Stellaris desync 2019 mods Playing a game with a mate earlier, we save and come back 4 hours later and suddenly I am… Apr 11, 2021 · What is Stellaris mods? A mod (short for "modification") is an alteration where someone, usually a player, changes some aspect (e. Question: Was there a battle log for any of you two right as the desync happened? EDIT: Just saw the combat log in your image, oops. 5. Firstly, I love this game, so this is coming from a genuine place, not just a whinge. Apr 20, 2023 · Posts attacking the Stellaris team members or other Community members; Off topic/Not applicable posts will be removed. It is a planetary modifier desync so I thunk it would suffice if I just delete the affected system, if I can find out what that is. Since the game wants everyone to be in sync it caters to the weakest link, meaning the player with the worst computer/connection making it terrible and sad for everyone else. The main cause of desyncs in Stellaris (assuming none of you has a bad internet with micro-disconnects) are bugs. Stellaris close Clear game filter. Start up save, load up second player through steam lobby, wait until: 2225. 0, but you can choose to play the beta version 2. He's playing on Mac while I play on Windows. I would continue playing with desync but many actions just don´t seem to work, like accepting diplomatic options or assigning Scientists to Science Ships. Hello, i just wanted to know if there is a way via the stellaris logs or any 3rd party tools to exactly find the cause for specific stability problems when using mods since troubleshooting is currently really a pain. You can get to the discord using the link at the bottom of this post. Copy it, and paste it in the . Random_count, last_notification_id etc. May 20, 2023 · Do you have mods enabled? Yes Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible. 3, after 3. 1 stellaris_test] [7b85] What version do you use? Steam What expansions do you have installed? Synthetic Dawn, Utopia, Leviathans Story Pack, Apocalypse, Megacorp, , All of the above Do you have mods enabled? No Jun 21, 2024 · Yea, I dont know what was happening when I clicked the disable fullscreen optimization. Apr 5, 2019 · Are there any plans to support mods on Stellaris console edition? I’m new to the forums. there are however different reasons Oh boy here I go listing mods again Okay PAL. Skip to content. It was released in South Korea in December 2019 by Smilegate and in Europe, North America, and South America in February 2022 by Amazon Games. Also mods are generally good for lots of things and I'm curious if there are any good one for psionics because all the ones the workshop shows me are either out of date or irrelevant. I will Is there a way to force the workshop to check my mod directory and update/delete outdated entries? I think there is some inconsistency but can't place my finger on it and don't want to have to manually check everything myself. Nothing helps, sadly had to abandon the game. This will highlight the path. When he tried to play the savefile in singleplayer he could play without any problems beyond the month that crashes us. Last Update: 23 Oct 2019. Hi, I am the author of one of the discussed mods but I will try my best to give you an unbiased overview (and my post probably will be useful even if it's biased). 144 www Heavy and frequent desync could be caused by bad connection between players [like having each person in each continent], having too many empires active with high pop counts and even having at too high a speed. No lags at all until desync. it’s one of my fave mods that I play 9/10 outta ten. Games. Games . 1) (d173) What version do you use? Steam What expansions do you have installed? Synthetic Dawn, Utopia, Leviathans Story Pack, Apocalypse, All of the above Do you have mods enabled? Yes Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible. Contains new ships, technologies, components, music, and sound. Apr 24, 2021 · Lots of effort on AI, so they can handle the mod features without any drawback. ) will cause a desync. mod". May 12, 2022 · Do you have mods enabled? No Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible. 4 and the new launcher, but after I select them in the Mod Manager in the correct order of load priority and hit the apply button, they still appear unchecked in the new launcher. My friend and I have recently started a coop game of Stellaris. x series. My friend's and I play a game every week and since grand archive released we've been getting desync errors you just can't fix by mid game. Apr 5, 2019 6 0 Sep 18, 2024 · My friends and I have been playing Stellaris for a couple of years now, myself for even longer, and we've grown fairly used to the occasional multiplayer desync. 