Grafana add dropdown filter If I create my own variable and have a drop-down selector for it at the top left of the dashboard, then I can get exactly what I want - something such as [[Timescale]] gets de-referenced to “7 days” in the panel title. Click filter icon to see available options. The syntax is OK it’s the effect that is not doing what i’m expecting Mar 1, 2018 · {"find": "terms","field":"host. , always start counting from the first entry as the lower bound), and the upper bound specified by Grafana for that point in time. This is my prometheus scrape example . Now, I want to filter the school dropdown by Location ID as well and update the table panel data accordingly. Grafana: v5 Nov 13, 2024 · You signed in with another tab or window. welcome to the forum, @pawanyadav. Do we have any options to limit an user to use selected values from the drop downs? For example, Company A user can view only the data of Company A while Admin can view all the data. I need to display only the Zabbix's alerts who wasn't acknowledged. You switched accounts on another tab or window. In the Aggregate by row, select a scope from the first drop-down box. Grafana adjusts the width of a repeated panel. How are you trying to achieve it? I created a variable and populated pre-defined values to it. How are you trying to achieve it? So far I tried in a pie chart with two the data link there after. gov/r… Jun 28, 2018 · What I want is the first dropdown to be the cluster - say A and B. Whenever I select the values in templating, my table is not Filtered by the Templating values. Jun 14, 2022 · What Grafana version and what operating system are you using? Grafana Cloud Version 9 What are you trying to achieve? I’m trying to add variables to a dashboard using an JSON feed → https://services. Then i can select them one by one but i want to have button to select all searched values (beside to for example clicking 20 checkbox) …exactly like after selection is made Jun 15, 2022 · I have a grafana variable which is displayed at the top of dashboard. a server name). I’m currently working on creating a Slider as a dashboard variable/filter rather than a dropdown in grafana. What happened? I am able to apply this filter in the query Feb 8, 2022 · I want to add a dynamic drop down menu in Grafana that populates the drop down list with the list of tests that are pulled from BigQuery. Select Run query. Right now, the dropdown shows =, >, <, etc. Feb 24, 2022 · ISSUE: We have drop down selection list for container/pod. You can also enter text into the selector when the dropdown is open to search and filter The component failed to render properly, likely due to a configuration issue in Storybook. nist. variables = [{“selected”: true, “value”: “1”}, {“selected”: true, “value”: “2”}, {“selected”: false, “value”: “3”}]; Can you suggest to me the right way to write down the html? I tried to use the same templates-menu code in Jan 21, 2022 · In this post, I want to share a pattern that I’m using for almost all my panel plugins. That Is, if user selects A1, I would like to propogate “lpd” to the next variable selector, and if user selects A2, I would like to propogate Dec 4, 2017 · First i use only the plus sign inside the data Table. From here, you can select the query you want to Oct 31, 2024 · The dropdown menu should now populate with the hierarchical options based on the queries you configured. I went to settings and added variable and noticed that I can choose constant variable — however that constant can only be one value. e. In this tutorial, you’ll add a new component prometheus. This is what I would prefer to display to the user. Is it possible to use a drop down list to choose the location and it just list those rows at all? Jul 28, 2022 · I was wondering if there is a way to have a panel that is able to function as a dropdown button for grafana variables Nov 28, 2023 · hello, ihope someone can help me: i have an html graphics menu bar containing links to other boards/page. I’m new to Grafana and I’m having problems adding variables to my dashboard (the dropdown filter). Jun 10, 2020 · Filter and modify using named text and value capture groups Grafana Labs Filter variables with regex. How are you trying to achieve it? I am trying to achieve Oct 5, 2021 · Hi community, I have created 4 query variables as shown in the below picture: The problem is, when I am selecting Line 1 in drop down menu (as shown below), it is showing Line 10 and Line 11 as well because technically “Line 1” is a subset of “Line 10” and “Line11”. But it has to be a panel in a dashboard. 