Chain crit vs tenderizer. Island Marshlands Volcano Arena V.
Chain crit vs tenderizer Crit Boost is only a 12% boost at most comparing 100% affinity to 100% affinity w/ Crit Boost. 30 Strength . 2x Tenderizer Jewels; 1x Chain Jewel for Burst; 3x Mighty Jewels for Maximum Might (optional but ideal) 1x Flayer Jewel for extra wound power; Some Constitution in your leftover Level 1 slots; 4. I believe Chain Crit works as follows: +5 raw +5 ele after the first hit then it scales to 10 raw 8 ele, 12 raw 10 ele, 15 raw 15 ele depending on the level. Then, Skill +2 makes this 10 points. 0% Critical Hit Chance 1. Question Soo how it's actually look like? I am mostly on bots with Sickle due to running ammoless meme but Heavy Devastators are real pain in the ass so I trying find something to precise headshots them. What you need are, morph 3, chain crit, water element, tenderizer, element exploit. For saed play style consider slotting element dmg instead. I was hoping maybe I'd find a "Crit element 3 is worth losing 2 points in AB" or "AB is pointless if you go crit element" or something like that to help me judge the With those, a few decorations, a one-slot Bow and the Fastcharge charm you can get Normal Up, Weakness Exploit, Chain Crit, Critical Boost and Fastcharge on the set. There's a Rise calculator and from my testing with Crit Boost 1 The damage increase between 0% and 10% affinity is 3. Shells tick up the buff which is neat but not only that, each tick of full burst procs it. For Pierce Gunning/Bow, Chain Crit is better most of the time because usually only one of your shots will actually trigger Weakness Exploit. Is it worth it? I'm not really a numbers guy but the final boss chest comes with CC 1, Wex 1, Resentment 1, lv3 Tenderizer Jewel 2: Recommended Armor & Equipments. Bonus resets after 3 seconds without hitting the monster. Once equipped, the Jewel provides additional points for various skills, such as +2 Bombardier, or +4 Chain Crit/-2 Protection. Weakness Exploit, especially with Crit Boost, allow such players to quickly rack up massive damage. If you can reliably and frequently hit spots that activate Tenderizer, it will increase your damage significantly more that Expert+1. Attack Boost 0 > 1 adds an unconditional +3 raw. But since most of the builds Tenderizer. com! Chain Crit. Critical Eye +3 +20: Increases Affinity by 30%. If they had a choice between Chain Crit 3 or Agitator 5, Agitator wins. +2 (I think) you can get up to 95% affinity for the duration the frenzy bonus counts. When coupled with Critical Eye and Weakness Exploit, Critical Boost Liberator vs Tenderizer . Crit Status: Status Crit Tenderizer →. I think crit draw is generally better but I still need to examine it more. Chain Crit 1 > 2 adds a conditional +2 raw, +2 element. Critical Eye +1 +10: Increases Affinity by 10%. for ranged, the bonus is 8/9/10. Slot, +1 Stamina Surge Chain Jewel 2 Crit Element Jewel 2 Blaze Jewel 1 Tempest Hakama Slots: 4, 4, 2 But vs what you could get with Berserk+MoH+Strife or DC+Furious+Dereliction+Strife it's a lot worse. And comparing them on 'X setup' is only true for said setup, in real runs the result can easily differs. Arkveld Vambraces B | 2 x Sheath / Shock I have almost all the equipment in the game, but I want to try other things for a change. Skills that affect the likelihood of performing critical hits. Yes I'll agree 3 lvl 2 deco on weakness exploit for 50 over the 6 lvl 1 critical eye for guaranteed 25% the answer is obv. 4x the damage. This goes up to 30% at 5 hits right? So 20 (CE2), + 15 (glaive) + 30 (chain) + 30 (white buff) is 95% permanant affinity. Charm doubling makes this +8 chain crit. Depends on where you are. I personally prefer chain crit over critical eye tho, due to being cheaper to gem in than crit eye +2/3 If you have critical boost, your crits will hit for 1. 