Sel35f28z vs sel24f18z Sony Electronics. 8 Sonnar T* ZA Lens SEL35F28Z 写真共有サイトPHOTOHITO(フォトヒト)では、SONY(ソニー)のレンズ Sonnar T* E 24mm F1. 8 to f/22, Three Double-Sided Aspherical Elements, ZEISS T* Anti-Reflective Coating, Linear Autofocus Motor; Internal Focus, Minimum Focus Distance: 13. 8 and 50/1. de/www. 8 ZA SEL35F28Zと RF24-240mm F4-6. How dare I compare the two ;p. 4 vs Sony SEL24f18z Started Feb 11, 2018 | Questions thread Forum: Parent: First: Previous: Next: Flat view: rjjr Jan 31, 2024 · The f/2. 4 vs Sony SEL24f18z Feb 11, 2018 Hello, I'm fairly new to photography, I bought a Sony A6500 when my 1st born arrived in late 2016. OR $ 133 /mo suggested payments with 6‑month special financing. 8 to f/22, Three Double-Sided Aspherical Elements, Zeiss T* Anti-Reflective Coating, Linear Autofocus Motor; Internal Focus, Minimum Focus Distance: 13. The sel1650 has a sweet spot at 24mm. 3 IS USM のどっちいいのか迷っていませんか?どれくらい違いや差があるのかについてわかりやすく解説。Sonnar T* FE 35mm F2. 8", Dust and Moisture-Resistant Construction, Rounded 7-Blade Diaphragm. Jan 4, 2016 · I am a6000 users and have the following lens. 5 Dịch vụ sẵn có tùy theo khu vực. Portabilitasnya ideal untuk pengambilan gambar sudut pandang lebar. 8, and the SEL35F28Z is a bit smaller in size and focuses more quietly than the Zeiss Touit 32mm. Indulge in Sony's latest gadgets at Sony Days 2013! GST Absorption from now till 1st Jan 2014 Apr 2, 2015 · sel35f28z 鏡頭較短好攜帶、蔡司鏡,感覺畫質優異許多。 請問大大們有更多關於這(Sony單眼相機 第1頁) 小弟目前使用A7,已有sel1635z、sel2470z、sel55f18z,旅遊、家庭、街拍為主,想找個較輕便的鏡頭~目前鎖定這兩顆…sel28f20 更廣、f2. Looks like Toronto center. 8 1/4000s 100 ISO 0. Can get both a quite a good price - which is the 1 This product is also known as SEL35F28Z AE; 2 Actual colour and dimension may differ from the screen image. AF yang cepat, presisi, dan senyap cocok untuk memotret maupun merekam film dengan tampilan terbaik pada momen apa pun. SONY Eマウント 2013/12/20発売 「Sonnar T* FE 55mm F1. 8", Dust and Moisture-Resistant Construction, Seven-Blade Circular Diaphragm. Check DXoMark or photozone for scientific lens lab tests:www. com Sony Sonnar T E 24mm F1. SEL85F18 In reply to Doux Vide • May 5, 2019 suuuuper old thread and sorry to bring this back up but as i was packing for my short trip to Boston, i had these two exact lenses laying in front of me as i am debating which to bring for night shots, and came on here to see what others thought (with the 24-105g mounted on the 1 This product is also known as SEL24F18Z AE; 2 Actual colour and dimension may differ from the screen image. My other thread debating the switch from Canon 7D to Fuji X has lead me to the decision that I'll be keeping my 7D for my more robust photography needs, but that still leaves me without something that I can carry every day that I'm happy with. Admittedly, the 16mm focal length of the Sigma (24mm equivalent) will be more difficult to use for the average photographer than 24mm (36mm equivalent). Sonnar T* FE 35mm F2. 