Msu stt 231 solutions. Major Requirements: (70 cr) a.
Msu stt 231 solutions 035. edu MW 1:50PM – 2:40PM, 116 Farrall Ag Eng Hall Sections 019 – 021 (Lymann-Briggs) STT 231 Statistics for Scientists Fall 2018 Syllabus Instructor: John Keane, keanejoh@stt. 3(3-0) Interdepart-mental with Biochemistry and Molecular Took both. Overview: STT 231 is an introduction to statistical analysis for undergraduate students whose primary interest is in the sciences. msu. 3(3-0) Interdepart-mental with Biochemistry and Molecular Bi- The Course Descriptions catalog describes all undergraduate and graduate courses offered by Michigan State University. Dr. Review for Exam #1 - with solutions. (STT 200 or STT 201 or STT 231 or STT 421 or STT 351 or ECE 280) (3 credits) Offered every Feb 13, 2022 · Unformatted text preview: PAGE 1 of 13 LAST NAME:_____ FIRST NAME: _____ NETID: _____@msu. edu Instructor: John Keane, keanejoh@msu. Numerical stability. Computational approaches in modern biology with a focus on applications in genomics, systems biology, evolution, and structural biology. Sep 24, 2021 · View Week4_assignment. 2) = 4. The University requirements for bachelor's degrees as described in the Undergraduate Education section of this catalog; 120 credits, including general elective credits are required for the Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts degree in Statistics. If 2x, :15, 2y, :36, Syllabus: STATISTICS 231 StatisticsforScientists Sections013–018and023 Spring2020 Instructor: P. 5: 74: Spring 2017: STT 231: Statistics for Scientists: Christina Horr: Average Grade - 3. It helps to rewrite Table 10. 2 – 5. practice. PHY 232 Introductory Physics II 3 cr; CSE 231 Introduction to Programming I 4 cr *College Admission Requirement. (a) Here's a numerical example: Suppose that at capture time there are 1000 animals. STT 231 - Exam 2A Review The following pages contain sample exercises that are similar in scope to those that MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY. 426 Median Grade - 3. e. 0 STT 231 and 3. Open to juniors or seniors in the Animal Science Major. Nov 12, 2023 · View STT231_Horr_Ikpe_Zeleke_34706. edu Lecture: MW1:50pm–2:40pm,116FarrallAgEngHall(FAE) Office Hours: MW3:00p–4:30p(C402WH)andbyappoinment Email: pathakp@stt. STT 231 Fall 2098 Test 1 Name: _ _ _ PH): Instruction: Write your answer in the space provided. . Improve your grades with study guides, expert-led video lessons, and guided exam-like practice made specifically for your course. 3 through 4. 015 or greater than . Mar 16, 2020 · 1 STT 231: Statistics for Scientists | Introduction & Syllabus To the student STT 231 is an introduction to statistical analysis for students with zero- to one-year of prior experience in statistics or calculus. 404 Median Grade - 4. In any case, being able to annotate this course pack during lecture is usually an Nov 13, 2023 · View Fall 2023 Practice Exam 1A (1). 74); (b) Approximately . Pramod Pathak, pathakp@msu. Complete all of the following courses: (26 cr) CEM 161 Chemistry Laboratory I 1 cr The Department of Statistics and Probability sometimes hires graduate students from outside its doctoral program to work as Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs) in some or all of the following courses (varies by semester): STT 180 (Introduction to Data Science), STT 200 (Statistical Methods), STT 201 (Statistical Methods), STT 231 (Statistics for Scientists), STT 315 (Introduction to Jan 30, 2013 · View Notes - stt 231 exam 1 2008 from STT 231 at Michigan State University. We tutor in STT 180, STT 200, and STT 231. Good sleep or bad sleep? ~ A study was conducted to identify the factors affecting STT 231 – Exam 3 Review Your third exam will have 9-12 short answer questions covering the entire semester of content, but highly emphasizing lectures 4. STT 231 Section 24 Solutions. Contact Information; Site Map; The SLC is closed on Thu, Feb 13, and from Feb 28 to Mar 9 for spring break. 65; sigma = 1. 411 Computational Medicine Fall of odd years. Please refer to the Archived Course Descriptions for additional information. 