2 Deco. Learn the effects of Tenderizer Jewel 2, how to unlock Tenderizer Jewel 2, materials used to craft it, armor pieces that have 1 stabilized and anti armor do not work for the dot, only the base damage 2 tenderizer, taking one for the team and critical hits dont work on the dot, just the impact and explosion So if you want the most dot damage, bloodied and damage while aiming is the best, but for raw impact/explosion damage, bloodied/anti armor with 50% crit is the best. Learn the effects of Chain Jewel 2 and the materials used to craft it. If the hitzone is higher, then crit draw quickly becomes better than tenderizer. Then gunners want bloodlust 1 before attack 4. Select a piece of equipment that has an available Decoration slot and then hit Right on the D-Pad (D Key on the keyboard) to select from your available I'm running both Chain Crit and Weakness Exploit, as well as AuL. I generally prefer crit eye > chain crit > weakness exploit because some monster weaknesses arent reachable with DB (for example gravios wings). But Crit boost or crit element only make sense if you reach a high affinity otherwise both are wasted. 0 Stagger Damage 27% Block Stability. Chain crit 2/3 will only add like 2 or 5 attack/element so they generally aren't worth it. . bow needs stam surge 3 and con2 or 4 depending on food, cats, dash juice usage. In reality, if you feel like you arnt hitting weak points 60-70% of the time or your So it's probably the overall best charm in the game for general use sets (well with Tenderizer 6 since it can go one point higher now). You get a bunch of easy bonus damage from that combo of skills Charms of this variant are known as god charms. 45 + 0. Pinnacle Ingle Isle Polar Field Wyvern's End Desert Jungle Ruined Pinnacle Castle Schrade Fortress Forlorn Citadel. Ridge M. But if you're going from AB3 > 4, it's no contest- get that flat 5% raw. Crit eye 2+, Crit boost, Tenderizer, Chain crit, And razor sharp I got lucky with a chain crit 4 expert 6 ooo talisman i gemmed crit boost 4 and i got three meta skills by just the talisman. 3 - J. 5x Crit draw does 6% more damage on the draw attack. My best charm though is even rarer and I've noticed that all the builds people use usually include both repeat offender and weakness exploit, and everyone wants the Ultimate chain crit 5 000 charm. Crit element allows you to critical on your elemental attacks. Brave DBs has a sharpening guard point, so between that and Absolute Readiness there isn't much of any need to sharpen. This skill has 3 Levels. A solid first skill like tenderizer, critical, spirit, focus etc. At level 3, this skill boosts damage from critical hits by 40%. It basically became the running joke between my friends and me. That's fantastic for 2 lvs more levels in a skill. Almost all the others require handicraft, which none of the deviant armors can get useful skill combinations with. Each arrow counts as a hit. The higher number is better, and it applies to more damage types. I'm glad I did, 'cause I got the expert jewel out of it. Seaway F. Ranged weapons can keep the bonus activated effectively non stop. Zander's Tenderizer. So damage over time = 10% affinity = 2. melee is harder to achieve that. Having it's own slot with a level that can take a tenderizer jewel is also a plus, 3 points weakness exploit in one piece Chain Crit →. Also, there is a Gaijin hunter video on it, from back in 4U Reply reply Crit boost would be preferred when playing on saed cause vial explosions can't crit even when playing element. 0% The damage increase between 80% and 90% affinity is With neb, you can reach crit eye +2 if you have a tenderizer +5 or using the silver los xr waist on the jho ceana set. But a couple of days ago it finally happened. 84 Base Damage 6. Tenderizer: Weakness Exploit +10: Increases Affinity when striking body parts your attacks are highly effective against. 22: Several adjustments were made within the Critical Eye +1 Possible with Tenderizer +5, OOO Set 7: Any 3 slot weapon that needs Sharpness +2 (Crimson Fatalis, Ahtal-Ka) Esurient Helm XR Ceanataur Mail XR Chain Crit +5, Chain crit is great and definitely wants at least 1 point but the others might be better than points 2 and 3 if it is an even trade to get them. kiranico. 9% critical damage. This is Second Wind Great Sword Equipment that can be assembled without the Great Sword Artian Weapon. 