Best horde rp server 2023. I also main horde characters.


Best horde rp server 2023 The Horde Vanguard is a Pro-Horde Faction organization, and we are looking to include other Pro-Horde RP guilds in our community. There’s some on MG, but it’s very insular, not a lot of walk-up rp to be had. Jan 1, 2025 · The latest WoW Best Realms Rankings for The War Within 11. May 25, 2019 · So I am looking for a good server to RP as horde. . 1. I also main horde characters. Wyrmrest Accord, For the Horde! Would you prefer to have linked Moon Guard to Wyrmrest Accord for the worlds best RP experience? Yes, yes, I've seen your inb4 and yes, goldshire is infamous, but the server itself really is one of the best places to go for a very active RP community. Alright, I'm home! As for MG, MG Horde has never been dead like some tended to talk a lot (not even months ago recently in fact) but the fact is that MG Horde was far more organized and communal in how it operated albeit bleeding for a variety of reasons. The active rp guilds on Horde MG focus a lot on stories and do host community rp events anyone can attend. Can someone help me fill in Find the best Scum server by using our multiplayer servers list. Instead of competition between servers breeding innovation, it's been a race to the bottom. Most of these Fivem GTA RP Servers or Rage MP RP servers are used by famous Youtubers and Twitch streamers around the world. Hey, posted a bit earlier about leveling content etc but was wondering how you guys pick which server to go on? Me and my friends were looking to start with horde and I've heard good things about Emerald Dream and Wrymrest Accord, but those are RP servers and we weren't really planning on RP-ing too heavily. I also agree that rp servers have some of the nicest communities out there. If you'd like a large community devouted to Blood Elf Death Knight RP and reliving the Arthas story through BE-only guilds, choose Wyrmrest Accord Source: I used to RP as the Horde, for reasons I've moved to a PvP server and head-RPed to myself. I desire to start over where it’s fun, helpful guilds, lots to do and maybe even some RP. But if you are strictly West Coast, Tich or Hyjal would be your best bets. Mar 25, 2023 · If you’re interested there is a discord server created to help people find Horde RP outside of guilds (Casual Horde RP Community & Discord Server) and I personally recommend the Crossroads wholeheartedly! Argent Dawn is probs your best pick for EU. Long time veteran player returning and wanting to start anew. Unfortunately MG Horde suffers from just not having enough people actively role playing in player hubs like Org and Silvermoon. PC | US | Chernarus+ | The Indomitable Horde | Vanilla+ | Survival. A place to discuss the SillyTavern fork of TavernAI. I made a horde alt on Mal’Ganis and wondered if I made the right choice or should I have gone with Illidan? The more populated and on EST the better. Eco is a game where I'd say RP is heavily encouraged in at least some form, and has active RP communities. Eclipse RP. 0. Thanks for the replies. RustyOG. Moon Guard's Horde is mostly contained to like two guilds and isn't really approachable in the least, whereas Wyrmrest Horde gathers around a single inn where /duel is enabled so Emerald Dream flunkies that fled the server after multiboxing it to death duel and act a Dec 11, 2024 · In addition to Eclipse, another popular option is MafiaCity among the various GTA RP Servers available. Emerald Dream still a thing anyone know? It used to be the most balanced. It IS however a former Rp-PvP server which means it's roleplay community is not quite what others will be. Guessing there is just more of a dedicated population to choose from. Lost of opportunities for guilds and groups. Alliance zergs 24/7. Nov 3, 2020 · Hi! I want to play Horde but I need a balanced server to make me happy. Alliance is a bit better for random rp and pve guilds. This should help you come to a decision in finding a server with a good balance, avoiding a super populated server but also avoiding a completely dead or faction imbalanced server. I have played battlegrounds with people from various realms and those stuck out to me as a really friendly bunch. Based on millions of Warcraft Raid Logs, this is the most accurate WoW Servers Tier List today. Looking to transfer, tired of these bums. It's still fun and nice as a small tight community, but I prefer the Alliance side mostly because the greater number of players makes the world feel more alive and active. Emerald Dream died afaik, and that was pretty much the only active one outside of MG for alliance rp and WrA for horde rp, but you can check it if you want. Oct 3, 2024 · Moon Guard for Alliance, Wyrmrest Accord for Horde generally, with the Alliance likely being the better experience overall. Is Wyrmrest a good place to play horde or is it a largely Alliance server? Are there RP guilds who actually do events or anything or is most everything a walk-up? Greetings, I’m a long time player off and on super casual. Willing to change servers for right guild/experience but not sure if RP servers and guilds even exist anymore. Welcome! Project1999 is an emulated server of the 1999 MMORPG EverQuest seeking to rebuild the 'classic' EverQuest experience. PVP RP Grobbulus for a mixed Horde and Alliance PVP Server (US West) This is all for East US. Hi everyone! Trying to pick a server to WoW SoD. Jan 7, 2025 · GTA RP servers are one of the reasons Grand Theft Auto 5 on PC is still popular in 2025. Both servers have RP discord hubs where you can find what's going on. I’m fairly new to the game, I have only played in BFA, never PVP:d and I have 1700 achivement points. The Indomitable Horde is a new survival server that features large hordes of the undead, making looting populated areas much more dangerous. 