Cost of tomato production per hectare. 44%), transportation (11.
Cost of tomato production per hectare 82 per hectare. 44%), transportation (11. Yield of tomato per acre: The average tomato yield in Kenya is approximately 20 to 25 tonnes per hectare, which translates to 8 to 10 tonnes per acre Download Table | Average Output per Hectare of Tomato Production in 52kg Crates from publication: Cost Revenue Analysis of Tomato Production in Talensi Nabdam District of Upper East Region, Ghana Apr 25, 2018 · In the case of tomatoes, year-round tomato yields under shade houses can reach 250 to 300 tons per hectare while the yields in open-field production are only around 40 tons per hectare [67]. 3 $ ha −1. Sep 1, 2021 · The overall average cost for production of potato, tomato, and cabbage were 23,699 birr ($641), 21,832 birr ($590), 17,048 ($461) per hectare respectively. 08 which showed the profitability of crop. 87617. Results showed that unit production cost of Download scientific diagram | Cost Concepts for Tomato Production per Hectare in Study Area (N /ha) from publication: COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS OF TOMATO PRODUCTION AMONG SMALL-SCALE FARMERS IN KANO Mar 1, 2008 · As we can see from Table 5, non-family (casual) labour costs per hectare were highest in the large farms and family labour highest on small farms. An average per acre marketing cost of 30457. 5. Large . This is about 25-30 tonnes per hectare. 83 per hectare • Processing tomato production has increased from 56k mt in 2010 to 120k mt in 2021 • Tomato increase driven largely by yield as planted hectares remain relatively stable since 2013 • Yields increased from ~100mt per hectare in 2010 to 130mt in 2021 • No data provided for tomato raw material price 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 100 200 300 The Net profit per kg in production of tomato was Rs. The results of the study revealed that the overall cost of cultivation was found to be Rs. 98 per hectare, and overhead costs related to fees, utilities, routine maintenance, and machine insurance average €318. 50. 31% renewable energy, and 35. The return per rupee investment was found to be 1. 8 megalitres per hectare). nofavt. The average price for potato, tomato, and cabbage at farm gate were 451 birr ($12), 521 birr ($14) and 288 Birr ($8) per 100kg, respectively. An overall yield per hectare of tomato came to 245. 5) the average cost of production, output per acre and return per acre. February 2017 production cost per quintal of tomato was computed to be Rs. Total production cost per decare was 830. 25. The production costs in the first year are indicated in the table below. Apr 6, 2023 · In this response, we will provide a comprehensive analysis of tomato farming profitability per acre in Kenya, considering factors such as yield, production costs, market prices, and risks. 17 and €441. Overall on an average the cost of production per quintal of tomato was observed as Rs. 580 in TA 2, TM 2 and TA 1 The product price was 0. Figure 2 below shows South Africa’s total production of tomatoes from 2010 to 2019. /acre) At Farm Gate (With Land Rent) Mar 1, 2008 · A total of 408 kg of chemical fertilizers and 15. 9 million tons harvested, estimates a 9. 08 per cent while Cost-B was 95. 55 per hectare. Tomato seeds are the most important in your Table 18 Average cost of production per tonne, selected vegetables, Australia, 2015–16 to 2017–18 (6. 89 percent. Manure: The soil in sub-Saharan Africa is not rich in nutrients. ional studies to data from the largest commercial tomato producer in South Africa. 61 quintals. 14 on an overall basis. 52 lb per plant per season. 50,000 for land preparation. 1 Avg. 50). 80 per pound, your seed cost is $16 (the seed quantity multiplied by its price). The cost of growing tomatoes varies greatly base on * Types of tomatoes being grown * Methods of staking * Fertilizing and cost of Total Cost: 86071 : Yield (qtl/ha) - Main Product: 45. Pests Dec 12, 2023 · The study on tomato production costs in Extremadura, based on this year's data of 1. tomatoes. 101700. 61% of available tomatoes, the level of production as well as low productivity in Nigeria. Average cost of production of tomato was worked out in Rs/q Apr 29, 2020 · This document contains brief information about the average costs and returns of tomato production in the six (6) covered provinces of the 2017 SCR Tomato. 222. 55), medium farms (` 42155. 4 million tonnes, much lower than the forecast of 2. cost concept of Cost-A,Cost-B andCost-C were used to analyze the data. Costs for fertilizer, pesticides, irrigation water, and hired labor can be determined the same way. Depending on the period when inputs were purchased, the direct cost for maize for the 2021/22 production season can increase by more than 32%. 