260 remington load data h4350 260 Rem. IMR4350 for 120's and H4831sc for the 140's- least in my 260. Gold $$ Contributor. But there I was using about 42gr. 77 with 120 NBT. New posts Search forums. 9 grains as the max charge. 2gr, respectively, as max charges for their bullets. 0 2481 40. Load Data for ELD-X. The speed that I am achieving, the 123 grain is not holding up to my expectations on game. GenochristXFirst Sergeant Rating: 3. but for my 6. Sako Varmint, 260 Rem, 130 gr. Shooters World initial 260 Remington 135 Grain Barrel Length = 24” COAL = 2. 260 Remington. 8 REMINGTON SPC 6. For me I called Hornady and Hodgdon and the Hodgdon guy recommended starting with the H4350 data for a 140 gr bullet and work from there, that I'd probably be safe to work past the max load for the 140 gr bullet with the lower pressure from the lighter bullet. I looked at the data I agree with MarkinGa. Good Shooting Rich . 260 rem, mountain LSS with 22 inch barrel. . 1- do a pressure test with your bullet 2 - drop down 1. Dan. 260 Rem load data, start about that halfway point and work up. I stopped at 44 grains and was getting 2715 fps suppressed. Reactions: CJ6, Bill Norris and xswanted. tipped Gamechanger bullets. Find reloading data for various cartridges and powders, including IMR Improved Military Rifle, on the Hodgdon website. Primer: REM 9½ Load Data for . Forums. 7 gr . The Hornady 129Interlock was THE bullet for 260 and 6. Home. Jan 3, 2019. Bullet: 127 gr LRX BT (Barnes) Diameter: 0. top of page. all loaded in necked up 243 win brass with whatever brand of primers i can find. Got up to 2815 fps with that load. through a 22" criterion barrel with Silencerco omega supp, I was getting 2850fps with SD 4 and ES 9. and the Hornady data seems a bit odd. Joined Jan 12, 2014 Messages 139 Location Idaho high country. 260 REM 142 Data-Hodgdon. 260 Rem with Reloder 16? I was able to pick up a couple pounds locally and would like a starting point for 140 ELD-M, only data I could find on line was for the 142 SMK. 3 in Remington brass with a 130 Norma, but the brass was done after 1-2 shots. I use H4350 and 4451 interchangeably but I Have used some starline, but mainly been using and sticking with alpha brass, cci 200, h4350 (43. Powders include Accurate, Vihtavuori, Ramshot, Alliant, IMR, Hodgdon Accurate Arms Load Data A4350 for 260 Rem: My recent experience with AA 4350 is that it is a bit slower than H4350. Sierra load data attached. Aug 6, 2022 #14 As many fellow shooters here have pointed out the 260 rem is easy to load 260 Remington Ackley Improved Chambering. 072 !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE! Data for burning rate decreased by 10% relative to nominal value: -Ba 104 44. I was about at your speed though. J. 8 1. They data shows that RL-19 is the most accurate powder with the 130 Accubonds. 5mm loads 260 Rem Tacmatch chamber 260 The 260 rem and the 6. Book lists this as a compressed load but I do not feel any crunch when seating bullets and can hear powder moving when I shake a loaded cartridge. 7 gr. Max Powder: 49. 284. 5 IMR 4451; Berger 130 AR Hybrid seated @ . 500 yrd max distance. Fill ratio Viht n550 36. Joined Dec 12, 2005 Messages 169. Feb 12, 2020 12 0. In the 22", all 120 loads tested peaked out at around 2800 and then started showing some primer flattening much beyond that. Load data for Shooters World Long Rifle reloading powder including technical specifications, popular calibers and possible substitutes for this propellant. 10. 6gr H4350 in Rem brass with CCI BR2 primers. 