Dumbledore caught stealing from harry fanfiction "Did you accept money from Albus Dumbledore to be motherly to Harry Potter?" He asked her. There was something that few people knew about Harry, and those that did thought it a good thing because they viewed it as protectiveness. Note: This is a continuation of my story Summer of Independence which began at the end of book 5; therefore this story is AU to HBP and DH. "There were Dementors in Privet Drive, your Aunt, Uncle and cousin were all kissed," Remus went on. "Dumbledore gave me Harry's key just after the beginning of school his and Ronnie's first year. He then wrote a reply. Harry Potter was eight years old, and he had a wonderful secret. " He chuckles at Harry's face. Harry is kicked out of the house and travels to the magical world where he's confronted with the steady destruction of his reputation. "She's female. No, I think not, Dumbledore and I had a conversation. AU After the war Harry & Ginny found out a plan 2 force them 2 marry. And then where would we be? So I thought it was best to keep it between Umbridge and me. In the end, Harry caught the Snitch and managed to earn a pretty decent reputation for himself. Enjoy this story, From Nice This is a fanfiction of Harry Potter starting from the point where Ronald Weasley abandons Harry Potter in the tent but there is a slight change here Hermione Granger also leaves with Weasley leaving Harry ALONE. "I have already sent Mr. Harry even told them he was pregnant but not who the father was. Harry saw three bags of sherbet lemons visible, also a big bowl that was filled with many Muggle chocolate candies. We'll do Malfoy, Snape, and then Dumbledore. Going home Harry went into Mrs Figg's house charming her and anyone who would see him to not notice any differences in him. a. All eyes went to me. Jun 9, 2012 · Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or any of its affiliates. ArthurShade will be continuing this story. " "He is that for all the orphan and he is also the magical guardian for Mione too because, she is muggleborn" The twins explained. -----SEVERUS' POV-----'I know what Harry is doing, it's in the bloody papers, He is publicly humiliating them. He called a house elf and asked for some parchment and a quill. The numerous times Harry begged Dumbledore to stay at Number 12 with Sirius before he died. Jul 19, 2009 · Mr. " Oct 17, 2013 · Harry Potter has just come into an inheritance. They all felt for Amelia, because she was the one who had to deal with Dumbledore's stupid schemes to get Harry to return to Magical Britain, Fudge pissing in his pocket and agreeing with whatever he said, and that Umbitch (as the kids called her) creature with her patently false sweet expression, giggles and throat clearing, not to mention her But they also knew Ronald Weasely and knew crude was sometimes the best way to deal with him. But unknown to Harry, the man was erecting prison walls around the boy to keep unwanted influences away from him. Harry couldn't believe it! Dumbledore and Molly had used him to get her daughter married to Harry. Harry/several OMCs. Simple, trite, yet perfectly accurate. Krum seemed to walk sullenly over to shake Dumbledore's hand and exit into the chamber. You may join them once we finish our conversation with Nicolas. Axefrenzy's report also mentioned that since November 1981, G200 per month had been withdrawn from Harry Potter's trust vault, converted to Muggle money (£1 000) and magically transferred to Vernon Dursley, Harry's With Dumbledore leaving, Harry and Hermione escaped soon after. But maybe, Mad Eye Moody no longer believes what his eyes see. "Did he seem to have an appreciation for objects of historical value then?" "He was a bit of a collector of trinkets it would seem. Summary: Harry learns some things before Dumbledore wanted to or didn't want him to at all, Harry feels betrayed and intends to bankrupt and disgrace Dumbledore as a start of the revenge he has planned before moving onto other people who have treated him wrong, insulted him for no good reason or to try and mask their own incompetence. Harry had tried to send Sirius three letters since the fiasco at the headmaster's office but each of them had returned unopened and the teen didn't know what to think of that: either the Marauder had been caught, he was ordered to not write him or didn't want to! "I'll pass that message too. "I suggest we move him to St. "That's my bullshit detector. "But isn't my aunt and uncle my guardian and Mione's parents is alive," I said feeling very confused. Neville pondered, "He's disobeying the law! Harry was supposed to know by the time he turned eleven…" The staff and students at Hogwarts watched as the memory Harry stepped out of sight of the family and pull his hood up over his head (Harry had to edit the memory at that point; the last thing he wanted to do was give Dumbledore even more evidence of his metamorphic abilities, and so just concentrated on the memory to prevent the school from Aug 31, 2021 · Dumbledore's Folly Chapter 01 A Chance To Take. "I think at one point you might have believed in Dumbledore, but I could be wrong," Harry admitted. I hope you like it. . Molly Weasley was screaming at Lucius and his great Aunt Matilda and her husband, Thurston. Harry was shocked for a second before kissing her back. ) He felt … even worse. That meant that Dumbledore was supposed to tell him everything… and he didn't. Before Harry was able to sit down Dumbledore stood up and confronted Harry. However, they didn't need to ask they had a very good idea who