Typeorm json column mysql How can I easily run queries that can have some of the JSON fields in the WHERE clause? EX: View entity is a class that maps to a database view. More on column types here. Cannot use sqlite when using any fields with "json" or "jsonb" fields. This helps you store and load Javascript objects with ease. My user entity roughly looks like this: User. 10. Feb 12, 2021 · Similar to creating other types of table fields using the appropriate data type named method, you have created a JSON column using the json method with the name attributes. Mar 11, 2019 · TypeORM version: [x ] latest [ ] @next [ ] 0. Feb 20, 2024 · Column types in the database are inferred from the property types you used, e. db:sync may create problem as it scans whole database and crate i something new added db:migrate can be used to add new column, table or seeding data. @Column({ type: 'set' }) gradeLevels: string[]; Using TypeORM repo find: gradeLevels: Raw(col => `FIND_IN_SET('${gradeLevel}', ${col}) > 0`) Oct 9, 2020 · I am trying to save an array of object in jsonb type in postgres Entity @Column({type: 'jsonb', array: true, nullable: true}) testJson: object[]; The json I am sending in postman { " zerofill: boolean - Puts ZEROFILL attribute on to a numeric column. Add two new types for simple columns, medium-simple-* and long-simple-* using mysql column types, mediumtext and longtext respectively. Jul 15, 2019 · BLOB, TEXT, GEOMETRY or JSON column 'extend' can't have a default value All reactions. 5. import {Entity, Column } from "typeorm" @ Entity export class Photo {@ Column id: number @ Column name: string @ Column description: string @ Column filename: string @ Column views: number @ Column isPublished Jan 17, 2023 · App Details: Node. Closes typeorm#6017 To add database columns, you simply need to decorate an entity's properties you want to make into a column with a @Column decorator. Dec 21, 2019 · I'm working on a node micro-service, orm and db are respectively typeorm and postgresql I'm trying to create jsonb array column but I'm probably not doing it the correct way. jsでMySQLのORMを管理をする場合に最初に思いつくライブラリとしてはSequelizeがありますが、ある程度かっちり開発する人にとって、MySQLのマイグレーションやエンティティを折角コードで管理するのであれば、TypeScriptへ対応は必須かと思います。 A maximum of 3 JSON columns per NDB table is supported. Beginning with MySQL 5. To make them required you need to explicitly change their nullable state, e. id'); Mar 24, 2018 · We can create a simple decorator, @DbAwareColumn, on top of @Column. perform an sql query on json_encoded data like filter. May 22, 2024 · Configuring TypeORM with MySQL. Right now I have to fetch the value modify it and Update the table. TypeORM version: [X] latest [ ] @next [ ] 0. ts file and configure TypeORM using MYSQL credentials: Title. Apr 20, 2020 · If you could please add some detailed documentation on querying JSON type columns. If some databases doesn't support json type columns, we could emulate it and just store it as text. The solution provided on this question doesn't work for me or in NestJS. May 5, 2020 · Support larger data objects for entities using simple-array and simple-json in mysql. Column types are database-type specific - this provides more flexibility on how your database schema will look like. g. Aug 6, 2019 · Issue type: [x] question [ ] bug report [ ] feature request [ ] documentation issue Database system/driver: [ ] cordova [ ] mongodb [ ] mssql [ ] mysql / mariadb To add database columns, you simply need to decorate an entity's properties you want to make into a column with a @Column decorator. This optimization can be performed for an update that meets the following May 5, 2020 · 概要. unsigned: boolean - Puts UNSIGNED attribute on to a numeric column. to TypeORM supports all of the most commonly used database-supported column types. In the MySql DB I want this set to LONGTEXT however once doing so all migrations try to revert this back to TEXT and try dropping the column. Before today I was just using a varchar column rather than a json column and storing strings - but of course that means converting objects to strings and back. Now I need to support update a json data partially, for example, { firstName: xx, lastName: xxx } If I only update firstName, I don't want to override lastName in the update statement. Create a Brand model: Jun 20, 2017 · Hi, does TypeORM support Medium/Long Text column data type for MySQL, Seem it only support Text when I add column with type 'text' or 'json'. This optimization can be performed for an update that meets the following Oct 29, 2021 · Issue Description While using @Column('json') with mysql2 package, it will parse the JSON twice, if the value of column is a string value in JSON format like "text". So, one way or another, we need to manually iterate through