Too much dopamine adhd reddit. i need lots of alone time, i'm very rigid, want .
Too much dopamine adhd reddit But the stimulants fix this part of executive functioning and stress and dopamine actually helps that, versus causing mania. Im too addicted to milking the dopamine that all these stupid things produce in my dumb little brain I let everything slip through my fingers. I would rather clean bathrooms. If you have bipolar first and foremost, then you do need to carefully manage dopamine/glutamate and with the meds you’re on, I’m not surprised if you felt less able to focus, etc, as they inherently suppress dopamine. I have yet to try and just sit and wait for the meds to kick in, to see if that makes a difference, but can the brain get a "dopamine overdose" from my stronger medication combined with the dopamine it gets from playing a game? I love solving "problems/puzzles"; it's a key part of my ADHD, gives me a huge dopamine rush. does not have living family and is currently very isolated and the stress of the holidays and this ban were too much. masturbating frequently is very common among people with ADHD, especially men, because of their dopamine craving habit. nih. Hopefully it holds out. Fortunately I live in a country which runs on cycling, so much safer than most places in the world. There is a correlation between ADHD and MTHFR mutations, but you need a genetic screen to confirm this (blood work may show elevated levels of homocystine, but not 100% conclusive - testing for folate is a bad indicator, as folate will still be present in blood regardless) not everyone has the mutation and consuming too much L-Methylfolate can We want to do this for via giving the frontal lobe a medium amount of dopamine it is easier to do working memory and problem solving tasks especially when the choices have different consequences over time. (Fascinating and I don't have time to fall into another rabbit hole). While Ritalin (methylphenidate) is a norepinephrine (and dopamine) reuptake inhibitor. We end up paying excess money and damaging our physical health so much more often just because our brains are starved of certain chemicals. Totally agree with the self-medication stuff but the scientist in me doesnt like the "it's because ADHD is lack of dopamine". I'm always dropping games and can't discuss games with others, which feels very isolating. Doing a "fast", for which there is no scientific support, serves no purpose if your adhd isnt treated properly. It is possible to take too much b6 so check to much sure your not over doing it. The mobile apps used for Reddit are broken or are missing features that this subreddit depends on. For years now I've only had cathartic cries and I'm pretty sure it massively boosts dopamine. We recommend browsing /r/adhd on desktop for the best experience. To this end, modafinil is a weak dopamine reuptake inhibitor (weak in the sense that the dosages like 100/200/300 mg are much greater than those of Adderall or Methylphenidate - it allows for a greater sustained phasic release of dopamine, but it also influences the release and reuptake of Orexin. Share your stories, struggles, and non-medication strategies. combination/slightly more inattentive ADHD here. An addict will get hit with a tactical nuke of dopamine upon the slightest whiff of their substance/experience of abuse, yet even when they consume that substance/experience, they may not experience pleasure. They didn't just say no, though. The only game I'm able to play is league of legends. The diagnosis wasn't covered under my insurance, but psychiatrist and general therapist visits are, so don't be immediately discouraged if you see the price of the diagnosis and think it's just too much to even get in. Dopamine is good for a healthy and happy mind The problem with ADHD is a lack of dopamine. People with ADHD are 40% more likely to be addicted to nicotine. So, the stimulation It’s a great question. ). That said I would start at like 50 and lower it like 2 degrees every week or two until you get down where you want to be for your time. Dec 26, 2024 · my subreddits. I'm almost 10 years nicotine free and I still have to avoid potential problem situations where I could pick it back up. nlm. Have a gene that sucks up too much dopamine and makes it harder to use such as certain versions of DAT1, and you have problems, but it gets even worse if you have insensitive dopamine genes, and your brain developed differently due to your mother smoking during her pregnancy See here for graph. I'm sure this is one of those satisfying things that everyone likes to a certain extent, but I feel like I get way too much dopamine from just mixing something. popular-all-usersAskReddit-pics-funny-movies-gaming-worldnews-newsnews- The theory is that too much dopamine from t. I know it’s strange, but here I am oversharing. The meds people are given for ADHD do release norepinephrine, there are 2 main ADHD drugs/drug classes amphetamines and methylphenidate. And stimulants, while effective, could be putting the brain in a potentially excitotoxic state. Interestingly, the researchers found that these dopamine receptors only appear in the pineal gland towards the end of the night, as the dark period TLDR; Both dopamine and norepinephrine are directly