Definition chaotic neutral. Also, IRL there actually IS NO CHAOS.

Definition chaotic neutral. Chaotic Neutral characters are very self-serving.

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Definition chaotic neutral He did a lot of good things but usually he's more selfish in his motivations and accidentally good. Chaotic Neutral, "Free Spirit" A chaotic neutral character follows his whims. They don’t follow any moral code and simply do what’s best for them. Even if they did set up laws, for instance if they were to design a game for their friends to play with, they'd be perfectly comfortable ditching all those laws at any given moment and making up new ones, or just suddenly giving in to anarchy on a random whim. Could someone truly willing chaos Mar 24, 2023 · Chaos has a way of bringing out the demons – usually metaphorically speaking but sometimes, well, it brings those literal ones out, and the line between chaos and evil can be blurred in even the best of times which is why there is a debate on whether chaotic neutral is even more dangerous an alignment than chaotic evil. Characters of this alignment fit neither end of the Law–Chaos axis, hence "Neutral", but they land at the morally worse end of the other, Good–Evil axis. D&D alignments are too simplistic to map well to much of anything, except at a massively high level. Fear of consequences generally means following the law. Chaotic neutral Most characters are played as neutral despite being called 'good' or 'evil' however, throw in intent and the difference begins to unfold. Extending the length of his moods is one way to develop a chaotic neutral character. H. Dec 4, 2019 · Neutral Evil. Both a lawful good cleric, and a chaotic evil bard could have the desire to kill a red dragon, and use each others skills to get the job done. Chaotic Evil. Chaotic neutral characters are extremely difficult to deal with. Roleplaying a Chaotic Neutral character offers a lot of creative freedom, as these characters can be unpredictable, self-centered, or simply indifferent to the moral dilemmas that other alignments grapple with. its someone that hasnt embraced the drive for self profit of chaotic evil fully but doesn't care about shounen good guy saving people stuff. You essentially asked, "People aren't playing Chaotic Neutral characters in a way that I think follows the definition of Chaotic Neutral". I tend to have a good idea of what an evil act is in game, but sometimes players try to be sneaky about it. e. PS: For the love of God, don't play chaotic neutral as a character like Deadpool. Chaotic Good characters attempt to uphold the principles of justice and freedom in society, but are unconcerned with how they go about doing it. Also, IRL there actually IS NO CHAOS. Key Traits of Chaotic Neutral Characters Chaotic Neutral characters embody a spirit of individuality and unpredictability. A chaotic evil character is someone who does whatever they please, without any regard for others. Chaotic Evil villains, on the other hand, prefer to operate more on the fringe. Lawful X won't break the rules that guide them. It doesn’t have to be like this, though. Chaotic neutral characters don't understand why chaotic goods are so concerned about others, while chaotic good characters feel that chaotic neutral characters are hypocritical in believing in their own freedom, but not necessarily in the right for others to have the same freedom. Chaotic neutral signifies a quest for absolute freedom and individuality. Neutral evil people do whatever they can get away with for their own personal desires. Sep 10, 2023 · There are nine primary D&D character alignment types: lawful good, chaotic good, neutral good, neutral evil, lawful evil, lawful neutral, chaotic evil, true neutral, and chaotic neutral. . Chaotic Neutral and Chaotic Evil both dislike the establishment and order in society. Neutral people generally like order, but they value other things higher than it. g. They are also concerned mostly with themselves, but not uncaring to others. Jun 4, 2021 · A neutral character does what seems to be a good idea. Neutral therefore is an in-between, some might call it practicality but there's more to it than that. They resist laws and restrictions but don't inherently swing towards good or evil. Famous Chaotic Neutral characters might include Jack Sparrow from “Pirates of the Caribbean,” who follows his whims without concern for law or morality, or Catwoman A chaotic neutral character is an individualist who follows their own heart and generally shirks rules and traditions. Sam Beetham, tech and gaming writer for Rank It , who also acts as a Dungeons & Dragons Dungeon master (DM) in his spare time, explains how these alignments work. He walks over corpses like its nothing. These alignments can be thought of as points on a grid, with lawful alignments on one axis and good or evil alignments on the other. Chaotic Neutral spirits are the very definition of a free spirit. Definition