2. Hover over any part of the panel to which you want to add the link to display the actions menu on the top right corner. The applied Filter changes the dashboard metrics by passing the query solution which binds to the Grafana dashboard. Click the menu and select Edit. ; In the Query Options block, you need to chose your datasource in the dropdown Apr 16, 2021 · is possible to add button “select all” in Grafana Table panel . Following is sample Prometheus data Learn about the types of variables you can add to dashboards and how May 6, 2019 · Add a comment | 1 Answer What if the filter you want is a grafana graph variable - where the abc. InfluxDB 2. But how can I add/use another value for that same label? Oct 30, 2024 · Variables are displayed as dropdown lists at the top of the dashboard. This tutorial uses the same base as Collecting Prometheus metrics. I want to make a dropdown variable on dashboard – that can choose from list of constant variables. You can’t mix other panels on a row with a repeated panel. Schedule a report based on Grafana dashboard and use the created filter query in Select Filter section. There are many locations, some you can see in the screenshot. If your panel uses more than one query, you can filter these and apply the selected transformation to only one of the queries. If yes, how can we go about it Jun 12, 2023 · Hello, I am new to grafana and have a question, Is there any way for drop down filters to change in value based on other drop down filters? For example, there is two drop down filters based on name, and operating system. 7 InfluxDB OSS 2. So, basically i need to filter the panels based on their name. For example, span. 4 (a551d74b11) What are you trying to achieve? Use data link in a pie chart to filter a dashboard on one variable when there is multiple variables. Automically applied to queries Oct 25, 2023 · Hello, I have an issue with binding my Variable with graphs, because Iam using Metrics from Victoriametrics and I do not see How Can I bind my metrics with Variables. The results are very inconsistent. Dec 10, 2020 · It triggers regex matching, which is what Grafana produces when you select All. Oct 27, 2020 · In my Grafana dashboard, I need to use 2 dropdowns and 2nd dropdown value should populate based on 1st dropdown value selection. Aug 3, 2021 · What Grafana version and what operating system are you using? 8. Before this I have been using custom exporters and custom dashboards from Grafana. IS there any way to do this ? Documentation Ask Grot AI Plugins Get Grafana May 4, 2023 · What Grafana version and what operating system are you using? Grafana v9. 2 (90701be19) What are you trying to achieve? I would like to have my entire dashboard be filtered with some custom filter I create based on some query variables. Jul 3, 2018 · Hi Team, I have created a dashboard which works based on the values of Variables (templating). As and when the user selects or deselects values from this drop down, the panel should show or remove the timeseries for the selected/unselected metric from the drop down list Aug 1, 2023 · Hi Everyone, I created a custom Datepicker / Date-picker I would like to share with you. Optional: Select + to add an Aggregate by row. For example - I have variable Country with Values ALL, US, UK, IRE, AUS Filters (Optional) Add filters for the selected columns. I have one Tag called “room” which is the selection where I want the values filtered based on the first selection which is “level” I To filter dashboard search result by a tag, complete one of the following steps: To filter dashboard search results by tag, click a tag that appears in the right column of the search results. In this case, “size” and “position” would be dimensions used by the Dec 11, 2024 · Hello, if I try to create a Loki explore query and I want to select a label, the UI dropdown only displays a subset of the available labels. 0; What are you trying to achieve? I want to create a graph with multiple labels DROP DOWN in Grafana as a “filter” for filtering desired data. * was a filter in a grafana dropdown. The templating drop down should act accordingly. For comparison to Grafana Version 6. Include All option : Enabled (if you want to allow “All” option). How to create tags for dropdown variables in Grafana? To create tags for dropdown variables in Grafana, follow these steps: Sep 3, 2023 · What Grafana version and what operating system are you using? 