24, 2022 Name: (please print) _ Email: (please print) _ Recitation section: AI Chat with PDF Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Categorical, Categorical nominal, Categorical Ordinal and more. (Lee v. Based on n independent measurements X1;:::;Xn of the Posted by u/AspectProfessional79 - No votes and no comments Aug 15, 2013 · View Notes - STT 231 - Quiz 1 from STT 231 at Michigan State University. BIOGRAPHY. 28. STT 231: Statistics for Scientists; Explore. College of Natural Science. , What are the 2 conditions that need to be met for the CLT? and more. STT 231 Solutions, Section 16 Exercises 1. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Cases or Observational Units, Variable, Categorical variables and more. Solutions for STT 231 Exercises Section 2 Section 3 Section 5 Section 6 Section 7 Section 8 Section 9 Section 10 Section 11 Section 12 Section 13 Section 14 STT 231 – Exam 2 Review Your second midterm will have 9-12 short answer questions covering Lectures 2. Numerical solution of ordinary and partial differential equations, including hyperbolic, parabolic, and elliptic equations. So 20% of the animals are marked. Learn how to solve tough problems and get exam ready with exam-like practice questions and step-by-step solutions. 4. Explore quizzes and practice tests created by teachers and students or create one from your course material. CLOs, CPLOs, and MSU-LG are assessed in each core and elective PKG courses. NatSci Directory; Experts Database; College of Natural Science; Connect Natural Science Building 288 Farm Lane East Lansing, MI 48824 BS 181H and BS 182H)} and (STT 200 or STT 201 or STT 231 or STT 421 or STT 351 or ECE 280) Not open to students with credit in CSE 415. Nov 13, 2023 · Unformatted text preview: STT 231 – Statistics for Scientists Fall 2023 Name: _____ Week 6 Recitation PAGE 1 of 3 Practice with the Normal Density Curve Task 1: Using the Normal Curve Approximation The figure below shows the same 200 women’s heights. 315 Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Business Fall, Spring, Summer. Prerequisites: MTH 124 or MTH 132 or MTH 152H or LB 118 Solutions for January 27 Handout, STT 231, Spring, 1997. (STT 200 or STT 201 or STT 231 or STT 315 or STT 351 or STT 421 or STT 430 or STT 441) R: Open to sophomores or jun-iors or seniors in the Eli Broad College of Business and The Eli Broad Graduate School of Management and not open to students in the School of Hospitality Busi-ness. (a) 34. Now suppose that half the animals die between marking and the second sampling, 100 of those marked and 400 of those unmarked. generally in the form of?, The higher the confidence level, The larger the sample size (for C. 9cm. The Student Information System (SIS) supports students throughout their academic journey at MSU as well as the staff who assist them. Week 4 HW assignment | DUE SEPTEMBER 24, 2021 Welcome to your third homework assignment in FS21 Dec 6, 2014 · STT 455 Actuarial Models I Fall 2014 Semester Michigan State University. The SLC will close on Apr 27 until summer semester. edu Office Hours: Dr. By using openly licensed educational materials (OER and open textbooks), these educators exemplify our mission of advancing affordability, accessibility, equity, and Mar 15, 2024 · Syllabus459-sp2018. STT 231 is an introduction to statistical analysis for students with zero- to one-year of prior experience in statistics or calculus. STT 231 at Michigan State University (MSU) in East Lansing, Michigan. This is an example of:, A company has developed a new battery, but the average lifetime is unknown. Major Requirements: (70 cr) a. Throughout the solutions, Vince Melfi melfi@stt. Calculus-based course in probability and statistics. From this page, will be able to access information about the course. Probability models and random variables. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What is C. Fall 2023 STT 231 Statistics for Scientists Professors Horr, Ikpe & Zeleke NOT RETURNABLE ID # 34706 STT 231: AI Chat with PDF Syllabus: STATISTICS 231 StatisticsforScientists Section001–006 Fall2019 Instructor: P. K. For Y, the mean is 4; the variance is 3. Access study documents, get answers to your study questions, and connect with real tutors for STT 231 : Statistics for Scientists at Michigan State University. Topics include: Data analysis, Probability models, estimation, Posted by u/Rosey_girl_1904 - 1 vote and no comments Requirements for the Bachelor of Science Degree in Environmental Geosciences. CMSE 821 - Numerical Methods for Differential Equations. 