14974. Cost & Income Analysis 7. Cost and Returns for Lowland Vegetable Trading in CALABARZON Table 50. 85 euros, taking into account the average yield of this year, which has been 86,570 Average cost of cassava production per hectare Average cost of Sri Kanji 1 cassava production per hectare (NurulNahar and Tan, 2012 Yield, value of output and cost of production per quintal of tomato Table 2: shows the yield, value of output per hectare, and cost of production per quintal of tomato on the sample farms. 83 per hectare, output of 1,716kg per hectare, gross The yield, value of output per hectare and cost of production per quintal of tomato on the sampled farms have been worked out in table 2. NOTE: Feasibility report on Tomato production is available on request. 19%) compared with its Mar 1, 2015 · The authors compared detailed tomato production costs from six international studies to data from the largest commercial tomato producer in South Africa. Cost C 3 = Cost C 2 +10 per cent of Cost C 2 on Direct labor costs are €578. There have been some studies regarding tomato production, their challenges and efficiency in Malawi. Philippines - Survey on Costs and Returns of Tomato Production 2017 5 Sampling Sampling Procedure The top fifteen (15) tomato producing barangays in the province served as the sampling frame. 16. Range analyses of spinach production costs and returns Part A. (Rs/qt) Farm size Oct 24, 2022 · Quantity of tomatoes per hectare in medium-technology greenhouses: between 200 and 250 tonnes. Also, during the dry season, provision of irrigation facilities may be required to facilitate increase in yield. 332. shilling. Download scientific diagram | Share of different cost items for tomato production per hectare in open field from publication: Assessmentof tomato consumption and demand in Nepal | p>Tomato is also The primary energy sources used in tomato production include 29% direct energy, 17. Dec 9, 2023 · The average yield of tomatoes is 250 to 400 quintals per hectare. Medium . Introduction: Background, Some Common Varieties and Optimal Ecological Requirements 2. In the overall total variable cost of tomato was found 88. 32% increase from the previous campaign. This justified that tomato production techniques were labor-intensive and should use capital more technically efficient way and also there was high variability in Sep 13, 2021 · At a price of ksh80 per kg, this results in a gross revenue of ksh2,880,000 per year. 5% compared to the previous year when it was estimated at 11,448 euros. 727, 0. 6 illustrates scenarios which Note: Yield per hectare will depend on the agro-ecological zones. 05% indirect energy, 18. 4191. 42 1085. The per quintal cost of production in tomato was Rs. Cost of tomato production per hectare Insights from Winpat AgrochemAre you considering starting a tomato farming business in Zimbabwe? Do you want to know the costs involved and the potential pro Dec 9, 2023 · Cost of seed treatment for Tomato production: Seed treatment is done with thiram @ 3g/ kg seed or metalaxyl @ 3 g/ kg seed to control soil and seed borne plant pathogens and Imidacloprid @ 5 g/ kg seed to control the sucking pests. Net return over The product price was 0. "So, the cost to grow a ton of tomato will rise during the next campaign to 144. 85 euros for the next campaign, representing a 4. Cost C 1 1 = Cost B + Imputed value of family labour. 23 lb of tomatoes per plant, harvested 3 times a week for 8 weeks, which equals approximately 5. 2, 16,266. 153926/ha and Rs. 43 Return on Investment (ROI), (NR/Initial Investment) 228% Payback Period (FA/NR) 1 cropping production by the producer. 92 per hectare, while plant protection products are expected to cost around €918. Summary of Lowland Vegetables Cost and Returns per Cropping cycle per hectare Table 49. 35. Figure 1. Whereas input-output On an average the cost of cultivation per hectare of tomato was found Rs. acquire some inputs, it cannot be generalised and therefore, direct cost per hectare and respective gross margins will differ substantially. Pesticides include various types of insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, acaricides and nematicides. The average CE in other groups of tomato production were 0. Time of Planting: Tomatoes can be grown anytime throughout the year in frost free areas. 73 On an average per acre spent a total cost of production of Rs. These were identified by the Provincial Statistics Offices (PSOs) using the available information on tomato production. 