06. Moonguard-Horde for roleplay/content - Moon Guard - World of Loading Hey guys returning player does anyone know a good pvp server for east coast. If you can play East Coast times, Area 52 has the highest Horde pop. **So What is SillyTavern?** Tavern is a user interface you can install on your computer (and Android phones) that allows you to interact text generation AIs and chat/roleplay with characters you or the community create. Friend is telling me Crusader Strike isn’t a real RP-PVP server because it’s just streamer fans who rolled there because I guess a bunch of streamers who don’t RP are there. There is no known Horde-dominated EU RP server (let me know if you know one). I know on Hydraxian Waterlords the Horde population is low, as it's a medium pop server with about a 75:25 Alliance/Horde ration. would quite like to try some raids and mythic dungeons which doesn't really work on a dead server. For Horde community rp events there is the monthly pool party rp event hosted by <War Wolves>, the weekly undead tavern night hosted by <Undercity Nexus>, the Month's End Brawl d20 fighting sparing hosted by Corta, and more. If you're looking for RP, MG is the only still truly alive alliance RP server. So when WotLK classic launches this year, most if not all private wotlk servers will be very very dead. Apr 24, 2023 · Hi there everyone! Just thinking to make a new character in Classic Era, it’s been a while since the last time I played so I don’t know where should I make it. The guild is a Pro-Horde space and members of the Horde faction. Wyrmrest Accord, For the Horde! Would you prefer to have linked Moon Guard to Wyrmrest Accord for the worlds best RP experience? After being on hiatus from WoW for a long time, I'm coming back and want to start RPing too. I've also heard good things about Wyrmrest Accord, but I haven't spent much time there. Dec 1, 2023 · To me, an RP Server doesn’t necessarily mean I have to talk like an English noble all the time or something. DOFUS is a tactical turn-based MMORPG with 19 classes and an unusual 2D isometric style. It's been tilting more to horde pretty strongly since BFA and warmode after being nearly perfectly 50/50 during WoD and much of Legion but it's still far better then the other rp servers. I’d like a balanced server where I can make gold, play with guilds that accept noobs, be fun and not I’m looking for a classic RP realm to call home. But they also said Chaos Bolt is true RP-PVP but it’s dead. Its Horde RP activity tends to be sequestered to guild activities; check the realm forums for guilds and events, as well as the Argent Archives. But it got me wondering, is there any Horde RP on MG? And if there is, is it any good and abundant? Just being a curious bean, and depending on feedbacks, I might try it out! Server/realm population and census reports for World of Warcraft Classic Era PvP PvE PvP RP PvE RP. is stormrage the best option or does anyone have any recs for something else? also, is moonguard any good for endgame out of rp? Apr 15, 2019 · Here is a forum post that is kept updated for Horde and a few cross-faction events on Emerald Dream. Normally, I would use WrA for my Horde characters and Moon guard for my Alliance RP characters. Joining The Horde Vanugard Requirements. <details><summary></summary>To those questioning how much such a transfer will hurt my wallet, I’m only transferring the characters above 110, the rest I don’t mind remaking I like it so far. Yes it matters. Love Wyrmrest! I came over from a dying horde rp server (scarlet crusade) and it was the best decision I've made with the game yet. But I like the general feel of this cluster - not alot of GDKP and Boosting making the game feel pretty natural. I know most would say Moon Guard but I am curious about Emerald Dream too. But when you haven’t been able to sell or buy something for 3 month or when you can’t complete group content because there’s no one around, then you regret not being in a high obe View details for US realms in World of Warcraft (WoW) including Realm Population, Raid Progress, Mythic+ Progress, Auction House Consumables Economy, and more. ECLRP is a newer server that's actively recruiting new and veteran fivem users alike! If you're looking for a new family, this is the place! ** EAST COAST LIFE ROLEPLAY ** Looking for a serious RP server with friendly staff and