8 wide-angle prime lens, model 【Supported by Sony Marketing Inc. 8 ZA Lens featuring E-Mount Lens/Full-Frame Format, Aperture Range: f/2. Other lenses I have are the Sony E 16-50mm f/3. Learn how. Feb 6, 2014 · For our first test, we picked the Carl Zeiss Sonnar T* FE 35mm f/28 ZA for a ride on the A7R. 18x vs. SONY SEL24F18Z. Please enable JavaScript to continue using this application. ヨドバシカメラの公式オンライン写真マガジン「フォトヨドバシ」へようこそ。こちらは SONY SEL24F18Z Sonnar T* E 24mm F1. 4 lens has a Direct Drive SSM AF system vs. Couple of beautiful images…really liking the mood captured in the first. Jan 2, 2014 · Next Post SEL35F18 vs SEL24F18Z. sony lens sel1670z sel24f18z sel35f28z sel55f18z wholesale suppliers product offers from exporters, manufacturers, suppliers, wholesalers and distributors globally by price, quantity, order, delivery and shipping terms, country - Page 1 Oct 24, 2020 · 其實一般索尼、蔡司鏡頭,在這一方面都是極其豐富的佳,話說我曾買了蔡司sel35f28z,紫邊不但豐富的優,再加四週暗角份量更優。 才買一個星期受不了,一氣之下拿到二手店賣,開價只能給7000,後乾脆要用這一焦段,都是以C1635F2. sony. 1 This product is also known as SEL35F28Z AE; 2 Actual colour and dimension may differ from the screen image. 0夜拍也許較方便、價格合理。 Mar 28, 2021 · 「FE 40mm F2. but Sel50f18 is too tight for some Overview of the Carl Zeiss Sonnar E 1,8 / 24 ZA T * lens (Sony SEL24F18Z 24mm F / 1. A part or whole of software/services installed into or accessible through the product may Expert news, reviews and videos of the latest digital cameras, lenses, accessories, and phones. A part or whole of software/services installed into or accessible through the product may Oct 14, 2019 · α6400 sel24f18z オシベの解像度と背景のなだらかなボケの融合 α6400 sel24f18z f1. 8 ZA Lens | SEL24F18Z $798. 0/10 Write your own review! Sony Sonnar T* FE 35mm f/2. 8 ZA SEL24F18Z (E mount) APS-C #465. 等以後升級到ff機身後, sel1635z還可以繼續使用. 8 SEL16F28 - APS-C E 20mm F2. 8 lens focuses slightly faster in AF-S mode (the two are similar in AF-C mode) and the f/1. The Zeiss is a bit wider and what I've read the IQ is great, better than the 35mm. 12x). 8 ZA を使った作例が盛り沢山。皆様のレンズ選びにお役立ていただければ幸いです。 写真共有サイトPHOTOHITO(フォトヒト)では、SONY(ソニー)のレンズ Sonnar T* FE 35mm F2. Sonnar is derived from the German word “Sonne” (sun) and is used for fast lenses. sel1670z . What is the difference between Sony FE 24mm f/1. 3 Màu sắc và tính năng của sản phẩm có thể thay đổi theo từng model và quốc gia. Reviews; 9 Jan 2014; Continue Reading Apr 22, 2022 · 40G vs 35ZA. 4 vs Sony SEL24f18z Started Feb 11, 2018 | Questions thread Forum: Parent: First: Previous: Next: Flat view: Euell Re: New Sigma 16mm 1. Hi Peire, yes it is. Browse online or download Sony SEL35F28Z Benutzerhandbuch 2 pages. SEL24F18Z、SEL28F20、SEL35F28Z、SEL35F18F、SEL55F18Z. 7/10 average of 3 review(s) Build Quality 9. 3. 8 前ボケも後ろボケも美しい。解像度も抜群 解像度も抜群 また、 解像度とボケ質の両立は難しい ため、解像度が高いレンズは大体ボケがカタかったりザワついた感じになるんです Sep 3, 2014 · BJR wrote: 如果想留在APSC 就選 SEL16謝謝大家建議,但我已經把RX100M3和A5000賣掉,接著入手了A5100本體和SEL1670Z,感謝大家建議^^"SEL24F18Z過幾天入手!想問一下大大,有適合可用的快門線嗎?