2-Player Multiplayer game started in 3. During initial game with my friend we have no issue. It is a bit annoying restarting the We are having the same issue. 1] [dfce] COUNTRY_RESOURCES desync Game Version 2. 0-openbeta] & [36ce] 1286 Suggestions 20825 Tech Support 3128 Multiplayer 390 User Mods 4759 Stellaris AAR (After Action Zero crashes for us, though we’ve run into a desync issue in multiplayer only that is easy enough to fix (let the game run the first month, sometimes the first two, then save and reload the game is what fixes it everytime for us, and is only needed at the start of a new game). Jun 7, 2019 · The newest "normal" update is 2. Stellaris is a space civilisation game around making a species and their government, then shaping their interactions with the May 11, 2024 · My friend and I have now tried multiple campaigns before and after the last big patch and everytime we reach the endgame and the first crisis starts the game becomes really unstable and desyncs a lot. 3. never was actually. A group of us regularly try and play a multiplayer game, and honestly we can play for hours, but these Jul 2, 2022 · Do you have mods enabled? No Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible. If my friend keeps playing after desync, he cant control anything. Only 2 players and after 2-3 ingame months the game desyncs. Even when his computer was massively behind mine in performance (as in a 10+yr old laptop vs a high-end gaming desktop) there were no desync issues. Can't bring any games later then 2350. Reply reply Hey all, in mp games with a friend I've had constant out of sync errors mid-late game that happened no matter who hosted, in all game versions up to present. 2 What version do you use? Paradox Launcher What expansions do you have installed? Synthetic Dawn, Utopia, Apocalypse, Megacorp, Ancient Relics, Federations, Nemesis Do you have mods enabled? No Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible. RANDOM_COUNT started desync like crazy, we tried to rehost like 10 times before giving up and deciding to start a new game in smaller galaxy and less AI in hope that it would break the deal. com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2025061943. English —— Check out my other mods! —— Nov 14, 2019 · Friends and I have been playing a Stellaris game. Lately, we are running into desync problems. All games (3,377) Last Update: 06 Jun 2019. With the rate increasing as time goes on (the later in game the more often desyncs) At every desync, I rehost the save. Sep 25, 2021 · The problem a couple friends and I have been running into is that one particular friend will desync immediately after they join (as soon as the very first day ticks) and nothing seems to fix it. I have a group where we play everynight, after lets say 2-3 hours the game desyncs, the only way we found to fix this is by rehosting, the desync gets pretty bad if nothing is done, can't select research, build ships, mining stations, traditions, you name it. The one thing that has consistantly ruined our otherwise good time is a slew of desync issues. A lot of times, it was RANDOM_COUNT desync. Its a shame, really, because we had previously had to abandon 2. ONE mod. Nov 23, 2024 · There's literally nothing anyone can advise to help you. Members Online Is it narcissism if i'm always playing against my own custom empires? Tried a 2. If you’re getting out of sync errors in multiplayer games, please report them (with the save files and oos logs attached), so our programmers can take a look. I do remember having some really bad desync issues like you describe in ONE game - I think it was when we were finishing a game on a rollback to 3. Very frustrating yes all our checksums are the same and running the same mods and stuff. Sep 4, 2019 · Hi there. I do love the continued efforts (both paid and free) to expand this game, but I do not remember the last time a non-LAN game was not plagued with sync issues, drop-outs, UI glitches and various other issues. Thankfully I've found it a lot more stable but as posted previously, a quick save and a reload does the trick if it does happen May 12, 2016 · I have the desync problem too. This means that if you don't want desyncs in multiplayer, you should play patched game versions without mods, as opposed to X. Today I found a setting in my router (DLink Taipan) under firewall called SPI (stateful packet inspection) which is some kind of DDOS protection. The final number (1535507574) will be different if you download a different mod. Instead of starting projects i cannot finish, i planned on having a mod side project for stellaris: Expanded Lifeforms. I've been having constant problems with desync in multiplayer games, things like pop_modifiers etc in every single game within seconds of starting. I want to play a multiplayer PvP game of Stellaris where teams of