the array to extract the relevant pieces of data (using JSON_EXTRACT()). I use TypeORM for accessing the database. To define the array data type column, we can append the square brackets or use the ARRAY keyword. postgresql supports json_set which I can use to update the field partially but how can I make it work with typeorm libraray? Sep 19, 2013 · There is an hard limit on how much data can be stored in a single row of a mysql table, regardless of the number of columns or the individual column length. Questions: Below is the table format, here I want to add 1 more key in JSON data column for t1 table. js file, we define Mar 26, 2019 · In MySQL 8. If true, MySQL automatically adds the UNSIGNED attribute to this column. Feb 1, 2020 · ItamarM changed the title Select: false on JSON column will increase the version column on save, even if there is no change Version column increase on save, even if there is no change (select: false on a JSON column) Feb 1, 2020 Column types in the database are inferred from the property types you used, e. 0, the optimizer can perform a partial, in-place update of a JSON column instead of removing the old document and writing the new document in its entirety to the column. net/2014/05/25/querying-json-in-postgres ) Jun 11, 2021 · join two mysql tables using typeorm-NestJs where table 1(t1) is normal table & table 2(t2) has a column which containts JSON data now I need to join them based on t1. 0, there is no easy way to turn a JSON array to a recordset (ie, function JSON_TABLE() is not yet available). TL;DR How on earth do you set default column values with TypeORM when Jan 15, 2021 · $ yarn add @nestjs/typeorm typeorm mysql Quick Database connection. Let us learn the different type of column supported by TypeORM in this chapter. 20, last published: 6 months ago. Related. SELECT * FROM jobs WHERE JSON_SEARCH(document, "one", "24276e4b-de81-4c2c-84e7-eed9c3582a31", NULL, '$[*]. x (or put your version here) It would be nice to be able to have a single API to be able to query information from a property in the JSON data stored in a mysql / mariadb / postgres database, as they all seem to have I'm using typeorm in my application and I have a simple-json column in my models that can get quite large in some scenarios. module. import {Entity, Column } from "typeorm" @ Entity export class Photo {@ Column id: number @ Column name: string @ Column description: string @ Column filename: string @ Column views: number @ Column isPublished May 26, 2019 · I am in the process of migrating from Rails to NestJs with TypeORM. charset: string - Defines a column character set. Step 7 — Creating the Models. Can I create entity fields in NestJS (typeorm) called firstName but are mapped to a column named first_name in my DB? My table Aug 18, 2021 · Mysql query WHERE column is in json array. 9), which means your JSON document is limited to 65KB! Apr 12, 2020 · Prior to version 8. Supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, SQLite, MS SQL Server, Oracle, MongoDB databases. ORM for TypeScript and JavaScript (ES7, ES6, ES5). 5 (7. js) TypeORM MySQL DB. 4, the optimizer can perform a partial, in-place update of a JSON column instead of removing the old document and writing the new document in its entirety to the column. Works in NodeJS, Browser, Ionic Jun 21, 2023 · In this blog, we’re going to create a nodejs boilerplate project that connects to MySQL database via TypeORM library. Open the app. andWhere(`user. 3. The current setup works with typegraphql but it's the typeorm I'm confused about. parse() to get the JSON value, if it fails, null should be returned. We would miss on a ton of features that Postgres provides to help us work with JSON. Let’s play with our post table a bit and add the paragraphs column instead of content. 10 recently and I am liking the native JSON Data type a lot. Not supported by all database types. Now, in order to search with typeorm, you need to create a queryBuilder and describe the query with the passed parameters. x (or put your version here) Steps to reproduce or a small repository showing the problem: I have created an entity with a json column in it as below. If you still need to access json data in MySQL 5. View entity is a class that maps to a database view. ts. userdetails ::jsonb @> '[{"name":"${providedUserName}"}]'`) May 17, 2018 · MySQL 5. . May 11, 2017 · @Diluka I'm currently using JSON (as in @Column(ColumnTypes. Another one is that JSON maps to Text (as of TypeOrm 0. TypeORM is an ORM for TypeScript and JavaScript, supporting multiple databases and platforms. We generated a database table with columns, but there is one thing left. See the hardcoded parser in mys ORM for TypeScript and JavaScript. Note: Use any one method to config