07. Well here is where you come into the lvl 2 exploit weakness deco vs the lvl 1 critical eye deco. 2Loader version:0. The problem with comparing Tenderizer vs Attack Up is that one is an all-purpose skill and the other a special case. How to Read:\u000BSkill Tree Name <Tiers> | Skill Tier Chain Crit and Gunlance . If you're exclusively doing lightning damage (or if that's the only crit you're worried about) you could stack both for greater overall crit damage. The highest element value on any weapon is for Dab is 69, and it's low 60ish for every other rank 10 maxed out elemental damage DB. As for the negate stun thing, that’s up to you if you want to swap it out, but instead of going for tenderizer, I would just throw in chain crit. Ideally you would want all of the above given a good charm setup with chain crit on it, or rolling some chain crit using augments on your gear. Skills that increase damage when striking body parts upon which your attacks are highly effective. This, and it’s purple sharpness sliver, Toka gives you Crit Chain (25-30% affinity), Critical Boost, and Elemental Crit. That being said, you are correct that 1 point of CC is good enough for status and raw SA. on a crit we get Crit boost 1 390 true raw Crit boost 2 405 true raw Crit boost 3 420 true raw For those who haven't played MH Generations/Ultimate, Chain Crit was originally an affinity-based skill (identical to the Kushala Daora Soul Ramp-Up Skill), first found on Astalos armor. How to Improve Crit-Chain and P-Crit. Not reliant on hitting weakpoints which situationally mY be hard to hit. 0 where your only options to get is the armor or a charm? Burst is a Skill in Monster Hunter Rise (MHR). Easy Tenderizer increases your affinity by 50% when striking a part that has a weakness of 45 or higher. An Artian Lance Skyscraper can have up to 500 Element, one of the highest in the game. All these are essential for a fantastic Dual Blades build. Frontier V. Reply reply If you have to choose between Crit Boost and Crit Eye, assuming Purple Sharpness on Diablos CB, then Crit Boost is a bit over 10 EFR better Chain Crit; Follow @kiranico_en Looking for MHGU information? Visit our Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate database at: https://mhgu. These Decorations once crafted have no use until you equip them onto the slots that some Armor Pieces, Weapons and even Talismans have. Tenderizer adds 5 to hitzones of 45 and up, which works out to around 5-11% raw damage increase. Tenderizer 6 Expert 10 OOO is the all around best charm in the entire game. Critical Juncture: you enter a counter stance and if you are attacked during the stance, you unleash a big countering slash with a big partbreaker bonus IIRC. 15. #minecraft #pvp #pojavlauncherMinecraft Version:1. Only had 1 option show up as well so that's nice. Reply reply Home; Popular Affinity: chance to do a critical hit (1. AB4 gives 7 raw and a bonus 5% raw AB7 gives 10 raw and a bonus 10% raw That bonus would be a 1. 0 Block Stamina Damage 64. The only real difference is the amount of magazines, the Tenderizer having 10, over the Liberator's 7. Learn what the Burst Skill does at each level, which Armor and Decorations have this skill, and our builds that use Burst. Expert. Tenderizer Jwl 1 Chain Jwl 1 ―― Chain I gave the old lady at the tradeyard a shot and picked the lowest tier option. Steppe V. 6 element more (DB is 6 to 12 I think) is 10% damage or so. Burst increases attack and elemental attack as the player continuously land consecutive hits. Tenderizer +5, 3 slot talisman Blunt Jewel 1 x2 Critical Jewel 1 x4 Blunt Jewel 2 x1 Skills: Critical Eye +2 Bludgeoner Weakness Exploit Critical Boost Reply Pidgeon For SnS, element crit is essential on half of the weapons and there's no way to get it plus decent base crit on any of the deviant sets. 05 or 1. For elements, you generally run [Specific Element]2 and Elemental Crit, along with whatever affinity boosting you can manage. I have silverwing hammer and my skills are: Critical eye + Like i said before, i might be wrong but crit should still out dps raw Edit: I stand corrected, it does apply. Has the added benefit of being entirely made of Rarity 10 parts, so higher Def I think yes for pretty much every weapon dependent on element, chain crit should be prioritised over CE. Tenderizer will give a 12. In terms of the build itself, again do both so like crit boost and elemental crit (personally I dont like elem crit but it may work better for you). Chain crit gives 25%on the first hit. With a good talisman you could add in WE or Razor Sharp to finish the set off. EDIT: Forgot the actual skill name was Repeat Offender (thanks u/nitronomer), but I always called a skill by its deco name. Tenderizer Crit Status Decorations: Elemental Attack+1 3, Tenderizer Jewel 1, Critical Jewel 3, Mighty Bow Jewel Rampage Deco: Anti-Aerial Jewel, Anti-Dragon Jewel, Anti-Aquatic Jewel, Fanged Exploit Jewel, Rally Jewel Been playing a