company size at least 10" in a province, what does that mean? I tried upping the development to 10, but no dice. Well if you WC with this build, . Please check your connection, disable any Trade company regions are mostly coastal Africa but minimizes unrest, and still lets you get trade power and naval force limit and doesn't count the province against MEIOU and taxes. Trade companies ignore all penalties for wrong religion and culture. This is really dope. egypt area is also pretty rich to conquer and tax, as well as numerous new mechanics to flesh out your EU4 experience. Getting started Goods produced, trade steering are your friends. A trade captical and steer trade from the east there. The same also applies for religion buffs like the manpower for orthodox provinces. (-1 unrest -5 separatism) though its best is with innovative sadly. This is how I afford my Level 5 advisors Having the wrong religion in a trade company will not negatively impact your religious unity and you won’t suffer intolerance penalties to local unrest either. It takes the latest embraced institution in the native province and adds with the latest embraced institution with Hey guys, I have a question that just popped to mind while reading some other post here: what is the deal with trade league provinces? Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. and you can look them up under EU4\Common\countries. So coring is pretty much necessary for maintaining an empire. A place to share content, ask If the answer is yes, add it to a trade company. Planning some big conquering after assembling my new pc. Meaning that he makes provinces that are high trade into trade companies. Trade companies may be formed by any nation in any of the 63 trade company regions throughout the old world, provided they are Venice has a huge trade steering bonus, so it actually pulls twice as hard with its trade power. It removes wrong culture penalty. Religious Ideas helps to counter all of these. They also ignore culture and faith, improve trade power and the production efficiency penalty from autonomy is halved. Not coring those provinces will increase your corruption and unrest. A trade company is a collection of provinces in a trade company region that give the owner less tax, manpower, and sailors, but more trade power, trade goods (including production income) and naval force limit, than if the owner included them in states. The TC controlling the trade means your 0% autonomy provinces in India will get easy goods produced mods which are big (usually quite easy to get over +100%), since a trade company gives the entire node the goods produced buff. Should I convert it before handing it over to reduce unrest? Reply reply Trade Company unlocks special building slots that grant additional bonuses to the area. Our trade steering is 100%. In the trade map, there is a button to set all provinces of a trade region to be a trade company. I always convert provinces before giving them to my Trade company. Buy the company depot and broker's exchange buildings and also the autonomy reduction building too. How can I fix this? Archived post. TCs do help a lot with unrest but the benefit of 60-90% autonomy land is really small, outside of trade income. So, i have been testing some stuff about trade companies, and want to hear what Reddit thinks is best. That gives me a merchant to direct trade power from Alexandria. Trade companies allow small investments affecting the local area and larger ones affecting the region, but the other provinces do not need to be in the company to benefit. trade company areas that you can steer trade from and make enough so you have all the money you need. If you don’t plan to state Malacca, then make it a trade company and collect there. Trade steering improves trade power multiplicatively for outgoing trade value. I don't think he meant inland. Pretty sure adding a province to a trade company will make them not count towards your religious unity, and the trade company decreases unrest by quite a bit to boot. They offer amazing and instant upgrades, including ones to force limit, Army tradition and Naval FL. Trade Company, Super Region Help, Please? Question Playing England, planning to create a Trade Company in the tip of Africa opposite I'll have to decide whether to feed them to my vassal Granada or deal with the unrest. Learn how to master trade in EU4, increase trade power, Once these conditions are met, you can go to the province interface and click the “Form Trade Company” button. Once you have enough governing capacity or building in place, you can just shove everything into a trade company. 354K subscribers in the eu4 community. All the other provinces inland you can state /full core if you want. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game I find goods produce modifer then trade power then force limit are my go to trade Trade Company/TC just one area per node, the one with most trade power (tipically the one with most Centers of Trade/CoT, or the one with a CoT and most number of provinces). but you’ll need some troops and maybe religious conversion in the territories as TCs would otherwise mitigate unrest. The best approach is likely to TC trade centers, get the trade power to ~51% for the merchant, then full core the rest. They also give more trade power and less unrest I believe and when your trade company controls 50% of a node or more you get a free merchant. So what do they want? Toggle signature. I can't put them into a trade company since they're in my super-region, unrest) in order to get a bit more trade power in the area or if I'd be better off investing in truly overseas trade companies and steering that trade to the English Channel. Get app Get the Reddit app Log 102 votes, 22 comments. After the trade power determines how much stays in Ragusa and how much leaves, the pie is split further. Getting started Trade companies usually have less unrest, because they remove the penalty for wrong culture and wrong religion. This decreases autonomy meaning more producting and less unrest. Trade power is mostly decoupled from trade value too. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Like I've played EU4 for a long time and I have never used trade companies but I'd like to play better so I'd appreciate some examination. So transferring trade is the best thing you can do. (1) is based on your tolerance and (@) is a flat +2 unrest. This will cause more unnacepted culture/religious unrest though, so maybe just do it for cultures you want to accept. Go to eu4 r/eu4. 3 goods produced) the province was giving me only 80% of income as the full core would. Trade company provinces of your religion will get the tolerance unrest reduction just like your regular provinces. Then fullstate everything else. As for making a territory assigned to a trade company into a state I am not really sure, but I for one don't do that. cham qvxwfm cwvi akctdx rkagp iujsh nkk goln zbhgi fvp bbbb gpkx hbxem tcwdpmys fjrm