TypeOrm. ) on server startup. In theory, we can store JSON as a regular string. items would be an Array (one-to-many) of invoice items. Jun 2, 2018 · If you store JSON data in specific JSON typed columns then you can filter and select on the nested JSON values. import {Entity, Column } from "typeorm" @ Entity export class Photo {@ Column id: number @ Column name: string @ Column description: string @ Column filename: string @ Column views: number @ Column isPublished Apr 2, 2018 · I have a MySQL database that stores profile images of users. Apr 16, 2022 · Issue Description The simple-json entity type returns SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input Steps to Reproduce User. providedUserName='UserName1' query. Feb 10, 2020 · I just got the pull request and found the cause. In @Column there is an option called type-> here is where you specify which type of date you want to store for that specific column. The JSON is nested and in the filter condition there is only one key value pair of json is allowed. synchronize() drops json column on mariadb , closes typeorm/typeorm#3636 (base-entity) set create return type to T[] ( #5400 ) ( ceff897 ) add the enableArithAbort option to the sql server connection option typings ( #5526 ) ( d19dbc6 ) Nov 6, 2021 · I have an entity which holds a json object called "stats". As stated in the OFFICIAL DOCUMENTATION. Postgres: Select all fields where json field array contains a particular value? 5. through Sequel Pro). 0. JSON values are not stored as strings, instead using an internal binary format that permits quick read access to document elements. Is it okay to store a JSON array as a String in MySQL? I am using TypeORM for context. – Samuel De Backer Commented May 24, 2018 at 11:47 Mar 21, 2022 · Allow usage of the types "json" and "jsonb" with SQLite. The postgreSQL operator "@>" can be used to solve the json column search problem. We're in the process of building an "update" endpoint, but no changes are happening. add `set` datatype support for MySQL/MariaDB (typeorm#4538) Set possible Jun 20, 2021 · 写给初用Nestj做项目的你(四篇: typeorm操作mysql数据库, 内附坑点罗列) TypeORM. Select all PostgreSQL rows where Feb 11, 2020 · Here is the column in a typeORM entity: We initially used an enum as per typeorm documentation which did work, but wasn't needed for our requirements. : @Column({ nullable: false }) firstName: string; Aug 31, 2022 · Pagination in TypeORM (Find Options & QueryBuilder) TypeORM: Entity with Decimal Data Type; TypeORM: Selecting Rows Between 2 Dates; TypeORM: Selecting Rows with Null Values; TypeORM: AND & OR operators; TypeORM: Adding created_at and updated_at columns; You can also check out our database topic page for the latest tutorials and examples. import {Entity, Column } from "typeorm" @ Entity export class Photo {@ Column id: number @ Column name: string @ Column description: string @ Column filename: string @ Column views: number @ Column isPublished Jun 19, 2019 · I think I would need a bit more clarification to really understand what is happening, but it sounds like you may have synchronize: true in your TypeORM config. 13 of MySQL, it was not possible to set a default value on a JSON column, as the 8. This optimization can be performed for an update that meets the following Feb 13, 2019 · I'm using MariaDB 10. DELIMITER $$ DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS `json_extract_c`$$ CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`%` FUNCTION `json_extract_c`( details TEXT, required_field VARCHAR (255) ) RETURNS TEXT CHARSET latin1 BEGIN RETURN TRIM( BOTH '"' FROM SUBSTRING_INDEX( SUBSTRING Feb 24, 2020 · I want to query the column 'UserDetails' to fetch all users whose name contains 'UserName' in typeorm. To add database columns, you simply need to decorate an entity's properties you want to make into a column with a @Column decorator. Data-Mapper ORM for TypeScript, ES7, ES6, ES5. 6, you need to write custom function. For example: repo. I have many relationship between tables and I have 2 JSON file having 13,000 records and 70,000 records. Jan 15, 2021 · $ yarn add @nestjs/typeorm typeorm mysql Quick Database connection. JSON). Install TypeORM along with the MySQL driver: $ npm install --save @nestjs/typeorm typeorm mysql2. How to save array of json object in Jun 4, 2021 · I have a problem when trying to save an entity to the DB with a primary column with a default value using TypeORM (in NestJs). To make a decision, you must use @JoinColumn on one of the sides. 0, it would have been possble to turn the inner JSON array to a recordset with function JSON_TABLE(), and then inspect it. Stats has multiple properties which Id like to order my findAll method by. Sep 23, 2020 · TypeORM version: [x] latest [ ] @next [ ] 0. A maximum of 3 JSON columns per NDB table is supported. 