increased by ADHD drugs, and the transformation of norepinephrine to dopamine doesn’t have much of an effect. Dopamine. Much of ADHD is believed to be related to abnormalities in the prefrontal cortex (responsible for executive function, planning, balance, emotional responses, language interpretation, working memory, and a lot more). Also have this, I think I recall reading there's something related to non 24 hour disorder which is common in ADHD-ers. You’re not just bingeing because of dopamine. That is the reason why it is hard to properly diagnose it and why we are not taken seriously by others. Basically, ADHD medications help by giving you more dopamine. Ice is way too expensive to cool down that much water beyond the surface and if the water is over 50 you have to be in there for waaay too much time to get the same consistent benefits. now that im on meds i dont get hungry at all and losing weight super fast but it is relieving to me to not always be The post a little while ago about the 'ADHD tax' is so true. People with ADHD are speculated to have lower tonic dopamine firing -- sort of a constant "pace-maker" firing -- and, in turn, low tonic dopamine firing drives higher phasic dopamine firing, also called "burst firing", which follows stimulation with rewarding, aversive firing and reinforces stimulating learned behaviors. I came to the doctor with a totally different problem. Essentially, dopamine detoxes use the same mechanism as addiction, but flips it on its head. But those come with tons of hopeless and despairing posts, too. Yes!! For years when I was in the pit of my "depression" I would spend hours masturbating over and over again just to bring some dopamine to my sad life. I need something fun and uplifting to do besides sit on Reddit . when i was taking smaller doses starting out, all of those symptoms were still very noticeable. You become less motivated over time and could possibly cause depression in the long run. I loved it way too much and it was messing with my physical health way too much to continue. Adhd is essentially a chemical imbalance in the brain. One I’ve had some success with is giving myself permission to just do part of something. Most of us are pretty lacking in dopamine. however, masturbating several times a day (even when you aren't horny) just to get that dopamine hit is pretty unhealthy and can lead to addiction, even more so if you are watching p^rn whilst doing so but thats a whole other I noticed recently that I pretty much spend all of my time pursuing high dopamine activities. Lastly, that is a bunch of supplements. edit subscriptions. I have not taken any ADHD meds in the last two weeks, but I do take a small half dose of a preworkout that contains caffeine, yohimbine and I think a pea or precursor. I never liked the feeling past buzzed or the hangover that followed if i kept going. tl;dr, self medicating with an over-the-counter amphetamine called pseudoephedrine, which is primarily a norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor and secondarily a dopamine reuptake inhibitor, having incredible results and feel like my old, ambitious self for the first time in many years, and wondering how many days in a row one can use this as a "Do your taxes" requires a ton of willpower, but "Open Excel" requires considerably less. This is even more important for people with ADHD. Messy house makes me go insane every single time and too much noise. It’s a chicken and and the egg scenario. Tbh, I wonder if my brain will ever feel better without some sort of thing giving me more dopamine, but I honestly don't fully understand the relationship between prolactin and dopamine. However, that is not the only pathway at play in ADHD. Stop doing those first and your dopamine will come back and cortisol will lower. Selank has been know to help with anxiety but honestly antidepressant can be amazing for anxiety. Or maybe the adhd itself caused these factors. It certainly cannot hurt to try. It's a NDRI, a noreponephrine-dopamine-reuptske-inhibitor. It's a really good investment I have so many games I couldn't possibly finish them all, 8 years of being on steam ive spent about 2000$ and have about 200 games and about 2000$ for building my PC a really good investment if you have the money and some free time. Like forgetting things and so much more. There’s diminishing returns and rebounds from stuff but this type of thing seems way too overanalytical and generalizing imo. It's a part of the process of managing adhd to integrate dopamine-giving activities into work and life chores to make them more doable as well as to cute down on unnecessary dopamine activities such as video games and social media. i'm pretty sure I found my optimal dose, but majority of the time on my current dose i am consistently less exhausted, calm, my brain isnt running around in circles with thoughts constantly, and tasks don't overwhelm me to a point of paralysis. and there's often not much energy left over to do the stuff we like. Try to limit the amount of “cheap” dopamine you get in the first half of the day. Prescription drugs known to elevate dopamine are mostly ADHD medication - Ritalin/ Concerta, and Adderall/Vyvanse. Both norepinephrine and dopamine help with inattentiveness, impulse control, sitting still, paying attention, and makes tasks that would otherwise be agonizing relatively tolerable. I waste so much money on takeout or food that sits in my fridge until it's off and gets tossed. Same, the movement on most of the games are way too much for me, even with the click and teleport options instead of movement. 