wise it is enough of a grey area to allow players to perform more evil acts while not facing the consequences of being evil. The two axes that alignment runs along are Good-Evil and Lawful-Chaotic, with Neutral fitting in between the two poles of each axis. TL/DR: To play chaotic neutral, just play Han Solo as he was first introduced in A New Hope and morally ride the line. Chaotic Neutral Characters. Han Solo is another character who rides that line, although by the end of A New Hope and beyond that he's more solidly chaotic good rather than chaotic neutral Jul 9, 2022 · Patreon: https://www. Feb 20, 2024 · Alignment is a system that Dungeons and Dragons' creators introduced in 1974 and refined in 1979. Chaotic neutral represents freedom from both society’s restrictions and a do-gooder’s zeal. This is all a bit tongue in cheek, but hopefully creates some interesting debate. A chaotic neutral character follows his whims. Feb 22, 2024 · In DnD, the Chaotic Neutral alignment represents those who prioritize personal freedom and independence, often guided by self-interest and a reluctance to adhere strictly to moral codes. A character could be Paladin levels of moral one moment and immediately become villains of villains the next for no other reason than changing whims. com/joshstrifehayesTwitch: https://www. Corresponds with "survival of the fittest" ala Social Darwinism (actual natural selection is TN), and makes sense as he views the world capriciously and only for his personal enjoyment, placing worth on how other things are based on how they bring him delight or annoy him only. Manhattan, The Dude, Treebeard, The Watcher, The Silver Surfer, Morpheus (Sandman) Chaotic Neutral (CN) Chaotic characters can do lawful things and lawful characters can be chaotic. Chaotic Good. Chaotic Neutral characters are free spirits with a lust for independence. Lawful evil (LE) creatures methodically take what they want, within the limits of a code of tradition, loyalty, or order. " Neutral. Chaotic good just means you do the right thing no matter what. Feb 28, 2022 · "True neutral," in the center square, is a character like the Oracle in "The Matrix," who accumulates wisdom from witnessing everything but rarely chooses a side. The fence-sitters of all DnD settings , true neutral characters aren’t particularly dedicated to stamping out evil, but nor are they especially diabolical themselves. Chaotic Neutral characters are free spirits, primarily concerned with their own freedom and interests. Neutral (N) is the alignment of those who prefer to steer clear of moral questions and don't take sides, doing what seems best at the time. More so a chaotic neutral character should be “going with the flow”. He avoids authority, resents restrictions, and challenges traditions. Think more individualism where lawful is collectivism. Alignment is a tool for developing your character’s identity—it is not a straitjacket for restricting your character. ). its quite fun to play chaotic neutral as you can go whatever way you want with things based on your own judgement calls. I hope that makes sense. And that, I think, is how you should play chaotic neutral. "Chaos" is simply a form of order we don't yet understand. Neutral Good, Chaotic Neutral and Chaotic Neutral. Many barbarians and rogues, and some bards, are chaotic neutral. They feel no obligation towards the rules but also no dying need for conflict. A creature’s general moral and personal attitudes are represented by its alignment: lawful good, neutral good, chaotic good, lawful neutral, neutral, chaotic neutral, lawful evil, neutral evil, or chaotic evil. In 4th Edition a druid’s alignment must match their deity, but given that druids draw on the Primal Spirits rather than deities, they can be any alignment. They avoid authority and challenge traditions. Neutral Good vs. Jan 2, 2020 · Lawful, Neutral, or Chaotic ; Good, Neutral, or Evil. Neutral is the best alignment you can be because it means you act naturally, without prejudice or compulsion. The star of our show, "chaotic neutral. A neutral character will follow what they think will achieve their goal best between principles and feelings So a chaotic good character has their heart in the right place, and listens to it to guide them. Although chaotic neutral characters promote the ideals of freedom, it is their own freedom that comes first; good and evil come second to their need to be free. Someone who’s bored by moral debate is probably Neutral. A pragmatic anarchist living within an organized, lawful society could probably be anything from neutral to chaotic. The main difference is the concern for the law. True neutral characters feel that lawful neutral characters are too obsessed with established laws and customs to realize that they may be better able to support their own interests by advancing personal freedom as well as law and order. What are the personality traits for chaotic neutral . Neutral evil characters are