5x06 has a 9" twist and I ws told by Hornady it wouldn't handle their 140gr bullet. H4350 or IMR4350 with ~140gr bullets. Works great but a lil slower than H4350; 39. Bullet: 95 gr V-MAX (HDY) Diameter: 0. Now that I have some bullets and brass on the way does anyone have any experience with loading with this powder? Can it be as accurate as H4350 My go to load for the 260 Remington is 43 gr. Ramshot Big Game H4350 is the best powder. including technical specifications, suitable bullets, popular powders, and info charts. 260 Remington Data: Warning! Notes: All necked-up Lapua . . 260 Rem load data needed Since Nosler makes the bullets I followed their load data in Manual #6. Santiam338 Well-Known Member. Facebook Instagram X Snipershide. 5 Creedmoor - 140 Grain ELD-M & Vihtavuori N555 Load Data RL 26 and H4350 are are known for getting some great velocity out of the 260 rem with 140 class projectiles. IMR 4064 2850 fps measured 10 feet from the muzzle the 6. In standard 260 42ish gr of H4350 is pretty common accuracy load. 0 H4350 under a 100 Partition for a easy on the shoulder, deer killing SOAG at 3K I am looking for load data for the . Apparently the real-world load for 260 Rem and 140gr bullets using H4350 is quite different from that of the outspoken Internet commando. 1/27/07. Who has a good 260 Rem load for long range precision shooting? I'll take any suggestions. 243 brass and CCI 200 primers. Load Data for . Primer: REM 9½ I had similar results with my 20" 260 CTR, Lapua brass, CCI 200, and H4350. However, since there was no load data for Superformance in the . Hornady, on the other hand, lists 49. Hodgdon H380, Hodgdon H414, Hodgdon H4350, Hodgdon Hybrid 100V, Hodgdon LVR, Hodgdon VARGET, IMR 3031, I just shot my new 260 rem barrel for my LR308 today. I’ll bet 40-42 grains of H4350 or IMR 4451 would work well with any of your bullets. What kind of Load data and recommendations for the 124 Load data for 69 loads in caliber . Go with H4350. My rifle seems to like the jump. This will be my bighorn sheep, antelope and deer rifle. 5SLR can push a 140 @ 2800 easily, or a 130 OTM @ 2938fps. Try Hogdons website. (Handloader Issue #216) Get help to accurately calculate and scope your sniper rifle using real shooting data. I think it should be attainable, as my 22" 6. 8. Remington 700 5-R Gen 2 . Minuteman. Sako man profesional dilettante. BTW, my 6. Powders include Hodgdon, Winchester, IMR I was wondering if anyone has any load data for . 2 gr. Load Development for the 260AI Barrel. I didn't know that about Hodgdon load data, but part of my purpose in this thread was Anybody load . 025; barrel length: 24"; COAL: 2. Many including myself end up at a similar place as H4350 but with more speed at that charge . 1 gr . 5grns of H4350. Read HERE for details. xswanted. 264 diameter 130gr. purple-planet. I would start at 43 if you don't want to waste components and time. second is 44. 260 Remington (Model 700) Warning! Notes: Test rifle was a Remington Model 700 with a 24-inch barrel; one-in-9-inch twist (Handloader Issue #190) Be Alert: Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published load data. Thread starter xswanted; Start date Apr 12, 2023; xswanted. They seem to be like 142smk’s in that they’re easy to load for. AS WITH ALL RELOADING APPROACH THE MAXIMUM LOADS WITH CAUTION AS ALL RIFLES AND RELOADING TECHNIQUES WILL I’ve been scouring the other 260 Load Data threads on here and have noticed that most of the data here consists of loads with bullets seated way out towards the lands and that are considerably longer than what the run of the mill SA mag length will allow. I can say that the 140 Sierras at modest speeds have been text book perfect on deer and even large hogs. Music: http://www. Apr 12, 2023 Problem is my hodgen manual does not give any info on 130gr bullets. Max Powder: 41. In the reloading manuals IMR4350 is favored. Any info would be appreciated. Get the app. Full Member. , popular powders, suitable bullets, and comprehensive load data for this caliber. 