6- would recommend 30 min meditation everyday( I know it sucks ass to meditate ) but that’s actually why is good, getting your brain to get used to low dopamine activities Absolutely! I had an ADHD screening last week over the phone with my doctor and it was so eye opening. The ADHD meds was slightly enhanced, not too dramatic, but my dose of meds is low. While the ADHD exacerbated the impulses, the impulses had to come from somewhere. Doubt it honestly. It fills a gap. If you search up ADHD screening you should be able to find questions you answer. But that's not an all the time thing. So surprisingly it turned out that I actually have an adhd which caused the alcohol problem. 10mg of Ritalin is a starting dose. Now I am too mentally tired to erase all of this. As someone with adhd, if you’re diagnosed with adhd, and the only good thing about adhd is how well it responds to medicine, I don’t get not taking it. Basically, if doing a thing is too hard and you can't make yourself do it, it's because it's too big of a step and you need to break it down even more. Sorry for rambling but I feel like I’ve spent my entire life yo-yo-ing and finally getting my adhd diagnosis was a huge aha moment, and now understanding how to work with my brain vs fighting with it constantly and feeling less than (tbf I think diet culture makes NT’s feel like this too though) Dopamine deficiency in the basal ganglia is the cause of Parkinson’s disease - so it’s too non-specific to say ‘dopamine deficiency’ being the cause of adhd in general. This is NOT a replacement for medication, however. Still too much? I just aim to get the dishes into the kitchen. they are more forgetful, can do things more spontaneously, impulsive and creative, better with people. Things I had no idea were ADHD related. If you know a movie that 100% will make you cry, you should watch it before you burden yourself up too much. This helps produce natural dopamine. While it might seem logical to assume that the hyperactivity and impulsivity associated with ADHD are due to an excess of dopamine, research actually suggests the opposite. Doing much better lately. "Exercise 30 minutes a day" is a lot harder than "do one pushup". It really made me realize why Adderall is abused by the general public but it was too much where I wanted to do everything and just ended up playing with my dog all the time. You lack dopamine and therefore you become an addict in a way to chase whatever provides that rush of dopamine. You could’ve been my parent writing this about me 10-15 years ago. These are going to sound silly, but even as an adult: Lego sets. Thank you! Force sleeping at least put on a mask over my eyes and tune everything out maybe put headphones on and listen to a show. I have played a lot of videogames in my life, currently must have like over 4000 games on Digital shops. I have had to cut out those subs to keep from going into the another month long depression. Even simple ones, like a 5 or 6+. you are correct that one of the genetic conditions of adhd is lack of dopamine. As a result I limited my behaviour to 30 minutes a day maximum Keep track of your progress like I did. Yes exactly! Like we can just remove the activities that produces bad dopamine like social media. It's used to help quit smoking, against narcolepsy, around seventh in line for what doctors prescribe against depression, and may be used as an "if all else fails" ADHD medication, but it targets the dopamine reuptake which we all know is a great part of what messes us up. Apparently there are TWO neurological problems that can occur with stimulants. So answer: you have ADHD and better not to distribute your already low attention level on too much thing. Myself and my friends who have adhd definitely have environmental factors that could have been a cause. I snack CONSTANTLY for dopamine (chocolate, crisps, string cheese, sweets) and beyond the obvious negative health effects, it's really costing me an inordinate amount of money at this point. Amphetamine-based ADHD meds (Adderall, Vyvanse, dexedrine) work by increasing the activity of dopamine and norepinephrine. Stimulant medications work to correct this deficiency. When we find something or someone that gives us dopamine we invest ourselves in it or them to an unhealthy degree (hyperfocus) the brain doesn't want to lose the thing thats stimulating such a big release of dopamine, which when mixed with a good old fashioned dose of the anxiety and rejection sensitive dysphoria that usually comes hand in hand with having ADHD, that leads to the overthinking but i do think it's something about too much dopamine actually leading to the same/similar issues. Watch his video on dopamine and the analogy of the tidal wave pool. Used if you don’t generate enough dopamine Dopamine reuptake inhibitor: methylphenidate (ritalin). Thought about doing kite surfing but the sea is too far away to impulsively go; I'd rarely end up going. adhd, and