9. I feel I actually need the user to select a single date as well instead of a date range to make an unambiguous/simple UI for a specific case. g I have 2 API for 2 filters i. I want to add different filters using templating mechanism. How do I solve this if I want the dashboard to show exact match variables (like do not display Line 10 and Line 11 Jul 27, 2021 · I have a query which returns data like: Location,Station,Last Heartbeat,Timestamp There are several locations, each of which has a number of stations that I want to monitor. I’m using the word “dimension” here to refer the semantic use of a collection of data. 6 What are you trying to achieve? I have multiple panels, want to filter it out based on the value chosen from the variable. Jun 25, 2019 · Does anyone know if there is a Table plugin that supports the following? Dropdowns on each column to filter by value Search bars on each column to do a substring search on values in a single column I am thinking somet… Nov 12, 2018 · Hi All, In variable on grafana how do I configure a drop down so let’s say when I select a value for which has (lax) all value which has (lax) should show up with that name. While using ad hoc filter, I am not getting option to select two values for label. 0. Then, choose the data source and query for the dropdown options. This opens a drop-down with a list of queries used on the panel. I’m able to create the normal filter but when I try to filter the second dropdown values base on the selection in the first dropdown, I can’t make it work. x… Jun 18, 2021 · To do that you need to go in your dashboard, then : Settings > Variables > New; In the General block, you need to choose Query as the variable type. i have created variable named artifact and provided values in dropdown as 1. See full list on grafana. 6: 35452: August 25, 2022 How to join multiple variables to filter (drop down) graph according to labels on metrics , no clue. I have also created a dashboard variable named “Year” in the dashboard. When I use a variable from my smaller table, it works fine. Optional: Select a Time range to expand or narrow the data set for an hour’s range. Aug 23, 2022 · I want to have a dropdown filter where once i apply filter like facility=“mumbai” all the panels should get changed and i should get the data for only mumbai facility. 3 of 4 variables work without any issues, The fourth one is the problematic one, because I do not know how to use this fourth one “ALL” or just one from this variable. Nov 22, 2020 · Grafana Loki. You want to filter dashboard / panels for a specific domain: label_values(my_metric_that_has_label_with_all_domains, domain_label_name) Don't forget to set update on time range change. The reason is, its a tad cumbersome to see all of our non-var Series, in May 9, 2024 · Grafana v10. I want to filter the columns from one of the panel of type table based on the selected filter. 0 (Flux language) cloud instance. The first dropdown is defined by variable datasource and is type datasource and type for datasource options is prometheus. Nov 9, 2017 · Hi there! I need to write a multi-choice-menu, like this: populated with a simple array from my Panel Controller, like this: this. further more, if a location is selected Feb 13, 2019 · I have created a dashboard in grafana having multiple status panels. I’ve added the “Filter data by values” transform, with Filter Type set to Include, Conditions set to “Match All” (I’ve also tried “Match Any”), Field to my date/time field, but the Match Metric and label filters. And based on what I select in the first dropdown, I want the values populated in the second dropdown. Based on it’s value i want to set LogQL filter into another variable, such that it will allow to embed Nov 4, 2019 · using the standard dashboard drop-down list (top right) to be displayed as part of the panel title. … Aug 23, 2023 · What Grafana version and what operating system are you using? I am using a Docker Container of Grafana and don’t have access to the docker host to tell me what version it is running. keyword"} This did the trick. Stellar-win64. At the end I want to achieve Variable like a filter to choose data from specific place. Jul 25, 2024 · I want to design a grafana dashboard that shows multiple cloudwatch metrics into 1 single panel as a time-series. I need to provide a dropdown such that when one option is selected all the panels having a name corresponding to the selected option will be filtered. , the user can click on a segment of a visual (a slice of a pie chart for example) and the entire dashboard will re-query the data and display data corresponding to the selection. I have created two panels in grafana dashboard: data manipulation panel and Bar chart panel. You can continue filtering by clicking additional tags. The regex filter it works for few times and displays the method names, sometimes the results are blank. Example: 1st dropdown values: A,B,C 2nd dropdown: If “A” is selected, 2nd dropdown should show “100,150,200,250”. What are you trying to