8andbait Well-Known Member. 0 2460 37. T. That is the load that I used for several years in my target rifle. Reactions: trodgers. Shoots lights out as long as I do my part. It has a very low ES an SD with 43. Start Vel. In fact H4350 was the only powder that worked good for me on the . 135 gr ClassiC hunter g1 BC = 0. 277. Search. My 260 hunting rifle uses 140 Amax at mag length, w/ 43. Anyone using Varget for reloading . Can only quote data from the Hodgdon manual for 120gr SPR SP's and 125gr Nos Partitions Most of my reloading manuals give data for the IMR4350; however, it seems like a lot of people on the Hide are using H4350 (and there is almost no data in my manuals for H4350). Forming loads were shot out to 700yds at times with h4831sc and bergers as the rifle seemed to like that more than h4350 in forming. Using bullets from Sierra HPBT, Ballistic Tip, Barnes X-Bullet, Nosler Partition, Speer Hot-Core. I have only had it about a month but I am loving me some . 4 and 45. Due to a remodel, this past year I've been using Has anyone used the 130 hpbt from Sierra in a 260 Rem? I have Varget, IMR 4064, H4350, RE 17, and H380 to use. 9 1. 584 G7 BC = 0. Approx. Using bullets from Barnes Banded Solid Spitzer, Barnes TSX BT, Barnes TSX FB. H-414. Bergers, . 0 2572 Explore the world of Nosler, renowned for crafting the finest bullets, ammunition, rifles, and brass. I just got back from the range and wanted to share my experience with h4350. I have some new Rem 260 brass arriving which I will compare internal volumes and do a quick shot/chrono test 260 AI load data. The results were exactly as predicted. Mar 8, 2020 #1 Mar 8, 2020 If you have H4350 data I’d drop down half a grain and start there. M. Primer: REM 9½ I used H4350 with great success. 264" Powder: 760 (Winchester) Starting Powder: 38. Hodgdon H4350. Load data for caliber . Reply. Hodgdon H380, Hodgdon H414, Hodgdon H4350, Hodgdon Hybrid 100V, Hodgdon LVR, Hodgdon VARGET, IMR 3031, I do have a couple pounds of H4831SC on hand, though, and the data on Hodgdon's website suggests that the H4831SC will actually push the heavier bullets just a bit faster than H4350 in the 260 Rem. 260 Remington H4350 is one of Hodgon's extreme powders. 82 gr. 260 Rem 120gr ELD data with H4350. 260 24” Factory Barrel 1:8 Twist 142gr bullet with 42 H4350 seems to be a favorite here for 260 loads. Leslie Sapp Well-Known Member. 5 to 2 grains. 6 gr . 867” COAL) 3020 fps . For what it's worth, here's my load data: Savage 12 LRP (26" barrel, 1:8. 288 Redding steel neck bushing. 5 2531 45. 0gn of H4350 for best accuracy at 200yds. Was told that RE16 is very close, maybe Would someone help me out with QL on 260 Rem 24" barrel & H4350. 260, using H4350 and Norma 130 grain 'Golden Target' bullets. Remington prepped brass Fed match primers 39 grs. I used Barnes load data for the 130 Cci br-2, once fired lapua brass, bartlein barrel, rem 700 action. 270 WINCHESTER 270 WEATHERBY MAGNUM 270 WINCHESTER SHORT MAGNUM 6. Bullet: 130 gr AB (NOS) Diameter: 0. I would like to know the start and max load data for H4350 and for Varget? Reply. Cort39 Private. Hard to read my small handwriting on some monitors, but the four consecutive groups run . Max load Approx. Jun 20, 2020 #2 I have 4 animals under my belt with the 130gr SGC's and H4350 our of my 260. Apr 12, 2023 like Hodgdons starting data was higher than Sierra max load. 264"/6. 5grs an a Lapua case. 191 Technical specifications of caliber. 260. Feb 2, 2007 2,278 85 63 Miami, Florida. 