Lol bruisers list. All the Teamfight Tactics Bruisers.
Lol bruisers list The only LoL Tier list you need for the newest patch. What's a bruiser item: There are 3 ways to itemize as an AD champion: Lethality, crit/on-hit and bruiser. This is my opinion on the champs I play, ranking them liked or disliked. GG takes a data science approach to the best jungle champions for Patch 15. UNA TIER LIST CON MI NIÑO EL KIRA ALV :3SIGUEME EN EL MORADO PARA interactuar conmigo :3 https://www. Bruisers don’t have the blinks like assassins or the range like adcs and mages. Generally fighter would imply a bit more on the damage side, often with more DPS, and bruiser on the tankier side, but they're still generally somewhat mobile champs with notable damage and some innate defensive capabilities Welcome to the METAsrc Teamfight Tactics Bruiser Trait build guide. How to Play: Roll at 8 for Cait and Zac 2*, as well as 1 copy of illaoi and lucian if possible. There are 3 tanks that are performing marginally better than the next next bruisers down the list lol Can confirm volibeae is pretty good in certain matchups, but same could be said for lots of things when they're unexpected. So they must have extremely high stats to make up for it, Gwen and morde being the 2 offenders of this. Welcome to the METAsrc Teamfight Tactics Experiment Bruiser Comp build guide. It could be a really cool bruiser item, if it hit harder and harder as you continued attacking the enemy with new sp Jan 16, 2025 · A League of Legends Tier List created by SammyStarlight: Off meta tomfoolery. 18 LoL Champion Tier List on MOBAFire. Skirmishers (also known as Duelists) aim to shred through any nearby enemy that approaches. Mar 4, 2022 · In League of Legends, the Bruiser’s ability is based on a solid mix of dealing and shielding threats. Want to contribute to this wiki? Sign up for an account, and get started! You can even turn off ads in your preferences. i. I’m looking at U. Feb 17, 2021 · [Top 10] LOL Best Bruisers That Wreck Hard! 10. As the poster child of AP bruisers, he shows their potential and also many of the issues that they have as a class of champions. Jungle Lane Tier List: S-Tier Jungle Lane Picks Of LoL Patch 14. While it provides the user with some advantageous base stat increases such as increased base mana and health, the item’s active ability is why people buy it. Come join the LoL Wiki community Discord server! Bruiser/fighter is the umbrella term for damage dealing melee champs. This tier list is subjective to my opinion sprinkled with some champion statistics as well. 6. 7. Itemize/Anomaly whoever you 2*. Click 'Save/Download' and add a title and description. This class of champions has always been a core part of League of Legends. I don't even really play ranked (1 or 2 matches played last season). 6M subscribers in the leagueoflegends community. But that was just me guessing from the context people used those labels in. 22 Top lane has been invigorated in the past two years. Today we take a look at the Mythic Bruiser Items. GG takes a data science approach to the best champions for Patch 15. Nocturne Nocturne is so lemme get this straight so riot simply killed stridebreaker and gore drinker the only bruiser mythics that every bruiser can build trinity force is terrible since the start of season 11 and divine sunder is only viable if champion can fully utilize the spell effect passive and alot of bruisers been hard nerfed patchs ago and we also getting 0 stuff in season 12. i just think nashor's helps URF Builds List. Nocturne Nocturne is Jun 1, 2023 · Major Slowing Items Everfrost. Our meticulously curated lol jungle tier list is designed to guide players through the nuances of jungle champion selection, ensuring they dominate every game. Slow this item is worse right now since you can't set-up your combo's with slows Jan 10, 2024 · Starting from the League of Legends Patch 14. Jul 19, 2012 · Vlad, Ryze, Galio*, Rumble, Gragas, Swain for sure. GG and there’s a single bruiser in the top 10 play rate and win rate. fiora is a fighter, garen is a bruiser, and ornn is a tank. The League of Legends pre-season patch brought us the new Mythic Items. If you're going top lane, then you’re going to want to choose between a bruiser, tank, or duelist. Most notable changes are: Trundle nerfs drop him out of S tier New Udyr jumps to #1 Tank Nocturne becomes #1 Bruiser (comparable to Yi, Bel, Shyv) New Hecarim not in S tier, but maybe people are still learning his new non tank playstyle PATCH 12. 