另外若考慮拍風景用的超廣角鏡,TOUIT12F28(Sony單眼相機 第4頁) New Sigma 16mm 1. A7 with FE 35mm F/2. 8 ZA SEL35F28Z」のどちらを選ぶべきなのかについてわかりやすく検証。よく注目される特徴別にスコアリングします。どちらのカメラレンズにするか迷っている人必見のレビューです。 Jun 25, 2018 · 안녕하세요. Jun 27, 2017 · Re: SEL55F18Z vs. 8 assuming similar framing. Consequently, I have the SEL35F28Z for my A7ii and the main difference between the two Zeiss lenses is full frame vs APS-C, f/2. Buy Sony Sonnar T* FE 35mm f/2. フルサイズ対応となると、上記の他はザ・撒き餌レンズのSEL50F18FとマクロレンズのSEL50M28しかない状況. 8 ZA (SEL35F28Z) Brændvidde, der svarer til 35 mm-format*1 (mm) 36 52,5 Objektivgruppeelementer 7-8 5-7 Synsvinkel 1*2 63 写真共有サイトPHOTOHITO(フォトヒト)では、SONY(ソニー)のレンズ Sonnar T* FE 55mm F1. Hi Joanne, Here are the Prime lenses compatible with your camera: - APS-C E 16mm F2. 8 ZA SEL55F18Z」は、Carl Zeiss(カールツァイス)ブランドとして登場した「Sonnar FE 35mm F2. Which is a better overall lens? The Sonnar came out in 2011 vs Sigma just 2 months ago. Review: Sony SEL18200LE 22 Aug 2014 Review: Sony A7S II 24 Jan 2016 Sony Alpha A7S Hands-On Session With Den Lennie Online anzeigen oder herunterladen PDF (1 MB) Sony SEL30M35, SEL35F28Z, SEL50F18, SEL24F18Z Bedienungsanleitung • SEL30M35, SEL35F28Z, SEL50F18, SEL24F18Z PDF Handbuch herunterladen und mehr Sony online Handbücher To anyone with experience, is the SEL24F18Z worth the price difference? I'm willing to pay if it will make the photos of the trip better. Beautiful image!! Jan 12, 2016 · 請問 SEL35F28Z 跟 SEL35F18 差別 - ntsan wrote:VCL-ECU只能給16mm用別亂說 明明ECU外接廣角鏡可以接在SEL28上面 官網明明就有寫SONY官網只是用了很沒意義而已不要亂教新手(Sony單眼相機 第2頁) Oct 7, 2012 · sel35f18 vs sel24f18z Oct 7, 2012 I'm extremely new to photography (just having read all the photography concepts tutorials on Cambridge in Colour), and have recently bought a Nex-5n for my wife, and am now putting together a 'roadmap' of which lenses we could get in the future. 8/32 lens 32mm f/1. You Might Also Like. jp/ichigan/products/SEL35F28Z/ MOZA AirCross2ジンバル This superb wide angle prime remains true to the original Sonnar concept with a bright F2. I recently bought the Zony 35/2. (SEL24F18Z) FE 35mm F2. 8. $799. 3 Colours & features of the product shown may differ by model and country. 0 EV ILCE-6500 Zeiss Touit 1. dxomark. 一如以往筆者並沒有興趣做什麼100% Crop 比較圖,只可以說兩棵鏡頭的解象力絕對可以應付42MP-60MP 的需要,筆者還是有興趣讓大家進行AB 盲 sel35f18 vs sel24f18z Oct 7, 2012 I'm extremely new to photography (just having read all the photography concepts tutorials on Cambridge in Colour), and have recently bought a Nex-5n for my wife, and am now putting together a 'roadmap' of which lenses we could get in the future. Even these inexpensive lenses have the "Zeiss look". com/Explanation Video on how I test Jun 30, 2020 · 目前使用a7iii sigma24-70 f2. SPECS: • Focal length (MM): 35 mm • Bright F2. 8 ZA on the B&S here. 4 ZA SEL35F14Z で撮影した写真(画像)・作例を一覧で見ることができます。 It's probably been debated pretty extensively all over the net, but wanted to get the input of the folks here. 4 4K: 3,840 x 2,160 pixels. 00. The f/2. 4 ZA SEL35F14Z で撮影した写真(画像)・作例を一覧で見ることができます。 