it was. The Goblet of Fire has entered you into a binding contract, waving the slip of paper under Harry's nose. Please Harry, come home. Harry knew the rat was probably with Voldemort and he knew it wouldn't be long before the rest of his death eaters were with Voldemort again. Potter will only be safe if he resides at the house of Mr. What Dumbledore had planned? Dumbledore planned on Harry killing the Dark Lord, followed by Harry's death. The public should have realised Harry never stands idle when faced with injustice. Robbed. )The Vault of Dumbledore, owned by Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. "I see, can you tell me who is in control of the Potter and Black vaults now then please?" asked Dumbledore kindly. Harry returned to the Burrow with a suit in a bag, "Molly I won't be a dinner tonight. "Tootsie Rolls," Harry said, rolling his eyes at Dumbledore's odd theme for his passwords. " The stories always have Harry impressing the goblins of Gringots with his politeness (as if politeness would be an important virtue for Goblins), a new wand crafted out of the most legendary of ingredients for Harry, and Harry is able to justify his tyrannical rampage that results from him finding out about Dumbledore's trickery by simply The look of hate in her eyes should have been a clue. He discovers that Albus Dumbledore has been stealing from him and possibly some of the Weasleys. 'He must be pretty confident, otherwise he'd never make his passwords something that anyone could guess, if given enough time. He chose us, remember? Dumbledore told us it was tonight, not next year. MW/RW/GMW/AD bashing. "You got me again Harry!" The old man said. " He grunted. Harry Potter against Dumbledore's Triad. A sad day had befallen the wizarding world of Britain. I would have done something about it but, Harry's already emancipated. Dumbledore has no idea what his decision to leave Harry with the Dursleys has wrought. His voice full of mischief he complemented Harry on his idea, and relinquished control of his body – taking a spectator view of his and Harry's message to Dumbledore. The bedroom's walls were painted yellow and teal, above a Chudley Cannons-orange carpet. Weasley up to the hospital wing where he is being taken care of by Madam Pomfrey and your loyal friend Miss Granger is there with him. " Dumbledore said his eye twinkling like it would solve everything. What was Harry doing? Before he could think any further, Harry was speaking again. Harry's parents weren't actually that rich, Dumbledore needed to hide the money somewhere and he just happened to have Harry's key. " Harry thinks that he reached what a few wished for him, insanity. He believed James was in the thrall of Albus Dumbledore and left Harry as the heir, with the seats being left unused until Harry became of age or passed on. This is me attempting a new take on Harry and Draco's love. Not only that Dumbledore and the other teachers seemingly did nothing when it came to my treatment after it was reveled I was a parselmouth. " Linkffn (Dabbling With The Dark by Nyx Myst) is a story where Harry betrays Dumbledore and the Order. "Yes, like I said we needed the money, mainly for the potions to keep people under control. May 4, 2019 · Harry would have to do his best, as 'I know you will Harry' Dumbledore had smiled at him warmly without offering any further options. " Harry sighed, stealing a glance at the other man. Albus Dumbledore seemed to be targeting Harry and Hermione, and for some reason has used Ron as a pawn. Everyone would be in danger, again. Dumbledore isn't as good as you think. Revenge. It's the classic Dumbledore transferred money to himself and the Weasleys (maybe the Dursleys too, I don't remember). It is not safe for you to out in the open like this. Harry Potter, The-Boy-Who-Won, escaped from St. -oOoOo-Turmoil was a good description of the Ministry of Magic after what became known as 'Judgement Day'. Upon discovering he's a wizard, he sets out for the wizarding world - but he's doing things his way. Harry grinned and replied, "In order asked yes and no. It is a fix-it first and foremost; there is bashing of Dumbledore, Molly, and Ron; Sirius and Severus get help – or better, they help themselves; it is slightly crack-ish in some instances (not that I plan for it – it just happens); and most importantly Harry doesn't need to save his world singlehandedly. Harry had stood before the full Wizengamot as they gave him the details of the problem. They hit it off immediately and became secret friends because they both knew that only a Weasley and Hermione Granger could be friends with Harry because that was the way Dumbledore wanted it. " Before Dumbledore could say more, the goblet flared up again and another piece of paper was ejected from it. "He's Bartemius Crouch Junior. Harry could see Dumbledore look calculatingly at the Weasel and realised that he was planning to try and cover his tracks so he quickly held up the Sword of Gryffindor and cast a non-verbal wandless scourgify over it to make it sparkle and gleam in all its glory so it caught the eye before he sent it back to the other realm in an attempt to 12 Grimmauld Place (being leased to Albus Dumbledore with automatic payments from the Dumbledore family vault unbeknownst to Dumbledore. We know Dumbledore is responsible for Harry being placed with the Durselys. "The champion for Durmstrang," he read, in a strong, clear voice, "will be Viktor Krum. During the hug between Harry and Hermione, Ron's face turned red from hatred because harry was stealing what Ron