2 Best Mid Champions in League of Legends The only Jungle Tier list you need for the newest patch. twitch. Lame du Roi From League of Legends Wiki, LoL Wiki (Redirected from Bruiser (Teamfight Tactics)) 2 Bruisers: 200 health; 4 Bruisers: 350 health; 6 Bruisers: 500 health; Serylda’s Grudge is our first AD item on the list, a great choice for ability-style bruisers. We've used our extensive database of League of Legends TFT match stats and data, along with proprietary algorithms to calculate the best Bruiser trait builds, including best Bruiser team comps, class/origin counters and synergies. This is because Hecarim's playstyle is different than that of Warwick's, even though they are both bruiser champions. To make it easier on you, here’s a tier list of the best champions for top-lane and how they rank: AD Bruisers are still very strong but also champions like Rammus and Lillia made it into S Tier. See full list on leaguefeed. This guide will spotlight the top bruisers in League of Legends Arena Mode: Urgot, Darius, Jax, Trundle, and Udyr. AD Bruisers are still very strong, but also champions like Rammus and Lillia made it into S Tier. Hecarim is a champion that can only be used effectively by someone that knows how to play League of Legends already, instead of learning it. 3 for League of Legends, highlighting significant changes across all champion roles. GG Mid Lane Tier List - Patch 15. People love to say that ADCs are whiny but we're legit coming into a half decade of bruisers being mega OP played in 2-3 roles items abused in 4/5 roles after they effectively formed a union to ass blast reddit and every other social media making hashinshin (LOL) their spokesperson and spamming his clips everywhere complaining about top laners. 2. GG takes a data science approach to the best mid champions for Patch 15. I always thought bruisers were something in between fighters and tanks. The king of item slows, Everfrost deserves to be at the top of the list. 6, the dynamics of the jungle have been shaken up. There Mar 5, 2024 · Hecarim. Items like Black Cleaver, Sterak's Gage, and Guardian Angel are often core choices for many bruisers. Requirements: Built Different Augment; Item Holder: Best Emblem/Spatula Holder: Anomaly: Anyone. 1. That’s Garen, and it’s because of Conqueror being better on him than the nerfed Lethal Tempo and his R being an overbuffed nuke. A bruiser can be considered as a champion who is a fighter, a juggernaut or even a diver. They’re adaptable, entertaining, and deadly Champions that may be tough to defend with. IV. The only Top Lane Tier list you need for the newest patch. Hey LeeSinMains, what is your preferred bruiser Lee Sin build? I've been playing around with Black Cleaver -> Steraks -> Sunfire Aegis -> Situational Bruiser/tank items. Bruisers are frontliners in that they are durable and have self-sustain/damage mitigation, but their focus is more on pressuring squishies or drawing attention than it is on engage and peel. you can also go morde too, i really like going nashor's > rylai's > riftmaker to play a bruiser that does a bunch of damage but some people like jak'sho over rift and some people also pick rylai's first. There AD Bruisers are still very strong but also champions like Rammus and Lillia made it into S Tier. ARAM Tank/Bruiser List Ver 2 . Nocturne Nocturne is Itemization: Build items that complement your bruiser's strengths and adapt to the enemy team's composition. But now, due to Riot's recent bruisers and fighters nerfs, some AP champions like Mordekaiser emerged as the best picks to get the wins in the Top Lane. 2 Best Champions for All Roles in League of Legends 2 days ago · In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the latest tier list patch 25. In this LoL items guide, we’ll cover when and why to build the best items for bruisers. Members Online How to deal with fed mid lane carries as a low elo jgler? Aug 24, 2024 · Each League of Legends match lasts roughly 30-45 minutes, though it’s not uncommon for a match to last longer. 1 day ago · Season 2025 is ushering League of Legends into a new era with a Noxian map takeover, recently added Champion Mel and fresh Feats of Strength mechanics. 47% win rate right now. Juggernaut is a subclass of bruiser who is tend to be more durable and deal lots of damage, but have very little mobility. Tanks have MR focus, armor focus or hybrid/health, but mages only have mana or non-mana, and while it does have an effect on how you play, having mana does not make your champion a different class. Jan 16, 2024 · About me First of all, I am not a high elo player by any means. Jul 22, 2023 · Dans les compétitions de League of Legends, voir un tank ou un bruiser sur la midlane est inhabituel mais pas si surprenant que ça. Drag the images into the order you would like. unfiltered rants here or th I’m looking at U. Darius . This page lists all champions in League of Legends, along with their Blue Essence and RP price, their release date, classification and the patch where they were last changed. Dec 12, 2022 · En s'attardant sur les déclarations de la communauté League of Legends sur les réseaux sociaux, il devient évident que beaucoup de joueurs se plaignent actuellement des bruisers. 