6 % of total cost) 16000 Rs. Title: Tomato. 00 was the net profit per acre. 63% non-renewable energy. Oct 4, 2023 · The per hectare cost of cultivation was worked out to be Rs. Therefore, expect to incur around Ksh. 79 28 Per qtl. Yield in the Northern part of the country can be up to 20 tonnes per hectare. Why Tomato Are Prices So High? Tomato prices are skyrocketing as a result of the recent event in South Africa, which saw heavy rainfall in the majority of the country’s tomato production regions, resulting in a tomato shortage. Landed cost in GH¢ (ex rate 1. The ranking of barangays was based The arithmetic mean was used to find the average cost of production, output per acre and return per acre. Generally, require about 150 grams per hectare to achieve a plant population of 20 000 plants. Harvest 5. Tomatoes and onions also had 3. per quintal. 102099. 709 and 0. EU tomato market – trade in processed products Jan 9, 2023 · How Much Does It Cost To Plant Tomatoes? The cost to plant tomatoes in Zimbabwe is estimated to be about ZW$3,220,000 for a hectare. 5 tons per hectare (a similar figure to the “achievable yield” of 15 tons per hectare suggested by SRID, as quoted in ISODEC, 2004). Yield 5 10 Cost of Land Prep Weighted Average Cost of Production No. Download Cost efficiency (economic efficiency) of summer tomato production: The average cost efficiency in pooled data of tomato production was about 0. 67% of total cost) 9 Total production and marketing cost 209400 137000 Source- Primary survey Table 1. Figure 3. harvests vary in table and paste tomato production. Small . Seeds and seedlings are budgeted at €905. Costs per acre to produce spinach Table 2. 71) followed by large farms (`47256. It was suggested that farmers should take tomato cultivation with a business and market-oriented The cost of tomato production per hectare for the small scale farmers is greater than that of the medium farmers which is also greater than that of that of the larger farmers group in the study Apr 7, 2015 · The arithmetic mean was used to find the average cost of production, output per acre and return per acre. Percent Distribution by Type of Cost (Average per hectare) LUZON visayas mindanao Summary of Cost and Returns per hectare of Lowland Vegetables Table 48. There is a misconception Table 1: Required temperature ranges per development stage for optimum tomato production. Returns per On an average cost of cultivation per hectare of tomato was found to be Rs. If low-yielding farmers could increase their yields to 15 tons per hectare, domestic production would outstrip consumption (including current fresh tomato imports). 90 $, Gross Jan 14, 2023 · The analysis looks at the costs and benefits of tomato production on 1 acre of land in Uganda; Production Costs: Land rent per season per acre: 120,000 Ugx; Table 1. In Spain, for example, around 5 billion kilos of tomatoes are grown annually in an area of around 60,000 hectares. Jul 31, 2020 · The mean yield of tomato is 26 to n per hectare. 60. This indicates that the average yield per hectare of tomato was 466. 96%), picking/harvesting charges (15. The per acre average yield of tomato on conventional irrigation method (44. Jul 4, 2022 · Production costs are driven by labor (South African tomatoes are picked manually) and by inputs, like fertilizer, chemical, and transport costs which are becoming close to untenable for producers. Quantity of tomatoes per hectare in high-tech greenhouses: between 250 and 600 tonnes. The estimated amount includes the price for irrigation, power, and manpower. production costs per hectare doubled Oct 21, 2024 · Consequently, yields on the 41,500 hectares planted were at the lowest levels in the last ten years at under 60 tonnes per hectare. COST FOR THE 2023/2024 SEASON How much is it going to cost to plant a hectare in the 2023/2024 production year? Central and Western Highveld production regions In Table 1, the cost for maize, sunflower and soybeans for the Central and Western Highveld production regions is shown for the different yields. Excellent cultivation techniques and hybrid varieties can produce an average yield of 750 to 800 quintals per hectare of land. The output-input ratio was 1. Production Costs Would-be tomato farmers are advised to start small. Generally tomatoes should be stored at 12°C and 86% to 90% relative humidity. 25,000 to Ksh. Cost Per Acre to Produce Processing Tomatoes (Drip) 12 Table 2. How Many Boxes Of Tomatoes Make A Hectare? 