Susan garrett dog training videos Susan Garrett's DogsThat t p e n o r s d S o 2 m g 3 e 6 0 , c 7 2 7 9 p 9 l h 8 2 b 5 t l S a 3 0 r e 1 5 c 7 l l 3 7 f 7 e a 0 h i 8 3 8 l · Shared with Public Our first 4 Masterclass Training Videos are LIVE NOW! There's still plenty of time to jump in and learn how training your dog can actually be an easy, The FIVE dog training skills I teach my dogs first and best! Susan Garrett's help for dogs who pull on leash. Now, I would like to start training the second dog. Apr 10, 2012 · Susan Garrett gives an in depth look at the benefits and hazards of tugging with your dog in training. They sort of teach two different sets of things with some overlap. I thought I would share it here with all of you. But to get the most out of learning so you can have just as much success with training your dog as I have training my dogs I’ve got some specific tips for you. The sound starts at the 20 second mark in the video, so don’t adjust your speaker! Mar 15, 2019 · Videoing your training will help you become your own coach. My boy is almost 9. I want to have fun in agility (small steps) with my new puppy (now 9 months old) but knew I had to start with a great foundation, So I wanted someone that can link the basic training with agility. I have learned so much, and my puppy has benefited from learning with me. If you read the title of this post and are wondering what a vlogcast is, it’s a blog post with a video of a podcast episode. Mar 15, 2012 · The dog with the bad trainer knows how to get the bad trainer to play, but the bad trainer thinks the dog is bad so tries to get the dog to behave, but the dog thinks the bad trainer is playing! So if you can only manage to do one or the other, just playing will create more drive than just training. Jul 24, 2024 · Susan Garrett, world-renowned dog trainer, multi-time champion of dog agility, and leading educator on all things canine shares everything related to dogs! Susan understands dog behaviour and wants you and your dog to have the best life together possible. I am looking forward to figuring out how to apply this to other areas. Several years ago, I wrote about a game that will help preserve your recall cue with your puppy, and this seems like a great time to post it here on my blog. If you have a dog who will not let a toy go, don’t mimic the ‘bad dog training’ in the video, practice good tugging mechanics. " She claims not guilty, I tend to believe her as all our dogs are just a product of what we know. You Decide! By Susan Garrett | 2020-06-01T03:43:56-04:00 May 7th, 2020 | Dog Training | A jump bar coming down is one of the most common things that will incur a fault on the agility field. Aug 30, 2013 · That has always been my number 1 goal in starting Say Yes Dog Training, and it warms my heart when I see these videos that attest to that! For anyone who’s just joining us, we asked our members of the past Puppy Peaks course to make a video telling us how Puppy Peaks changed their lives. we cannot say leave it cus Susan think its best if we teach with the IYC and I approuve bit its difficult to let the puppy wonder in the house without breaking anything 🤷♀️ but in a more positive note Im very Jan 3, 2019 · Watch the video below which was live on my Facebook page and let us know in the comments what your dog’s triggers are. It is a proven road map to success! Spend your valuable training time learning methods that are aligned with the dog you want to see … and the trainer you want to be. Video your training sessions, classes, workshops and competitions if you participate in sports. Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to vote and support the dog lovers who stepped out of their comfort zone and shared their stories with you. Let me know in the comments how you are your dog are going with nail clipping. 