thought of as 'his girl!' He then stomped off with the rest of family with Ginny's thoughts being similar about Hermione stealing 'her man!' Dumbledore caught the piece of parchment and held it at arm's length, so that he could read it by the light of the flames, which had turned back to blue-white. Harry fails to draw his wand quicker than Dudley manages to punch him. "Harry I know it's hard to believe but…. I Was Robbed, or So I Thought. Harry remembered the noise the door to his office had made, signalling the end of the conversation, even though the headmaster hadn't really answered any of his questions or addressed any of his worries he had. Harry Potter was sitting near the window in Ron's room. " Hermione said. "Harry Potter. He had been dying for a long time now, fully aware his time was coming to an end. Best Wishes . A large part of Dumbledore, the part which had been humbled by the realisation his delusions of grandeur accrued by the fight with Gellert Grindelwald, of being one of the leaders of a new world order where wizards, no longer fearing the muggles, could finally guide the Harry thought, even after he had promised not to do this again like he had before Sirius had died. "You need this information to defeat Voldemort, and so, you need me. A plan began rapidly forming in Harry's mind, and the Phoenix shrilled mirthfully when he caught where Harry's thoughts were headed. " Harry hung the bag on the door and then pulled several bags from his pockets. . Dumbledore stealing money from the Death Eaters and giving it to Harry and their victims. Potter's guardian. Dumbledore will not, however, give us the reason why Mr. 2. "I know how hard it would be on Dumbledore," Harry tried to explain. " Harry answered, "That is exactly right Harry," Snape said. Other players, not just Slytherins, would have let Diggory fall, preferring to catch the Snitch instead. Harry Potter, is the owner of everything as the heir to Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, the Peverell brothers, Merlin, Darth Vader, and the Emperor (who granted him unlimited Said Dumbledore seeing a stern looking witch walk in. To Dumbledore's surprise it was Riddle's former job with Borgin and Burkes that piqued Regulus' attention. Seamus Finnegan took Harry Potter sirs pants to wear them from time to time when master Harry Potter sir was not wearing them but he did not do so knowingly. Puer, infirmus facile tractantur. Aug 30, 2013 · Harry Potter is a thief and a lawbreaker long before he gets his letter. It was always just after term began and I used the gold for things the children needed. "Besides I can take it," Harry told him with a hard glint in his eye. Dumbledore has tried to call in a variety of Order members but all of them have been rebuffed by Shadow. Stealing From Thieves. "Before we eat, I have an announcement to make. "It's true. Slight Percy bashing. The last 36 hours weighed heavily on Harry's mind. If you do not like, please do not read. He does not steal from them; but then again, I doubt you would find a fanfic where he does, simply because they have nothing Harry can't get for himself, except for a family, which he can't steal anyway. Weasley, as the Head of your family, I expect you to uphold the law because we have a few things to discuss and I don't think that you're going to like it. Going through his life, Dumbledore had always somehow made sure Harry followed his plans, the way he had set them out, the way he had wanted Harry to follow them. "I know Harry. Warning: Boy/Boy SLASH, Creature Fic, Dumbledore + Molly + Arthur + Ginny + Ron Bashing, Neutral! Harry, Manipulative! Dumbledore, DRARRY Though," Harry reached a hand out and quickly snatched the beetle into his hands as it was about to take flight. They had front row seats for the long awaited showdown and they weren't about to miss it just because of some crude language. He might Apr 24, 2012 · Harry screamed once he was out of Gringotts, it was already past seven so Diagon Alley was mostly deserted. So that's what had happened, Rignag had gotten caught and a new goblin was in charge. So hopefully this goes well. " "Good mind you have, lad. " Translation: Dumbledore has been sentenced to death by exhaustion. "Harry, I insist that you return to your relatives. Jul 24, 2019 · He didn't see the way those eyebrows quirked in amusement, holding back a small smirk. Nor were they about to leave the room. He said I was to take a twice-yearly withdrawal. " "Don't listen to him, my dear. Hate Dark Magic (Albus Dumbledore) Love Gryffindor (Albus Dumbledore) Loyalty Charms . Mention of Dumbledore, Molly, Ron, Ginny and Hermione bashing. He wanted to find the fools that dared to cross him and rip them apart. " "Do you have a date or something?" Ron asked looking dubious. Harry thought about what he done, but he felt better than he ever did especially in regards to Albus Dumbledore and Minerva McGonagall. According to what was in the article Mum, Ronald, Ginerva, and Dumbledore have been stealing from Harry for several years. Albus Dumbledore. " "He was tied up," Tonks replied with a smirk. " "What do they do?" Harry was saved having to explain by his wife walking into the room. " Harry looked around at the students and then back at the Headmaster, "I know you tried to keep me from going to my godfathers will reading this summer," Dumbledore visibly paled. And Harry Potter was winning. Harry went with clothes. As he sat up in the sofa in his mother's flat - ever since he had discovered this gem, Harry had gone out of his way to spend as much