a whole slew of mental health issues, including Parkinson’s disease are associated with disregulated dopamine because its one out of the MANY neurotransmitters linked to movement and emotions. Finally, dopamine seeking can lead to addictive behavior. However, too much artificial and instant dopamine source such as pornography and mindless social media scrolling is bad as it messes our pleasure standards and our reward system. They thoroughly defended their position, and that the discord's rules were more important that a person This can lead to not only tiredness, but also ADHD-like symptoms, and even loss of sex drive - as dopamine signaling is involved in sexual desire. Still too much? I just aim to put the dishes in the sink. If dopamine was a pleasure chemical, this would not happen. Bupropion is a norepinephrine and dopamine reuptake inhibitor, although it is a much weaker dopamine reuptake inhibitor than methylphenidate. The only single player games that I have finished all didn't need that much explaining (not too much text, dialogue or cutscenes) and had a straight forward goal like mirrors edge 1, portal 1 & 2. Food, money, worse, whatever. Lack of dopamine is not accepted as the cause of adhd. Dopamine is disregulated when the enzyme (comt) that seeks to degrade the dopamine in your system is either too slow or too fast. It was an alcohol abuse. I too wonder how much of our adhd is genetic and how much is environmental. Specifically adderall (amphetamine) is a norepinephrine (and dopamine) releasing agent. I don’t drink that much anymore and meds like Ritalin and Concerta really help me. Such as gaming, sex/masturbation, eating good food (mostly healthy, but tasty), using my phone (unfortunately tiktok/short form content), alcohol/green (neither of these as much lately due to anxiety). Mine was watching Dr. T. I always thought my ADHD was due to too low dopamine, but it's more about a misplacement of dopamine. The more you know, everything you have described is textbook ADHD. Some people's executive function is powerful that they can operate 10 chess game at one, and someone's much weak that even in one game and after 2 move, they forgot everything. Yeah too much sugar, which usually for a child eating in a commun household is gonna start at the first treat, is creating a "sugar high" in child, which I know some part have noticed but it's not necessarly super noticeable for them as it mainly "creates" or stimulates ADHD behavior which we know are mainly lived and not always seen. ADHD is inconsistent access to dopamine. The really cool part is coming up. I could just get an idea to go somewhere and go. As you accomplish this you will experience natural dopamine. Never knew it was because of my adhd till I started learning more about it. One time payment, rest will be easier if your insurance covers it. You might have a slow COMT like me, which significantly slows down the rate of dopamine clearance in the brain--this applies to other catecholamines as well (norepinephrine, epinephrine, estrogen). We do our dopamine/stimulation-seeking behaviours and we can become overstimulated on the occasions when we get too much dopamine. (See this summary here. Since we (people with ADHD) have low dopamine anyways, I've been trying to get as much dopamine wherever I can for my whole life. Adhd is impulse control issues, executive functioning issues, a whole lot more than a dopamine imbalance which is why adhd makes you more It's basically the opposite, the main physical cause that we know about for ADHD is chronically low dopamine, which manifests itself among other symptoms as procrastination. Force yourself to do 30 minutes of whatever you consider to be your hardest task for the day. We're an inclusive, disability-oriented peer support group for people with ADHD with an emphasis on science-backed information. Too much dopamine in the basal ganglia (especially the striatum) screws up the striatum and you get certain symptoms like anxiety, obsessions, compulsions, impulsivity, hyperactivity, motor tics, and a lack of fine-controlled motor movement. I'm 35 and Yes, I do have ADHD. Aug 4, 2024 · Is ADHD caused by too much dopamine? This is a common misconception. Thats why people with adhd can get easily hooked to social media, video games ect. Number 1: Too much dopamine in the emotional brain. Used If your dopamine doesn’t stick around long enough Non stimulant: modafinil for example. 5 - avoid reels/ tiktok/ YouTube shorts, if you have ADHD they seriously “damage” your dopamine. I am sure dopamine detox will help you too. I was diagnosed with ADHD at 23 but stole so much as a child. The 20mg ER (coffee or not) made me feel jittery and I did not like it at all. This resulted into things like videogames. io Aug 21, 2024 · As a result, ADHD brains search for stimulation that can increase dopamine more quickly and intensely. ADHD brains spend a huge chunk of that energy trying to focus and be productive at work, school, around the house, etc. u/Frank_Acha everything you have described is textbook ADHD. After all they do have something similar too! It is just that they usually have it less severe and don't have another hundred problems at the same time. Afterwards, you'll be able to see a psychiatrist for medication. I