12,000 boxes of tomatoes make a hectare. In subsequent years, production per acre comes down to an average of 25 kilograms per tree annually yielding 30,000 kilograms with an annual income of ksh2,400,000. ) Tomato: 61000: 50: 39000 (@ Rs. org or contact Jen Miller, (802) 434-4122, jen@nofavt. Lower altitudes The specific objectives were to: determine the socio-economic characteristics of tomato farmers; analyze the cost, returns and profitability of tomato production, evaluate factors influencing To learn more, download our cost of production workbook, or request technical assistance in calculating your own cost of production, visit www. We compared detailed tomato production costs from six interna. Vertical farming, which makes better use of space, can even push yields to over 100 kg per square meter (1,000 tons per hectare, 400 tons per acre, or 800,000 lbs per acre). What Is The Average Yield Of Tomatoes Per Acre? Up to 30 tons of fresh tomatoes can be produced on average from an acre of tomato plants. Feb 29, 2024 · Skilled greenhouse growers can produce around 40 kg per square meter (400 tons per hectare, 160 tons per acre, or 320,000 lbs per acre). 728. 84. 34 per cent. The main conclusions of the study showed that the cost of production per quintal of tomatoes and the cost of cultivation per hectare were both Rs. Use of hired human labour in organic The yield, value of output per hectare and cost of production per quintal of tomato on the sample farms have been worked out in table 2. 43 net profit was Rs. 03 tonnes) was comparatively lower Drip irrigation, conventional irrigation, cost of cultivation of tomato Dec 11, 2023 · The study estimates 12,540 euros of production cost per hectare of tomato, which represents an increase of 9. The study shows that per hectare average gross returns and net benefit were ₹ 65239. 99 per hectare, respectively. Physical inputs used in organic and inorganic tomato production : Per ha physical inputs used in organic and inorganic tomato production were estimated and presented in Table 1a and b. Cost and profit analysis of Tomato farming/tomato farming project report/economics of tomato cultivation Crop: Cost of cultivation: Yield (MT/ha) Net income (Rs. 02, High Value Crops Development Program. org. Costs per acre and per carton at varying yields Part B. 91: Source: Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Wellfare, Jan 29, 2025 · Prices for tomatoes and other fruit and vegetables – information on prices per month on the Agri-food data portal. The cost to grow a ton of tomato will rise to 144. Tomato farming in high-tech greenhouse to be 169. 67892. Conversely, pesticide costs had the higher share (10. The present study entitled “Cost of cultivation of potato in Sabarkantha district of Gujarat state” was undertaken to calculate the cost of production of potato based on data collected from Sep 16, 2023 · The gross return, return over variable cost and net return per hectare were Rs. 14 $ per kg. A total of Rs. Last updated : 03-06-2024, 10:05 AM Website Policies; Terms & Conditions; Sitemap; Feedback Other factors of production included labor, oxen, and tractors, which were used on average 20 labor days per hectare, 7. Returns per acre above cash operating costs Part C. 90 $, Gross Jan 9, 2023 · How Much Does 1kg Of Tomatoes Cost? In South Africa, 1Kg of tomato costs Rs 17. % of Usage (Weights) Source: Crop Reporting Service, Agriculture Deptt, Punjab Cost of Water 7 Cost of Other Exp. Cost C 2 = Cost B 2 + Imputed value of family labour. These are used during various stages of tomato cultivation. 74, Therefore the net farm profit for tomato and pepper per hectare was N70,122. Costs and Returns per Acre to Produce Processing Tomatoes (Drip) 14 Table 3. Cost of production per quintal of these vegetables shows decreasing trend with increase in farm size where as cost of cultivation increases with increase in the farm size. 643. A custom operator mechanically harvests the tomatoes in this study. Hired Human Labour . Hauling from the field to the cannery is arranged and paid by the canner. 96 with input-output ratio 1:2. Direct labor costs are €578. 26309. . 95 tractor days per hectare. 41 and Cost-B was Rs 158594. Table 2: Distribution of Tomato Production Cost per Hectare in the Study Area Particulars Small Medium Large Sample Average (A) Variable cost charges Hired Human Labour 14974. Monthly Cash Costs per Acre to Produce Processing Tomatoes (Drip) 16 Table 4. Estimated return to the grower is $2 per pound. 15 quintals of the sampled farms. 686. 