2780 Dunmark Road Alberton, ON L0R 1A0 [email protected] 647-931-8608 Okay, I just love this photo of the "great white" from yesterday's video, yes this is my special "DeeDog" girle "DeCaff. If you ever need to leave your dog at the Vet, it’s going to make your dog’s experience Dec 20, 2024 · Podcast Episode 245: Make Dog Training Easy! Quick Guide To Antecedent Arrangements; Podcast Episode 33: How Do I Stop My Dog Counter Surfing?! YouTube Video: Understanding Your Dog's Reinforcement Zone (RZ) with Susan Garrett; Podcast Episode 176: Why Your Dog’s Emotions Are A Critical Element Of Dog Training Jul 12, 2010 · Susan Garrett answers questions that have been posted to her blog about training your dog to come when called. The focus of this FB group is to May 15, 2009 · I love motivational quotes. As we all know, there’s a lot that goes into being a “dog trainer” … years of education, continual professional development and learning, years of honing the practical skills and putting those skills into action. Apr 9, 2020 · Thank you so much Susan. Oct 4, 2018 · Hi Carl — I am a member of Handling 360 and Agility Nation and recently have started teaching Agility FOUNDATIONS at a local Dog club. Oct 3, 2024 · By Susan Garrett | 2020-02-12T20:39:17-04:00 October 3rd, 2019 | Dog Training | I've recently travelled back home from this year's FCI Agility [] Read More Dog Bite Prevention Week is the second full week of April each year. Susan Garrett, world-renowned dog trainer, multi-time champion of dog agility, and leading educator on all things canine shares everything related to dogs! Susan understands dog behaviour and wants you and your dog to have the best life together possible. Leslie Woodcock, a specialize of performance dog's rehabilitation shares amazing insights. Watch the video 3 times. The way we dog train is dif Oct 23, 2020 · Hi Susan that video above on head Halter is very helpful my dog is 2years a rescue my dog loves other dog and people we will be trying these practice and are loving the other games my dog is a patter dale loves to run I am working towards having a recall soi can let her of lead at park . Hope it helps some others! Hi, our Home School the Dog classroom is an opportunity to learn 12 simple games + bonus’s with 4 months of access. dog. Open the door to learn more from your videos. I have successfully overcome training challenges by reviewing my videos in detail and then building a plan of action. Apr 16, 2015 · I am pretty sure C. Jun 15, 2022 · Podcast Episode 16: The Thing Before Your Dog’s Thing; YouTube Playlist: Behavior Chains in Dog Training with Susan Garrett; Podcast Episode 64: Help! To get really good behaviors with dogs as a positive reinforcement trainer, you have to get masterful at all that is reinforcing. For the last 25 years I have been a big fan of Zig Zigler, Norman Vincent Peale and legendary Basketball coach, John Wooden. Dec 18, 2024 · YouTube Playlist: Reactive or Aggressive Dogs: Key Insights with Susan Garrett; YouTube Playlist: Helping Your Rescue Dog After Adoption: Success Strategies for Rehomed Dogs; Podcast Episode 250: Expectations Vs Reality: Navigating The Path To Dog Training Success; YouTube Playlist: Puppy Biting Help with Susan Garrett; YouTube Video: WHY Do Jul 4, 2020 · To see even more great dog stories, you can go to YouTube and search for “dog training using Recallers”. There is so much Educating worldwide for over 20 years to create better lives for dogs and the people who love them. S. Welcome to our "Free Online Dog Training Workshop Group". The strategic application of duration, distance and distraction will give you the confidence that your dog can perform any behaviour with total understanding anywhere you ask. Pet Dog Training. If a dog is dropping bars, and it is not because of a physical challenge, then it is either a lack of education or an environmental challenge. Apr 19, 2019 · Adding to my training list. Safe, natural, and effective, 1-TDC Dual Action can be given with other products, including products prescribed by your dog’s health care professional. 5m old puppy just jumps at my side or back when I turn. The BEST training (in my books that is training without the physical or mental intimidation of the dog) … the best training takes the value of what the dog loves most of all and transfers it into whatever it is you want. Puppies need to bite to understand how to bite. Susan’s instructions are positive, interactive for the human and dog, effective and fun. We use targets in our dog training and targeting is a skill I consider vital for all dogs. Apr 22, 2015 · I am brand new to dog training, although I have had dogs all my life. Jun 3, 2018 · Thank you for sharing this game with us. For the last few decades, primarily as a result of the onion’s reputation for triggering Heinz body hemolytic anemia because of its higher concentration of thiosulphate, garlic (the onion’s “kissing cousin”) was also said to be toxic. Lewis wasn't referring to dog training when he said of experience that although it was a "brutal teacher" you still do learn from it! However, truthfully that is how not only people but puppies learn. May 23, 2024 · An Eight Month Supply of 1TDC Dual Action (2 x 120 count). sheesh!”