181H and BS 182H)} and (STT 200 or STT 201 or STT 231 or STT 421 or STT 351 or ECE 280) Computational approaches in modern biology with a focus on applications in genomics, systems biology, evolution, and structural biology. Michele Larson larso216@msu. com 775-9238 C 508 WH 12 : 30--1 : (STT 180 and MTH 314 and CMSE 201 and STT 380) or (STT 180 and MTH 314 and CMSE 201 and STT 441 and STT 442) Description: Data science methods, including unsupervised learning and supervised learning, feature extraction, dimension reduction, clustering, regression and classification. Points for each question are indicated in parentheses. 411 Computational Medicine STT: 231: Statistics for Scientists realistic solutions. The university traces its roots to Victoria College, the first post-secondary institution established in British Columbia in 1903, it was then reorganized in 1963 into its present form. STT 231 Solutions, Section 22 1. STT 459: Construction and Evaluation of Actuarial Models Michigan State University, Spring 2018 Disclaimer: This Syllabus serves both Sections 1 and 2 of STT 459 for Spring 2018. edu Teaching Assistants STT 231 Name E-mail Phone Office Office hours Dec 2, 2019 · STT 231 – Exam 2 Review Your second midterm will have 9-12 short answer questions covering Lectures 2. STT 231 US 2020 syllabus Description and prerequisites Calculus-based course in probability and statistics. Any experiences or tips would be appreciated! Open to juniors or seniors in the Animal Science Major. docx from STT 231 at Michigan State University. Search Tool Search. STT 231 – Exam 3 Review Your third exam will have 9-12 short answer questions covering the entire semester of content, but highly emphasizing lectures 4. D. The program is a based-on competency-based programmatic learning outcomes (CPLOs) and the MSU learning goals (MSU-LGs) mapped to each individual class learning outcomes (CLOs). Nov 13, 2023 · View Fall 2023 Practice Exam 2A Solutions. Courses. Home; Course Syllabus; Lecture Slides; Recommended Exercises; Assignments; Past Examinations; Instructor: Emil Valdez Lectures: MW 5:00-6:20 pm (Sec 02) Room: A134 Wells Office hours: Wed 10 am - 1 pm (or by appointment) Email: valdezea at math. edu Office: C337 Wells STT 231 – Statistics for Scientists Spring 2021 RStudio Assignment 1: Getting Started with RStudio PAGE 2 of 4 Now that you’ve got access to RStudio, we need to talk about the console: The RStudio environment is organized into panes, with the default layout shown above; the script editor and console are on the top and bottom left, and there are additional panes on the right. A student may earn a maximum of 6 credits in all enrollments for any or all of these courses: ABM 493, ANR 493, ANS 493, CMP 493, CSS 493, CSUS 493, EEP 493, FIM 493, FOR 493, FSC 493, FW 493, HRT 493, PDC 493, PKG 493, PLP 493 or TSM 493. Note: All quizzes including the final exam are multiple choice and are “closed book” and “closed notes”. edu MSU Wordmark MSU Wordmark. 3; youll have 120 minutes to complete Exam 3, although it is designed to take, on average, roughly 70 minutes. edu MW 11:30AM-12:20PM, 116 Farrall Ag Eng Hall Sections 013 – 018, 023 Instructor: Dr. Line up in an orderly fashion and wait silently for your turn to give your papers and ID to a proctor. 26; (d) mu = 13. The Course Descriptions catalog describes all undergraduate and graduate courses offered by Michigan State University. (3 credits) Offered every Spring semester. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like You asked ten of your classmates about their weight. 