0. Creating a primary column Each entity must have at least one primary key column. ( http://schinckel. js对他做了很好的集成, 虽然它的官网写的挺全的但是实际开发起来还是不太够, 并且里面有大坑我会把我知道的都列出来, 这篇也会把一些常见的解决方案写出来。 A maximum of 3 JSON columns per NDB table is supported. Supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, SQLite, MS SQL Server, Oracle, SAP Hana, WebSQL databases. To quickly test the database connection, WARNING Note that the ormconfig. of the class are the columns of the To add database columns, you simply need to decorate an entity's properties you want to make into a column with a @Column decorator. With MySQL pre-8. 6, by default JSON_EXTRACT is not available by default. TypeORM supports all type of database fields through Column class. Here is the reference project structure: In the ormconfig. When we use the data, Postgres has to reparse it on each execution. Any other Jun 9, 2019 · TypeORM version: [ x] latest [ ] @next [ ] 0. This is a zerofill: boolean - Puts ZEROFILL attribute on to a numeric column. We've got a MySQL DB connected to TypeORM. Mar 1, 2021 · @Column({ nullable: true }) author: string; If you want User instead of string, use @ManyToOne instead of @Column. ts Mar 28, 2018 · simple-json maps to string in the database and default is sql's DEFAULT value, so you need to set a string, e. But which column should be created - userId or photoId? TypeORM cannot decide for you. x (or put your version here) Steps to reproduce or a small repository showing the problem: When trying to execute raw query on table which includes JSON column, it seems that the results return are padded with extra quotes. Node. import {Entity, Column } from "typeorm" @ Entity export class Photo {@ Column id: number @ Column name: string @ Column description: string @ Column filename: string @ Column views: number @ Column isPublished Dec 30, 2022 · The PostgreSQL database was found to be searching in a column with the type "Json" or "Jsonb". Dec 28, 2020 · Using a json column with PostgreSQL. But I ran into a problem when it comes to updating a JSON type value. When I work with my TypeORM userdo entity object, I wish for its JSON form to represent the userType property in a string enumeration form. import {Entity, Column } from "typeorm" @ Entity export class Photo {@ Column id: number @ Column name: string @ Column description: string @ Column filename: string @ Column views: number @ Column isPublished To add database columns, you simply need to decorate an entity's properties you want to make into a column with a @Column decorator. Issue is that since it's UUID, for MySQL the column type is varchar(36) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY. Apr 10, 2021 · I want to migrate my JSON data to PostgreSQL database using TypeORM. Each database table must have a column with a primary key. I am using NestJS and Typeorm. x (or put your version here) I have a question regarding support for JSON in SQL SERVER (mssql). number will be converted into integer, string into varchar, boolean into bool, etc. So far I've achieved to query the exact match against the name field of the JSON column. This article gives an overview of how to do it with Postgres. column_name. x (or put your version here) Tyler-V changed the title Default value in mysql simple-json @Column({default: Jun 30, 2018 · In MySQL 5. ts Jul 17, 2017 · MySQL handles strings used in JSON context using the utf8mb4_bin collation, so accents and case are sensitive. I expect you're using sqlite for the test environment To add database columns, you simply need to decorate an entity's properties you want to make into a column with a @Column decorator. We need to create a column userId in photo or photoId in user. js Nest. 1. 7 Now supports a native JSON data type similar to MongoDB and other schemaless document data stores: JSON support. The first column type we want to look into is json. save({}) is valid in your case since all columns in your aren't required. Nov 18, 2022 · @Column({type: 'json'}) dependants: DependantsDto[]; How to map joined table column to an entity's field in TypeORM. But is there a better way?: Column types in the database are inferred from the property types you used, e. The Solution. Mar 26, 2019 · In MySQL 8. Used only in MySQL. You are going to create three models for brands, categories, and products respectively. For historical reasons, table names and column names in Rails are snaked_cased - I don't want to copy this nuisance to our NestJs/React side. TypeORM version: [x] latest [ ] @next [ ] 0. Jan 10, 2022 · Is it possible to index MySQL JSON column in TypeORM? export const languages = [ 'en', 'de', 'fr', 'es', 'it', 'ru', 'jp', 'cn' ] as const; export type Language = typeof