non chain crit build while I work on getting the final boss mantle to try out chain crit, and its been feeling decently powerful. The extra affinity while active helps shore up the Gaismagorm Lance’s affinity woes (which I realize are mostly mitigated by Decorations are special Jewels that can be crafted from the Smithy in each village/hub. Chain Crit: Repeat Offender +10: Increases Affinity following repeated attacks. This Dragon Lance comes with high elemental damage and Level 3 Critical Element, making it perfect for an elemental burst setup. If the conditions are right, the maximum affinity will be 95% when attacking with Wounds, and the Stamina added "Unlike p3rd stinger (aka tenderizer) doesn't give a 50% boost affinity which is a 12. I joined a random Rathalos investigation for the weekly limited research, and got a tenderizer from a mysterious feystone at the end of the second run. Slayground A. Well I guess now I'm torn, because I have a Crit Element 2 / Chain Crit 2 3-1 charm which, when I saw it, I instalocked because I thought surely that combo would be golden lol. 242 strike Damage. For 4 and up, you're adding a couple percentage points to raw and it will pretty much outweigh that one level of Crit Boost. I tried out the Tenderizer, but it felt almost exactly the same as the Liberator, but with a larger span of time between shots. Very good for all arts again but suits the play style of adept and valor. Pinnacle Ingle Isle Polar Field Wyvern's End Desert Jungle J. Vicious: +5. like technically it is within the realm of the game but its unreasonable to have without spending an unreasonable amount of hours grinding. Critical Eye -1-10: Decreases Affinity by 5%. It honestly feels Critical Boost: Critical hit damage is increased. Aerial SA refers to the playstyle where you're trying to spam ZSD into soaring wyvern blade as much as possible. Slayground Sanctuary Forlorn Arena S. Island Marshlands Volcano Arena V. A 5 chain crit three slot charm if you have one easily is much easier to fit than having to use the hayabusa feather chain crit +5 000 sharpness +6 000 For the longest time, the Chain Crit 5 ooo eluded me. ) Tenderizer Skills that increase damage when striking body parts upon which your attacks are highly effective. So yeah they nerfed it for ranged weapons because of this. Burst is a new skill debuting in the Sunbreak Expansion. At max points you are getting 15 raw and 15 element which is just so much better than basically any 3 points you can spend outside of wex and maybe crit boost. The 5% extra element damage from CE will mean only 3-6 effective element and that's only for 100% crit (e. Skills are granted to Hunters by their equipped Weapons, Armor, Talismans and My go-to set for Hammer ended up being a Neset set with a Chain Crit +4/Tenderizer +4 O-- talisman, gemmed for WEX, Crit Boost, Razor Sharp, Repeat Offender, with enough slots left for a 5 gem skill like Bind Res, Heat/Cold Cancel depending on the hunt. 痛撃 Tenderizer. Chain Fire: Basic attack hits trigger a Fire chain that bounces between Actually if you want to fit more offensive skills it's kinda easier to fit RO than get 20 points of crit eye. So overall crit eye+2/3 > stinger. I have better charms than that which actually help me make equal or better sets but it always bugged me that I didn’t have that charm. Along with max crit or attack and 3 slots. Does anyone know how much the damage increase from Tenderizer is? I've used both Tenderizer and Critical Eye+2/+3/God and am interested in resolving which is better (I'm actually expecting Tenderizer to be better than +2, but maybe at +3 Expert might make your average expected damage value slightly higher or only slightly worse, then compared to Critical God would This document is meant to more explicitly explain the effects of skills in the game Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate. 20 Critical Damage Multiplier 64. 25x multiplier) You can raise affinity with crit+(+10, 15, 20% for each level). A critical = 25% damage. 5% damage boost [mind you, on average] for hitting any weakpoint, on it's own with no affinity prior. Here however, I feel like there might be some build finesse you can do to get teostra or kushala blessing lvl2 or However, with ONLY Critical Eye+1, Tenderizer is the easy superior option. Tenderizer +10: Skills that increase damage when striking body parts upon which your attacks are highly effective. 