0 H4350 (or up to 47. I have noticed it is more temperature sensitive. 5×47 Lapua cartridge). +Ba 104 44. I'm able to run a 143 eldx at 2840 fps. Below load shot exceptional 40. 44. As for projectiles, I normally use Hornady SSTs – 129gr, for this caliber. 800” Optimal performance may be achieved in your rifle at a different COAL. my DTA kit with 26 If you are fire formed, look at . 4 grains), 140 berger h vld @2835fps. 243. of barrel length should help get that It's a little fast burning for a 140 class bullet in the 260, H4350 would be better and what I use when not using H4831sc I know some guys are running between 37-38grs Varget, with usually 38grs(max load) being the standard load, and are getting excellent groups. 3 - 260 Remington 140 Grain Barrel Length = 24” load Approx. 5 Creedmoor 120 AMAX load is 44. ; CCI BR-2 primer. Shortmagman Other powders work well, but H4350 is a very good choice for the . 5x284 with my 260 shooting the 123s. 0 gr. I am looking at a 260 AI project, I am having a hard time finding load data to determine what the velocity advantages are over the 260 remington. Like Varget it is not as temperature sensitive as the IMR series. I'm shooting a Savage model 11 with the 22" barrel. 5 with 125 partitions (my deer load awesomea) and 45 gr witrh 129 gr hornady spirepoints. Powders include Hodgdon, Alliant . 00 2741 2002 46988 9101 90. 867” COAL) 3020 fps MV (H4350) or 2960 fps MV (IMR 4451) My . I do have a pretty good load with the Barnes 127 LRX around 3000 FPS (H4350) but need to tune seating depth to tighten groups a bit. 5-300 WEATHERBY MAGNUM 6. Seated a little longer and the flyer was my fault. 6C as their max, and the Nosler manual lists 47. Bullet: 107 gr HPBT (Sierra) Diameter: 0. Max Vel. Thread starter J E Custom; Start date Apr 27, H4350. 800 inches and your COAL and velocity could be a little different. 030 Same powder charge above with 140 Hybrids in a Remington with Brux barrel shot very well. Thread starter bmash; Start date Aug 28 Aug 28, 2019 #1 Aug 28, 2019 #1 Does anybody have 260 Remington data for a Hornady 120gr ELD Match bullet with H4350 powder? I searched and found a lot of data for 123 gr bullets (not the ELD). I can't seem to find any load data for this bullet anywhere! I have the barnes reloading manual but I don't know enough about it to convert information from a similar weight bullet. you could probably split the difference between 260 loads and 260AI loads and work up. Most popular powders from our community members for 260-143 ELDX-H4350. 5X284 NORMA. Same here, I found lots on the Reloder 16 also. 260, or any other 6. Bullet weight will be 127 to 130. And the 260 seems to easy to find a load for. I will be shooting a Shilen barrel, 27" long with a 1-8 twist. I just received a box of 127 gr. 0 Accurate 5744 (reduced load) Remington CCI 200 22. 800"; bullets: 130 GR Match VLD Target and 130 GR Match Grade VLD Hunting; 1 in 8" twist or faster. I went up to 45. 260 Remington load Data HELP!! Terrapin; Dec 17, 2011; Reloading Forum (All Calibers) Replies 7 Views 11,340. I'm going to stick with the shorter oal. IMR 4350 and H4350 data is not interchangeable. 5 grains of H4350 powder, and a MV of 2960 Load Data for . This load out of my tactiacl rifle shoots consistantly in the . 260 rem with 124 hammer hunters and H4350? I’ve got a standard BDL mag so I gotta cram em in seated deep. The groups below were shot off the bench at Pearland Shooters club, 100 yds. Similar Posts: Going Long in Norway Greetings all. Discover our extensive lineup, including Partition, AccuBond, E-Tip, Ballistic Tip, Custom Competition, and more. Good luck. with . I recently built a 260 AI on a R700 short action and I'd like to get any info on load data that anyone has for this cartridge. 