of his time here as he possibly could, although he'd needed to keep it as secret as possible; after the mess caused by Dobby when the House-elf had stupidly come to the Dursleys, Harry had decided he hadn't given a tinker's AU. Now has to deal with Back stabbing friends, finding new ones, and many new mates. Harry knew that whatever he did he needed to be kept a secret. Harry wanted to win, but he didn't want anyone to die. Not just tired, Harry was weary. "But…Dumbledore won't allow anyone to go near Privet Drive unless it's to pick you up or drop you off. Harry growled at the sight of the page and Dumbledore actions. She's not on the list of permitted pets and so I'm afraid she must go. Well, mostly everyone. "Dumbledore. Number 21 Duff Lane, London. Harry didn't want them to pay but after they said either they pay for the clothes or everything. " "Ok hold on, first off how is Dumbledore alive I saw you kill him?" he looked at Snape. " Besides, you would have tried to subdue me by now to bring back to him and the Order. I was going to tell you but Mom caught me. Harry flooed into Number 12 Grimmauld Place with a flop to the ground, he hated traveling by floo. They invited Harry to spend Yule and any holidays with them. So their friendship was fake, Harry knew he shouldn't be surprised after everything he had heard but this cut "Let me see if I can sum this up," said Harry. He was cursed. " Harry countered. Because if Harry decided to look into things closer, he would find more than Arthur was willing to admit. When Harry read "Other Information", he almost screamed. " Harry had figured him out and had withheld that bit of information to last, just to see how much Albus would reveal. "And Dumbledore's been . Harry shrugged. Harry interrupted. The break-in and escape from Gringots, the chaos and horror of the Battle of Hogwarts, dying and coming back, and then the final battle with Riddle. Potter, Mr. " May 18, 2013 · I will be posting a poll of ships at some time later on. Harry didn't move an inch as he heard footsteps entering his cell and heading towards him. "Then turn around, kiddo," said a boisterous voice behind him. Nov 23, 2011 · Unforgivable Sirius Part 1. Nearly every color Harry can imagine is coming out of Dumbledore's wand and going into May Lady Magic curse you Dumbledore for you attempts to steal a family power that didn't belong to you! Ronald No Name and Hermione Granger spied on Harry Potter for Dumbledore and paid from Potter's own vaults! Albus Dumbledore had Ronald No Name and Hermione Granger spy on the Boy-who-lived and was actually paid money from his own vaults! Harry was standing next to Draco. " Harry shrugged, "I'll tell you more later I've got to get ready. This is not a long story fiction, only 10 chapters mostly considered a short story. "Did you know that Albus Dumbledore was stealing from the vaults of Harry Potter?" He asked the woman. While Dumbledore had made sure that his mother's trial never happened, and that all the records related to it had been 'taken care of' one couldn't deny the article the prophet had published about her the day after she had been arrested by a group of aurors in the Gringotts atrium on the charges of stealing from Harry's vault. " She replied, still no emotion shown. " Ginny. I hope you people will like it. Dumbledore is a berserk old man who is stealing from our vaults. " Nov 18, 2012 · Harry asked, quoting Dumbledore's words. The job itself was ridiculously easy. He felt sick to his stomach. "Practice dummies. " Harry stated. - Set after fourth year Dumbledore always showed up after the event was over… right after. Dumbledore, use him? Preposterous! Dumbledore would do no such thing! "It's true dad. As for Dumbledore stealing from Harry's vaults—frankly, Harry was surprised that the old man had left him any money at all. Mungo's, Diagon Alley and the Ministry of Magic, he left the hospital after some how changing more than five thousand people to look like him! Jan 15, 2018 · He had to get them off. He used the Imperius Curse on Sirius so that he would forget lots of information about my family. What happens when evryone realizes they're already married?Dumbledore bashing,Weasley bashing & possible Mione bashing. " Professor Snape took a vial and poured a potion in his mouth. "Sure, since you asked so nicely. Two hours later Severus looked at Harry when he heard the boy groan. He knew then that Poppy had slipped him a sleeping draft. Chapter 1. Eye-sight demising potion- administered by: Albus Dumbledore. His hair was receding somewhat, which emphasized the pointed chin. Year of Changes. Harry/Daphne, Neville/tbc. Both of us are pureblood. "But my point still stands. Dumbledore has been trying to force him into the Harry Potter mold he wants, but Shadow isn't cooperating at all. Harry smirked at his discomfort. I found out in second year after I started showing symptoms—no need to get into those—but everyone was so caught up in the Chamber issue that no one noticed. Chapter Text. Immediately the whole hall burst out in loud whispers. Jul 22, 2023 · This one ticks all my guilty pleasures. 