16 per hectare and return per Cedi invested was found to be 0. For an expected yield of 15 tonnes per hectare of open field tomato production, 35kg of nitrogen, 9kg of phosphorus and 55kg of potassium have to be applied to the crop. Tomato yield is 30,360 pounds per acre, based on 0. Nov 12, 2021 · PRODUCTION GUIDELINES FOR 1 HECTARE OF TOMATOES . The final production should be close to 2. Sep 6, 2020 · The yield, value of output per hectare and cost of production per quintal of tomato on the sampled farms have been worked out in Table 2. Developmental Stage Temperatures (˚C) Minimum Optimum Maximum Germination 11 16 - 29 34 Vegetative Growth 18 21 - 24 32 Fruit set – night 10 14 - 17 20 - day 18 19 - 24 30 Red Colouring 10 20 - 24 30 Yellow Colouring 10 21 - 32 40 -equivalents of greenhouse gas was emitted per hectare of tomato production in Ghana. Over 30% of the growers custom harvest their crop. On the other hand, fertilizer cost had a small share (4. The overall yield per hectare of tomato on the sample farms was 118. 707. Table 3 : Cost and return of tomato under different sample farms. tomato Per hectare item wise expenditure in kharif tomato production was estimated and is presented in Table 2. 169814/ha for drip and conventional irrigation systems respectively. 158678 which was the highest on large farms and the lowest on marginal farms by on an average Though okra production in Nigeria recorded an increase from 6 tons per hectare in 2003 to 8 tons per hectare in 2013 (Adedeji, 2004;Egwu et al. 50 rupees. Total production costs, including variable and fixed costs, vary with altitude, affecting the cost of production per kilogram and net income. 29 Rs. 305701. 29 indicating the profitable cultivation of tomato. 39 The per quintal cost of Jun 1, 2019 · The product price was 0. ) 606. Mar 3, 2024 · Table 2 presents pre-production, fixed and operating costs of tomato production. Jan 1, 2018 · The overall average cost of cultivation was estimated ` 82560. SCAN ME . 19 per cent respectively. Cost of Pesticides per acre. The share of Cost-A was 70. KEYWORDS : Tomato, Net profit, Cost-C, Gross returns The tomato producing countries with the highest yields per hectare are the United Kingdom (UK), Netherlands, Belgium and Sweden. Ranging Analysis 18 Table 5. 489. 2/kg) 2 - 30/kg conomic factors that influence the sustainability of open field tomato production. 569528. 28, 412210. 90 $, Gross Apr 29, 2020 · The last Survey on Costs and Returns of Tomato Production was done in 1998. Cost of Harvesting Tomato, 2022-23 Avg. ) (at the lowest price) Market price range (Rs. 50) GH¢ 1,991 Source: King Food International, China The tables above indicate that the key cost drivers for tomato paste production are cost of fresh tomatoes, water, and fuel. The Environmental Impact Quotient (EIQ) was use. Storage The post-harvest storage conditions of tomatoes are dictated by the stage of ripeness. The net loss in the tomato value chain is mainly attributed to the lower than expected beneficiaries’ yields and higher production costs due to commercial inputs. ` 1,650 per quintal for tomato. Standard tomato boxes in Zambia typically weigh around 25 kg. cost of main produce at Cost C3 (Rs. Jun 26, 2019 · Table 2: Distribution of Tomato Production Cost per Hectare in the Study Area. The mean output price of t omato is almost 976 T shilling, but with enormous differenc es showed by the standard deviation of 2064 T. Aug 25, 2022 · The results indicated that the average total cost of cultivation per hectare of onion farms was Rs. ) 167. Cultural Practices 1- 9 4. Cost Mar 21, 2019 · For an expected yield of 25 tonnes per hectare of tomato cultivation in the open field, 40kg of nitrogen, 32kg of phosphorus and 70kg of potassium have to be applied to the crop. 42 Rs. The table 2 indicates per hectare cost on various input factors in tomato cultivation. An increase in operating cost by 5% changed the NPV from 16,300 to 15,100 USD per hectare at the discount rate of 10 and 12% to NPV of 11,400 and 9400 USD per hectare respectively. The median value of cost per year is mentioned in the table. The per quintal cost of production, on an overall, is worked out as Rs. 75 as labor cost. 78 per hectare. This indicates that the average yield per hectare of tomato was 127. 79 per hectare and net income was # 88993. 12 181670. The result revealed that per hectare total cost with regards to kharif tomato was Rs 166340. 71. Loans to tomato farmers were provided with the expectation that investments would lead to yields of 80MT per hectare at the recommended level of input use. The production costs and returns data generated from the 1998 survey were rather old and may no longer be reflective of the current situation. To match costs of imported Chinese tomato concentrate, processors in Ghana need to be able to source fresh tomatoes at no more than GH¢ Feb 27, 2018 · Per Acre Yields On average, one acre of tomatoes will produce more than 10 tons Minimum of 5,000 tomato plants are required to meet this number. Post-Training Evaluation tomato production : Per hectare costs and returns from organic and inorganic tomato production were calculated as follows. • To provide basic information on production, post-harvest handling, and marketing of Tomato Contents: 1. 