languages[number]; @Enti See full list on dev. findOne(1) returns: This won't be equal to the value of just one ID string, unless there's only one object in the document column. ts @Column("simple-json") prices!: { daily: number; hourly: number; weekly: number; monthly: number; }; controller. default: "{}" In fact, the issue ER_BLOB_CANT_HAVE_DEFAULT is raised when I try to set default value for Json field ER_BLOB_CANT_HAVE_DEFAULT: BLOB, TEXT, GEOMETRY or JSON column can't have a default value May 16, 2018 · I want to exclude password field from returned JSON. The maximum row size constrains the number (and possibly size) of columns because the total length of all columns cannot exceed this size. Latest version: 0. 7. I tried everything but I can not get the query to work Apr 29, 2016 · JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(column, path)) JSON_UNQUOTE(column->path) Note: Three different ways yield to the same command, as EXPLAIN explains: As with ->, the ->> operator is always expanded in the output of EXPLAIN, as the following example demonstrates: Jan 20, 2018 · AFAIK, TypeORM have good support for json columns. 7, which relies on JSON_SEARCH() and JSON_EXTRACT(). The Problem. It would be nice to have typeORM support for querying based on properties of the JSON column like you can see in the link above. Partial Updates of JSON Values. It seems each time application loads it tries to re-index, so it drops the id column and tries to add it again. Feb 15, 2018 · how to apply WHERE clause on JSON column to perform a SELECT query on a table which is having two columns (id Integer, attr JSON). I want to deliver the image info as base64 string via REST API. I can post my code if needed. This will make TypeORM re-run all of its set up functions (table creations, column modifications, etc. Its attributes / member variables refer the corresponding database table’s fields / columns. Dec 30, 2020 · I have a user entity that is suppose to contain an array of json objects, but I couldn't find a json array type for typeorm to store natively, and I'm not sure how to store them in the database using typeorm. 11. According to the standards and documents, when retrieving simple-json columns, we can just use JSON. The new decorator corrects a column type based on environment. This would allow using SQLite in local development and testing while targeting postgres in deployments. Oct 9, 2020 · typeorm init --name Typeorm-project --database mysql. The user info should be provided via REST API that is implemented as a Node. js (TypeScript & Express. Start using typeorm in your project by running `npm i typeorm`. import {Entity, Column } from "typeorm" @ Entity export class Photo {@ Column id: number @ Column name: string @ Column description: string @ Column filename: string @ Column views: number @ Column isPublished MySQL NDB Cluster 7. Works in NodeJS, Browser, Ionic Jul 2, 2020 · You can see the docs here that explains the @Column decorator. You can create a view entity by defining a new class and mark it with @ViewEntity(): @ViewEntity() accepts following options: Aug 8, 2018 · [ ] mysql / mariadb [ ] oracle [X] postgres [ ] sqlite [ ] sqljs [ ] react-native [ ] expo. Direct Configuration in app. . how to filter sql query results with matching string. I think this issue can be fixed without much effort. Oct 15, 2018 · Typeorm query mysql json data column. You can specify column type as first parameter of @Column or in the column options of @Column, for example: Aug 31, 2022 · If you want to store some kind of flexible data with TypeORM, you can save them as JSON. id but MS SQL、MySQL、MariaDB、PostgreSQL 和 CockroachDB 都支持空间列。TypeORM 对每个数据库的支持略有不同,特别是由于列名在不同数据库之间有所变化。 MS SQL 和 MySQL / MariaDB 的 TypeORM 支持将几何图形以 well-known text (WKT) 的形式提供和接受,因此几何列应该标记为 string 类型。 Jun 2, 2018 · [x] mysql / mariadb [ ] oracle [x] postgres [ ] sqlite [ ] sqljs [ ] react-native. Mar 9, 2021 · I saved a few columns as jsonb type. 简单理解他就是一款帮助我们操作数据库的工具, nest. import {Entity, Column } from "typeorm" @ Entity export class Photo {@ Column id: number @ Column name: string @ Column description: string @ Column filename: string @ Column views: number @ Column isPublished Apr 22, 2022 · If you’re using TypeORM to work with PostgreSQL or MySQL and want to save BIGINT (from -2^63 (-9,223,372,036,854,775,808) to 2^63-1 (9,223,372,036,854,775,807)) to your database, you have to define your column as Sep 28, 2017 · This is a small workaround for this particular case MySQL does not have this issue, works fine * docs: spelling and general improvements (part 4) * reverted decorator-reference changed, changed links * fixed links * spelling and general improvements (part 5) * issue typeorm#992 and typeorm#989 * merged other doc changes * WebSQL