1. " The goblins were not happy to hear he had not authorised any withdrawals, and considering Harry's godfather was in prison, none could be authorised, either. Creature fic! Veela! Werewolf! Vampire! Character Bashing! After a nice explaining that Harry never got any letters, GoldenHook found that A) Dumbledore redirected mail and B) Dumbledore, most of the Weasleys (except Charlie, Bill, and the twins), and most of the Order of the Phoenix members (except of a list of about 6) was stealing money from the Potter Vaults (yes plural). Dumbledore was going to be there at his trial? It would be his first time seeing the man since Hogwarts, and he was eager to ask some questions. Harry can hear Petunia's laughter whenever Vernon would beat him until he passes out. Mungo's," Amelia said, "Where the Healers will be able to cure him, Once he can speak freely, I wish to interrogate him. We know Dumbledore keeps Harry from talking to his friends or living with Sirius after fourth year until the end of the holidays. "Daddy!" Lily exclaimed, quickly releasing Arthur and running over to jump into Harry's arms. Harry's eyes met Ginny's, and their cheeks both turned bright Everyone said their goodbyes and Harry left the train station with his headmaster. In a bold move that involved St. Black Manor, York. Harry liked Ginny, but not like that, more like a sister, like Hermione. The 1st words out of Dumbledore's mouth were, "Harry, my boy, you must complete. At first the headmaster had been vague about these lessons, but Harry said he will refuse to attend unless he was told what they consisted of. distracted. Death wasn't a price worth the victory of a simple game. And what was worse, Harry couldn't sleep. "I didn't enter," Harry said numbly. " "Ding. Dumbledore fell silent and frowned at him. Harry was brought from his mind and thoughts from the past by the creaking of his cell door opening. Disclaimer: None of this belongs to me and I am not making any $$$ off of it. Harry Potter was highly possessive. How could they do this to him, they were his friends! "Dumbledore warned us not to get emotionally attached in our first year. "Molly, give him the key. Every eye in the hall seemed to lock on him as he was forced to stand by Hermione. "I am sorry, Headmaster but I would like to hear my godfathers will. "Yes. " Harry kept the beetle between his thumb and forefinger, deftly stroking its shell with a delicate touch. I was robbed of first my friends, then my love, next my freedom, and now it seems, my life. Jul 15, 2020 · Harry and Hermione will be the central characters, though they won't be a couple in the strictest sense. ' Upon reaching the door at the top of the spiral staircase, Harry heard Dumbledore's "Come in, Harry," before he had time to knock. This made Dumbledore nervous inside; did they have something on him? They couldn't have he had covered his tracks and they would never be able to prove that it was him. Black Villa, Florence, Italy. Almost as if he knew what was going on. The weapon had to be carefully primed. Mungos, eluding dozens of Aurors and members of the paramilitary group, the Order of the Phoenix, run by Albus Dumbledore. Harry wouldn't have access to the Potter wills until he came of age – Albus had made sure of that. "We were too late to save them. Draco caught sight of Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny staring at him, nodded curtly, and turned away again. Aug 27, 2017 · This Story is Yaoi. 11th of August 1995 Grimmauld Place, London Harry's POV (AN: This first bit is part of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, at the very end of chapter 06. And if Harry does somehow manage to kill Voldemort then I will kill Harry and take the credit, claiming that Harry was killed by Voldemort. " Harry should have known Dumbledore was going to try something. Same rules apply as with my CR stories. " Dumbledore seemed shocked while reading that name out loud. Harry had a lot of secrets: that his hair, even when freshly cut, grew so fast it was always unruly the next morningor that sometimes he seemed to make things happen without meaning toor that he swore sometimes he could understand what snakes were thinking. "Dumbledore said that you are protected as long as you call Number Four, Privet Drive home. So again, I insist that we be going so that you can return to the safety of the wards. " "All right you lot, let's go question some prisoners. " Harry scrunches up his face as he watches Dumbledore finish the spell, and sees a bright combination of lights fly out of his wand. He needed to come up with a plan or else he probably would get caught and stopped from doing what he felt needed to be done for his own safety. Harry eyed the slip carefully, "Nope! "Draco Malfoy was standing there with his wife and son, a dark coat buttoned up to his throat. "Dumbledore never meant for you to live through this war. " "Having someone else's key is tantamount to stealing! Molly, you stole from Harry!" Jun 16, 2020 · Whilst exploring Dumbledore House, Harry soon found a bedroom that he quickly figured out belonged to Albus Dumbledore. "Harry Potter!" Dumbledore yelled again, his eyes searching the crowd for Harry's face. Now, go get your stuff. "I'm sure you understand. Harry was astounded. Professor McGonagall continued: "I am now acting headmaster. Dumbledore made his way down, with several of the organizing committee following behind him to where Harry sat. Arthur was caught now and he knew it. Dumbledore caught the cindered paper and read off the contents clearly for everyone to hear, "The Durmstrang Champion is Victor Krum!" There was loud applause for the international quidditch star. 4 exclusively Harry Potter stories, Shadow, The Grave Mistake, M-Squad and Awakening and a Harry Potter/Avengers crossover Warlock : The Beginning. Hermione sees Harry looking at her with so much love in his eyes that she couldn't hold it back anymore and she kisses him passionately. " Harry smiled After that Harry and the innocent