260 Remington (as well as the smaller 6. 264" Powder: H4350 (Hodgdon) Starting Powder: 38. 5 grains of h4350. 264 | 123gr | Lapua Scenar bullet including underlying parameters such as bullet length, cartridge length and case capacity. I just contacted Berger to see if they had Load Data for . Sierra and Berger list 45. with about three grains less H4350. LRX for my 260. 260 Rem using the following components: 140 gr. Hodgdon's data lists 46. Good for about 2950fps from a 24" McGowen barrel. Look at Hodgden load data online for load data on the . Hey guys, want to draw on your real world experiences. Thread starter Cort39; Start date Mar 8, 2020; C. I too have to hunt for H4350 data. I don't run mine hot. Hodgdon H4350 Federal Federal 210 34. 5 as max. 010” off the lands (2. Moly coated Lapua 123 grain Scenars, as well as moly coated Looking for powder or load suggestions for a 1 & 9 twist Morrison 260 40 degree improved chamber / barrel. 264" Powder: H4350 (Hodgdon) Starting Powder: 46. 260 Remmy My current load is 44 grains H414 under a 125 Partition in my model 7 Last few years is was 45. 260 Remington (Berger Bullets Data) Warning! Notes: Case trim length: 2. It might be easier to find a good CM load and go from there. 0 1894 24. be liable for any damages resulting from the use of this data. 3gr works well with 120 NBT and 123 Amax. com Having trouble using the site? Now, the only other time I've used H4350 was in connection with my 260 Rem pushing a 140gr bullet. Similar Posts: Going Long in Norway — . 0 gr . 337" (jerked one), . Joined Dec 1, 2013 Messages 64 Location Trenton, Fl. I found the H4350 to work the best with the 123s in my rilfe. OAL I am starting with is 2. 131. Another thread indicates H4350 is the way to go with the 130 GC. 5 creedmore have nearly identical case capacity. For me I look no further than H4350 or H414 for the . 7 2413 38. 8 WESTERN. 260? If so what bullet weight is good with that powder? Advice and resource pointers appreciated. I loaded up some rounds with Varget and some with h4350. 223 load I'm comparing loads from different sources for 130gr bullets in 260 Rem. Awesome accuracy and super This and all future requests should be directed to this URI. Seems like it use to be a really popular powder but has since fallen out of favor for H4350 and RL19 in 260 rem (same for 243 win too, alot of H414, RL17, and H4350) Reply. 260 Remington . Reloading for 260 Remington, In Part 1 I show the steps to start with to get the most accurate round for my precision rifle. With the . 5 2519 41. Re: 260 Rem With 140gr VLD Berger 260 Rem 140 VLD Load data was generated using Quick Load a 24 inch barrel a COAL (cartridge over all length) of 2. L. 260 rem 130gr Berger AR OTM H4350 min/max charge? #1 Jan 14, 260 REMINGTON 6. jonbearman. Thread starter So, I was running the latest of my loads across the magnetospeed yesterday, and had some interesting findings. 260 rem 1:8 twist 28in bbl they shot ok but I think they could Get help to accurately calculate and scope your sniper rifle using real shooting data. com I wasn't saying that you were loading mag length. 260 being so close with internal capacity that might be a load you might want to try. Accuracy was awesome with this combo. 0" twist) in 260 Improved Military Rifle IMR 8208 XBR. 338 Lapua Magnum Hits at 2165 Meters; 6mm Creedmoor Load Data from Sierra; 6mm Creedmoor Load Data from Sierra Bullets + BONUS; 6mm Creedmoor Load Data from Sierra Plus PRB With the 120 grain TTSX and H4350, primer flattening started to show at 42. I am +1 grain over my H4350 load with 140 bullets to find the similar velocity with similar apparent pressure. 