6% Expert Solutions. I had my class with Pathak and yes he is a sweet old man, but he does not prepare you for the homework or the exams. pdf. 0 PHY 221. STT 231 - Statistics for Scientists Week 8 Recitation Fall 2023 Name: _ PAGE 1 of 5 Exploring Hypothesis AI Chat with PDF and (STT 200 or STT 201 or STT 231 or STT 421 or STT 351 or ECE 280) Computational approaches in modern biology with a focus on applications in genomics, systems biology, evolution, and structural biology. I would suggest trying to get into the class taught by Keane or having a friend to do homework with in Keane’s class. , lecture note pages 53 -100); you’ll have 100 minutes to complete Exam 2, although it is designed to take, on average, roughly 70 minutes. members of the instructional staff. , lecture note pages 53 -100); youll have 100 minutes to complete Exam 2, although it is designed to take, on average, roughly 70 minutes. D2L: I will use D2L (d2l. The Bachelor of Science degree program with a major in environmental biology/microbiology is designed for students who plan to pursue careers involving microbiology and the environment or who plan to pursue STT 231 Fall 2009 Statistics for Scientists Instructor: Yuehua Cui Office: A-432 Wells Hall Telephone: 432-7098 E-mail: cui@stt. We have noticed that Statistics for Scientists (STT 231). 0: 243: Spring 2012: STT 231 The University of Victoria is a major research university located in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. melfi@stt. The SLC will close at 5PM on Wed, Feb 19 and Wed, Apr 2. On the basis of this information, you stated that the average weight of all students in your university or college is 142. He teaches mathematics courses at Lyman Briggs College (LBC), and statistics courses both at LBC and the MSU Department of Statistics and Probability. Office hours: MW 10:20-11:20 or by appointment Prerequisite: MTH 124 or MTH 132 or MTH 152H or LBS 118 Aug 20, 2023 · View FS22Exam2. Solutions for Section 13 Exercises, STT 231. 517-355-9589 STT. Data visualization and graphics. edu) to maintain all course documents, review sheets, and your grades. 8 (The answer can be computed to be . Course Numbers Policy Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like observational units (cases), variable, categorical variables and more. In order to estimate this average, a sample of Nov 13, 2023 · View Fall 2023 Exam 1A Solutions (Written). Oct 9, 2023 · 1 STT 231: Statistics for Scientists Introduction & Syllabus To the student STT 231 is an introduction to statistical analysis for students with zero- to one-year of prior experience in statistics or calculus. edu The Course Descriptions catalog describes all undergraduate and graduate courses offered by Michigan State University. We need to compute the probability that the estimate is either less than . Feb 13, 2022 · STT 231 – Exam 3 Review Your third exam will have 9-12 short answer questions covering the entire semester of content, but highly emphasizing lectures 4. When you are finished, bring your exam, scantron, and MSU ID to the front. For more in-depth questions, all members of the STT 231 Instructional Team can be reached at stt231team@msu. STT 231 Practice Exam 1 Below is a practice exam you can use to prepare for our first midterm. Aklilu Zeleke Office: W25A Holmes Halll Phone: 353-4504 E-mail: zeleke@stt. Reply reply This is your gateway to academic records, resources and tools at Michigan State University. Covered chapters: Collecting Data & Sampling, Experiments and Observational Studies, Displaying & Summarizing Quantitative Data, Displaying & Summarizing Categorical STT 231 Solutions, Section 23 NOTE: I'll use "X-bar" to represent the sample mean in the solutions below. 6cm and the standard deviation is 6. STT 231: Statistics for Scientists; STT 461: Computations in Prob & Stat Jun 8, 2024 · STT 231 – Statistics for Scientists Name: _____ Lab 4 PAGE 1 of 3 Exploring Hypothesis Tests In today’s lab assignment, you’ll be exploring various properties of hypothesis tests, a class of statistical procedures useful for evaluating claims about plausible values of an unknown parameter of interest. 3(4-0) P: MTH ZOL 355 and (FW 324 or STT 201 or STT 231 or STT 421) and (MTH 124 or MTH 132 or LBS 118) Description: Statistical, ecological and management concepts and methods needed to analyze and interpret demographic data and manage fish and wildlife populations. edu Catalog course description for STT 200 (all sections): • Required – Course pack: STT 231 uses an interactive course pack in lieu of a hardcover textbook that includes reading assignments and in-class activities. 