Weasley's started catching up, learning everything about Harry now that Harry trusted them. )Granger Vault, owned by Hermione Jane Granger, currently a student of Hogwarts. " Harry explained, and Takes place after the debacle in the DOM. Harry's blood was boiling, and his magic screamed for release. He stormed of towards the Leaky Cauldron his trunk still floating behind him. Growth stunt potion- administered by: Albus Dumbledore. This world belongs to the talented JKR, I am just playing with it. My name is Godric Gryffindor, your Ancestor. "Mr. Harry returns to Privet Drive after the Department of Mysteries fight. Harry was tired. " Harry said firmly. It establishes that Dumbledore has possessed Harry's things and isn't too bothered about returning them. He couldn't believe how uninformed Harry was! He knew from his gran that old Dumbles was his magical guardian. " "Thank you, Sir. Apr 3, 2019 · Harry Potter did a lot of thinking after Albus Dumbledore explained the prophecy and how he would be having lessons during Harry's sixth year. "I didn't participate" Percy explained "Before my third year, I heard Mother talking with Dumbledore. He replaced the wand with an identical dud and broke the other wand incinerating it. Development suppressing potion- administered by: Albus Dumbledore. I am currently looking for a story that involves Dumbledore stealing from Harry's vault. " A war of words began with Dumbledore denying Harry's right to be re-sorted as well as ordering him – minus his "companion" – to come to his office so he could explain things to Dumbledore who, as he finally told Harry, was his magical guardian and had total and complete control over him until he became of age and was allowed to assume the "Oh yea," Harry said as he walks over to Dumbledore's desk. " "What about the Gaunt family? A shocked Bill asked "You were stealing from Harry?" Hermione glared and answered with a know-it-all attitude "No, the headmaster had the money, he was paying me, transferred to my vault. " "Dumbledore didn't tell me that," Harry said. Not only was the DADA teacher a complete fraud but Dumbledore left the school open. Mr. The cup should have immediately returned the winner to the entrance of the maze. Harry needed to go and visit Hedwig, and explain to his owl why she couldn't find him since November. All four of us. Namely, why he had forbidden his friends from writing anything more than nonsense to him and why he hadn't thought of doing what Sirius just did. Harry opened a small cupboard and gestured toward the mannequins. " Snape's mouth twitched. When Sirius and Remus go looking for Peter Pettigrew, they make a wrong turn and someone else finds him first. Harry seethed silently, how dare they? Didn't they realize? He didn't want to come home, because of what they had done, and insulting Sirius like that was the last straw in Harrys mind. He lifted his head at the sound of a throat clearing and what he saw shocked him even though his face never showed it. But then my eyes widen as I think: "Wait, this – this is my – my 1983 500,000,000 to Albus Dumbledore- 1990 1,500,000,000 to Albus Dumbledore- 1993 2,500,000,000 to Albus Dumbledore Harold Potter Trust: 31,523 Galleons Last 5 years withdrawals: 1991 347 to Harold Potter- 1992 401 to Harold Potter- 1993 650 to Harold Potter- 1994 7,500 to Molly Weasley Jun 19, 2015 · Molly paled even further as she finally registered what she had said but before she could say anything Fred Weasley cut in and said “I’ll tell you what she has done, Professor. This is my very first Harry Potter fanfic I wrote I dont own anything. " "Now that everyone is quiet, Harry why don't you explain to us why you would think such a thing?" Dumbledore demanded. " Penny said sternly. Dumbledore caught it, his face full of surprise. I have reason to suspect heinous behavior against Harry and Hermione. Arthur looked at Harry in complete and utter shock. The accused has denied stealing any items, however, these three boys have said that anti-theft wards on their trunks have been activated and young Mr Weasley here is showing signs of the security identification spell. He checked her mind without her knowledge and saw that Dumbledore had charmed her to track Harry's every move with an old wand. "I would like to keep this part of the conversation private until I wish for the public to know. When Harry stumbles into the store and they find out the truth, they decide it's time to be Stealing Harry. 3. Harry is a Carrier. There's purple, blue, red, orange. Harry had told them to hold off on any legal action, since he knew that the old man had meant well, but they didn't care. " Dumbledore, I think, knows what goes on everywhere, just doesn't do anything about it. Tonks, I can see the headline now: Senior Auror Mad Eye Moody rescued from two youngsters by former student. Jun 30, 2020 · That caught Harry's interest. Harry gets pissed at everybody, paranoid that the whole world is against him, becomes Lord Potter and all that fuzz, is about to go full blown independent!Harry-genre and then finds out that the Weasleys and Dumbledore are really in his team. Charged with sedition, Harry works with allies old and new to clear his name before Voldemort can use his situation to his advantage. " Dumbledore said with a twinkle in his eye. Harry had heard enough. Dec 11, 2023 · As for the new readers, if you are interested I have five other stories in my profile. Together, they learn about the betrayal of Harry's so-called friends and prepare to take on the war. "Are you?" "No," I answered. "Dumbledore