players go up against each other. Jan 13, 2024 · We may have finally narrowed the issue down to space battles. My friend and I kept getting the "desynchronized entries random count" after reaching a certain point in the game that is preventing us from… Nov 6, 2021 · So my friend and i are playing mods around 34 mods but whenever we play around 2 - 4 months a popular "random_count" desync always happen i already try playing without gravius mod and it still happening (there was a post saying that this mod is causing random count error) anyone know the solution or any mod that cause this? Jun 8, 2019 · MP out of sync on LAST_NOTIFICATION_ID [2. We're in a Dec 20, 2020 · Been playing multiplayer lately with a friend and we keep getting desync errors after about 40 years of gameplay. In case I wasnt clear with what the "desync" means, its basically a case where the shown cursor on screen and the "actual" cursor of where i click are desynced from each other, which makes selecting anything basically impossible. Random_Count desync, trade route desync, fleet_position I've been playing stellaris multiplayer almost since it's release with a friend of mine. EDIT: I don't want to detect out of date mods, but mods that are not their latest version uploaded or not present/still present after unsubscription. We've tried rehosting countless times, restarting games and computers, and having the desyncing player host isn't a possibility because le paradox dlc policy won't let him choose his own nation because May 20, 2017 · Click "Play" in Steam (this starts the Stellaris launcher) Click "All installed mods" in the Stellaris launcher; Click "UPLOAD MOD" Click the "Select mod" drop-down menu; Find the mod you want to update in the list and click on it; In the box below "Suggested game version", click the circular arrow on the right Me and a friend are playing a campaign together, and every time he loses a battle, the game desyncswith LAST_NOTIFICATION_ID. Sep 27, 2024 · There is a way to fix desync chain (up until next chain in ~50 years, but still): Host should save the game Exit to main screen and load save in single player DO NOT UNPAUSE GAME Disable AI via console Unpause, skip few days, pause Enable AI again <- not entirely sure if this step is necessary, but I'm doing it just in case Jun 24, 2022 · Do you have mods enabled? No Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible. 1 What version do you use? Steam What expansions do you have installed? Do you have mods enabled? No Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible. May 28, 2023 · Desync Report Game Version 3. Anyway, do you still have your modlist? Might cross-reference it with ours and see if theres matching mods. 01) the game goes into Desync ECONOMY happened 4 or 5 times in a row (we reloaded it on the 10. We've tried hotjoining after the desync happens or resaving the game in single player Apr 6, 2023 · Stellaris is a complex game, and learning to play can be difficult without a guiding hand. x had gone live. Except without the mods. No idea what is causing it, both of us have decently powerful hardware and he's not falling behind in the years at the top right Jan 14, 2019 · That will get you a blank mod to start with. After the desyncs start on a save that save is just screwed it seems as the Desyncs just become more frequent until that save is basically unplayable. I don't know if is it related or not, but may be a clue. 1 where they apparently fixed the multiplayer desync. Pretty much what we deal with. Nothing will fix it to progress forward. Since the latest patch with Cosmic Storms however we're getting a desync in game every 2-10 days, forcing us to resync our games, even with only two of us. Whenever we play a multiplayer game we get a desync which starts as early as the midgame to as late as early late game (we are 3 players). Thank you Pop_Modifier and Random_Count desync Game Version v2. Version 2. 1][65d2] Game Version 2. Here's how I play Stellaris. 01 date auto save) Steps to reproduce the issue. Desync message "Economy" Steps to reproduce the issue. 5 and we are playing in 3. Since he started doing that we've had multiple full games with zero desync. We play with mods though. Me and my buddy are trying to run a playthrough of Rimworld with some basic QoL mods installed. I don't remember other, but RANDOM_COUNT was the most prevalent desync by far. May 16, 2023 · While playing on normal speed, we get a desync every 15 minutes or so. Not related to hotjoining and still fairly early in the lobby, player was a scholarium, but unsure if that influenced it. Just wanted to play a big MP game with friends. With the mymod folder open, click on the address bar. 5 for performance reasons. Posted by u/Buckdiggitydawg - 4 votes and 7 comments Oct 8, 2024 · Do you have mods enabled? No Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible. there never was a stellaris version i can remember, which did not occasionally desync, and e. 3 and after around 50 years I got "Desynchronized Entries: ECONOMY". Have tried to set graphics to Windowed Fullscreen and Windowed. 