. Feb 6, 2020 · If you look on this website under Online Training –> Next level, you’ll see a video of sled dogs doing all sort of things not typically done by sled dogs — things we’ve learned here (the video is called IC Pups) … the training is such a fantastic way to build a better bond with your dog, regardless of your chosen sport! Recently I responded to a post on a forum about someone struggling with their 2x2 training and wondering what they did wrong (or perhaps was the method flawed and not appropriate for all dogs). The courses are worth every penny spent on them. One is a pop up that is a dynamic stand with the dog popping up with his front feet. And that is true. Now, there are a couple of different types of stands we can train our dog to do. C. The Three D’s for Dog Training It's perfect for: 🌟 Seasoned dog trainers 🌟 First-time dog owners 🌟 Rescue dog adopters 🌟 Dog sport enthusiasts No matter your dog's age or skill level, this game will: Strengthen your bond Build your dog's confidence and problem-solving skills Increase persistence and independence Improve your training skills Your free series Sep 18, 2020 · Im little bit overwhelmed because in the meantime we teach good choices my puppy try to bite every furniture in the house…. Anxious: When our dogs are anxious they are not comfortable, and they can quickly move to being afraid. It is best to begin with Flatwork/Circlework (building value for working with YOU!), and games like IYC for Impulse Control, Target Mat, Build Reinforcement Zone, Toy Play, etc etc — ALL the LAYERS of Learning <3 If too much value is placed by your dog on Jan 30, 2020 · Currently enrolled in Recallers and still have not found a solution to this issue. And to help you and your dog bring out that brilliance together, I’ve got a brand new Transformations in Dog Training: The 2016 Recallers Video Contest Day Three Day Three of our Recallers Video Contest Today starts the third and final round of our semi-finals! Scroll down for the videos and pick your two favourites. In fact, I’ve used the lick mat to do some form of conditioning for breakfast every day for all but 2 of the past 14 days and will continue to do so. We have five new short stories representing everyone who wants their dog's brilliance to shine, which I know is everyone reading this right now. It's the best way to strengthen and sol … Aug 8, 2019 · With a strong tugger, be mindful of your mechanics. Has a history of relative success (relative compared to the amazing and complex behaviours Bob and Marion Bailey trained animals to do with shaping). I began 3 weeks ago with one of the dogs and use the word “Si” as my marker word. My challenge is that I have an 8 month old GSD with a severe heart defect which is not repairable so he is not able to play with other dogs or be too active for too long or he becomes symptomatic which is kinda scary for all of us. (after watching many dog training videos of B. We’re at Round Three of our Recallers 2021 video contest. Somewhere along the way I feel I have failed him. It is through interacting with the environment, the people, the things, and other animals etc. Susan is one of the most successful dog trainers and agility competitors of the last three decades. Im getting better at avoiding people and dogs but the unpredicatable smells I loose he is strong and only going to get stronger . Apr 2, 2020 · This might be a strange blog topic from someone whose life has been devoted to being an expert dog trainer. The other is a kickback stand with no front feet movement. Nov 15, 2024 · "Just stop watching!" coming from Susan Garrett might surprise you, but I've got tips for mastering active learning when viewing dog training videos! Turn any training video into a powerful tool for success and discover how to get more out of dog training online with effective strategies to accelerate success for both you and your dog. Our playlist covers what targets are, how to start using them, whe World Renown World Champion dog trainer Susan Garrett shares here insight both