is the one that helped lead Voldemort to where my parents were killed. "Ah yes, very good. My name is Helga Hufflepuff and to cut the chase short, you are our Heir. Well, free of him listening to the man and his two pets. " Dumbledore said. Unfortunately, neither cup nor winner appeared. "It could cost him his job. The filth goblin stealing from others" snapped the Goblin angrily; the goblins didn't want to hear the name Rignag anymore. "Yes I did. 4. Fed up with being controlled by Dumbledore, Harry, with the help of his secret friend, Daphne Greengrass, run away. Mention that Harry can become mpreg. " Severus and Igor realized exactly at the same time what was going to happen. Hermione and I are twins. " Harry caught Molly smirking from the corner of his eye, "What pray tell has you so giddy?" Molly smiled, "I may have been cast from my family, but at least you will be expelled from Hogwarts for doing underage magic. As he turned he was caught in a crushing embrace. " With that, everyone in the hall erupted in cheering and applause. Ronald Bilius Weasley (Albus Dumbledore) Hermione Jean Granger (Albus Dumbledore) Molly Weasley (Albus Dumbledore) Albus Dumbledore (Albus Dumbledore) Other. Ron would get money for befriending him and Ginny would get money for seducing him. Harry looked around for Ron, and Dumbledore caught his movement. " "Hmm," Snape commented noncommittally. " Fred growled "So, he was paying you-" George snapped "-to be Harry's friend-" Fred & George together "-out of Harry's vault? Unbelievable!" "When it comes time for the final battle Voldemort will kill Harry and then I will kill Voldemort earning the respect that I deserve. Albus Dumbledore had been stealing from them for years. Dumbledore pinned him to the chair, wand aimed at his face, "Severus. "We seem to have an accusation, well several accusations, of theft. ) Because Harry is an orphan who lives most of the time either at school or in the Muggle World, and in these fics his mail is often blocked to "protect him from potentially cursed mail", so its very easy as someone who appointed himself as Harry's magical guardian (which in fanfiction seems to exist purely to care for a minors accounts and I'd like to read that in a fic once. Nicholas stared at him for a moment and burst out laughing. Never come unprotected. Dumbledore evades arrest but Harry isn't as lucky. "Are you Alastor Moody?" Dumbledore demanded. "Do you know who I am?" Dumbledore demanded. During the beatings and the constant verbal abuse, Harry realizes his distrust for Dumbledore. That's the main reason I don't want to go back to the Dursleys. A place that Harry rightfully hates. I have dug up some files and found that Dumbledore had been stealing from Harry since his parents died. The bullying from students was bad enough, but to be continuously bullied by a member of staff is the main reason why he lost all respect for Albus Dumbledore and Minerva McGonagall. — Albus Dumbledore knew there was trouble. They would send him a permanent port-key and made arrangements to pay for Harry's clothes. 'Like he just wants me to follow him along and breathe as he says…' Harry thought. Dear Albus Harry simply stated. "Harry, since you are an orphan Dumbledore is your magical guardian. Harry/Multi, darkish, some Dumbledore bashing, rating may go up later. Professor Dumbledore was caught stealing by the goblins, and has been sentenced to seventy-five years in the goblin mines. "I thought you were coming to get Harry. " She said, giving him a tiny shove in the back, "Go up to where Dumbledore is. Once back in the infirmary he walked over to the bed Harry was on and shook his head when he saw that the young teen was sleeping. Actually, the story of Shadow now having Dumbledore's wand is very true. He was thinking about what happened at the end of his third year and how Peter escaped. The new boy resembled Draco as much as Albus resembled Harry. Ginevra Weasley put chocolates and flowers in Harry's trunk and took two galleons every couple of weeks this year. Harry was going to be forced to marry Ginny Weasley. If you do not like, do not read. It was easier than he expected to ignore Percy Weasley sitting in the Potter box, what surprised him was Hermione sitting at his side. A Robin Hood-like figure, I'd you want. The problem is Harry's gay & Ginny's in love with someone else. Heather has a sick sense of humor so it's best not to use those alone. "Business meeting. Ne magna core intra puer. Potions in System. Two minutes later, Professor McGonagall stood up. Sirius passed on and Harry finds out about the Prophecy, but thanks to a certain beautiful Slytherin, he finds out that Dumbledore lied to him. When Dolores Umbridge exposes the existence of Dumbledore's Army, she and Fudge don't settle with letting Harry go unpunished. Harry Potter: Thinking like a Thief. Harry picked up the wand from where Dumbledore dropped it and said," As the last winner of the Elder Wand, the so called Death Stick, I Harry James Potter Gryffindor do hereby snap it in two and return it to its rightful owner, so mote it be. Chief Warlock Albus Dumbledore had used Ministry Degree to seal the Potter wills. " Harry said. To keep Harry safe and sound in case Dumbledore gave into his delusions of grandeur and believed he could get away with whatever he wished, Jasper Potter and Lucie Swallow, the MACUSA Head of the DMLE were there as well, and as if that hadn't aggravated the old Headmaster, Professor Fontaine was there as well. Oct 7, 2022 · Albus Dumbledore (150) was arrested from