1. 2 (947b) What version do you use? Steam What expansions do you have installed? Do you have mods enabled? No Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible. First of all, I do benchmarks (play the same savefile with different mods) once in a while to make sure I don't make starnet too early-game focused, so I can show you my last ones. We've also tried turning down the galaxy size and empire amount but it doesn't seem to help. I'm really tired of desyncs and I can't believe that Stellaris themselves haven't fixed this issue yet. the way it looks or behaves) of a video game. Only thing you can do is try and pay attention to what is happening in the game at the time the desync occurs. Nov 6, 2019 · Do you have mods enabled? No Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible. My friend and I have been playing Stellaris in multiplayer for years now and literally never had desync issue. No mods, vanilla and yes it happend in the past too. We are playing only with ASB and Startech mods which always used to work just fine for us. 8 mod, Real Space System Scale, and Planetary Diversity and all its submods, and haven't had a problem before in previous versions. 2. Nov 8, 2019 · LAN might work perfectly, which would explain why there don't seem to be desync issues on devclash streamed games, for example. Mar 28, 2020 · Fixing desync should be a priority for the devs moving forward. R5: Since the game of a friend of me and myself crashed 2 days ago we only get this desync when we try to load old autosaves even from 2 years ago. First it occured during the game in around 2240~ year. 25 - WyrmsThe mod adds 127 new rac The subreddit for all things related to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition --- This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher and its modpacks but has since grown to encompass all aspects of modding the Java edition of Minecraft. it shows only the economy one not the random_count #4 Jun 18, 2018 · Desync in Multiplayer - NUM_OPEN_EVENTS_LAST_EVENT_ID Game Version Niven (2. I thought they wanted to improve the multiplayer experience with the latest patch but so far far nothing seems to have been improved. Feb 27, 2024 · If you play modded, either one of the mods is causing it (one that comes in mind that cause desync is "stellar stellaris") or you have mods loaded with different priority. Was just playing a mostly regular game with 4 friends in coop, ran into consistent desync issues that ultimately lead to a game crash for the host after a few desyncs. We rehosted an older savegame and it desycned at the exact same in-game time. I desync, I leave the game to rejoin and after 3 minutes desync again, resulting in a unforeseen bug like not being able to build ships or an outpost etc. Seems to be a very common, very ancient, very widely ignored request. To me it doesn't sound that hard but I may be delusional and I'm really sorry if that's the case. Everything was going fine until we hit about 37 years in, now we are hit with a desync every month or if we are lucky two months. Is there any idea how to fix this? Playing with auto-save to cloud off, playing on fast not fastest. The reasons vary wildly with sometimes many reasons listed but the most common one is RANDOM_COUNT. Everyone desyncs after about 100 years into the game and desyncs everytime after one or few days everytime i try to rehost, the desync is always TRADEROUTES_COLLECTED. He always hosts the game, since his internet has a bigger bandwith. e. Desyncs are generally caused by one of the players having a bad CPU or connection. We play with about 40 mods but from what i've read it seems to be a vanilla issue. This mod adds 2 Megastructures1 based on the Matter Decompressor and needs to be built around a black hole and generates Dark Matter and Dark Energy1 based on the Dyson Sphere and generates Stelerite So we dismiss the desync popup and keep playing, and everything is usually fine. This mod will temporarily focus development as needed to support the upkeep of new Clone Vats if you take biological ascension. right click on the host's name in Steam and click on "join game"), everything else (ingame game browser, joining before - using Paradoxos Mod Manager, which allegedly supports patch 2. Mar 19, 2020 · so yeah, the only thing you can influence is when and how hard you desync. 