achieve? The goal is to use a variable to control the panels being shown: 3 rows 3 choices on the drop down menu. Anything else we need to know?: Jun 16, 2021 · I’m developing a datasource plugin with ad-hoc filters and I need to update the default operators. Click on the "Add panel" button in the top right corner of the screen. Feb 11, 2022 · I would like to add to emphasize this issue. x to 5. Each day, we’ve got a nightly job that tabulates some various data coming from around (~30) different monitors, each of which aggregate data from a number of sub-monitors. Oct 31, 2024 · To add a dropdown menu in Grafana, you can create a variable in the dashboard settings and set the type as "custom" or "query". Apr 26, 2021 · I need a way to add a Dropdown menu ( or similar solution ) to show the metrics for only one cpu ( cpu 1 or cpu 0 ). Is it possible to achieve such result not for Prometheus only? Is it possible to place Business Variable in Grafana dashboard header permanently? We need it to be there May 10, 2023 · I’ve got a Grafana dashboard with a table panel showing data from an Opensearch database. Filter a transformation. So let’s say in name, there is apple, windows, and linux. IS there any way to do this ? It sounds like you want to use chained variables. You can use variables in metric queries and in panel titles. Example – I want to make a variable Fruit and instead of Feb 4, 2022 · What Grafana version and what operating system are you using? Grafana v8. It might look similar to what exists in “Explore” the data source. Group by (Optional) Add group bys for the selected columns. e getAccount for Account Filter Jul 16, 2024 · Hello , Currently, I’m working on Grafana dashboard to display to artifact values based on input selection in filter variable, I’m not able to filter the values based on input value from variable so here my requirement. but I need to add two more operators LIKE and IN. Can anyone explain how does Ad hoc filter work? How is drop down list generated? In my case it always says No options found: Variable settings: Do I have to write appropriate queries in panels to make it work? Aug 13, 2024 · Hi, I am using Grafana and Prometheus. There are 3500 values for the tag values. It sounds like you want to use chained variables. When selecting a variable using the drop down list at the top of a dashboard, I can see there’s a basic substring search of the values that filters the results. Mar 1, 2023 · In this tutorial, I will show you how to select multiple options from a drop-down menu/filter (Query Variable) in Grafana based on a PostgreSQL table column. I have created JSON HTTP Server(Datasource) for connecting my API using SimpleJSON datasource plugin. In my Solr-Cloud I have 2 Nodes and 3 Zookeepers. Is there a way to show that metric for only one node too? Check the syntax, maybe you wrote something wrong. So I assume you actually want to filter your dashboard / panels for this specific domain. cmd to get the data from exporter for Prometheus. Kindly help me. Aug 23, 2020 · We’ve set up a Grafana cloud + InfluxDB 2. I would like to filter based on the selection of these variables 2 more static values. Mar 27, 2018 · I have already created a Table panel by adding all the Column names. The values of those variables are company names. Please show me a way on how to do it if possible. Basically the dropdown will have to display all the values of tag testrunname available in the database. Nov 26, 2024 · Hi Team, I am using ad hoc variable with Loki as a data source. Variable: LogMethod Jun 29, 2023 · Hi I’m very new to InfluxDB and Grafana and I try to have a dropdown filter selection. Jan 17, 2018 · I am writing default exporters for prometheus using Python. Dec 14, 2021 · I was wondering if its possible to do Dynamic Filtering using Grafana on the visual level. Run the following: Nov 23, 2021 · What Grafana version and what operating system are you using? Grafana Version 6. In addition to the dropdown list, variables can display as text boxes at the top of a dashboard for easy access (though, can optionally be hidden from view). Currently i have retrieved india’s population data with duration from 1960 to Adhoc filters. Docker; Run the example. Adhoc filters provide a very powerful way to dynamically change the scope or filtering of queries in your scene view. As an example, we add an element: dropdown += " "; dropdown += " Filters: " and later, as part of the same scripted dashboard Aug 6, 2020 · After configuring dashboard for Solr-Cloud in Grafana(Solr > Prometheus > Grafana), I am getting only “All” as the value under zkhost, core and collection dropdowns. The idea is to have a rolling difference, from the