was THAT addicted. I was diagnosed as a teen and really haven’t been treating it as an adult. Second edit direct from the link: "When dopamine then interacts with its receptors, it inhibits the effects of norepinephrine—which means a decrease in the production and release of melatonin. gov/9418743/ stating “SSRI’s have not been tested in controlled trials, but they can cause inconsistent changes, often aggravating ADHD symptoms” I’ve tried to do more research on sertraline’s affect on dopamine but I’m finding conflicting information. Drugs like ecstasy or molly blow all your dopamine levels and take many days to replenish. It usually shows up in bedtime procrastination but it can also be difficulty eating meals at the same time or having difficulty remembering time-based daily activities (like taking meds). So very, very toxic. K. my spouse though is more "classic" adhd and we have very different presentations and strengths. My adhd medication triggered me being diagnosed with PMDD because stimulants and mess with your hormones. Ultimately, the pursuit of pleasurable rewards may become a potent form of self-medication. You should talk with your psychiatrist about it. Technically there can be too much dopamine. Methylephebidate-based ADHD meds, like Ritalin and Concerta work by blocking dopamine and norepinephrine reuptake. Even things that feel good, like doing a hobby or sport or reading a book or hanging with a friend, can cost "activation energy" that you might not have to The effect is not actually a “dopamine detox” but rather an upregulation of dopamine receptors that makes previously unfun things fun. 2. Videos, I thought it would be good for me (to a degree it was), but I was distracting myself way too much by watching too much. The mods said no. Another serotonin receptor actually turns off dopamine in the frontal lobe for too much dopamine in the frontal lobe is counterproductive. But, I'm not slender in the slightest, and could definitely be accused of "chasing the dopamine" through almost constant grazing. In fact, dependent brains exhibit similar dysregulation of the dopamine reward system. I prefer cycling as I can travel long distance (150km+) in one go. So Beat Saber it is on that one. Many individuals with ADHD appear to have lower levels of dopamine activity in certain brain regions. Definitely take her in for a check up, but also look into ways to boost dopamine with nutrition, exercise, self care, and activities. So for example if I’m stuck on the couch scrolling and the dishes need doing, I give myself permission to just unload the dishwasher. Pretty much every SINGLE problem people with ADHD have can happen for people without it too. /porn/drugs/games, makes it harder to do lower dopamine activities. stress and just eating is a distraction to life and a source of dopamine so yeah. So I think therapist is a bit uneducated here. I just know I factually have TOO much prolactin and symptoms that indicate low dopamine. Fucking up our natural dopamine regulation system with modern tech results in similar but milder symptoms. People with ADHD are like 42% more likely to develop PMDD because dopamine and estrogen use the same receptors. It could very well be too much dopamine rather than not enough. Why it works? Because dopamine is what is dysfunctional in ADHD. After a few more days not only did the anxiety not improve much, but I also started to feel worse overall, culminating in yesterday, when I had pretty much a depressive/anhedonic episode. And go for dopamine activities that's productive! We don't have to suffer from lack of dopamine. Reddit is also great for the dopamine hit from outrage. ncbi. i need lots of alone time, i'm very rigid, want I recently upped my dose and now I notice that when the meds eventually start working I get slightly hype. Hi u/tillymint259 and thanks for posting on r/ADHD! Please take a second to read our rules if you haven't already. Unfortunately in ADHD brains, the re-uptake mechanism is too fast. They asked, in the spirit of christmas and mental health and kindness. Restoration of normal dopamine levels, then, could possibly improve those symptoms. The prefrontal cortex is implicated in ADHD but again, it’s too non-specific to just say “it’s a hypoactive prefrontal cortex”. Engage with friends. Be very careful with behaviours that will replace your old habits of distraction. I could drink 2 bottles of champagne or wine every day. Not a solution but video games are a really good way to have a replacement for buying things. Even though it's not only relating to my life but also to the life of others in movies, etc. Low dopamine causes depressed feelings and a terrible sense of ennui. I set aside time at work to work on problems which may yield "interesting" results. I've seen lots of stuff about ADHD women forgetting to eat all day, or accidentally doing intermittent fasting. this is a great response! it definitely backs up the idea that people with ADHD have trouble with smaller executive tasks because their tonic firing is much lower so the “reward” for doing it is not really there, whereas for a much bigger project there is a lot more dopamine secretion (especially initially, lending to the idea of hyperfocus I have probably wasted so much time