10. For instance, demonic working just like liandry's is a bad design, it's still best on champions with DoT. 2 on every role. 3 Best League of Legends Champions to Climb with in Solo Queue February 3, 2025 ∙ 3 min read LoL LoL Meta News Patch Notes Dec 12, 2023 · 0:00 Intro0:25 Sheen2:03 Tiamat Items7:38 AS Items10:31 Pen % Items14:05 Triforce15:15 Eclipse17:28 Death's Dance19:23 HP - AD Items36:15 Conclusion Feb 26, 2024 · We've been keeping up with League of Legends updates, and it seems like bruisers and fighters have been dominating the top lane in recent patches. GG takes a data science approach to the best top champions for Patch 15. Be the first to learn the newest TFT mechanic, Anomalies, added in Set 13 - Into the Arcane! Anomalies will evolve your main carry, granting them insane buffs! Explore the list of all the powerful Anomaly evolutions you can choose. This is because Bruisers have the ability to single-handedly change the game. Shen. Champions who build this item will want to be tanking up damage in the enemy backline while dealing their damage on the enemy carries. Naafiri build guides on MOBAFire. If bruisers are so op every bruiser main would be climbing out of lower elos. A bruiser build also allowes tank items a standard itemisation for garen would be Stride Breaker, Dead Mans Plate and Norce of Nature. ig i gotta relearn my labels lol Jun 7, 2024 · When paired with the optimal augments, bruisers can transform into unstoppable forces on the battlefield, adept at controlling the pace and flow of the game. Like I love playing maokai support if I have like a kogmaw and a decent jungler, I can give so much peel and it also works as a bait cause people think it's crap (which it might be) but botlaners are super inexperienced playing against that stuff. Today we're gonna be talking about Fighters (also known as Brusie Nov 10, 2024 · Welcome to our trait guide, where we’ll be covering the Bruiser trait in the new TFT Set 13: Into the Arcane. I’ll detail their strengths and highlight their difficulty, so each skill level can find whatever fits them. Aug 19, 2019 · A Beginner’s Guide to Bruiser Items. As of 23 January 2025, there are 170 champions released in total. A Patch 8. Recently I have had pretty good experience playing Nunu as a ganky support, where you let your carry farm and keep the opponents away with ice blasts. Edit the label text in each row. Juggernauts are melee titans who relentlessly march down the opposition and devastate those foolish enough to get within their grasp. Theoretically a tank is high HP, low damage, high CC, whereas a bruiser is medium-high HP, medium-high damage, and low to medium CC. 8 Bruisers: Champions killed with Comeuppance (R) 80% max Health, Every 3 seconds, Bruisers deal Champions stunned with Trample (E) 6% max HP Champions killed from outside standard Attack range bonus physical damage on their next attack Mar 13, 2023 · Many of the Bruiser junglers are good picks but when it comes down to finding the best out of the lot, we have to look at the champions in more detail. 17 S-TIER RANK LIST: Part 1: What is an AP bruiser? An AP Bruiser is a Juggernaut, Diver, or Skirmisher that could or does use AP. 2. These are some of the picks I found best suited for solo-carrying games while playing with and playing against them in Master tier games. From buffs to nerfs and their impact on gameplay, this article aims to equip players with the knowledge needed to navigate the evolving meta effectively. Serylda’s Grudge is the common counterpart to Lord Dominik’s Regards as both have armor Create a ranking for League Bruisers. 6 1. Level to 8 on either 4-1, 4-2, or 4-5 depending on the pace of the game and then stabilize around Twitch/Mundo. Whether you’re looking to dominate your lane with champions like Renekton and Jax or outplay opponents with high-skill picks like Irelia and Camille, bruisers provide the Slayers (formerly "Assassins") are fragile but agile damage-focused melee champions that look to swiftly take down their targets. S1. The best top laners in LoL Patch 25. Darius and Morde are prob the best examples of Juggernauts, since they can be kited out pretty easily, but if they do get in Discover the best League of Legends champion picks for Low Elo for patch 15. You are taking a ton of damage before even getting onto them. After being considered an island for various seasons, top lane has gained increasing importance and the new map changes make it even more difficult to punish these solo laners. Darius é definitivamente um dos melhores bruisers de League of Legends. 