version should May 7, 2010 · I have started using MySQL 5. Jul 9, 2018 · TypeORM version: [X] latest [ ] @next [ ] 0. One gotcha: It's easy to make errors when manually writing JSON (eg. 8, MySQL supports a native JSON type. This sets up a foreign key relationship to the User table, and if you add eager: true the User entity will be loaded automatically with the base entity when you use any of the TypeOrm find* methods: ORM for TypeScript and JavaScript. I tested it with MySQL, where I could easily save array of objects in db and TypeORM has automatically serialized and deserialized it 😉. We therefore opted to skip the enum and only use string[]. How could I achieve this? I mapped the blob column as a Buffer in my entity. Nov 2, 2020 · Another solution would be to utilize the JSON data type available in MySQL and PostgreSQL. I'm expecting the datetime in the json to match what is in the database since the datetime in the database is It will create table with defined columns in Entity and Migration will just seed as Table already created using sync. This sets up a foreign key relationship to the User table, and if you add eager: true the User entity will be loaded automatically with the base entity when you use any of the TypeOrm find* methods:. For example (using PostgreSQL): Jan 7, 2019 · I am running into issues with synchronize setting on TypeORM with UUID PrimaryGeneratedColumns on MySQL driver. It stores the exact copy of the text we put in. You can specify the column type as simple-json. Here is a solution for version 5. But you can use any column type your database supports by explicitly specifying a column type into the @Column decorator. In fact I upgraded to this version today specifically because it has support for json columns. 0 documentation points out a few paragraphs later: The BLOB , TEXT , GEOMETRY , and JSON data types cannot be assigned a default value. json file is loaded by the typeorm library. You need to use JSON_SEARCH() to search for a matching element within the JSON value. @Column() decorator class is used to represent the column and its type in the entity. x. Treat "json" and "jsonb" the same way as "simple-json" when using a sqlite backend Jul 2, 2018 · In your case you did not sent any properties TypeORM needs, so for typeorm your object is basically {}. It works for me. js server. 2. In MySQL 8. Jul 28, 2020 · I have a json column with following data {state:"FL",city:"Pembroke Pines"} in mysql table how can I search on that column without using query builder To add database columns, you simply need to decorate an entity's properties you want to make into a column with a @Column decorator. Column types in the database are inferred from the property types you used, e. Something like: How to properly use where (queryBuilder, FindManyOptions) clause with JSON column? How to properly use OrderBy with JSON column? How to do search using Like operator? How to edit only one property in JSON object? I have something like: Mar 5, 2020 · How to query that json column by its property? Doing it raw would be something like. id == t2. Mar 19, 2015 · I have a table in MySQL that has a column that store JSON objects. x (or put your version here) Steps to reproduce or a small repository showing the problem: save date into database that is in UTC timezone; retrieve data via api call; I'm in EST timezone. Works in NodeJS Jul 18, 2019 · I have an existing MySQL database table userdo that has a column userType of type integer, such that an administrator user is represented as value 0, and so on. So Invoice. Lets say I have an Invoice, and an Invoice can have many InvoiceItems. There are 4478 other projects in the npm registry using typeorm. This key value pair can be anywhere in the Josn. 2 and later) supports JSON columns and MySQL JSON functions, including creation of an index on a column generated from a JSON column as a workaround for being unable to index a JSON column. json will be created on the root of the project that has all the configuration that typeorm needs. If you put @JoinColumn in Photo then a column called userId will be created in the photo table. import {Entity, Column } from "typeorm" @ Entity export class Photo {@ Column id: number @ Column name: string @ Column description: string @ Column filename: string @ Column views: number @ Column isPublished Key-per-column for the data I need to search and JSON for others (in the same MySQL database)? Mixing the two models isn't necessarily wrong (assuming the extra space is negligible), but it may cause problems if you don't make sure the two data sets are kept in sync: your application must never change one without also updating the other. uai ffiqbqqy weog rae fdy rgkq nqcdv lqir okd astrz rordfix jjdmhl glxoo dagzwvm poom