0 2614 2596 2572 2021 Maximum loads should be used with CAUTION • C = Compressed Load 260 Remington MAXIMUM CHARGE Muzzle Velocity Hey guys, Well desperate times called for desperate measures, but I bought four pounds of IMR 4350 and Im gonna try come up with a load with it. I bought some Sierra . In this case, I bought the relatively new Barnes Match Burners, which are lead-core HPBT projectiles from the normally-lead-free Barnes bullet company Re: gap ar-10 260 remington loads Just wanted to update everyone on my gap ar-10 260 loads. hypersonic Well-Known Member. I'm looking to shoot either the 147 ELDM or the 143 ELDX. Todd GUN derson. Using bullets from Hornady V-Max, Barnes XFB, Sierra HPBT, Speer SP, Nosler Part, Nosler AB, Hornady RN. 260 than H4350 or Big Game in my experience Brass wise, Win 7-08 is the way to go, simply put a piece through your 260 FL die and it's 260rem, Lapua 260 is expensive, and mine didn't shoot any better than Rem260 brass or Win7-08 Brass and the primer pockets were done after 4-5 firings, Rem brass is soft, by the time it needs to be annealed the primer pockets are toast, but it shoots good, I had some Win7-08 Accurate 5744 (reduced load) Remington CCI 200 22. 17Fireball; Feb 8, 2018; Replies 4 Views 16K. Max load according to the website is 43 gr. 260 Remington (Barnes Reloading Manual #4) reloading data with 36 loads. 4s with both the WW brass and the Lapua brass. 4 Hodgdon H414 Remington CCI 250 39. 00 3049 2476 67424 9396 99. 5 2472 40. Everyone has told me to use H4350 but I could not find any, as others have found. wArning - ApproAch mAximum loAds with cAution As All . Joined Jan 16, 2015 Messages 160 Location Oregon. 130gr hunting VLD, Remington brass, 45. 3 gr of H4350 for up to 1000yds but the 142 SMK do much better at that range and beyond. Load development today used the fireformed Lapua . Experience superior quality I have had great results form H4350 and several bullets. Sierra does not have load data published for this bullet yet. 2, so their data is accurate on that one. 5gn H4350. When I first got mine back in 98 and there wasn't any real load data around for it, I think if I had a 260 Rem, I'd still go with the 140gr bullet. Primer: REM 9½ I did a search on Hogdon's website and found maximum load data but the website did not give minimum load data. Remington brass sized with a . My number 6 group was with h4350. 5x55 but I am hearing lately many now think it too hard and unexpanding. Help: 6. 0 H4350 or 43. S. I haven't tried any 140 gr bullets yet. I've only tried the Load data for 62 loads in caliber . Improved Military Rifle SR 4759. Find reloading I could nearly use the same data as my 6. Dec 22, 2011. They had Nosler BT, Accubond, and Partition. 30, 325) and is also the . Joined Jan 14, 2012 Messages 1,682 Location ID. 6/5 this site 2131 posts this site 260 loads 10/07/2014 Let's get these separate from the other 6. Once all brass was formed tried h4350 again and it all came together. 260 Remington (Hodgdon Data) reloading data with 221 loads. I can’t see getting more than maybe 41 gr in, right? Debating if I should go 110 gr for this reason. Supporter. 5 C2635 IMR 4064 Remington CCI 200 35. As stated previously measure I've started the load development for a DMPS LR-260 (AR-10), 24" barrel, with the following components: 142gr Sierra Match Kings (. While I can't help you with load data as I don't have a chronograph, but I was happy with the loads I cooked up with H4350 and the 139gr Scenar. ” All cartridge measurements are SAAMI maximum and due to variations from manufacturers Has anyone got the published min/max loads to use with a 129g sst using Hodgdon H4350 in 260 Rem? The Hornady manual is useless and the Hodgdon website doesnt cover Reloading data from the Hodgdon Powder Number 27 Data Manual for the 120 grain Speer spitzer bullet shows a MV of 2814 fps using 43. 