1 Update, the items received a massive overhaul which removed the Mythic tier and changed the existing pool. This is a list of all items in League of Legends that are currently, or have been used in the game at some point of time. 20] Naafiri top / jungle bruiser build (Threats added on a regular basis). /r/summonerschool is a League of Legends subreddit dedicated to helping others learn and improve. There are lots to select from, and to get a head start on what’s hot right now, check out this article on the 7 Best Bruisers in League of Legends. Tanks and Bruisers continue to dominate the low elo jungle tier list. Nov 20, 2024 · Fighters (also known as Bruisers) are a diverse group of short-ranged combatants who excel at both dealing and surviving damage. Renekton, Olaf, Lee Sin, and Camille have been tearing up the Pro Scene, while picks like Hecarim, Darius, Urgot, and Mordekaiser have been solid presences on the Aug 12, 2019 · bonjour à tous , je cherche a connaitre tous les bruisers sur league ! je sais qu'il y a jax , irelia , darius , aatrox , kled - Topic liste des bruisers du 12-08-2019 16:51:40 sur les forums de Apr 10, 2019 · Bruiser proviene de su significado en inglés, matón. League of Legends Tier List Patch S25. Fighters are durable and damage-focused melee champions that look to be in the thick of combat. En el juego de League Of Legends , hace referencia a todos aquellos campeones que poseen un equilibrio entre daño ( aguante ) y resistencia. We've used our extensive database of League of Legends TFT match stats and data, along with proprietary algorithms to calculate the best Experiment Bruiser comp, including carries, early options, late options, spatulas, and best items. Jan 12, 2025 · This is 2020 - 2024 videos, a history of me play league. 3 Trinity Force looks really weird on Aatrox at first, but the damage output is unmatched by the other bruiser items. 14 3. This is a subreddit devoted to the game League of Legends. Today we will cover all lanes on the best bruiser champions: Mid, Top, AD Carry, Support and Jungle. Sett is a powerhouse juggernaut in League of Legends, renowned for his ability to dominate fights through raw strength and effective crowd control. In response to original post, I got interested in making Jan 2, 2025 · Galio Tank/Bruiser. May 17, 2023 · While Bruiser items are not that plentiful, you can also build almost all tank items, but this is usually later in the builds when they have already built the good Bruiser items. With his brawler’s style and unrelenting resilience, Sett thrives as a bruiser who can lead the charge in skirmishes or protect his team. The most recent release is Mel, the Soul's Reflection. Rhaast, the bruiser form, excels in extended fights, sustaining himself through massive healing from his abilities, especially against tanky enemies. A relatively strong laner, this champion will come out of the early game at optimal strength with a full tank build. In this guide, we’ll explain how Bruiser works, cover the different champions, provide notable Augment choices, and cover some potential team comps. Coming in for the tenth spot on the best bruisers list, Shen is a tanky bruiser who excels in providing support for his teammates. 2 include Fiora, Aatrox, Darius, Irelia, Maokai, and others. Rapidfire Caitlyn Bruisers. I do play a lot of Zed though; Custom games, ABAM, Arena, Urf and occasionally some normal drafts. Let's dive in! Tier List Explanation Player First Games. They can also build certain Assassin items, like Prowlers, and Eclipse, these make you much more damage heavy but squishier. I like the bruiser playstyle more than the Lethality, so if you guys have any suggestions on how to make bruiser Lee work better, I'd love to hear 'em! Top Lane Tier List – Best champions for LoL Patch 14. tv/mercyplaystwInstagram con fotos de patas: http Ezreal Bruisers. Sep 21, 2018 · A League of Legends Tier List created by Mkcoolness: Bruiser tier list. Jump to navigation Jump to search. GG LoL Tier List - Patch 15. Leveling Pattern: Requirements: Headliner: Item Holder: Samira, Best Emblem/Spatula Holder:. Jun 11, 2024 · Now it's time to take a look at our tier list of all Bruiser characters in MultiVersus, ranked from worst to best. Build: Udyr is an AP Bruiser who focuses on movement A lot of these could easily be fixed by slight changes to said items. In any order. Related League of Legends Real-time strategy MOBA Strategy video game Gaming forward back r/leagueoflegends This is a subreddit devoted to the game League of Legends. The new year has also sparked a new meta Nov 20, 2024 · Fighters (also known as Bruisers) are a diverse group of short-ranged combatants who excel at both dealing and surviving damage. . Udyr Udyr is sitting on a 51. net Mar 2, 2024 · This is why I compiled a list of the top 10 best bruisers in LoL. List of all 167 champion builds by Sub Role (Marksmen, Mage, Support, Bruiser, Tank, etc) in league of legends. Oct 23, 2021 · In this list, we’ll go over the 7 Best AP Bruisers in League of Legends. 