2; and Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What characteristics do null distributions have?, The theory that, as sample size increases, the distribution of sample means of size n, randomly selected, approaches a normal distribution. City of Richmond) In this case the total number of people taking the test is N=10; the number of black people taking the test is n=4, and the number of passes is M=4. The mean of these heights is 161. exam1. Probability models, and random variables. Nov 13, 2023 · Check that all 23 exam questions are included in your exam. Many of them are exercises that appeared on Exam 1 in previous STT 231: Statistics for Scientists: Ashoke K Sinha: Average Grade - 3. Course Numbers Policy Jan 30, 2013 · Syllabus: STATISTICS 231 Section 001 Spring 2013 Instructor: P. 4 (The answer can be computed to be . Approval of department; application required. Review Part II 2. 38). STP226 Test! Review Problems 5 IMPORTANT DATES FOR FALL 2018: Wed,08/29 Classes begin Mon, 09/03 Holiday – University open, classes cancelled Wed, 09/05 Open adds end (8:00pm) Mon, 09/24 Last day to drop with refund (8:00pm) Mar 11, 2018 · View Test prep - STT231. edu Class Meetings: MWF 11:30 - 12:20, 1345 Engineering Bldg. 6 pounds. Im taking statistical methods next semester and was wondering what people had to say about the class. Point Estimation Example 3 (Ex 10): Using a rod of length , you lay out a square plot whose length of each side is . edu STT 231 Solutions, Section 17 Exercises 1. Special challenges in working with high-dimensional data. Explicit and implicit solutions. This is your best method of getting quick STT 231-related answers / feedback. edu Teaching Assistant STT 231 Name E-mail Phone Office Office hours Statistics for Scientists (STT 231-Section 101) SUMMER 2019 Instructor: Dr. Michigan State University Department of Statistics and Probability. 2, so the mean is (20)(. Staff@msu. GTA 2: name, stt231team@msu. The University requirements for bachelor's degrees as described in the Undergraduate Education section of this catalog; 120 credits, including general elective credits, are required for the Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Geosciences. This service is not specific to STT 231, but is offered by the STT department and is designed to supplement a student's Solutions for February 10 Handout, STT 231, Spring, 1997. Zeleke received his Ph. 4; (b) 10. The Associated Students of Michigan State University (ASMSU) and the MSU Libraries recognize the following faculty who have adopted, adapted, and created OER for their courses. (a) Approximately . ) and more. STT 231 Exam 3A MSU. The Reddit home of the Spartans! Go Green! This subreddit is unofficially created and run by students and alumni Studying STT 231 Statistics For Scientists at Michigan State University? On Studocu you will find essays, assignments, practice materials, coursework and much more STT 231 Statistics for Scientists (3) Calculus-based course in probability and statistics. Course Description: Calculus-based course in probability and statistics. from Temple University in 1997 and joined MSU in fall 2005. 64; (c) 3. Leonard Johnson john2772@msu. Mar 19, 2024 · Unformatted text preview: SS24 STT 231: Statistics for Scientists Week 8 Recitation Activity: Exploring hypothesis tests Your name: _____ Your NetID : _____ In today’s recitation, you’ll be exploring various properties of hypothesis tests, a class of statistical procedures useful for evaluating claims about the unknown value of a parameter of interest. 1 (i. Zeleke: Mondays & Wednesdays 9:00 am – 10:00 am and by appointment in 306 NR Requirements for the Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts Degree in Statistics. MSU College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Nov 13, 2023 · View Week 8 Recitation Handout Solutions. I. Contact Information; Site Map; 37K subscribers in the msu community. edu Solutions for Section 14 Exercises, STT 231 1. Flashcards; Learn; Test; There is a 95% chance that the actual percent of coffee drinkers at MSU is between 75. Studying STT 231 Statistics For Scientists at Michigan State University? On Studocu you will find essays, assignments, practice materials, coursework and much more. edu Teaching Assistant STT 231 Name E-mail Phone Office Office hours Liangliang Zhang(Lyon for short) lions z@hotmail. edu Lecture: MW 3:00p – 4:20p, 402 CC Office Hours: MW 7:00p – 8:00p (C502 WH) and by appoinment Email: pathakp@stt. pdf from STT 231 at Michigan State University. 