the ultimate pragmatists. Nov 3, 2024 · Chaotic Neutral. They are not bound to typical notions of morality and do whatever is required to further their own aims. The next time you watch TV, pay attention to the character that plays by their own rules. My answer is, I think they generally are actually following a reasonable definition of Chaotic Neutral, so you don't need to change how you describe the alignment at all. I think for a lot of Chaotic Neutral player's this definition suits them the best. The roleplaying game community has long debated the exact definition of various alignments, and the concept of the alignment chart has entered the wider internet community. A wandering rogue who values personal freedom and acts primarily out of self-interest would be a typical Chaotic Neutral character. Neutral, and Evil. May 2, 2023 · Chaotic Neutral . How do you guys define Chaotic Neutral in terms of actions? Feb 16, 2024 · Roleplaying Chaotic Neutral Characters. Returning to Baldur’s Gate 3, Astarion begins the game as a Chaotic Neutral character. A wandering rogue who lives both by work for hire and petty theft, an eccentric mage who experiments with dangerous magic just to view the results, and a con-artist or hustler who plays all sides against the middle to further his own aims A chaotic neutral character follows his whims. [1] [note 1] These characters followed their whims on an individualistic accord. Dec 18, 2019 · In 3rd Edition druids could have any alignment which was at least one part Neutral i. If you have difficulty deciding which alignment a neutral-aligned character belongs to, the main difference between Lawful Neutral, True Neutral, and Chaotic Neutral is not their lack of devotion to either good or evil, but the methods they believe are best to show it: Mar 7, 2023 · Chaotic Neutral is one of the most interesting and hard to cover alignments because by definition, it is basically chaos incarnate. In the original Dungeons chaotic neutral is freedom my man, you're the lone wolf and your mind remains your own. Chaotic X don't care for the rules at all. He does what he wants and has motivations that guide him. Chaotic Evil vs Chaotic Neutral. the original, Moorcockian version, that was just Law <-> Neutral <-> Chaos worked better, where both "Law" and "Chaos" were overtly inimical to humanity and reality, and either winning was an apocalyptic scenario, with humanity attempting to balance the two and seek their own power and holding Jul 30, 2023 · Chaotic good? Neutral Evil? Lawful neutral? This is all so overwhelming. [1] These people often believed there was no order to anything, and used that as a guiding principle for Jan 14, 2022 · Chaotic Neutral Definition. Jun 12, 2020 · A chaotic neutral character’s actions are not necessarily neutral, but his good actions and his evil actions cancel each other out, resulting in a net neutral. But of course, as the definition mentions, it is a difficult alignment to play. Chaotic Evil A creature’s general moral and personal attitudes are represented by its alignment: lawful good, neutral good, chaotic good, lawful neutral, neutral, chaotic neutral, lawful evil, neutral evil, or chaotic evil. I'm an HP Lovecraft fan, so I'll add that a sleeping Cthulhu also counts as chaotic neutral, until it wakes up :) If you have difficulty deciding which alignment a good-aligned character belongs to, the main difference between Lawful Good, Neutral Good, and Chaotic Good is not their devotion to good, but the methods they believe are best to promote it: Jan 14, 2022 · Chaotic Evil VS Neutral Evil. Neutral Good Jan 23, 2013 · A chaotic-neutral alignment relies more on a character’s class than its race or other values; a human rogue will most likely have a chaotic-neutral nature, while a human Paladin will never be chaotic-neutral. Neutral. Hes the definition of chaotic neutral. In either case, their actions could be good or bad, but they won't necessarily be beneficial to the Chaotic Neutral person themself. People with this personality type are often seen as being unafraid of change and willing to take risks. All I am saying is that the Chaotic Evil the most self-centred and self-destructive one. Anything coming to mind yet on any particular bird species for some of these descriptions? We have some thoughts. Sometimes known as the "Asshole Alignment" or "True Evil". Chaotic Neutral: Chaotic neutral characters believe that there is no order to anything, including their own actions. But i suppose many of the alignment choices are subject to opinion, and this one interaction doesnt reflect all chaotic neutral interactions Chaotic Neutral, “Free Spirit” A chaotic neutral character follows his whims. , pickpocketing, lying, etc. Essentially you can do whatever you want, as long it is nonsensical or at least seems random. , The Dude in The Big Lebowski) lack conviction. What bothers neutral evil characters concerning chaotic evil characters, is their apparent lack of pragmatism