beginning of time, up to The list is huge and I want to create a drop down menu for the location column and I am lost on how to do this. Sample Data in the menu drop down coming from a variable: Intl_New_City_Highway, Intl_New_City_Track_Pathway, USA_NY_Newyork_City_Buildings, USA_NJ_Newark_City_Track, USA_CA_New_City_Napa_Track, Space Nov 14, 2018 · Now I want to give drop-down option on the dashboard that will allow the user to change the graph based on his selection checkbox he choose i. marked this variable to chose one value at a time. The data source requests the list of available metrics from the Prometheus server based on the selected time rage. You can now use the dropdown variable to filter the data displayed in your panel based on the selected hierarchy. 0 OS: Alma linux 8 . Related topics Feb 7, 2022 · Now, if there is no entry in my_field for the last 6 hours (which is common in my case), Elasticsearch will give an empty result which leaves to an empty drop down for adhoc filter values. if “B” is selected, 2nd dropdown should show “300,350,400,450” if “C” is selected, 2nd dropdown should show “500,550,600,650” Can Aug 21, 2020 · I cannot imagine a reason why you would want this. 4: Here the time-range filter took the time range from dashboard. For better understanding: i would like something like this instead of this thanks in advance Dec 16, 2020 · I want to add a variable in my dashboard dropdown column in my grafana dashboard that can be chosen. In a panel, we wish to display parameter data where the user can select one or more device IDs from the devices list to have them displayed in the panel. May 21, 2024 · Hello, Team. It’s all values concatenated with | sign acting as “or”. Additional info: Useful variable syntax can be found at Grafana variable syntax. Oct 19, 2023 · I’m trying to allow the user to specify the time range using the dropdown at the top of the screen to filter the rows in my table visual. Not at the top of the dashboards. Jan 25, 2023 · I have been managing the backend of an IoT project to handle data and show statuses via Grafana dashboard. I call it panel dimensions. Click Save. You signed out in another tab or window. queries in Grafana panel. 5. In my Grafana dashboard, I am trying to add an Ad-hoc Filter that allows users to select the values from dropdown. But I want to show a name in the dropdown and filter by id. How are you trying to achieve it? I made a variable with type: query and set the query to: SHOW TAG VALUES ON "example-db" WITH KEY = "site" What happened? The variable is Under Repeat options, select a variable in the Repeat by variable drop-down list. label=~value1,value2 I am only able to select one value from the drop down. Feb 10, 2021 · In Grafana, I want to add a variable in my dashboard, and I want it to be one of all the available values so far added for the tests that I run. Try to open a different dashboard. . It was a feature I was missing myself and made this kind of by coincidence, while I was testing out the ‘Dynamic Text’ plugin (Big thanks to the developers of this plugin). Is there any documentation I can read on how this works and how I can enable this feature with my custom Prometheus agents and manually created Without filter With single filter. Vertical - Arrange panels in a column. However, I have hit a roadblock that I can’t seem to solve. Filter variables with regex Using the Regex Query option, you filter the list of options returned by the variable query or modify the options returned. In the panel editor pane, expand the Table options section. This creates a cascade effect, ensuring that each dropdown filters the next based on the previous selection. Reload to refresh your session. I am able to create the panel to show Nov 23, 2020 · This is a bit of a nit pick / minor question- Is there anyway to configure the (grafana) auto-generated drop down menu of series of queries to sort in the opposite direction? (really my goal is to get the variables to show at the BOTTOM of the dropdown menus, vs as they do now, showing at the very top, right under * ). I want this variable dropdown only to appear in a specific panel . Next, i try a adhoc filter on the graylog datasource. If your metric has multiple dimensions, you can use this filter to get dimension values dynamically. Jun 12, 2022 · What Grafana version and what operating system are you using? v8. In this tutorial, I write a step-by-step tutorial on how to create a new drop-down menu/filter (Query Variable) so that I can select a device and show stas of that one only. For e. Unlike variables, which usually control a predefined label or dimension, with adhoc filters the user can control which keys (labels) to filter on. Async Select The Select component can be configured to allow users to select one or more options from a dropdown list that is populated asynchronously. On a Query in graphs I do not see any option to add something like this. 3. This feature is helpful when we want to filter the data based on more than one condition, and it is particularly useful when we have a large dataset. Data Source : Select your PostgreSQL data source. What happened: When adding new select fields or aggregations to a select, the filter does not update when some text is pasted into the filter input. The width of repeated Sep 16, 2020 · Navigate to a dashboard that has one or more drop-down selectors (configured via "variables" in the dashboard settings) that filter the dashboard view. may be 10 servers which has (lax) in their name. Select an aggregation type from the dropdown and select a column to aggregate on. Prerequisites. Regards, Mar 19, 2019 · Hello, I created a custom variable (for dropdown) with 2 static values A1 and A2 on my Grafana Dashboard. remove/filter it out from the query that is used for that variable Feb 21, 2019 · I have a PostgreSQL table where I want to take the difference between 2 COUNT() aggregates, but have the lower bound of the WHERE clause set to the minimum value of the time column (i. I have an Influx database, and Grafana, running on a Home Assistant RPI Nov 15, 2021 · You can then try merge transformation: Grafana Labs Types and options. The job pre-calculates which sub-monitors for each monitor are the worst ones. nvd. if he selects ‘M00B00’ then data points of ‘M00B00’ only should be fetched from the database against Time. The prometheus. E. Any help would appreciate it. The second dropdown in my case is label_values. I want to create the dropdown menu for the different tags in my influxdata source, so that i can select one or two or all to view the data in different tags. eg some where inside the panel . Filter Prometheus metrics. I get the hostnames in the dropdown filter now Apr 22, 2020 · Hi @daniellee,. With multi filter (NOT IN) We are using the filter !(region IN (${region_multi:singlequote}) to exclude multiple regions. 2 (22809dea50) on linux I’m trying to create regex to select only few items from drop down list in my grafana dashboard Regex which is working in regex101 is not not working here. Change the value in one of the drop-down selectors to filter the dashboard view (e. Sep 1, 2017 · Hi All, I am just getting started on grafana for one of our internal projects . The showAllSelectedWhenOpen prop can be used to display all selected values when the dropdown list is open. ”). To see a list of all available tags, click the Filter by tags dropdown menu and select a tag. 5 What are you trying to achieve? I have various dashboards for the data coming from influxdb. We are using the filter region IN (${region_multi:singlequote}) to show multiple regions. Thank You. I want to create a dropdown on my dashboard so that I can select which host's data is displaying on the panels. So let’s say I choose Apple in the first drop down Jan 16, 2024 · What Grafana version and what operating system are you using? Grafana v10. I have several query variables at the top of the dashboard that the user can multiselect, and in all of the panels, there is the same where-clause that is based on Apr 1, 2024 · Hello @grant2,. I saw numerous people asking about something similar, so maybe this can help you on your way. I want a filter (variable) at the top of the dashboard as a filter to show only the nodes that are down, the nodes that are up, or all nodes. Mean that when i enable “column filter” and then use it by searching in column for some string it show me all value which correspond to mine search. My requirement is when i select Stellar-linux64 (first Mar 16, 2022 · I am new to Grafana, but I have created several dashboards and I am really enjoying it. Please let us know if it possible to create a drop-down list of predefined SQL/Lucene/KQL/etc. 3. Could you please advise how to do it? For now my Variable takes Apr 9, 2021 · To enable filter option open any Grafana dashboard in edit mode. Aggregate (Optional) Add aggregations for the selected columns. May 21, 2020 · I'm using InfluxDB/Grafana and I have a DB with several tables. Jun 1, 2022 · I have my dashboard, in which have csv data source and would like to add dropdown filters on selection of dropdown my data should be updated. Here are some common causes and how you can address them: Jun 3, 2024 · Hi folks, I am very new to all this, I had some SQL experience years ago so the concepts feel familiar but assuming I know nothing, or worse have made some