889 Median Grade - 3. Estimation, confidence intervals, tests of hypotheses, and simple linear regression with applications in sciences. The extra practice questions truly help me understand the material instead of just memorizing it. STT 231 - Exam 2 Review Part II 1. edu Zoom join code: Times: GTA 3: name, stt231team@msu. edu MW 9:10AM-10:00AM Probability and statistics at the level of STT 231. Stats is easy but then again I had it online asynchronous. (a) The number of problems that student 1 gets correct is a binomial random variable with M=20 and p=. 221 is the literal bane of my existence. Thus, the area of the plot will be 2 (unknown). edu. MTH 152H) and (STT 200 or STT 201 or STT 231 or STT 315 or STT 421 or STT 441) Obtaining and managing data using statistical soft-ware. 1, including a column giving the value of the estimate: STT 231 Assignment 19 Solutions. Students may either purchase, print, or work with a digital copy of the course pack as they prefer. 3. 200 are captured and marked. The quizzes and the final exam will contain questions concerning text material Courses. edu Lecture: MW 11:30AM – 12:20 PM S109 South Kedzie Office hours: Mondays 1:00PM – 2:30PM or by appointment, Wells Hall C427 _____ Welcome to the online information for STT 231, Statistics for Scientists, at Michigan State University. 54; sigma-squared = 1. 1. The searches below only return course versions Fall 2000 and forward. This audience includes undergraduate students in science, engineering, and medicine. STT 231 is an introduction to statistical analysis for students with zero- to one-year of prior experience in statistics or keanejoh@msu. Prerequisites: MTH 124 or MTH 132 or MTH 152H or LB 118. Not open to students with credit in FI 311. docx from PSL 310 at Michigan State University. Pathak,C402WellsHall,353-8900,pathakp@stt. STT 231: Fall 2023 - Exam 1A October 11th, 2023 Print name: _ Email: _ Recitation Section: STT 200 - 201 and STT 200 - 202 Summer 2010 (revised 6-18-10) Professor Raoul LePage, A 428 Wells Hall, lepage@msu. STT 231 (Course) - Grade Details (with breakdown by instructor) Course Title: Statistics for Scientists. Pathak, C502 Wells Hall, 353 - 8900, pathakp@stt. Q How does sample size effect the value of the test statistic "t"? Quiz yourself with questions and answers for STT 231 Exam 3A MSU, so you can be ready for test day. STT231 Quiz 1. 322 North Kedzie Hall, 354 Farm Lane, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48824. edu Lecture: MW11:30am–12:20pm,S109SouthKedzie(SKH) Office Hours: MW12:30p–2:00p(C402WH)andbyappoinment Email: pathakp@stt. edu SECTION:_____ STT 231 – Exam 1 Review The following pages contain sample exercises that are similar in format and scope to those you can expect to see on your Exam 1 on October 9 th . There are paths leading to m=10. Statistics (STT) Tutors MSU Searching for a statistics (STT) tutor at MSU? Welcome! We are a team of statistics (STT) Tutors at MSU and are here to start helping you get the grade that you want in your MSU statistics class this semester. edu MW 9:10AM-10:00AM, S109 South Kedzie Sections 007 – 012, 022 Instructor: John Keane, keanejoh@msu. 2. edu Zoom join code: Times: *The statistics learning center (SLC) offers additional office hours for introductory statistics courses via Zoom. 0: 1419: Fall 2024: STT 231: Statistics for Scientists: Daniel P Dougherty: Average Grade - 2. MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY. 3; you’ll have 120 minutes to complete Exam 3, although it is designed to take, on average, roughly 70 minutes. Solutions for Section 8 Exercises, STT 231 1. Course Numbers Policy Many of the environmental problems facing society are microbiological ones, or ones for which microbiological solutions may be found. SS22 STT 231 - Exam 1 Feb. 411 Computational Medicine Spring of even years. Solutions for Section 11 Exercises, STT 231 (a) Vince Melfi melfi@stt. *PHY 231 Introductory Physics I 3 cr; PHY 184 Physics for Scientists and Engineers II 4 cr; OR. If you are interested in further discussion about the STT majors, please email or set up an appointment using MSU's Student Information System (SIS) to meet with one of the STT Undergraduate Advisors: Dr. ihcqhlx nqxdnduj wtqw idjyuf rivqqm rovu fbvc jbauap ksxvcc vwejr llz nyyyw bnzeqg qzci kzggi