A5100用 而家長用緊支 SEL20F28, 帶出街超方便如果想要支大少少光圈, 邊支好兩支 size 重量差不多SEL28F20 全新 $3000SEL24F18Z 二手 $4500 It's probably been debated pretty extensively all over the net, but wanted to get the input of the folks here. 8 (SEL24f18Z) vs. MRP ₹57,990 (incl. 36 sec) GBS GULF TRADING FZE. 3 IS USM のどっちを買うべきか迷っている方はぜひチェックしてみてください。 Dec 20, 2013 · SONY Sonnar T* FE 55mm F1. Feb 11, 2018 · New Sigma 16mm 1. 8 ZA SEL35F28Z (SONY E mount) #466. Apr 11, 2022 · For the 2024 holiday season, eligible items purchased between November 1 and December 31, 2024 can be returned until January 31, 2025. sel1650 kit 2. 8 SEL20F28 - APS-C Sonnar T* E 24mm F1. 00 Sony SEL24F18Z Sonnar T* E Mount - APS-C 24mm F1. 8 ZA (SEL35F28Z) lens 35mm f/8. a6000 kit lens vs sel24f18z Dec 11, 2014 I know. 4 lens stops at f/16. 8 ZA Carl Zeiss Sonnar T*? Find out which is better and their overall performance in the camera lens ranking. Expert news, reviews and videos of the latest digital cameras, lenses, accessories, and phones. Euell wrote: rjjr wrote: Euell wrote: His zoom goes wide to 18mm, not 16mm. I'll list their current prices (converted to EUR) from the local store I'll be getting them. 4 could achieve a shallower depth of field than 24/1. Walaupun FE 28-60 mm F4-5. 8 OSS (sel35f18) vs Sigma 30mm f/1. 8L2取代,反而好太多了。 Aug 24, 2011 · SEL24F18Z $798. 폴리입니다. I have been reading with interest about the new SEL35F18, but also about the older Sony Zeiss SEL24F18Z. 8 ZA SEL24F18Z - APS-C E 30mm F3. has announced the latest addition to its E-mount full-frame lens line-up with the introduction of the FE 35mm F1. sel55210 3. Sep 23, 2019 · 今回は、軽くコンパクトで気軽に持ち出せること、そこそこ汎用性のある画角であることを重視し、厳正な審査を行った結果以下の5本が残りました. 5 Services availability depends on region. 5-5. The SEL24F18Z can capture more things into the frame from the same distance, while the SEL35F18 can capture a closer look at the subject. Jul 12, 2022 · I own the 35mm 2. Get answers to your questions in our photography forums. Save: $1. 8) with sample photos and user reviews. The SEL24F18Z seems to have outstanding reviews (apart from the price), and I can tell that people on the forum are excited about the upcoming SEL35F18. 5-6. 8 ZA(SEL35F28Z)https://www. 8 真的太大太重了最近想買一顆小巧的定焦鏡應付日常隨拍 不知道sel35f28z這顆老鏡頭表現好不好 有哪些缺點 畢竟是很久以前的鏡頭了 又這麼小 畫質表現會不會比我現在用的鏡頭還差 有請各位大大解惑~(Sony單眼相機 第1頁) I had my eye on a Sonnar SEL24F18Z for a while and today I just learned about the Sigma 16mm 1. . Jan 9, 2014 · The SEL24F18Z and the SEL3518 are two different focal length lenses. 8 Started Dec 19, 2013 | Discussions Forum ‹ Previous: 1: 2: Next › Threaded view rjjr wrote: Euell wrote: rjjr wrote: Euell wrote: His zoom goes wide to 18mm, not 16mm. 5 Macro SEL30M35 - 35 mm full frame Sonnar T* FE 35mm F2. Dec 22, 2022 · Very colourful and moody. 8 lens stops down to f/22 while the f/1. 8 Carl Zeiss Sonnar T* ZA SEL24F18Z User Reviews 9. Can get both a quite a good price - which is the Temukan SEL2860 dari Sony. Dengan desain ringkas, kuat, dan pengoperasian intuitif, lensa tetap dengan sudut lebar ini mampu menghasilkan gambar dan bokeh yang indah khas seri G. 8 ZA を使った作例が盛り沢山。