faulty assumptions, is where my head is right now so please bear that in mind when I ask inevitably stupid stuff ! Specifics… Well as close as I can get right now. I think this make more sense. What are you trying to achieve? I want to be able to select different data sets based on a server name. But the caveat here is that my filter should be extracted from different API`s. So when you paste "sum", the "sum" aggregation i Nov 5, 2023 · Is it possible to filter/hide a panel visibility in Grafana based on the selected server in the dashboard drop-down menu ? Note that I don’t mind keeping the panel, but I would then need at the very least that the panel shows something like “no data” when the selected server is not sending logs. I have built the dashboard completely but i cant work out how to be able to select different server names Mar 26, 2020 · I know how to create the dropdown and filter the queries. 7. 4. Grafana add constant variable -- for Oct 22, 2019 · Hi, Grafana 6. I want to have a multi-select drop down variable on the dashboard (populated manually with fixed values). But when i create grafana dashboard variable with code you suggested, %70 of the values are truncated and not shown in the filter variable dropdown on the dashboard. Nov 13, 2024 · Variable chaining in Grafana allows you to create a dynamic relationship between two or more variables, where the options available in one variable depend on the selection made in another. On the right side panel there is tab called Table, under this there is option to enable column filter. river to filter metrics. Thanks. This is my current code. ==> Act = "" Thank's a lot for your help. So when you change the value, using the dropdown at the top of the dashboard, your panel’s metric queries will change to reflect the new value. Toggle on the Column filter switch. I am trying to develop a dashboard for project management with various metrics, in which I would like to give the end user the option of filtering as per various variables in addition to time. Transformation types and options Grafana comes with the following transformations: Add field from calculation Concatenate fields Config from query results … Nov 30, 2020 · Hi, I would like to know if it's possible to add a filter value on the Column "Act". Now I have created a Templating (Filter). as I have several panels in that dashboard and that dropdown is only related to one panel. Post saving the report you can use the mail now option to view the changes in the dashboard. Values for filters will be restricted to the column's data type. Go to Dashboard Settings → Variables → Add Variable. I have added a location_id variable with a query like this: label_values(node . I’ve tried a few things, but as soon as Oct 15, 2024 · Hi Team, Prometheus data source allows to use a query variable label_values(metric) and to place it in Grafana dashboard header permanently alongside with annotations. It would be nice if I could type a Regex pattern and have that filter the possible values for me (eg: “. if he selects ‘M00B00’ then data points of ‘M00B00’ only should be fetched Nov 5, 2020 · I have just started working on Grafana and Prometheus to develop a dashboard. Even though I can see (via the browser developer tools) that all the labels… Oct 14, 2022 · Grafana: Using variable with Filter data by value Hot Network Questions What are the most significant differences and similarities in their policies of German CDU/CSU and AfD parties? Nov 12, 2019 · 2. I am getting variables as you suggested before. 4 Windows 10 Operating System What are you trying to achieve? I have filters/variables at the top of my dashboard which applies to all the panels. ec. Jan 20, 2024 · What Grafana version and what operating system are you using? Grafana Cloud What are you trying to achieve? I want to create a dropdown variable at the top of the dashboard, showing tag values from a measurement in InfluxDB. When a user chooses one of the choices from the drop down menu, only the panels/visualizations related to that variable should be shown. relabel component is used to drop, add, or filter metrics. What i want is the dropdown menu is display out of the visualization. And the second drop down filter is the operating system. com Jan 20, 2025 · To filter and visualize your fruit data, you’ll need to create variables for dynamic dropdowns (Fruit Type, Fruit Subtype, and Fruit Details). How can I achieve the following: add a dropdown box on the panel, which let me select the Location, to show only stations in that location. Jan 18, 2024 · welcome @tanyoongkiat. relabel using relabel. I would like to have a page showing the up/down status of nodes. There will