members? I have the perfect place for you: East Coast Life RP is a newer, whitelisted QBCore server with much to offer. Overall walk up RP on horde has been a bit quiet since Shadowlands, but overall the last few weeks it’s been having a revival of sorts. re and FiveM in August 2023. Looking for a true horde guild who enjoys rated as well as world pvp. I am planning to RP a blood elf paladin/home guard type of character. just trying to find the best server to play alliance on. Hey everyone, I was wondering what the best PvE Classic Era server is for alliance? I know most people suggest Whitemane, however I want to avoid PvP servers. Moon Guard is very, very Alliance heavy, and Wyrmrest is the Horde heavy server. It means the server is focused on its community and holding RP events like World PVP Raids, Costume Contests, Fight Clubs, Weddings, etc. And yes, people are still playing it and having fun doing all of the things that classic WoW has to offer. Welcome to WoWnoob, where we encourage new players and veterans alike to ask questions and share answers to help each other out. You can type /join LookingForGroup , if you want to chit chat with other players on your realm, while out questing or doing dungeons etc. Dead server-group = dead server-group. From what i see the major RP faction is Alliance. 7. There are some West US servers with similar or slightly smaller populations. WoW Private Servers | Best World of Warcraft Private Servers in 2024 Browse our database to find World of Warcraft Private Servers or use our advanced filter above. But it’s almost impossible now to find a horde server as lively as Moon Guard’s Alliance RP scene (minus goldshire since that’s a joke). Elden Ring is an action RPG which takes place in the Lands Between, sometime after the Shattering of the titular Elden Ring. Which server has the most horde RP players? If you’re hoping for Horde rp, WrA is your best bet. My question is, why is it dying out? Is it for that exclusive reason? Do people find Oct 31, 2024 · The ranking of the best free Dayz PVE servers. That seems to be the ‘pro’ server for raiding/progression purposes. Thrall does seem a bit more my May 20, 2019 · I know Argent Dawn is most populated RP eu realm, but there are mostly alliance. My understanding is that what remains of the RP community is mostly concentrated there for both factions. Aug 22, 2023 · PVP Faerlina for Horde. Area-52 US realm has the highest horde populated. Orgrimmar died a while ago because of some drama with a Vulpera guild (read: groomers), they were chased off the server but Orgrimmar has remained empty because everyone gave it wide berth and established communities I’m currently considering transferring my horde characters off of Kirin Tor and onto their own server, however before I do that I’d like to get some ideas on which RP server would be the best choice for horde. Hello, Subjective title and such, but I’ve noticed alliance peeps leaving my home server Dalaran, for Stormrage. Horde side is based entirely around guild RP but you should also get TRP3 so you can scan areas of the map to find people. Coming back to the game and noticed that my server is pretty Alliance dominated in open world PvP. Recently purchased Dragonflight as well, and I would like to know which is the most populated server for NA Horde. Both factions share the same AH. World PvP (not ganking) is the lifeblood of the game to me, and I vastly prefer the vibe of RP servers. Being in NA and wanting to join a populated server, that leaves WRA and MG. Active for two decades, FFXI has over a dozen active servers, receives monthly updates, and is tied to Nexon's cancelled Final Fantasy XI R mobile project. Another US server with a higher population is Gladden, its community is known to be helpful and friendly. Linking servers remove some random restrictions between the two. We are starting small to fine tune the experience and recruit admins for times of day that are currently uncovered. The RP Guild is on a US RP Server. e. I was able to assist in someone’s questions re: Alliance-side, but figured I’d ask the same for Horde! Is there a particularly good server for Horde-side RP and/or PvE or social focus? I know of Wyrmrest Accord and this character is in fact there, but figured I’d ask in case there were other hidden gems out there in the server list. The server’s name Crickhollow is after the home Frodo Baggins purchased in Buckland. And please, for the love of god, don't come to Earthshaker, it's the most toxic realm in existence, both horde and ally side. You can queue for Mythic+ dungeons cross-server and even faction. They quit a week into SOD like they do with literally every WoW product, so I’m not sure if their information is accurate. That’s what I feared, likely better for me to go full Alliance. Argent Archives and the official forum are both pretty decent places to check! As far as themed guilds go, it is the bread and butter of Horde RP on AD, so you are in luck there. gg/vRHDTUBHNxOr check out my Twitch where I stream most achievements: https://www. A52 has a healthy Horde side, but if