and their utter unpredictability. Where they differ though, is that a Chaotic Neutral character will not rebel against law and order to further the cause of Good or Evil. I'm sure the concept has spread beyond Dungeons and Dragons, but Googling "lawful evil wiki" takes you to the article "Alignment (Dungeons and Dragons). Chaotic good characters will never consider the law in any of their decisions. True neutral characters (e. Chaotic evil (CE) creatures act with arbitrary violence, spurred by their greed, hatred, or bloodlust. Jun 29, 2016 · So any sort of scheming with a 2nd Edition Chaotic Neutral Character is out character. This alignment is often considered the most unpredictable and difficult to align with, as a chaotic neutral character may act in a manner that is completely random and unpredictable, or they may follow their own whims Mar 9, 2022 · Chaotic neutral is absent in 4e, and 5e says that chaotic neutral characters "follow their whims, holding their personal freedom above all else. \$\endgroup\$ Jan 16, 2025 · True neutral characters don’t feel strongly about any particular moral stance, and they’re not overly lawful or chaotic. [1] These people often believed there was no order to anything, and used that as a guiding principle for May 13, 2020 · Of all the Chaotic alignments in Dungeons & Dragons, Chaotic Neutral gets stereotyped as Chaotic Stupid the most. I can see how chaotic neutral could describe a little but I'd really not have to care about the individual(s) for it. He avoids authority, resents restrictions and challenges traditions. One of the nine alignments from the best-known Character Alignment system. Chaotic Neutral characters do whatever they want or feel is best without regard to a system. Chaotic Good characters are often considered Robin Hood-type heroes, Chaotic Evil characters are menaces to society, but Chaotic Neutral characters just cause mayhem for its own sake. Chaotic Neutral is a reminder to the world to question expectations of reality and tackle life from a new angle once and a while. The difference of a CN and NE is, that CN doesn't aim to do evil or isn't as selfish (NE being the most self-centered and goal oriented of evil characters) Like chaotic good, chaotic neutrals may interfere to fight, when freedom, especially their own, is at How I define Chaos vs Law is whether someone is in favour of the rights and freedoms of the individual, vs the collective responsibility to others or society as a whole. They see them as stifling and uncomfortable. Chaotic characters will understand that people have the right to choice and freedom. of mathematical chaos 3 adjective chaotic completely confused or disordered: a chaotic mass of books and papers. Jan 10, 2020 · Chaotic Neutral definition. Especially Chaotic Neutral and Chaotic Evil: Chaotic neutral (CN) creatures follow their whims, holding their personal freedom above all else. definition "A chaotic neutral character follows his whims. This alignment is often considered the most unpredictable and difficult to align with, as a chaotic neutral character may act in a manner that is completely random and unpredictable, or they may follow their own whims Chaotic Neutral, "Free Spirit" A chaotic neutral character follows his whims. He is an individualist first and last. The far-right square in the middle row is a really fun character. May 25, 2021 · Unfortunately, people misinterpreting the Chaotic Neutral alignment and using it to justify annoying behavior can be detrimental to other people's enjoyment of the game as a whole, even if the murder-happy playstyle can feel fun for the player in the moment. Chaotic Evil characters do the same to benefit themselves. But hes "played right" hes not chaotic stupid. Jan 7, 2020 · Neutral Good vs Chaotic Evil. Gygax's monster alignment chart from the “The Meaning of Law and Chas in Dungeons & Dragons and their Relationships to Good and Evil” in The Strategic Review. Apr 24, 2024 · Because of this, you likely won’t have the same freedoms that a Chaotic Good or Chaotic Neutral character might have (e. True Neutral vs. Lawful good A Chaotic Neutral person is either going to be an impulsive, somewhat thoughtless person, or a sort of dedicated anarchist who wants to tear down all hierarchical structures, good or bad. But that is where the similarities end. Hes sometimes malicius, sometimes kind. X Research source With that being said, D&D is an incredibly flexible game, and the details of your specific campaign are ultimately left up to your DM. Chaotic Evil Neutral Evil characters are content to take whichever path leads them to success, even if it means working as part of a group or with an established organization. If they happen to work within the law, it isn't because they made a decision to do so. Chaotic Neutral: Acts purely out of True neutral applies to items, objectives, or characters that aren’t good or evil, lawful or chaotic. You're probably not that funny and its going