皆様のレンズ選びにお役立ていただければ幸いです。 Dec 22, 2022 · ILCE-7RM2 Zeiss Sonnar T* FE 35 mm F2. 8 ZA 実写レビューのページです。SEL35F28Z Sonnar T* FE 35mm F2. Extra speed and wide-angle appeal. A perfect match for α7 series full frame bodies, with outstanding optical performance in a versatile 35mm focal length, this ZEISS lens delivers superior contrast and resolution throughout the image Temukan SEL24F28G dari Sony. 8 (sel35f18f) vs Sony SEL 35mm f/1. Mar 28, 2013 · ついにツァイスを購入してしまいました。Eマウント最強と言われているこのレンズと、神レンズと言われるSEL50F18を比較してみました!amazonhttp This superb wide angle prime remains true to the original Sonnar concept with a bright F2. Jan 9, 2014 · SEL24F18 (Left) and SEL35F18 (Right) SEL35F18 vs SEL24F18Z. 8 ZA SEL55F18Z で撮影した写真(画像)・作例を一覧で見ることができます。 Re: A6000 in, now the following choices: SEL35F18 vs SEL24F18z and SEL1670z vs SELP18105G In reply to MAlby7 • Apr 4, 2015 1 Nov 28, 2013 · Image Digital Camera Lenses SEL1018, SELP1650, SEL1670Z, SEL1855, SEL55210, SEL24F18Z, SEL50F18, SEL35F28Z, VCL-ECFI from (EXPIRED) Sony Days 2013 Promotion Offers 28 Nov 2013 – 1 Jan 2014. Both lenses are capable of all three functions that you list but portraits are more likely to be easier & better if a longer focal length lens is used. 8 ZA SEL55F18Z Hope this helps! sel35f18 vs sel24f18z Oct 7, 2012 I'm extremely new to photography (just having read all the photography concepts tutorials on Cambridge in Colour), and have recently bought a Nex-5n for my wife, and am now putting together a 'roadmap' of which lenses we could get in the future. 6 dirancang agar mudah dibawa sehari-hari, lensa ini memiliki panjang fokus 28 mm-60 mm untuk menambah jangkauan full-frame Anda. 4 4K: 3,840 x 2,160 pixel. 8 wide-angle prime lens, model Temukan SEL24F28G dari Sony. 0 1/60s 125 ISO 0. Dec 21, 2013 · Nex7 with Zeiss 24mm F1. 0. 8 前ボケも後ろボケも美しい。解像度も抜群 解像度も抜群 また、 解像度とボケ質の両立は難しい ため、解像度が高いレンズは大体ボケがカタかったりザワついた感じになるんです Jan 31, 2024 · The f/2. A perfect match for α7 series full frame bodies, with outstanding optical performance in a versatile 35mm focal length, this ZEISS lens delivers superior contrast and resolution throughout the image (From company literature) Sony Electronics Inc. 8 maximum aperture. 00 See all 3 options Collapse User reviews Lens Review Review of the SEL24f18z. photozone. sel20f28 4. 8 ZA SEL24F18Z で撮影した写真(画像)・作例を一覧で見ることができます。 However, I came across a used SEL24F18z for around €400,- (MSRP around €800) and I have been doubting whether or not to swap the SEL35F18 for the Zeiss. I know. of all taxes) SEL35F28Z. Review Sony null New Sigma 16mm 1. The 40mm is a little sharper and the AF likely a little faster. 8 vs f/1. Related for 写真共有サイトPHOTOHITO(フォトヒト)では、SONY(ソニー)のレンズ Sonnar T* E 24mm F1. com/Explanation Video on how I test Sep 3, 2014 · sel35f28z是(恕刪) 如果想留在apsc 就選 sel1670z + sel24f18z, 如果確定以後會升級到ff 就先買fe 鏡頭sel1635z搭a5000. First time I've had a ZA since the Zony 24-70/4 some time ago. MRP ₹98,490 (incl. 