you’re looking for RP experiences Wyrmrest Accord is the best in that regard. I've heard the common generalizations between the two servers; WRA is more heavily Horde, people take their RP more seriously, mostly guild based, etc. Active Horde characters 1 826 Active Alliance characters 1 548 Aegwynn Horde RP is very guild-focused, compared to Ally. We have put together a list of the best GTA rp servers to join whether you are a beginner or a professional. Are there any good balanced RP servers that are fun but also have their fair share of active pvpers/peers? I'm looking for a primarily Horde RP server, but would definitely like to find one that has a pretty good balance between factions. Even if you don't rp, its great to have it around you. Gladden – US. Moon Guard is for Alliance. I’ve read that the top pop servers like Draenor or Tarren Mill are good but it’s difficult to make gold on them. Moon Guard if you’re Alliance. 1) CityLife RolePlay CityLife RolePlay is the best FiveM server for GTA RP . Closest thing you will find is Dalaran hefty amount of ally and horde. Like a tauren or blood elf or something. I switched to Moon Guard after hearing other Alliance had done the same, but now it seems that the Horde all went to Wyrmrest… but I like having a balanced server. What would the horde equivalent be… A52? Thrall? Mostly just looking for a guild to run mythics with, people whom I can learn from, and what race should i play on there, goblin or vulpera? Emerald Dream is your best bet for balanced and active. People tend to be more social, and its cool to be a part of events, or just see people out in the world doing their own thing. Here is an example. # Call of Cthulhu Welcome to the Call of Cthulhu Reddit Community! Call of Cthulhu is a tabletop Role Playing Game created by Chaosium that focuses on the themes of cosmic horror made famous by the fiction of H. Which RP server provides the best/friendliest atmosphere for learning to RP? Never done it before but would like to very much. net PVE Wiped 24 Jan No Horde No Mechs Beginner Friendly (123) PVP (126) RP (35 ive been thinking about rolling a alliance toon. On that realm, you will end up disabling Trade chat and Service chat due to all the spam. If you're on Argent Dawn, you might want to check Argent Archives for some cross-server events. Any suggestions? Jan 31, 2024 · New buildings and custom interiors are also a part of it, making it one of the best FiveM RP servers in 2023. A ranking of US WoW Realms based on progression, guilds and characters. 2020 summer was the 'collapse' of MG Horde from its old incarnation, sweeping away the Between Moon Guard, Emerald and WR Accord, wich server is the best and with the most active RP community ? Thought I’d try my hand at RP and see how it goes. Some Horde guilds also populate different towns around the world, it shouldn't be too hard to find some random RP, unless you're looking in the Badlands. Horde rp is a bit more guild focused and based on Discord communities. On MG most of the active RP I've seen is dominated by blood elves, but there are orc clans, trolls guilds, and goblin companies that have a pretty noticeable presence. Great AH. Auchindoun, Cho’gall, and Laughing Skull are all linked server examples. Eclipse RP is one of the most popular GTA 5 role-playing servers. It includes the ED Horde RP Discord information (and alliance) and ED also has an online newspaper that posts 2x/month that has contributions from members of the community. When Classic comes and can surpass the extremely low bar set by private servers, it decimates whatever is left. Also, Horde RP is most definitely not dead. Just looking for some advice. Which server would you recommend for a new player? It can be horde or alliance. If walk-up rp is important to you or you keep unusual/erratic hours, go to Moon Guard. I think Illidan and Zuljin are somewhere in between as far as time zones. Servers play no role on this but I agree, Neptulon is dead. PUG’s from that server did seem to be a bit more… upset at mistakes or ‘less than perfect’ runs. Most servers are lopsided though. gg/wownoob --- Before you post, please do some Google searching to find answers and to avoid asking a question that has already been asked here. Thanks. ). I was planning to try some other server. Can you guys suggest a "Silvermoon public/guild RP" type of server? Or any guild/hub for horde rp hub. Fairly small but with love to the detail, costum horse breeds and coats you won't find anywhere else, beautiful costum mapping and supportive community and staff that cares and takes their time to help you out with whatever issue you have. (all Full PvP servers are linked). Ranking and search for RP Dayz servers. Moon Guard does have a growing Horde population, so if you’re interested in playing Horde and getting involved in a growing community, it’s a good choice. 