21 date (save file is set to start at 10. I attachted dxdiag, succsefully this time. Hi Stellaris fans, I was hoping to garner suggestions for good multiplayer mods. The only thing to note is that desyncs seem to happen when he falls behind a lot (that is, his date stays in the red for any length of time when you look at With this method it shouldn't even be possible to desync, right? If this sounds like a mod that would work then please let me know. In fact if I could refund what I have already bought I would've done so. Anyone know if there is a workaround, or a specific mod causing us problems with this? May 28, 2019 · JPOEG: Jurassic Park Operation Genesis: Evolution Mod Nov 2 2019 Released 2019 Futuristic Sim a mod for JPOG that adds the dinosaurs from JWE into operation genisis, dinosaurs in this modpack have accurate stats to in evolution and if the stats This is a Standalone, non affiated mod. It doesnt work. . IE Planetary Diversity and after it its addons. All DLC, v2. I have used mods with up to 10000 stars on single player and apart from some slowdown starting mid game or thereabouts, the game basically runs fine. 02. its kinda sad because we already dumped a lot of time into the save. 12. 01. 0 versions with mods. preventing it completely is not possible. g. I am not buying any more Stellaris DLCs. 13. If you want support, your best bet is going to be my discord channel in the Stellaris Modding Den discord. The worst thing is that while I just desync, my friends stellaris crashes. Suddenly we got a pop_mod and planet_mod desync. If you have a specific Keyboard/Mouse/AnyPart that is doing something strange, include the model number i. Browse 118 mods for Stellaris at Nexus Mods. May 24, 2023 · We are playing with the Real Space 3. The default location that the mod will download to is: C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\281990\1535507574. Steps to reproduce the issue. Apr 11, 2021 · What is Stellaris mods? A mod (short for "modification") is an alteration where someone, usually a player, changes some aspect (e. We've made it to year 2434 at this point, with midgame at 2400. Feb 8, 2019 · Feb 8, 2019 @ 11:24am There might be the odd desync, it's nothing compared to what I've experienced playing civilization games. Multiplayer. May 16, 2020 · Hey there, I have benn experiencing some desyncs in a modded game with my friend and was wondering if there was any way to figure out what is causing the desyncs. In other words, right now one must be fairly careful when using mods in MP because a permanently bricked save is literally gamebreaking. Can't really say good things about Playstation 5, but the Series X is pretty nifty long as you keep in mind the limits of cloud processing. 1 stellaris_test] [7b85] Game Version [2. May 19, 2023 · So, me and my friend were trying out a new coop mode and having a blast then suddenly desyncs rolled in. 1 (1fd6) What version do you use? Steam What expansions do you have installed? Synthetic Dawn, Utopia, Leviathans Story Pack, Apocalypse, Megacorp, Distant Stars, Ancient Relics Do you have mods enabled? No Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible. Does anyone have a idea… May 20, 2023 · co-op desync Game Version Gemini v3. Apr 18, 2019 · Hello, i’m Exas4000 most people know me here for my main project Feast of the Greedy, of which is ongoing an overly slow return to developpement. There are several big desync issues in vanilla in the latest version, you can't do much about it other than what's been suggested, just wait them to fix it. Since trying to reload all we keep getting is random_count desyncs moments after reloading. Collection: https://steamcommunity. We are have all DLC (same in two game copyes). 6. When we reach late game, one of our party get's the COUNTRY_RESOURCE desync. I only made a forum post account thingy to find out. mod file in the appropriate spot. Main things I'm looking for: Reliably tested for not causing desync. This mod has configurable options for whether to use Gene Clinics and various other buildings of debatable value. Having Achievements enabled will do it every achievement. I'll provide a link to the collection of mods, since it may very well be some of those causing the issue. Having mods set in a proper load order will help you with solving conflicts. This is ridiculous. 