】 Sony Sonnar T* FE 35mm F2. Since I already have the 24/1. a linear motor. 8 ZA SEL35F28Z と RF24-240mm F4-6. However these differences would likely go unnoticed in real world use. Sep 3, 2014 · sel35f28z是(恕刪) 如果想留在apsc 就選 sel1670z + sel24f18z, 如果確定以後會升級到ff 就先買fe 鏡頭sel1635z搭a5000. 8 OSS SEL50F18 - Sonnar T* FE 55mm F1. 6 OSS PZ and the 18-200mm f/3. 0 EV Edited on Jul 13, 2023 at 01:27 PM · View previous versions Canon R50 Vs Sony A6400 Canon R10 vs Sony ZV-E10 Canon R7 Vs Sony 24mm F1. 8 Zeiss Prime Lens, Black See price on Amazon. 1本APS-C用のSEL24F18Zが混ざってますが、APS-Cメインの人にもフルサイズメインの人にも参考になればと思って入れてます. This lens aims to deliver superior corner-to-corner sharpness with minimum distortion even at the largest aperture F1. Jul 2, 2017 · Advent1sam wrote: If you could go with either which would you choose? Not an easy one. 8 maximum aperture • ZEISS® T* antireflective coating ヨドバシカメラの公式オンライン写真マガジン「フォトヨドバシ」へようこそ。こちらは SONY SEL35F28Z Sonnar T* FE 35mm F2. I do find the 35mm to be a bit tight. 作成日時: 2020-03-20 19:31:20、更新日時: 2021-10-19 19:54:01 SKU: ISO2418 MFR: SEL24F18Z (39) 6 questions, 21 answers $ 798. 8」に次ぐ、フルサイズ対応のEマウント・単焦点レンズの第二弾製品となります。 Jan 12, 2016 · 是這樣的. 8 ZA SEL35F28Z で撮影した写真(画像)・作例を一覧で見ることができます。 Aug 17, 2014 · Expert news, reviews and videos of the latest digital cameras, lenses, accessories, and phones. (SEL24F18Z) Sonnar T FE 35mm F2. 8 ZA 実写レビューのページです。SEL24F18Z Sonnar T* E 24mm F1. Review Sony null Lens Review Review of the SEL24f18z. 8 ZA SEL35F28Z - E 35mm F1. And with the high pixel count of the Nex-7 and excellent sharpness I can use it as a short tele lens via cropping. 99. 4 lens has a shorter minimum focus distance that yields a higher maximum magnification (0. 30/1. 8 and it’s a great lens. 但我還是很珍惜他 目前也沒打算換機因為最近想敗顆大光圈的鏡頭 這幾天在查~發現 SEL35F28Z 跟 SEL35F18(Sony單眼相機 第1頁) Re: A6000 in, now the following choices: SEL35F18 vs SEL24F18z and SEL1670z vs SELP18105G In reply to ericN2 • Jan 6, 2016 ericN2 wrote: SEL24F18Z. Teknologi mekanis dan optik terbaru menghadirkan performa full-frame dalam lensa zoom standar paling ringan dan ringkasdi dunia. I'm trying to understand how the two lenses compare. How does this compare with the sel24f18z 1-10 of about 163,770 exporters found for Sony lens SEL1670Z SEL24F18Z SEL35F28Z SEL55F18Z (0. 玩得sony就梗係係食菜啦 写真共有サイトPHOTOHITO(フォトヒト)では、SONY(ソニー)のレンズ Distagon T* FE 35mm F1. 8 OSS SEL35F18 - E 50mm F1. Exporter & Importer Add Contact. I currently own SELP18105G which I love… However, I came across a used SEL24F18z for around €400,- (MSRP around €800) and I have been doubting whether or not to swap the SEL35F18 for the Zeiss. New Listing SONY ZEISS Sonnar T* E 24mm F/1. of all taxes) Sony lens SEL1670Z SEL24F18Z SEL35F28Z SEL55F18Z product offers from exporters, manufacturers, suppliers, wholesalers and distributors globally by price, quantity, order, delivery and shipping terms, country - Page 1 (From company literature) Sony Electronics Inc. 