5% increase but rather gives a straight 5% damage increase if you attack a hitzone more than 45. With crit boost you would power up your hits used to fill the vials. Some Jewels require Crit Element Jewel+ 4 Tenderizer Jewel 2 Tempest Robe Slots: 4, 4, 2 Augments: +1 Lv. This is a guide to crafting the Critical Jewel 2 decoration in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise). for melee, its 10/12/15. Some would rather have chain crit 5 or pierce up 6 instead of tenderizer, but that's pretty much the best there is for almost everything. Ranged wants shot type up lvl3 first, then rapid fire up if pierce 2 LBG, then recoil/reload for guns. Even the production weapon "Stalwart Lamorak" has a high attack and white gauge, and Focus Lv3 makes it strong enough to fight around. At least tenderizer 5 ooo and 2 weapons slots and it gives: Load up Pierce up Weakness exploit Crit eye2 Crit up Say you have a charm that gives +4 chain crit. 5% average raw increase. Arkvulcan Mail B | Tenderizer / Mighty. While the raw bonus is the same as other weapons, the element bonus is 6/8/12 for DB and 8/12/15 for SA, which makes all 3 points of CC important for these weapons when playing elemental builds. Reply reply Attack and crit numbers for Dereliction, Bloodlust, Mail of Hellfire, Coalescence, Chain Crit, Resentment, Attack Boost, Agitator, Maximum Might, Weakness Exploit EDIT NOTE 14. I find Tenderizer gives Which is better between Chain Crit and Tenderizer? I also have room for either AuL or Critical eye +3, not sure which of these would be better either when paired with my already high Affinity. However, the current meta of Wilds doesn't demand Elemental Weapons as both Arkveld and Gore Magala don't have great Elemental Hitzone Values. Tenderizer 5 OOO/Chain Crit 5 OOO Sharpness 2, Razor sharp, WE, CB and Crit 1 with 0 slot Chain crit is nerfed on DB it gives 12 max, and I think is lower at every level. Hills A. 0My device: Redmi Note 8Ram/Rom: 6/128Video Cr Hunger: +15 Sense: +10 Chain Crit: +10 Tenderizer: +10: Male Female Defense Fir Wat Thn Ice Dra Slots Chain Crit: +2 Critical Up: +2 Crit Element: +2 Stam Recov: +2: 640 ~ 830-10 +10 +10 +10-10: 4: Chain Crit: +10 Critical Up: +10 Crit Element: +10 Stam Recov: +10: Male Female Defense Fir Wat Thn Ice Dra Slots Gore 4-pc (Raw Generalist Build) Lance is a weapon that can be played with a focus on Raw or Elemental Damage. Critical Eye +2 +15: Increases Affinity by 20%. This boost is lower with less affinity. Like with rise, is it gonna be tenderizer 2. So stinger = 5% damage increase IF you're hitting a 45+ hitzone While crit eye+2 = 5% damage increase on all hitzones over time. Critical Strike Damage is universal to all damage types, Lightning Critical Strike Damage is exclusive to Lightning skills. 5) = 0. Crit Status: Status Crit +10: Increases abnormal status attack potency (Paralysis, Poison, Sleep) of your critical Dimensius (6 attack boost / 2 sharpness) | Critical 3 / Critical 2 / Attack 3. This is not a skill tier list, nor are any skills recommended. Skill Tree Description Level Effect Chain Crit 連撃 Repeat Offender 連撃の心得 10 Increases Affinity following repeated attacks. Hollow Primal Forest F. 1. However, as one of the more average players, I personally opt for Critical Eye or Chain Crit. I think the casual DB set is really a Chain crit activates on your very first shot of a fully charged spread. This is a guide to crafting the Chain Jewel 2 decoration in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise): Sunbreak. It depends on the level of Attack Boost. This armor set focuses on getting the skills Critical Element, Critical Boost, and Chain Crit. However, if you were to do follow up attacks tenderizer will come out on top. Every time you crit, you add 25% to the true raw for that attack, so a crit gets 375 true raw! Each level of crit boost, increase the crits extra damage by 5% so with crit boost. Pinnacle Ingle Isle Polar Field Wyvern's End Desert Jungle +6 Tenderizer, +4 Sharpness OOO-----1x Chain Jwl 3 2x Crit Status Jwl 2 5x Trapmaster Jwl 1 1x Disabler Jwl 1-----436-706 Def, 8 Fir, 0 Wat, -4 Ice, 2 Thn, 2 Drg Skills: Critical Eye +1 Status Atk +1 Repeat Offender Status Crit Trap Master Razor Sharp With catspaws. Since you already have 70% affinity, throwing in tenderizer will just be unnecessary. Sunbreak changed how Chain Crit worked but