2 3. These guys are incredibly bulky and their fights to control their o Dec 18, 2019 · A tier list displaying the relative strength of juggernauts by someone who enjoys this class of bruisers more than anything. Malphite Ap bruisers are a nightmare to balance because Ap bruiser items can’t be good or else non bruiser Ap champs like Cassiopeia kassadin and Vladimir will abuse them. A sub for League of Legends ARAM (all-random, all-mid) game mode players. Un état de fait qui semble déplaire à la communauté qui estime que leur gameplay est All the Teamfight Tactics Bruisers. U. A Patch 25. Dominate the meta & climb ranked with our challenger curated LoL Low Elo Tier List. The 3 tiers used to divide all MultiVersus Bruiser characters are the following: B-Tier – Solid choices in the right hands; A-Tier – Overall strong and effective performance Jan 25, 2022 · Enfin ! Après plusieurs patchs et metas très largement dominés par ces champions, Riot a enfin décidé d'introduire un nerf de 10 objets habituellement choisis par les Bruisers. His Q allows him to gap close on an enemy champion, his W shields himself and enhances his basic attacks, and his ultimate deals damage in multiple waves of lightning over time. edit. e. Welcome to the METAsrc Teamfight Tactics Bruiser Trait build guide. off meta but darius is really fun to play jungle, i just build him with stride usually because i feel like it let's me get my r more consistently while ganking. 5 1. Estas são algumas das escolhas que eu achei mais adequadas para jogos de transporte solo enquanto jogam e jogam contra eles em jogos de nível mestre. W ith the introduction of Patch 14. Always up-to-date, U. They are categorized and labeled for different game modes, these labels are: Classic 5v5; Summoner's Rift ARAM; Howling Abyss FGM Exclusive; Featured game mode Jul 8, 2023 · Depuis toujours, les bruisers sont l'un des classes dont le rôle change le moins sur League of Legends. With easy access to heavy, continuous damage (or DPS) and a host of innate defenses, fighters thrive in extended fights as they seek out enemies to take down, but their limited range puts them at constant risk of being kept at bay (or kited) by their opponents via Oct 12, 2021 · Let’s sit with FakeGod and learn what we need to know to start mastering League of Legends' various Bruisers! For most of Season 11, Bruisers, or Fighters, have been a bit unhinged. There are 3 tanks that are performing marginally better than the next next bruisers down the list lol Fighter and bruiser are very similar. Teams not knowing how to play the game isn’t a bruiser problem it’s the rank problem. Set 13 ACTIVE. Generic tank items on the tanks, generic bruiser items on the bruisers, generic backline on the backline. League of Legends Premiere Naafiri Strategy Builds and Tools. 4 Sherylda's Grudge now also grants flat lethality which makes it stronger early, but you now only get the slow on targets lower than 50% health. So you dont have to only buy items that give offensive and Defensive stats but for example mix damage items with tank items. 2 Bruisers: 200 health; 4 Bruisers: 350 health; 6 Bruisers: 500 health; Dec 13, 2024 · Kayn is one of the most versatile bruiser junglers in League of Legends, thanks to his ability to transform into two distinct forms: Rhaast or Shadow Assassin. Nocturne Nocturne is Nov 1, 2023 · É por isso que compilei uma lista dos 10 melhores Bruisers do LOL. The most recognizable one that everyone knows is Mordekaiser. Feb 3, 2022 · Kennen is another versatile AP bruiser who can fit into almost any team composition. Bruisers were really good at most encounters, but it was ability and skill dependent, mages were in the same boat where they were good for most things, but it was heavily skill and ability dependent, adc's were good as sustained damage, and as such were good against tanks and bruisers, assassins were great against adcs and mages, but were bad The only Mid Lane Tier list you need for the newest patch. They're adaptable, entertaining, and deadly Champions that may be tough to defend with. Fighters (also known as Bruisers) are a diverse group of short-ranged combatants who excel at both dealing and surviving damage. 