into what are the key areas of training all dogs deserve but also how FOUNDATION TRAINING IS the best way to show any dog how much you love them. Nov 14, 2014 · The videos that meant the most to me, were not the handlers that looked the most proficient and smooth but the stories of people like me that are new into this awesome sport and are struggling…I haven’t had the opportunity to take the course, yet, but it’s those videos that show even “2 left feet, uncoordinated folks, can also get the job done and most importantly have fun and bond Recallers has changed the lives of dogs and people the world over. Here are some of my favorite from the three of them along with a few others. Nov 15, 2018 · Requires little understanding of dog training – anyone can use it or be taught to use it. We are returning to some training and fun after a long absence. Biting i Oct 16, 2024 · Podcast Episode 133: Become Your Own Dog Training Coach With This Video Strategy; Podcast Episode 71: Pro Dog Trainer’s Secret to Help Your Naughty Dog; Podcast Episode 227: My Foolproof Strategy To Overcoming Dog Training Challenges; Podcast Episode 248: Milestones That Transform Your Dog’s Life! Goals To Achieve Dog Training Success 5. As a community, let's get together and reduce the number of dog bites. Susan Garrett 2020-03-12T18:44:24-04:00 February 27th, 2020 | 18 Comments It happens that in our Agility Nation membership program, I did a segment showing the built in dog crates and how they work, and a video clip is in this post for you. 1-TDC is extremely tasty making it easy to give daily. Aug 16, 2019 · Susan, thank you for making this video available here, it’s great! I would have missed it because I’ve deleted my Facebook account for good some months ago. I got a puppy and signed up for Recallers and Handling 360. If you have a biting puppy, don’t worry, your pup is normal, and it’s what you do that is important. s tugging It's perfect for: 🌟 Seasoned dog trainers 🌟 First-time dog owners 🌟 Rescue dog adopters 🌟 Dog sport enthusiasts No matter your dog's age or skill level, this game will: Strengthen your bond Build your dog's confidence and problem-solving skills Increase persistence and independence Improve your training skills Your free series Feb 24, 2021 · Home School the Dog; Video: Target Training for Dogs Part One - All About Targets; Video: Target Training for Dogs Part Two - Step by Step Training Plan; Podcast Episode 62: 12 Keys to Helping My Dogs Live a Long and Happy Life; Game: Learn How to Play ItsYerChoice (IYC) Crate Games Online; Podcast Episode 59: Why Your Treats Aren’t Working +1M for Zak George!! Everyone always asks how my dogs is relatively well behaved and knows so many commands and tricks and it’s all thanks to Mr. It’s something we work on in the mornings. Your training in partnership and building on a relationship with kindness is not a trend. Leading educators of owners of family pet dogs, dog sport competitors and dog trainers. Lots of love from me and my last little old bulldog Berry, who turned ten yesterday, whoop whoop! Jul 26, 2018 · To recap what we covered in the video chat, the 8 stages on the Fun-O-Meter are… Afraid: When a dog is fearful he can’t learn. Nov 8, 2010 · You Can Find Us. Experiences bring Jun 11, 2010 · “SEPARATING FACT FROM FICTION. Do you ever wish your dog could really stay when you ask? Like when you’re eating dinner, and you ask your dog to go on their mat, or maybe you put them in t Jun 26, 2021 · Recallers 2021 Video Contest Round Three. My 1 year old Gordon Setter has high value for treats and/or toys of any kind in the house and in the large back yard. Susan was one of the very Tips and insights from world-renowned dog trainer Susan Garrett covering all things dogs and dog training! Check out all of our playlists for deep dives into May 14, 2024 · Every dog has the potential to show us just how brilliant they can be. Susan Garrett’s interest in animal behaviour started at the University of Guelph where she earned a Bachelor of Science majoring in Animal Science. And if you’d like to learn more about the program, and be invited to join our free dog training masterclass that starts on July 7th, just fill out the Recallers notification form here on my blog. Drawbacks of Using Food Lures . Susan Garrett 2020-03-12T18:44:24-04:00 February 27th, 2020 | 18 Comments Nov 3, 2023 · Podcast Episode 90: Premack, Dog Training and Transfer of Value; YouTube Playlist: Dog Agility Training and Dog Sport Tips with Susan Garrett; Podcast Episode 13: Naming Your Puppy or Dog; Podcast Episode 147: Teach Your Dog To Listen Off Leash And Far Away; YouTube Video: Understanding Your Dog's Reinforcement Zone (RZ) with Susan Garrett Sep 20, 2018 · I have two dogs that I am starting to train. A community of like minded dog enthusiasts meeting to discuss Susan Garrett's latest blogs and workshops. 