the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardly after allegations of embezzlement bought by Harry Potter (16) were proven true. " "No," Harry said louder now, "I never entered. "Harry Potter!" Jan 6, 2020 · When it came to second year he was horrified. " Dumbledore smugly said as he eyed Harry calmly. Harry was furious. " Harry chuckled, "I seriously doubt that considering that I was emancipated, and am now a recognized adult. The pairing is Harry, Draco, Fred and George. " All eyes Magical focus block 75%- cast by: Albus Dumbledore. Albus Dumbledore was dying. When Harry found out, instead of stopping it, he got help from the Goblins to make it so that Dumbledore took the money out of his own They had tried to gain custody of Harry but Dumbledore had blocked them. Eight years later, Sirius owns a book store and Remus manages it for him. " Mr. Nov 18, 2012 · "Deligati puerum, et magicis . " Harry's green eyes widened. "You never called me Harry before," said Harry, "why now? ""Harry do you think that I would just spank anyone and risk losing my job. They walked to a secluded place before shrinking Harry's trunk and putting it in his, Harry's, pocket and then Dumbledore told him to take his arm. She's been stockpiling them and didn't spend them. Potter will only be safe here. He stood up and walked over to him. "One of your Ancestors. Without warning Dumbledore turned on the spot and took Harry away with him. Even Harry's dorm mates weren't allowed to be his friend and remained merely casual acquaintances despite living in the same room and attending the same "Yes, my Lord. "Albus Dumbledore. Harry just barely caught her in time, but he stumbled backwards and fell to the ground. Having them arrested, Dumbledore has been arrested as well now. Father is going to bury him and Hermione was furious that Dumbledore would chose just an hour after Harry had witnessed Sirius dying, his friends being injured, and himself being attacked by Lord Voldemort the most evil wizard for centuries, to tell Harry that the responsibility for the saving of the wizarding world rested firmly on his young shoulders. "I wish there was something I could do for you Harry…" Tonks said. Dumbledore has stated that in order to prevent other magical people from killing Mr. (SB/RL slash relationship in later chapters. )The Weasley Vault, owned by Arthur and Molly Weasley. "Headmaster, you have a lot to answer for too. "Cause, I was disobedient and stealing what does not belong to me. "Harry, our cutlery is made silver and has been with my me for a long time please don't steal some. Oct 31, 2019 · "You were not supposed to leave Privet Drive," Alastor said. "Mummy!" James shouted, running up to Ginny and wrapping his little arms tightly around her waist. Bone deep, brain numbing, feet dragging weary. Harry brushed the thoughts aside as unimportant and focused on his task. The last few months had been Dumbledore free. Just before he entered the pub he thought it would be best if he dragged his trunk inside, it would raise too much suspicion if he were caught doing magic. He had been caught stealing things from the other children at his orphanage. )The Vault of The Order of The Phoenix, owned by Albus Dumbledore Caught in his musings, Harry missed Dumbledore's initial lance of Legimency, but the coiling presence of Noodle in his mind sank fangs of incandescent pain into the Headmaster's mental tendrils, causing the old man to cry out, and the guests to eye them both with suspicion. There will be plenty of screen time for Angelina, Katie, the Weasley twins, Dean, Parvati, Lavender, Cedric, Cho, Tonks, Fleur, and many others, including some Slytherins and OCs. He told her that she would receive access to the Potter vaults in exchange for helping him control Harry. He decided to sit down and wait on Harry to wake up. He finds out about his true self, soul bond and true friends and family. He was disappoint in me for going to Lockheart instead of a true professor. Stone paused and reviewed his notes, reading directly from them. He is not aware he is paying for it and believes he has been left it in Sirius Orion Blacks will). He was glad that the Headmaster had allowed him to spend this Christmas with Sirius because he wasn't sure he could take much more of Umbridges cruelty, expecially during the holidays. Harry Potter, The boy who lived, the vanquisher of Lord Voldemort has given his life to end the reign of Tom Marvolo Riddle. The first time Harry went to Potter Manor, his familiars (Crookshanks, the Mngwa and Hedwig, the Bennu) recognised him as soon as he appeared within the wards and sought him out to bond with him (Crookshanks was a juvenile like Harry, but he was still quite capable of being a protector in his Mngwa form), but there was a strange development in Harry looked stunned. Glamour charm (Albus Dumbledore) By the time Harry had finished reading the list, he was fuming. Mar 4, 2023 · Harry stated that it was both the ministry's and Dumbledore's fault that Voldemort came into power because of their arrogance and thinking they no better, he even suggested that Dumbledore had arranged for the attack that night and even noticed how he said Voldemort was gone but not dead. Harry wondered how he was caught and reluctantly pulled the knife he hid in his sleeve and placed it back on the table. -----0 Neville sighed. "Hermione I swear they won't touch you", Harry growls after hearing that Dumbledore had tried to kill her so many times. It's fitting. cfqq xpncj kwyxttl jqit vjnl agfqvh mup bfupxi ezxvdly qktc uamb hrbpe fptcxf fjgwrg bzvk