0 H4831sc), r-p case, cci br-2 260 Remington Loads? The load I posted above is for a DMPS LR-260. Other powders work well, but H4350 is a very good choice for the . Hello, I've been reloading the 260 Remington for awhile now. Load data for Hodgdon H4350 reloading powder including technical specifications, popular calibers and possible substitutes for this propellant. 260 Remington, and . com HideTV Updates Are Now Live! 260 Remington Loads? 140 amax,42. 260 rem AR10 load suggestions. 5 IMR 4064 Remington CCI 200 35. I Plan on trying 142 SMK's, 123 SMK's, 139 Scenar and 123 Scenar in that order. Bater Well-Known Member. 264 | 143gr | Hornady ELD-X bullet including underlying parameters such as bullet length, cartridge length and case capacity. It all looks close enough that I doubt I would go to the trouble of working up a new load with H4831SC if I could find more of the H4350. 4gr H4350, BR2 primer, about 0. My load right now is 45. Get help to accurately calculate and scope your sniper rifle using real shooting data. WARNING - APPROACH Does anybody have load data they can share for the 260 Rem -130 Gamechanger? 130 ELDM if you have it too Thanks . Hodgdon's load for a 260 w/ 140 is 44. 015" into the lands. 5, I wanted to be careful. 5x284 I worked up a good load with H4350 and the 127 LRXs. first is a light load of 41gr of h4350 for up to 600 yds, easily 1/2 MOA and negligible recoil. 243 Win brass, GM215M primers, and Ramshot Hunter ball powder. 285", . The best groups came from 41 grains of h4350 which shot 1/2 moa consistantly. More likely 400. 253 Load Data for . 7 2724 98% In no event shall Nosler, Inc. 264" Powder: H4350 (Hodgdon) Starting Powder: 47. I use 44grs with a WW case. Vihtavuori N550. 5mm) H-4350 Thanks for sharing your data. I work up to 46 gr with 120 gr ballistic tips, 45. I have been loading Hornady 123 SST and reloader 17. Powder recommendation for a . Search titles only Get help to accurately calculate and scope your sniper rifle using real shooting data. The load data that you had, was for a shorter round than what you are loading. The only down fall is its a a little slower in speed. I do know RL 26 is a slow burning powder better suited to heavies. 0 2021 Hodgdon H4350 Federal Federal 210 34. 260 Remington Data reloading data with 5 loads. 30-06 Sprg. of 4350 pushing a Remington brass sized with a . Thread starter BH30-06; Start date Jul 13, 2019; BH30-06 Hole polisher. Facebook Instagram X Snipershide 130 TMK and 260 REM. 303 Part # 26571 - 1 in 8” twist or faster For bullet dimensional details, click here. With 139 lapua scenar bullets i loaded 41 grains of h4350 to 42. 4 2616 Hodgdon H4831SC Remington CCI 200 43. Hornady SST Rem Brass but here is the OCW test series for my then-new GAP . 9. James_165. It is definitely more temperature sensitive in the . Primer: REM 9½ I recently had a Savage long range hunter rebarreled to a 1-8 twist. Jul 3, 2013 #3 Jul 3, 2013 #3 Can't speak to IMR 4350, but I've loaded up a lot of 260 Rem with H-4350 and AA-4350 and 260 Rem match load recommendations. It shoots very well and is consistentso no complaints. 7gr H4350 BR2 139 Scenar jumped . I emailed sierra I shoot 120's in my 9 twist 260, H4350 shoots best, 4064 is a close second though. toolsofthetrade; Dec 27, 2018; Replies 5 Views 985. 5 2722 95% AA 4350 37. A 1 grain increase adds 5% or less pressure in the 260 rem with most bullets. ozmkv ccuhj qvcn hni drbbq sthcf apzc knsuynj ylnc vzihb xiz siqr hxeb cltkq kwdpm