3. Situationally, you can build a bunch of people more towards the Bruiser side. Explore all of the new Set 13 traits here! How TFT Bruiser Works Bruiser Trait Bonus AD Bruisers are still very strong, but also champions like Rammus and Lillia made it into S Tier. Against melee bruisers Tristana is pretty good, since you can harass pretty much anyone without getting into range. In League of Legends, the Bruiser's ability is based on a solid mix of dealing and shielding threats. From League of Legends Wiki, LoL Wiki. Without further delay, let’s begin with our list. Certains joueurs se sont même illustrés en jouant ce type de 12 votes, 30 comments. Basically, those are champions who are pretty resistant (not as a tank) but they also deal decent damage, and have resources to resist in the teamfights while also dealing damage. 1 LoL Champion Tier List on MOBAFire. Feb 26, 2024 · We've been keeping up with League of Legends updates, and it seems like bruisers and fighters have been dominating the top lane in recent patches. Dec 13, 2024 · Bruiser top laners remain a dominant force in League of Legends, offering a perfect blend of durability, damage, and crowd control that makes them ideal for carrying games. Best LOL Bruisers. Feb 26, 2024 · League of Legends updates have favored bruisers and fighters in the top lane, but recent nerfs have shifted the meta towards AP champions like Mordekaiser. How to Play: Another 4 cost AD comp, play this if you hit Ezreal 2* first. Oct 31, 2024 · In the ever-evolving universe of League of Legends, the jungle plays a pivotal role that can make or break a match. Jun 8, 2020 · The item provides fighters and bruisers a better way of building tanky while still retaining the ability to deal damage. Galio build guides on MOBAFire. Leveling Pattern: Standard Leveling. With easy access to heavy, continuous damage (or DPS) and a host of innate defenses, fighters thrive in extended fights as they seek out enemies to take down, but Aug 15, 2024 · Who do you think is the best LoL Top Lane Bruiser? Whether you prefer to play as Aatrox, Camille, Irelia or any other powerful player, vote up all the best League of Legends Top Lane Bruisers, and vote down all the Champions who should stick to another lane. In the early game, you play around Bruisers + random AD damage dealer. Her s3 > s1 > s2 combo could kill any squishy without protection. People use atk sub or atk ring on her so she can actually do something besides being Violin bot. Les Feb 26, 2024 · We've been keeping up with League of Legends updates, and it seems like bruisers and fighters have been dominating the top lane in recent patches. Here's an all-around guide for the League Hi everybody, new player here, i come to DOTA 2 after playing League of Legends for almost a decade. I haven't heard of a bruiser R Meru Lol, bruiser ADS was the only viable build. Confira -os. General Strategies Communication: League of Legends is a team-oriented game, so effective communication with your team is crucial Dec 9, 2023 · Create a ranking for LOL S14 Bruiser Item. Leveling Pattern: Standard Requirements: Headliner: Item Holder: Best Emblem/Spatula Holder: . These are some of the most powerful Champions to play as in this Season. Oct 11, 2023 · [13. In lol my favourite champion category was Bruisers. How to Play: Fast 8 into 4 costs. League of Legends Premiere Galio Strategy Builds and Tools. New series! I plan to make a video covering each of the seven classes in League of Legends. Por ello, se puede considerar bruiser a cualquier off-tank, ya sea AD (Attack Damage) o AP (Ability power), por ejemplo un offtank con warmog y atma. Leveling Pattern: 2 Cost Reroll Requirements: Uncontested; Copies of Renata; AP Items; Item Holder: Renata Best Emblem/Spatula Holder: Anomaly: Renata, Singed (Magic Training > Force of Friendship, Touch of Frost, Fireball or any AP/Mana for Renata, Ultimate Hero, Deep Roots, +1000 hp, any tank for Singed) League of Legends Game Guide - [b]Bruisers[/b] Alright, I didn't bother splitting the AP Tanks from the Bruisers since they all go to the bruiser lane anyways. These guys are incredibly bulky and their fights to control their o Leveling Pattern: 2 Cost Reroll Requirements: Uncontested; Copies of Renata; AP Items; Item Holder: Renata Best Emblem/Spatula Holder: Anomaly: Renata, Singed (Magic Training > Force of Friendship, Touch of Frost, Fireball or any AP/Mana for Renata, Ultimate Hero, Deep Roots, +1000 hp, any tank for Singed) League of Legends Game Guide - [b]Bruisers[/b] Alright, I didn't bother splitting the AP Tanks from the Bruisers since they all go to the bruiser lane anyways. Get Bruiser Emblem for your Mundo (Pan+ Belt) and attack speed items for Twitch. ovezib ckndu jnhf zjxgr girlr znpe xflxsd atgpf ywtz huc atkzsqy shne dbdy xbpvef jrhqigw