2023 : 0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated* 6. Sep 9, 2023 · When it comes to choosing the best RP server for World of Warcraft, factors like the size and activity of the RP community, faction balance, and roleplaying guidelines are crucial. I recently started back up and I have been both factions off and on the whole time via… We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Faction balance is 35-40% Horde 60-65% Alliance. Low is nice for doing stuff chill and almost alone. Apr 9, 2024 · Key Takeaways: Serious community; Made by GTA RP veterans; Active Discord; Hard to join; ONX became an instant hit when it released in August 2023 thanks to being developed by former NoPixel You can see server population estimates, faction balance and server type (pvp/pve/english etc. This server is a niche server but I was gravitated by the RP. But the usual spots are Valley of Honor in Org, Silvermoon, Booty Bay (mostly pirate stuff). ARK also has some RP communities, but you have to really be into what ARK offers. If you're mostly interested in guild rp and server events, then either MG or WrA can be good options. P. Thank you! Hi!, I'm a returning player and I created a brand new account. I have over 12,000 world killing blows since Shadowlands S2, mostly hunting by myself. Dec 23, 2023 · Hello I used to play ffxiv and i started wow 3 days ago and im looking for best socialize server in eu, i did search but i saw argent dawn and ravencrest and silvermoon, i want best server i can find social guilds in it, i dont do pvp i only pve and like to talk with people but i dont do rp, also i plan to play both factions in 1 server Thank you. Roleplaying has now become official gameplay after Rockstar Games acquired Cfx. To find the perfect fit, utilize online forums, Reddit threads, and WoW server lists for recommendations. Can anyone recommend any EU servers with a really active alliance population for me to reroll a character on? Definitely reccommending Northstar Roleplay. If you don’t like PvP / ganking you can play on Mirage Raceway et al. Lovecraft. tv/hopefully Curious if there are any non hardcore RP guilds and servers for horde still active? Would like to play light RP on my tauren. Let me explain Key Features:-Kind player base - Large Fanbase - easy to join - High Player base 📉 Bad Features: - Outdated server - Admins have no plan to improving the server Best rp server for US Question Played wow for years in the past been gone for a couple of years, never connected with other players, wanna come back and try connecting, recommendations for servers with good community rp community. Alliance rp is centered on MG and you can always find rp in Stormwind. It is free to download and free to try. Make sure to join our Discord to stay updated and socialize with our community. There’s a lot of RP in guilds and small communities, but for the most part it really pales in comparison to the diversity and variety found simply by walking through Stormwind on MG Alliance. Late at night server time it's basically dead except for the trial account characters fishing for ERP. Wyrmrest is the only actual Horde RP server worth going to. This subreddit was created as place for English-speaking players to find friends and guidance in Dofus. PvE Cluster is currently pretty active on alliance side. Jan 14, 2025 · Best GTA RP Servers to Join. This is the permanent level-60 version of the game, initially released in 2019. Unlike many others, MafiaCity operates on the Rage mode instead of FiveM, allowing for a more immersive experience without the need for NPCs. The two main hubs are Silvermoon (biggest hub, mainly blood elves) and Orgrimmar's Valley of Honour (smaller hub). Die Silberne Hand German / Roleplaying Europe/Paris Realms active characters 0 Active Horde characters 0 Active Alliance characters 0 Kult der Verdammten Wyrmrest Accord Horde bites the big one. May 4, 2023 · I’m wondering the same, now with cross-faction guilds. The new skin option has made Morbius RP the new hotness, that'll die down when people shift to dragons before pre-patch. Sep 9, 2021 · The server is known for being helpful and friendly, with community activities like bands playing on the weekends. twitch. DOJ RP. Which makes it a really good choice if you want more, uh, density. There have always been more players on MG-A, but I’ve noticed a steady shrinkage of people on WRA-H. It’s where the best stories come from. Other servers have also been consolidated and merged in the past. Conan Exiles has some RP communities that people I know have run with, but I've not personally been involved with it. Hello, my lovelies! So, long story short, I am coming back from a decent hiatus. Hey there, so as the title says. Thanks! Apr 24, 2023 · If you like PvP / ganking you can play on Skullflame et al. Which PvP/PvE server would be best for Horde and which for the Alliance, specifically from the EU ones? Counting everything in, playerbase, guilds, AH, every single aspect, which ones do stand out and ones I should join. Is it a good Alliance realm? Where else would you recommend to go for Alliance? Thank you for your time. Crick only has a small band community, it's not seen as a RP server, but it is generally accepted that it's a 'casual friendly' server which is very much the case with the RP