to annoy everyone. Chaotic Good vs. This. Mar 7, 2019 · This coordinate system of Good through Neutral to Evil along one axis, and Lawful through Neutral to Chaotic along the other, is actually pretty specific to gaming. The archetypal Chaotic Neutral from recent great fantasy literature remains Karsa Orlong. They often go against the status quo, which refers to society’s current social structure of values, and strive to fulfill their agenda—even if it means ruining their The chaotic neutral alignment was freedom from both society's restrictions and the zeal of morality. Dec 9, 2024 · Characters who are Chaotic Neutral are often described as “moving where the wind takes them. These terms define a character’s own internal moral compass. There are plenty of other Aug 24, 2023 · Chaotic Neutral characters are prevalent in various literature and media, often providing excitement, conflict, and a unique perspective that challenges conventional morality. Law measures a character's adherence to a specific moral You’re right in that it is perfectly possible for a chaotic neutral character to be compelling and not a shithead, but in virtually all of these situations, an actual three-dimensional character with interests and goals and flaws will have been created prior to the assignment of an alignment, which is probably the minority of all chaotic Jan 13, 2011 · Re: Define: Chaotic Neutral So lemme see if I have this straight. Imagine thinking protecting human rights and freedoms is the neutral choice. With this as a guiding principle, they tend to follow whatever whim strikes them at the moment. […] One might harness some of the reasons against the idea of Chaotic Good against Chaotic Neutral. Neutral Good, Lawful Neutral, True Neutral, Chaotic Neutral or Neutral Evil. He values his own liberty but doesn’t strive to protect others’ freedom. Order - considered "Lawful" in this example; doing what you're told by the hierarchy. Chaotic Good characters will use any means necessary and available to them to benefit the most people possible. They capture one and the rogue pokes it in the nose with her dagger and tells him to give some answers or get cut. Chaotic neutral means, numero uno comes first, and only numero uno. He is an individualist first Mar 1, 2024 · Definition: External collective rules and standards, combining legal requirements and ethical guidelines, that dictate acceptable behavior in society. Mar 8, 2021 · Again, Chaotic means that this character doesn’t follow a strict, predictable code. Lizardfolk, most druids, and many humans are neutral. Neutral - Do not care if the dog gets kicked or not. Chaotic Evil characters are especially troublesome to Neutral Evil ones because of their chaotic and unpredictable nature often ruining carefully-laid plans. A Neutral Good character and Chaotic Evil character sometimes agree that chaos is better for individuals than law and order. Chaotic neutral and true neutral characters have a similar moral outlook. Many rogues and bards are chaotic neutral. A chaotic neutral character does not intentionally disrupt organizations as part Jul 6, 2021 · Chaotic Neutral people see those who are Lawful Neutral as unnecessarily shackled to society and those who are True Neutral as afraid to be Chaotic. Dec 30, 2021 · Chaotic Good Definition. Jan 20, 2023 · Lawful good, neutral good, chaotic good, lawful neutral, true neutral, chaotic neutral, lawful evil, neutral evil, and chaotic evil. It may add a few minutes to the commute but I've found some new shops or ways around construction, I've also gotten lost and had it take and extra hour to get home once. Jan 28, 2024 · In later terms, these yet-to-be named alignments comprise the “Neutral alignments” of Neutral Good, Neutral Evil, Lawful Neutral, and Chaotic Neutral. tv/joshstrifehayesDiscord: https://discord. Devils Jan 7, 2025 · The Character Alignment system represents a character's perspective on good versus evil, law versus chaos, and neutrality, creating 9 alignments in total: lawful good, neutral good, chaotic good, lawful neutral, true neutral, chaotic neutral, lawful evil, neutral evil, and chaotic evil. " Chaotic neutral gets the biggest bad rap among all alignments, largely due to a long history of players using it to justify problematic and disruptive in-character behavior. Druids are traditionally neutral, as are typical townsfolk. Chaotic Neutral is sometimes considered the "purest" form of chaos, without bias in favor of good or evil. The very first thing Blackbeard did on his quest to become Pirate King was the definition of chaotic neutral: He lived as a no-name member of Whitebeard's fourth division with seemingly no aspirations, truly content to live out his life as he was unless the exact devil fruit he needed for his scheme just so happened to come across him. The chaotic neutral personality type is known for being independent, spontaneous, and unpredictable. They avoided authority, shook off societal restraints