72, and 263827. (2013) investigated productivity gains and cost saving of tomato production in Balaka district. The results revealed that tomato farmers incurred an average per hectare cost of Rs 19780. per hectare. 61 (6. 61 Fertilizer costs have averaged €1,132. Therefore, the cost of pesticides in 1 acre tomato farming comes to Rs 3500. average production costs of The highest profitability index, benefit-cost ratio (both variable and total cost basis), and rate of return on investment were also found from brinjal cultivation and the lowest from Jan 3, 2025 · On average, the total operating costs of tomato farming can range from $30,000 to $150,000 per acre annually, depending on whether the farm utilizes traditional soil-based methods or more advanced hydroponic systems like those used by Tomato Harvest Innovations. 69 oxen days per hectare, and 2. When we considered the activities that generated greenhouse gases, fertiliser application ranks the first with a share of 97%. Cost A 2 1 = Cost A + Rent paid for leased in land Cost B 1 = Cost A 2 + Interest on fixed capital @ 10 per cent Cost B 2 = Cost B 1 + Rental value of land. 5 kg of pesticides are used per hectare in paste tomato production in the Bursa region of Turkey. Cost per Operation/ Unit (Rs. Gross return from tomato production under protected field condition was ` 8,66,250 per hectare. If you use 20 pounds of fresh tomato seed an acre at $0. Cost of tomatoes seedling per acre. Jan 8, 2023 · The varieties of tomatoes in Ghana include Grape tomato, Red Beefsteak tomato, Cherry tomato, Cocktail tomato, Roma tomato, and Sauce tomato. Costs and returns per acre to produce spinach Table 3. 8 million tonnes. /per acre (11. 74) and small farms (` 42010. Monthly cash costs per acre to produce spinach Table 4. It highlights the inter-provincial comparisons of the total costs and gross returns per hectare as well as the net returns and net profit-cost ratios across the covered provinces. Previous studies covered resource use efficiency of tomato production in Kogi State generally and others focused on technical efficiency of tomato farming, the cost and returns analysis of tomato production in Ankpa Local Government Area of Kogi of Nov 7, 2024 · A hectare of tomatoes can yield between 20 to 30 tons (20,000 to 30,000 kg) under optimal conditions. Total cost of production and marketing is dividing The per hectare cost of cultivation of summer tomato on the sample farms during 2015-16 has been estimated and the same is represented in Table 1. Sample . 5% increase in production cost per hectare of tomato compared to the previous year. Prices for fresh tomatoes and other fruit and vegetables for up to three stages of the value chain (farmgate, ex packaging station, retail buying) EU trade of fresh tomatoes. 29 $ kg-1, the unit cost was 0. 91 Calculations on the cost of cultivation of tomato per hectare with a drip irrigation system were presented in the table 2. 62 in which share of cost A and cost B was 54. Post-Harvest Handling 6. 89. It was revealed that gross return from tomato production under open field condition was ` 1,81,500 per hectare. Cost Factors in Tomato Production Product costs vary in considerably based on soil Mar 6, 2024 · Cost of Cultivation / Production and Related Data 2020-21 259 KB. It can be seen from the table that on an average, the cost of cultivation of tomato per hectare was highest on marginal farms (` 50316. Tabular analysis was heavily employed to achieve the study's numerous goals. The production cost per quintal of tomato was computed to be Rs. Pre-Cultivation Preparation 1 –5 3. Table 1. Top Vegetable (Primary) Producing Countries, 2019 Table 51. It contains the most recently available and locally adaptable technical information on Tomato Production in Region 02. Some farmers in Nigeria do well above this yield per hectare. Two thirds of farmers have yields less than 10 tons per hectare In our own farmer survey, almost two-thirds of farmers had yields of less than 10 tons per hectare, with about one fifth achieving yields of over 20 tons per hectare (and just 5 percent achieving yields greater than 25 tons/ha) and one third with yields less than 5 tons per hectare 27 Yield per hectare (Rs. , 2013), the growth rate declined tremendously from yields of around 17. 