be hundreds of tests pulled from BigQuery and I don't want the panel to become too cluttered with tests at the bottom so I want to have a drop down that dynamically populates with all the test Add variables; Manage and inspect variables; Variable syntax; A variable is a placeholder for a value. For Example: SELECT TimeOfDay as time,M00B01, M00B00, from TSU where TSU_ID=0; Now I want to give drop-down option on the dashboard that will allow the user to change the graph based on his selection checkbox he choose i. Here are some useful starting points and example dashboards in our public sandbox. i think this problem occure fits after our update our graylog from 2. Is this possible? The metric is node_cpu_seconds_total. 0-cloud. 1, MSSQL. If you found dynamic queries useful please support Grafana feature request that would allow usage of different delimiters, prefixes and suffixes for multi value variables. But when I try to add a variable from the table that exceeds a million rows, it shows this error: “Templating Template variables could not be initialized: query row limit exceeded, limit 1000000” I’ve May 2, 2018 · Hi macin, The filters of dimension_values is a dimension filter, it is different from ec2_instance_attribute filter. Feb 21, 2024 · Hello, I’m using Node Exporter Full | Grafana Labs Once Node-Exporter is added its all working and fetching correctly. g. My tables have a tag key named "host" so that I can tell which server the data is coming from. I have a variable-based dropdown that lists all the schools, and detailed information is populated into a table panel, including Location ID, Name, EOE, and Status. Feb 24, 2020 · Tested on: Grafana OSS 9. For example, a set of numbers can be used to both determine the size or the position of a visual element. Note: To create and manage variables in Grafana, you need either editor or admin permissions. Oct 31, 2024 · How to create a time range selector using a dropdown menu in Grafana? To create a time range selector using a dropdown menu in Grafana, you can use the following steps: Go to the dashboard where you want to add the time range selector. Apr 22, 2024 · Hello Good Evening, Rahul this side. A front end filter would speed up this process by ~125x by my calculations and testing. Select an attribute from the second drop-down. Under Repeat direction, choose one of the following: Horizontal - Arrange panels side-by-side. I now show them as a table in Grafana. Stellar-linux64 and 2. Eg: My templating is “Country”. There is one very useful feature that I have seen. I have made dashboards in grafana using MySQL query. loki, query-help. We are using the filter region == "${region}" With multi filter. Which is exactly what we need and what we are happy to see. When you are ready to create a query, you can choose the specific metric name from the dropdown list under Metric. Jul 30, 2019 · I have some Template Variables created that contain a large list of values. Now my problem is in Grafana Dropdown I can select based on instance, but I would really like to show me “instance_name” and actually query the instance. To do this, click the filter icon on the top right of the transformation row. This works fine for single device ID selection, but not for multiple Mar 17, 2021 · Grafana Version 7. We’ve been able to pull this data into a table in Nov 8, 2018 · Hi All, I am a newbie to grafana. On other similar products to Grafana like PowerBI, Tableau, Spotfire, etc. It is very slow, especially when multiple be are looking at the same dashboard, to have grafana add filters to a query, resend that query to an SQL database, and wait for the response to load the data. note: this not an official plugin in In Grafana, navigate to the dashboard with the table with the columns that you want to filter. The dropdown menus for various components being monitored. Dec 13, 2017 · If we add the listener binding to the same script, it tries to attach before the page is rendered. Save the report. For example, if the pie chart had three foods Jun 23, 2023 · Based on the selection of the drop down, the time series graph can plot the number of occurrences for a specific service method over a specific time range. Enable it and save it, now you can see filter icon on panel. As part of this, we’ve created a custom variable list with “device IDs”, called devices . Is this possible. We would gladly consider ANY possible options like queries stored in Infinity data source, using other panel as a data source, Saved Queries feature Mar 2, 2022 · I am new to Grafana and not a coder but love the software and very impressed with the plugins and performance.
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