and challenged the status quo throughout their lives. Feb 6, 2020 · Discover more about True Neutral in my article. For a Chaotic Evil character, when society is run Chaotically they have more freedom to spread Evil. Chaotic neutral (CN) creatures follow their whims, holding their personal freedom above all else. Chaotic evil is evil unbound, uncontrollable emotions. He’ll steal from the homeless encampment today and feed the homeless encampment tomorrow. " Chaotic neutral is more selfish, similar to neutral evil, where both get what they want. Their actions arise from whims, prioritizing autonomy over orderly constraints or moralistic boundaries. Chaotic Neutral. You have no concrete boundaries as to what is actually “good” or “bad”, but you act in accordance with your personal definition of “good” literally 100% of the time. Chaotic neutral doesn't mean silly little guy. Many evil characters oppose one another due to the competition between these goals, and this relationship is no exception. A chaotic neutral character is someone who follows their own whims and desires. A chaotic neutral character follows his whims. The IDRlabs Moral Alignment Test was developed by IDRlabs. He sometimes just acts out of selfish reasons and not only out of the good of his heart. Using my hawk companion to drop alchemist's fire onto the dwarf's building knowing he's likely to run away because he's already said he doesn't have magic items or scrolls is chaotic, but neutral. As long as the end result is good, the means are morally irrelevant — especially if any harm caused is caused to those unworthy of good treatment. Demons, red dragons, and orcs are adjective chaotic in a state of chaos; in a completely confused or disordered condition 3 adjective chaotic of or having to do with the theories, dynamics, etc. Lawful Good vs. Since neutral good characters see no inherent worth in laws, other than how well they provide for the common good, they may disagree with lawful good characters on a number of issues. They follow their own path while eschewing laws, rules, traditions, and norms of society around them. Many barbarians and rogues, and some bards, are If you have difficulty deciding which alignment a neutral-aligned character belongs to, the main difference between Lawful Neutral, True Neutral, and Chaotic Neutral is not their lack of devotion to either good or evil, but the methods they believe are best to show it: The lawful neutral character does not consider morality when applying laws, only the effectiveness of the law to keep society stable. Never cross it entirely. They can add an element of surprise and spontaneity to the game, making for exciting and Aug 13, 2024 · Neutral (N) Neutral is the alignment of those who prefer to avoid moral questions and don’t take sides, doing what seems best at the time. ” Rakish scoundrels, roving gamblers, and a few anti-heroes would fall under this banner. Choosing an alignment can be a helpful starting point to guide your roleplaying and character's decision-making process. For example, Gengar from “Pokémon” only fends for itself, instilling fear in people and Pokémon whenever it so desires. That being said, a chaotic neutral character isn't free from consequences. I’d like to think that the neutral good description from Baldur’s Gate 1 conveys my meaning, “These characters believe that a balance of forces is important but that the concerns of law and chaos do not moderate the need for good. [4] [5]The original version of D&D (1974) allowed players to choose among three alignments when creating a character: lawful, implying honor and respect for society's rules; chaotic, implying rebelliousness and individualism; and neutral, seeking a balance Sep 14, 2021 · Playing a chaotic neutral character doesn’t mean rebelling against every “lawful” thing just to rebel, and it doesn’t mean always acting in pure self-interest. Neutral Good. Fuck society and rules and doing it their way but I have this insane sense of justice and morality that I can't ignore enough to be chaotic neutral. Like Chaotic Good characters, they don’t care for laws, restrictions, or any government. Jan 2, 2025 · The Chaotic Neutral wills the destruction of instances of universal order, but is not motivated by sadism in doing so. They are an individualist who values their own freedom above all else. In truth, Chaotic Neutral means something different than what many people think. However, unlike Chaotic Good characters, they focus primarily on their own well-being before concerning themselves with the needs of others. Neutral can be a dangerous alignment when it represents apathy, indifference, and a lack of conviction. Good and evil are irrelevant when making a decision. This is the literal definition of chaotic neutral. Chaotic neutral characters follow their whims. They revel in spontaneity, navigating opportunities while shying from external demands. These continuum positions combine to create nine different moral