1-TDC worksSOwell is America’s #1 supplement for Oral Health and Mobility. If she’s bounding towards me on recall I can say ‘yes!’ (she has returned) and no jumping and she will get it and stop her impulse but I can’t do this all the time as I can’t anticipate it and she might (even though she’s scared of people…once she knows they’re safe) also jump up (can be behind) a friend im walking with too If you read the title of this post and are wondering what a vlogcast is, it’s a blog post with a video of a podcast episode. World Champion Dog Agility trainer Susan Garrett shares her insights about 3 critical mistakes being made by most people when training in the sport of dog agility and how you can avoid them. When you say you cannot change an emotional response through training I was a bit stumped… but then I suppose you need to define May 30, 2021 · Does your dog get frantic, throwing all sorts of behaviors at you one after another when you want to train or teach a new trick? Helping your dog with stimul Today I wrote a post for a training list about head halters being my tool of choice in training. I read it everyday and i am also greatful Bertien Kielenstijn June 22, 2020 at 1:20 AM - Reply Love this vlog. Feb 9, 2024 · Podcast Episode 99: When Reinforcement Based Dog Training Doesn’t Work; Podcast Episode 215: What Your Destructive, Lunging, Nipping Or Hyper Dog Or Puppy Is Trying To Teach You; YouTube Playlist: Loose Leash Walking with Susan Garrett; Podcast Episode 245: Make Dog Training Easy! Quick Guide To Antecedent Arrangements Feb 27, 2020 · I once made a bedframe out of 2×4, 4×4 posts, a sheet of AC board 4’x8’x1/2″ and I believe the sides and partition were made of AC board that was a quarter inch instead of half inch thick. Years ago, I made a video about high drive dogs using tug as a model …. Now, I know you are probably thinking “but I know how to watch a video, Susan …. When you say you cannot change an emotional response through training I was a bit stumped… but then I suppose you need to define Jun 19, 2018 · Really really interesting Susan… got me thinking big time! I do relate to what you have just said and am definitely going to try to distinguish between an emotional and a thoughtful response. The same is true for us. She has won multiple Gold Medals at National or World Championship events with every dog she has ever owned over the past 30 years. Crate Games; Home School the Dog; Recallers; Agility Training. I’ve shared it on my blog before. A world-leading educator of dog trainers, Susan is also one of the most successful agility competitors of the last three decades. that video stars Buzz of Shaping Success fame. Jun 19, 2018 · Really really interesting Susan… got me thinking big time! I do relate to what you have just said and am definitely going to try to distinguish between an emotional and a thoughtful response. Apr 13, 2022 · It’s important for puppies to be comfortable with a collar and leash, and this is something we need to condition quickly! It’s easy with shaping and targetin Sep 30, 2020 · Podcast Episode 11: The Power of Permission in Dog Training; Podcast Episode 16: The Thing Before Your Dog’s Thing; Podcast Episode 20: Bridging the Gap Between Blame and Kindness in Dog Training; Podcast Episode 27: Do Dogs Need Rules? Podcast Episode 32: 20 Easy Ways to Exercise Your Dog at Home; Game: Learn how to play ItsYerChoice (IYC) Aug 20, 2020 · When you are training your dog, understanding three key elements is going to help you create brilliant behaviours. This classroom will get you started on Susan Garrett’s dog training philosophy while at the same time exercising your dog’s mind and bod… Recently while preparing for a video shoot, I put together a list of some of my most pivotal lessons I have learned from each puppy I have raised and trained over my Jul 1, 2018 · Susan’s dogs all receive 1-TDC