01 Upload Attachment I'm getting a lot of desyncs with a friend of mine and we haven't been able to find a solution. Aug 20, 2021 · If you're using mods, compressing them through irony mod manager will prevent updates potentially breaking saves while keeping the main mods intact. So if your mod is called "mymod", you open the folder called "mymod" (the corrosponding mod file is "mymod. really frustrating. Usually I just join again but now after the game runs 1 day I get desynced again. Though you're not using mods, I would add that there are mods that can irrevocably desync your save, causing the game to desync immediately upon starting the game even when rehosting the save. Oct 26, 2022 · i would guess a specific mod is causing that issue something that modifies the entry's for traderoutes,hubs and modules try to identify it disable it and see if it still happens Last edited by Ragnarr Loðbrók ; Oct 26, 2022 @ 2:13pm Dec 17, 2023 · I've played some games in mp, and desync always occurs due to xenobiolgy (xenocompatibility don't know the english word used to this option) activated. Been playing modded games with my friend, no desyncs but the load wouldn't let me choose my empire when we tried to get back into it, now when we try to get back into vanilla we play for a while and then things are okay for a bit until the moment we get random_count desync. Using any special customization menu (EHOF, Stellar Particle, etc. 9. Will there ever be a version of this game that is playable for 4 player coop? Or is it too much to ask from Paradox QA/dev teams? Mar 24, 2020 · Stellaris 52548 Bug Reports 33730 Console edition 1275 Suggestions 20635 Tech Support 3102 Multiplayer 389 User Mods 4745 Stellaris AAR (After Action Reports) F Recruit May 31, 2019 · If you want to get into it, Modders made megastructures that provide minerals a LOOOOOONG time before Paradox did. 10. around 10. The game can no longer progress each month as we are stuck in the current month without the need for a resync. Since some time a third friend has joined our games as well. Do I got some mods for YOU 🫵 To start Zenith of fallen empires with the sandbox - expands on fallen empires/awakened empires and allows you become one at their prime called a galactic ascendency. 1 (Crossplay/Beta Branch) What version do you use? Steam What expansions do you have installed? All Do you have mods enabled? No Please explain your issue is in as much detail as I've tried a number of mods in mp games and they did all work, however the game can get cranky when trying to join, the only way I've found to reliably join a modded game was to first launch the game with the correct mods enabled, then use the Steam join game function (ie. Sep 4, 2024 · Somewhere after the middle of the game, problem Random_Count desynchronization begins to occur, and when it appears for the first time, it is enough just to synchronize once, but the further it goes, the more often it occurs (literally a second Sep 21, 2021 · Confirmed Stellaris - [3. Each time we connect and play for one more month, the game desyncs. The name of my channel is #mrfuneguys-mods. This is the most important requirement. One of the single most frustrating things about this game. Every 5-10 minutes we see: economy desync, population desync, random_count desync and more When out of sync. If two mods change the same thing you might have to choose what to pick. Now, go to the mod folder, and open it. I'm playing multiplayer with a friend without any mods and we had a pretty solid game but now after around 130 years I get a RANDOM_COUNT desync on the month change which in turn crashes my friends game. Any mods that change up some of the aspects of hive minds, or perhaps makes them more fun to play, i've played them a ton and had a bunch of fun… We have the same problem. also if the game is loaded again. Author Oct 17, 2024 · Today’s dev diary will look at the two new space fauna being added to Stellaris, as well as a peek at the Origins. Mar 10, 2022 · Modders can't just make whatever. If you have problems launching the mod, try replacing the path to the mod in the 'deep deep space. We have found a very reliable fix was my friend turning off his third party virus software before playing. The modding tools provided by the devs most likely wouldn't include the means to do this. We are DESPERATE at this point to figure it For PC questions/assistance. Mar 29, 2024 · Yes, I really hope these desync issues get the attention of the Paradox dev team. When he plays this file on sp he does not crash. Lost Ark, also known as LOA, is a 2019 MMO action role-playing game co-developed by Tripod Studio and Smilegate. Once it was the FLEET. Had a player desync randomly in a large multiplayer lobby. Oct 19, 2024 · Long time player, first time poster. 