kept the name, and now Some weapons benefit a lot from chain crit, even if only 1 level. Empty Socket: Attach a gem to add its effect. WEX spots) whereas chain crit will apply the extra 5 element whenever and after 5 hits much more than that. AB7, wex, ele attack, chain crit, ele explot 1, rapid morph and sharpness management are your best dmg Just beat astalos and was expecting to see some unlock for chain crit deco. I In theory and on paper if the monster has a 45+ hitzone you can hit, yes tenderizer is better. So Blast Dash, slam, full burst on Normal GL will give you a max buff. It's still worth it. You can equip Decorations by going to the Smithy or your Tent and then selecting "Change Equipment" in the menu. If you're a speed runner or just a top-tier player in general, you're able to consistently target weak spots a good 80% of the time. Peaks Dunes D. Critical Eye+1 is a 2. I have done a little testing with Chain Crit. They're both essentially the same if you have fast weapons. With a basic chain crit +5 000 charm (no expert unlike my charm) , you can still get all those skills and crit eye 2. In this case, they asked if it was better than Agitator, which it isn’t. But yes having both will work together, allowing your elemental damage to also do critical damage. I trade crit eye for attack boost 4 or 7. Learn the effects of Critical Jewel 2, materials used to craft it, and armor pieces that have the same skills as Critical Jewel 2. (1 successful hit will grant 25% Affinity, 5 more consecutive hits will grant 30% Affinity, missing an attack or not attacking for 5 seconds will reset the skill. 5% damage increase. Now you Having resentment 5 is 25 true raw, so 325, easy enough. Stinger got nerfed way too hard from p3rd it went from the best skill to a meh skill. Astalos; On a hitzone of 45 with tenderizer: x(0. How to Farm Decorations. g. Coalescence 1 and chain crit 1 are also extremely J. The other high-elem LSs can grab ElemExploit and thus justify going all out on chain crit, whereas Opressor’s doesn’t and so has to still try and seek a balance, even when trying to go high element. Grounded SA refers to the playstyle where you stay on the ground and try to use the rapid morph loop combo (ZR, A, ZR) This is a guide to crafting the Tenderizer Jewel 2 decoration in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise). Maybe something with <element> atk up 13 if you want SnS or element LBG Tenderizer: +3 Sense: +2 Chain Crit: +2 Chain Crit +10: Skills that increase Affinity following repeated attacks. Knockout King isn't worth it - the difference it makes is minimal and you can always eat Thats whats pressing me the most the chance of getting a tenderizer +6 chain crit +5 OOO is probably like 1 in a billion do u see how crazy it is when 2/4 people in a lobby have that. How to Equip Decorations Access the Change Equipment Menu. Skills that increase Affinity following repeated attacks. Xu Wu Helm B | Mighty / Sheath. Weakness Exploit (tenderizer) gives 50% more affinity on weakspots, and Repeat Offender(chain crit) gives 30% affinity if you consistently hit the monster. Critical Eye -2-15: Chain crit is balanced differently for DB and SA specifically. G. "If they stack" is a rather odd way to put it because they are two different effects. The amount of increase will depend on the weapon that is being used. Attack boost 4 is a good damage skill in most context. Lv Shinobi Heaven Mask Goku This is a guide to the Burst Skill (previously known as Chain Crit) in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise): Sunbreak. v 3 - Chain Crit Lv. 1 So together with the armor of the chaotic that has natural tenderizer, atk up M and crit. Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 5 votes and 4 comments IMO if you are using a rapid fire pierce shot LBG I reccomend a chain crit/ Pierce up tally. Bonus caps at 5 hits. Liberator is my first pick to test this today but Tenderizer suppose to be more accurate. Here are the monsters you'll be carving to get to craft this armor. Name Decoration Jewels; Head: Astalos Helm: Salvo Jewel 3 Critical Jewel 2 Steadfast Jewel 1: Chest: Golm Mail: - Weakness Exploit L. 18. +10 : Weakness Exploit It’s incredibly good on fast attacking elemental focused weapons (though 1 point is still fine on fast attacking raw weapons). xwrex ekbtkg kjxfby vhpcm ycev qnax wru byabu smcm pqt pqo aorfk mwnxm rli prys