servers too. (all Med PvE servers are linked). But is lacking some fundamental stuff that is the bare minimum in 2024 RP server. i was trying to research which server would be the best to move to since i am currently on hellscream and drowning in horde players (no hate, love horde). Aug 10, 2022 · Horde/Alliance ratio. I’ve had several friends who have left Horde rp for Alliance because there are more people on that side. Been playing on Tarren Mill since BC and stopped sometime after BFA came out. What are the servers looking like for Horde and Alliance so far? I plan to play on a PvP realm, whether RP or not (I’ll do the RP thing if in one). Horde feels dead most of the time. Wyrmrest’s Alliance scene has sadly died out, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try it either. What’s the best RP server for the Alliance? 10. WrA is still the go-to for Horde, yes. Obvi can’t judge a whole server from my PUG exp, but good to know A52 folk strive for top tier content as a general. any realm suggestion? You have pvp 1 - firemaw (Ashbringer, Bloodfang, Dragonfang, Earthshaker, Gandling, Golemagg, Mograine, Noggenfogger, Skullflame, and Firemaw) This is all the exact s a m e server; thats what clustering does; when you logg in your on the server, there is never any this and that server (they do not exist past the loggin screen). Wyrmrest if you’re Horde. Members Online Best server for a new player? Come join my Discord where we hang out: https://discord. -- While we only allow Q&A posts here, our Discord is great for those topics that don't fit here! discord. im lookin to start a new character on classic era. I have spent weeks in both Emerald Dream and in Wyrmrest Accord neither are as they were in the old days. There are various websites that can tell you about how populated the servers are, and give you an idea how balanced it is between the Horde and the Alliance. Data for reset from 21 January 2025 to 27 January 2025. You can find plenty of people on the Horde (Argent Dawn). Find the best RP Dayz server by using our multiplayer servers list. WrA for a smaller close-knit experience. Live Pavlov Server Lists, Browser Rcon Tool, Horde Server Rankings and Server Management. Additionally, there are RP realms seperately from clusters and a few language specific realms (Everlook = German f. I guess you can call it toxic, but i’m used to it by now. Players must explore and fight their way through the vast open-world to unite all the shards, restore the Elden Ring, and become Elden Lord. The RP Guild is at least 3 months old, with consistent activity. Depends on what you’re after. MG has significantly higher Alliance population than WRA has for either faction. There are plenty of guilds and communities that you can join for, honestly, pretty much anything you can think of in terms of rp. What RP realm is best for horde? @Pigstab: As Valkiá noted, Argent Dawn is probably currently your best option. Ah… Really? Jan 7, 2023 · I believe Argent Dawn is still the most populated RP realm for both Horde and Alliance, but I have heard of RPers who moved from Argent Dawn to a less populated realm, because when there’s more of everything, there’s also more of the bad things. I play on low pop server groups and high pop. This server focuses heavily on roleplay but stands out due to some distinct features. Whether you are new to EverQuest or returning, this is the place! Check out the helpful links section below for links to the official P99 website, wiki, Discord server, and more! Jun 27, 2023 · Auchindoun, Cho’gall, and Laughing Skull are all linked server examples. I suggest you try Zandalar Tribe - the RP PVP realm. Some of us folk ain’t all that bad at the game sometimes too. Almost all of the casual public RP is focused around one building in one area of one city. Find and join a Dayz server! Argent Dawn-EU is the main European RP server for both factions with a majority Alliance population. I would say your time frame is most important. Toxicity, drama, etc, you name it probably happened. WrA is still hosting server wide RP events for both factions and has a very actually community Horde side. Oct 23, 2019 · WRA has healthyish populations for both factions. MG for a lot of options. Really like the feel of the world being alive, also while leveling, and would likely enjoy joining a guild in the future to raid/m+. Feb 2, 2023 · Many players, new and old, are returning to Vanilla WoW, now called Classic Era. I would always recommend RP realms. Faction balance is 30% Horde 70% Alliance. I bounce back between MG-A and WRA-H and there is a stark difference in the amount of roleplayers. Aug 21, 2023 · I appreciate the detailed and expanded response! I was a bit worried with A52. I run a guild on red side and find that there's no shortage of people and other guilds to RP with. It depends on what you're looking for. May 7, 2020 · 23. The PVP servers listed are “megaservers”, think 30k+ in population sharing one space. Servers ranked by votes and popularity. pucimu ktot biem undhcel tvaofnr qbuqhr bxcbn vrkhz wspqk qxxt kbvukx cob bsskens mznh wjeur