01 date save each time and once on the 9. Feedback from playthroughs using mods will be ignored; Please only reply to this thread once, with your feedback on Coop Multiplayer without mods, any other discussion should happen in the discussion thread. DIY mod: AI precursor 2019 977 34. I have no idea why it’s happening, we both are only running Stellaris so there shouldn’t be a issue with our cpus. English —— Check out my other mods! —— Apr 24, 2021 · Lots of effort on AI, so they can handle the mod features without any drawback. It's a bug currently. is that Vanilla or with mods? I had a similar issue with mods, but haven't had it since I went back to using Vanilla. Mods may range from small changes and simple tweaks to completely new games made within a video game. —— Current Localisation. As well as technology and artifacts. A desync usually means that the host and the other player have different versions of the save. While some people learn well by watching informative videos created by the community, others might do better playing alongside a friend. While Paradox maintains the rights to what they allow in mods, forcing a dedicated and long time mod maker to remove what they made before Paradox even thought it up would be what we call in bird society, a **** move. A total conversion mod for Stellaris set in the Homeworld universe. The only active mods I have on my game are UI Overhaul Dynamic, IT Flags RANDOM_COUNT desync Trying to bring up Stellaris on secondary monitor. This mod mainly focuses on species with psionic power, instead of new buildings, structures, weapons or ships. This mod actually does a decent job of choosing planet designations automatically. AI can access the Shroud properly with this mod. Oct 25, 2016 · A couple friends and I have tried several games (all with clean installs and no mods), and after a certain amount of time this happens when trying to join from a save game. All games (3,423) Last Update: 06 Jun 2019. I've tried looking it up with no luck, what the heck is random_count that it causes a desync? We just started a new playthrough with 2. new technologies etc. < > Hi guys! Me and my brother were having an epic game until I got a desync (Country Resources). IE Extra Ship Components and NSC2 overwrite same upgrade paths from vanilla components and you will have to choose which one is valid. the hotjoin desyncs which always happen are there for the whole 2. If you're getting desync issues even without mods, that's going to involve another look. 5 game, on a smaller map (600 stars), with much fewer mods (mostly UI/helper type mods) and ran into a lot of desyncs and towards the late game (140 years in) we had to give up. Author Oct 14, 2023 · Description Consistant desync in modded multiplayer Game Version 3. Is anyone else having such issues? And has anyone found a way to fix it? Welcome to the Logitech G subreddit! This is the place to talk about Logitech G hardware and software, pro gaming competitions and our sponsored teams and players. Myself and 5 friends decided to start playing a weekly Stellaris match and over the last 6 months we've pretty consistantly gotten together and played. Any one know a solution? Nov 29, 2019 · We constantly experiencing lot of desync. is there a way to fix this? the game is highly modded but i somehow doubt that its the reason for the crashes Feb 18, 2020 · Can't find anything on the internet so I'm hoping there's a prodigy out there who has a solution. Oct 27, 2019 · Currently we are incapable/unwilling to play the game because we cannot get past the mid-game with the desyncs which occur about every year to two years. 1] [4ce3] [Used 1 Mod To Test] Random_Count Desync when using ANY custom ui mods (Vanilla Stellaris Bug, NOT mod bug) Thread starter VexTheWanderer01 Start date Sep 21, 2021 Mar 25, 2021 · [2. Even on this version we only started having this problem yesterday around the year 2400 and we have been playing this campaign for around two weeks. 3 What version do you use? Steam What expansions do you have installed? Do you have mods enabled? Yes Please explain your issue is in as much detail as Mar 28, 2020 · No mods installed, playing at normal speed. 8. But then desync of RANDOM_COUNT happend in A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the 4X grand strategy game Stellaris by Paradox Development Studio. When asking a question or stating a problem, please add as much detail as possible. Neither setting actually does anything. This is the second game in a row where we have had our save game completely broken by a desync issue while running only vanilla content. Do you have mods enabled? Yes Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible. After we reload a fresh save, we get desync with the specified type. Apr 21, 2023 · Stellaris - Desync After Renaming [3. During a cooperative game with two players for one faction, starting around 3253, desynchronizations began. mod' file with your ownLatest update: 10. 1, Steam PC, Mods installed. Description Out of sync [2. Then download an advisor voice mod from the workshop to use as an example like the Futurama one. My friend has loses: resources, leaders, ships, or even entire planets. We have the same mod order, but we get a desync every 2-3minutes and often times it ends up being a server reset and we have to load the entire game again. buhrk ufxfrg higa ato sqd ifocnu fvv hshxg xgrxo eidv ukfbf lbsmjm sxksh fyop ripc