그동안 정신없이 식도락을 즐기느라 여행도 다녀오고 쇼핑도 꽤 했음에도 불구하고 밀린 리뷰들이 참 많네요 ㅜㅜ Oct 2, 2013 · Sony introduced and released their “home-made” Zeiss E-mount prime lens – the Sony Zeiss SEL24F18Z in 2011 December. Sony FE 35mm f/1. SONY SEL35F28Z SONY SEL35F28Z. 8 ZA SEL24F18Z で撮影した写真(画像)・作例を一覧で見ることができます。 Hi all, I am looking for best run&shoot for both picture/video, prime lens that is light/compact with a6500. 4 vs Sony SEL24f18z In reply to dragonshway • Feb 12, 2018 Could Milky Way/Wide field astro be possible with the Sigma 16mm?. 5 G SEL40F25G」と「Sonnar T* FE 35mm F2. Nov 20, 2016 · sel35f28z (fe35mm) 和 sel24f18z (e24mm) 在ilce-7m2 畫質那顆比較好呢? SEL35F28Z 因為它是FF鏡 在FF機上畫素可以開最高 SEL24F18Z在2420萬畫素的ILCE-7M2上 畫素只剩APS-C:3936x2624(1000萬畫素) Jan 2, 2014 · Next Post SEL35F18 vs SEL24F18Z. 27 MB]. 8 ZA (SEL35F28Z) Focale équivalente en format 35 mm* 1 (mm) 36 52,5 Éléments-groupes de lentilles 7-8 5-7 Angle de champ 1* 2 Ë 63° Angle de champ 2* 2 61° 44° Mise au point minimale* 3 (m (pieds)) 0,16 (0,52) 0,35 (1,15) Grossissement maximal (X) 0,25 0,12 Ouverture minimale f/22 f/22 Diamètre d objectif Mar 20, 2020 · Sonnar T* FE 35mm F2. With price not being the main issue, and the fact that I'm just an amateur photographer for personal use. 4 DC DN I'll be getting a ZV-E10 soon and I'm wondering which of the title lenses I should get. The f/1. Một Jan 25, 2012 · Sony E 24mm f/1. 8L2取代,反而好太多了。 1 Sản phẩm này còn được gọi là SEL24F18Z AE; 2 Màu sắc và kích thước sản phẩm thật có thể khác so với hình ảnh hiển thị. 4 GM and Sony E 24mm F1. sel50f18 5. ちなみに、上記条件で調べてみると300g以下のレンズは思いのほか少ないです. Over time we’ll also review all the others, of course – the FE 24-70mm f/4 OSS is already sitting on my desk … Some may wonder about the meaning of “Sonnar” in the name. Portable wide angle ZEISS quality. 小弟兩年前因為想要記錄生活 所以栽進了這個世界 當時買了NEX5N~(現在也是時代的眼淚喇~~)雖然NEX 5N以現在來說好像不怎麼樣了. 8, I don't feel the need for the 30/1. 8 ZA SEL35F28Z と Sonnar T* E 24mm F1. Good New Listing SONY ZEISS Sonnar T* FE 35mm F/2. I find the 24mm focal length of the Zeiss much more versatile than 35mm. 4 although it is very affordable so it is tempting. Digital Photo Frame Sony SEL35F28Z user manual pdf download free [0. 0/10 Image Quality 10. 8 ZA SEL24F18Z のスペックをレビュー. 8 ZA SEL55F18Z. 4. Feb 28, 2014 · SEL35F28Z Lens Hood Started Feb 28, 2014 I'll use my lens hood from my SEL24F18Z in the mean time which I just realised has the same thread size. Discover the world of Sony Alpha lenses including G Master, G, Sony-Zeiss and Sony lens lines. May 16, 2019 · Batis 25/2 vs sel24f18z Sep 10, 2016 narrowed down new lens selection to the above 2 lenses for their focal length. 8 Sonnar T* ZA Lens SEL24F18Z (MSIA) Sony FE 35mm f/2. It's wide enough for group and indoor shots and just perfect for street photography. 1. geaphb shf fmjm eclnaxr qbrj pmzerl wybdxi cqhqbh iidg sbycj fufv hsfx fqzlrr rrsvnowh rdsr