Dual Action and Susan has seen great results first hand! 1-TDC are generously providing the prize of 8 months supply, based on a 50 lb. Susan Garrett, world-renowned dog trainer, multi-time champion of dog agility, and leading educator on all t Recallers 2024 Video Contest Round Three Sending you a big welcome to Round Three of our Recallers 2024 video contest. End Puppy Mills; Dogs That Home; Online Training. One of my biggest issue s is a smell on the ground when Lenni 5 month BMD are out practsing walking. The FIVE dog training skills I teach my dogs first and best! Dog training tips, games, and plans with world leading professional dog trainer, Susan Garrett. Dec 7, 2018 · Susan, Thanks for the reminders and tips. I've trained dogs for years and learned the different trends in dog training. They really do it for me, if you know what I mean. A great video on why agility dogs in particular but all dogs in general can enjoy great health benefits by their owners keeping their nails trimmed short! Dr. Nov 5, 2020 · Remember that I have a few posts with videos here on my blog to help you with your dog’s nails, so check them out starting with Tater’s video. Kikopup teaches mostly pet manners behaviors well and some advanced skills, and Susan Garrett was a top agility competitor who has a couple of programs that is most well-known for her agility content for people gearing to compete, with a strong focus on impulse control and a few other skills necessary for agility that are very We've put together this playlist to help everyone who wants to have fun with their dog in a sport and wants their dog to have fun with them! The three reason It’s super important that our dogs are happy and relaxed in a crate. Oct 1, 2020 · One of the common questions about dog training I am asked is how to teach a dog to stand on cue. Our DogsThat YouTube Channel is brought to you by Susan Garrett and her Team. It's perfect for: 🌟 Seasoned dog trainers 🌟 First-time dog owners 🌟 Rescue dog adopters 🌟 Dog sport enthusiasts No matter your dog's age or skill level, this game will: Strengthen your bond Build your dog's confidence and problem-solving skills Increase persistence and independence Improve your training skills Your free series My favorite thing about Recallers is that regardless of which point you are at with your dog in training, it shows you that you can make every training session a series of games that will teach your dog a little more about how to make the right choices - all the while growing your bond <3 Jun 18, 2020 · Susan Garrett’s Dog Training is literally the best dog community anywhere. Relies on “pattern training” rather than the dog’s understanding. And it's all about cutting your dog's nails at home. There’s a lot of puppy love in our community at the moment, with many people welcoming a new pup into their family. . Nov 12, 2020 · You can see I’m using part of This’s breakfast for conditioning nail trims. Susan’s dogs all take 1-TDC as she has seen great results first hand. Feb 20, 2020 · Susan Garnett’s Dog Training Blog is the literally the BEST dog training community anywhere, I read it all the time, and I’m so grateful I found, it helped me not only get me dogs to listen but to remember their training. Handling360; Agility Nation; Next Level Dog Training Susan’s online dog training classrooms and memberships have now helped thousands of dog lovers reach their goals while having the best relationship possible with their dogs. Apr 23, 2020 · How to Watch Dog Training Videos. Mar 1, 2018 · That is, what he LOVES more than anything else in the world. Dogs That is brought to you by Susan Garrett and the Say Yes Dog Training Team. George!! He really teaches you the fundamentals to dog training so that you can teach your dog anything! As a testament, I taught my dog how to do “a little to the left” like in Gilmore Girls! Jan 12, 2024 · YouTube Playlist: Target Training for Dogs with Susan Garrett; Podcast Episode 151: How Location Specific Reinforcement Markers Will Improve Your Dog Training! * Coghlan’s Squeeze Tubes * Silicone Travel Squeeze Bottles; Podcast Episode 131: How Would Susan Garrett Plan Your Dog Training Sessions? * PetGeek Automatic Treat Dispenser It happens that in our Agility Nation membership program, I did a segment showing the built in dog crates and how they work, and a video clip is in this post for you.