looking/staring at all the paper paint samples at the store. I felt so much calmer and sharper, I could think and speak better, my interests in hobbies and life returned, I was full of creative ideas. Sometimes I clean when I get super overstimulated & overwhelmed it just feels like I should be doing something, anything 😩 adhd sucks so much. Given that, the sample is still too small to be statistically powerful, which means you can't make any inferences like bc x% of the participants had an increase in dopamine uptake, x% of all stimulant-medicated ADHD adults will have increased dopamine uptake. And talk about EXPENSIVE. You described me before I got on meds (which brings its challenges, too, unfortunately). The avalanche of dopamine can actually be incredibly uncomfortable. And, if I'm honest, the stereotype of women with ADHD is a flighty random waifish woman. Too much dopamine isn’t bad. You should also make sure your diet and overall health is right tho too. I was old enough to be very aware that it was wrong and punishments did nothing. It can’t be too short because you’ll feel like you didn’t do anything and it can’t be too long because you can’t review and stay on track. 🙄😅 I actually hate painting walls. v. To convey a signal, dopamine is released. That is how you start feeling those weird feelings. Try dopamine detox as well, it worked wonders to me. I'm looking for ideas on how to get dopamine speedily but without too much expense/health impact. Like shaking a bottle of juice that separated, adding milk to tea or coffee, mixing liquids or drys together when cooking, making slimes It's been helping but only so much. Honestly, being offline pretty much does what meds do when I'm online but even better. Look into Wellbutrin (bupropion). It actually essentially only acts as a norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor. Dopamine generation: adderrall. 5-3 GPA isn’t terrible, but I know I See full list on getinflow. I’m too indecisive to even bring any home. Feeling as if the DLPA is lowering my dopamine instead of increasing it. The proposed solution is to take some time away from high dopamine activities in order to better balance your dopamine levels, which makes boring tasks more entertaining to complete. Typically people with adhd are more prone to addiction and eating disorders though. A symptom of ADHD is short attention span, and dopamine detox will make your attention span longer by helping your brain readjust to better natural levels of dopamine. Dopamine is a big player in the reward pathway. Thinking about it now, that's a great one for the Dopamine hits but it's just so low on the totem pole that I never think to go play it when I'm stuck feeling restless and reading Reddit. Now anytime I masturbate during the day for a dopamine hit it like triggers this really horrible time in my life. That along with too much cortisol. You can schedule a weekly review on Sundays to see if you hit your targets and assess what needs to be improved. I still had ADHD, of course, but the improvements were insane. Nearly a million and a half users say they 'feel at home' and 'finally found a place where people understand them'. Some older (~2006-2012) studies claimed it was a factor but newer studies seem to agree that there isnt enough consistency in that theory to attribute it as a cause. You might get a dopamine hit from finishing those. Its really frustrating having ADHD, especially when you have no clue and have no help in trying to figure it all out and get medication for it before i was medicated i would eat large portions of food sporatically through the day and gained a bunch of weight im sure it was adhd related. Maybe that could work too. It's like turning up the volume in your earbuds little by little to hear the music better without realizing you're damaging your ears. • Turn to dopamine high of whatever nature (weed, video games, spend money, waste time on Reddit) • do the above until there’s no time left for the work to be done and my persistent fear of complete failure makes me do the work in a mostly mediocre fashion and my grades reflect that, in my opinion. on ADHDtok I came across a video quoting this: https://pubmed. 🤪 For those times when you're restless and have too much energy but not enough focus or executive function to actually do anything, what are your go to easy dopamine fixes? (And if anyone tells me to exercise, we are not the same kind of person at all and I probably don't like you because I'm jealous of your motivation that I do not have right now). Feel like worrying too much about your dopamine and trying to control it with excessive and sometimes mundane protocols too much isn’t that Great and probably yields marginal/ non impactful returns. You basically described me before I got on meds (which brings its own challenges, too, unfortunately). There are a few ways adhd can manifest and each med affects each person differently. It gobbles up the dopamine too quickly, so it cannot cross the synaptic gap to the next neuron. As a result, the neuro-chemical signal isn't passed on efficient;y because too little dopamine is connecting to the receptors on the opposite It's a lot of fun. tgwhm dofvx wymg meymvbo jgvf kqhuijpo lcdc cwsc lcyke lnnil sdrpxu rrkqsvz mxiv nqzxcy nan