89 while Cost-A was Rs 116581. Tomato production was found to be profitable with a profit of GH¢ 284. 26576. Aug 11, 2020 · On an average its costs the farmer Rs 6000 in 1 acre tomato cultivation. 65 on tomato capital input used, and an average per acre marketing cost was Rs. These costs are an example – it can Tomato Production Guide This Publication is a project of the Department of Agriculture, Regional Field Office No. 1 explains the Cost comparison of tomato production in Poly house and Open field Farm. The farm uses a drip irrigation system with a total installation cost of $30,000 or $1,500 per acre. Seed requirements: Depends on the variety, among other factors. Therefore, a hectare could produce roughly 800 to 1,200 boxes of tomatoes, assuming ideal growing conditions and effective management practices. Average (A) Variable cost . 15 $ da-1 and the regional tomato producer made a net profit of 0. Aug 3, 2023 · The production cost of tomato farming varies widely and relies on numerous factors, including and not limited to location, availability of labour and inputs, experience and expertise. 13. Among the Oct 18, 2020 · Results show that the total production cost per hectare for mixture of tomato and pepper to be N67,131. Which Is The Best Tomato Variety In Zambia? The best tomato variety to grow in Zambia is the hybrid variety that has rich genes and has been treated against pests and diseases. 72 per cent and 82. (2015) studied competitive advantage in the production of tomato in Malawi and Mozambique while Mapemba et al. Top Pumpkins, Squash, and Gourds Producing Countries, 2019 Jun 9, 2023 · How Much Does It Cost To Grow Tomatoes In Zambia? The cost to grow tomatoes in Zambia for a 100 x 100 m farmland is approximately K35, 300. 14 of which major contributors were rental value of land (24. The results revealed that per hectare gross returns fromKharif tomato was found to be Rs. The return on investment was 2. (18. 12 percent, the overall total cost of production of tomato was found to be 333. 279 Pesewa. Among the three main components of greenhouse gases, CO 2, CH 4 and N 2 O, N 2 O accounted for the highest value followed by CO 2. 16; that Total Expenses (TE) per 4-month cycle 217,775 Net Returns (NR) per 4-month cycle 1,182,225 Fixed Asset (FA) investment 328,990 Working Capital (WC)2 190,544 Initial Investment (FA+WC) 519,534 Cost of Production per kg 6. 55 and 2. 1%) of total production costs with a value of 142. A hectare of trellised tomatoes can cost upwards of R450,000 (26,700 euros) per hectare. Fixed costs, which vary based on the type of farm, its history, and initial investments, are estimated at €1,813. Jan 9, 2022 · Kambhar (2000) studied the input use, to assess per hectare cost and returns, to examine the marketing costs, market margins and price spread of rabi onion and recognize the issues faced by the farmers in production and marketing of rabi onion in Pune region. There may be 6 to 16 harvests for table tomato whereas the number of harvests for paste tomato var-ies in general between 2 and 4 and the maximum num-ber is 5 to 6 (Figure 2). To address this concern, the PSA conducted the 2017 Survey on Costs and Returns of Tomato Production. 4. Mango et al. Among four groups, the highest average CE score was observed in TM 1 with the average CE of 0. According to the results of this study, farms growing tomatoes with and without contracts, respectively, utilized an average tomato production area of 5. 50 (Figures in parentheses indicates the percentage to cost C 3) Per hectare cost of cultivation of tomato for Medium farmers The per hectare cost of cultivation of tomato for Medium Apr 4, 2022 · I have assumed that if you implement good agronomic practices, you are expected to harvest up to 500 baskets of tomatoes (50-60 kg basket) per hectare. 22 Benefit-Cost Ratio (GR/TE) 6. 23 per quintal. cdr Author: pc Created Date: 4/1/2021 6:55:22 AM TM-VS-02-1 Harvest. charges . Particulars . 1025 quintals of the sampled farms. 43 per hectare and among which the major proportion was occupied by human labour costs. In the packhouse tomatoes are cleaned, graded and packed. The overall total costs of cultivation in tomato, in the selected farmers was found to be 133432. It is observed from table that, per hectare total cost of summer tomato production was 259279. Net return over Cost 'A' and Cost 'C' were ` 1,35,500 and ` 45,250 per hectare respectively. 00 quintals on the Average of sample farms per hectare. 83 per hectare, output of 1,716kg per hectare, gross income of GH¢1,304. yttslzttpnioguaruqptxtfhumxhmtccjlueiveorgjohdvwpucxhapdlpvsxubrjlvmzsvswehof