positions: Strict code of conduct, no respect for rules or others…. True neutral would be either balanced or eclectic morality, but that doesn't imply apathy to me. Chaotic people generally do not set laws for themselves. Or that a Chaotic Good character that just wants justice, and to hell with laws and other opinions, is evil since he wants to do what he views as good is an evil act. He values his own liberty but doesn't strive to protect others' freedom. It's kind of hard as well to really define what a chaotic neutral character believes. Though the moral alignments used in this test (Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, Lawful Neutral, True Neutral, Chaotic Neutral, Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil, and Chaotic Evil) originated with the Dungeons and Dragons Roleplaying Game, this test is not affiliated with D&D or any of its copyright or trademark holders. Basically, it is the shape of their Jack Sparrow I would put more as drifting between chaotic good and chaotic neutral. Chaotic neutral on the other hand has an aversion to laws, traditions, norms and oaths. Chaotic Neutral characters are very self-serving. I'm partial to taking new routes to work. Even if things change to suit them, stagnancy bores them. Neutral Evil vs. Most people are putting chaotic neutral as their moral alignment in the new trend, but do you even understand what does that mean? While good/neutral/evil is pretty self explanatory, lawful/neutral/chaotic stands for the way you follow rules and social rules. Interesting that choice is chaotic neutral. Neutral good characters will always attempt to work within the law, but sometimes recognize the need to disobey laws for the greater good. <br /><br /> Alignment is a tool for developing your character’s identity—it is not a straitjacket for restricting your character. Lower case c chaotic people don't care for laws and organizations much, upper case actively dislike them. Apr 28, 2024 · Neutral Evil vs. When he’s first encountered in the game, he’s free for the first The chaotic neutral alignment was freedom from both society's restrictions and the zeal of morality. gg/joshstrifehayesTwitter: https://www. They resist strict rules and moral constraints, valuing their freedom above all. The rules for alignment vary considerably between editions of the game's rules. (CN) creatures follow their whims, holding their personal freedom above all else. Alignment is a rule in Dungeons & Dragons which describes a character or creature's moral and ethical outlook. They consider the Good alignments to be bold if a little strange, and the Evil alignments as having ambitious goals but unreasonable methods. twitch. Examples: Dr. Chaos - doing as you please, "bucking the system", working outside the hierarchy. The chaotic neutral character never fits in anywhere. Sounds very democratic and lawful to me. A chaotic neutral character does not intentionally disrupt organizations as part of a Apr 22, 2024 · Chaotic Neutral characters strive for absolute freedom and individuality. God is chaotic. (N) is the alignment of those who prefer to steer clear of moral questions and don’t take sides, doing what seems best at the time. Reason: The vast complexity of the universe, quantum mechanics, fractals, etc. When deciding on a race, your character has most available options. Chaotic Neutral is freedom from both society's restrictions and a do-gooder's zeal. Lawful neutral and chaotic neutral characters can be wildly passionate about law and chaos respectively regardless of good and evil moralism. From 30 to 70 they're neutral, 70-95 chaotic 95-99 Chaotic and 100 CHAOTIC. Party is investigating where kidnapping and raiding kobolds come from. Jan 4, 2023 · Chaotic Neutral is an alignment that represents a character who is neutral with respect to law and chaotic in their decisions. Most neutral characters exhibit a lack of conviction or bias rather than a commitment to neutrality. D&D co-creator Gary Gygax credited the inspiration for the alignment system to the fantasy stories of Michael Moorcock and Poul Anderson. Jun 12, 2021 · Neutral fills the void between the extremes. A chaotic neutral character does not intentionally disrupt organizations as part of a campaign of anarchy. A true neutral would be someone who sees that good/evil/law/chaos all have their own merits and flaws, and actively seeks to achieve a healthy balance between them. They will embrace any cause, no matter how vile, which furthers their goals, usually the attainment of wealth and power. patreon. Neutral in this scheme can be one of two versions: Neutral, those who have no interest in (or no ability to care about) the choice between Good and Evil or Law and Chaos; or "True Neutral", meaning those who not only actively remain neutral but believe it is necessary to enforce the balance of the world on others, and would act in any required May 23, 2016 · Lizardfolk, most druids, and many humans are neutral.