Aita for forcing my son out of his first relationship update However, a couple of weeks ago he got into a fatal car accident. There is nothing wrong with Matt wanting to cook. My daughter took his name and my son is mean. we have a camping bed for baby ( or the little one sleep between me and my husband) and a cushion over the washing Read 3 nail biting Updated Reddit Stories with me from the r/BestofRedditorUpdates subreddit that will give you your daily dose of drama such as "I [21M] just found out I ruined my sister's [27F] life by being the cause of her break up with her long term partner [31M]. I didn't know how to get out, I didn't even have a computer to learn how. Dec 30, 2024 · A Redditor bearing the user name Top-Travel-7135 shared his story on the AITA section of Reddit where he asked the question, “AITA for not going to the wedding of my dad and his affair partner?” The 25-year-old man recounted the story of how his father was absent most of the time when his mother battled cancer before dying. Jul 9, 2024 · A woman turns to Reddit's AITA forum to see if she was too harsh after bluntly telling her stepdaughter she doesn't want to watch "any f--king kids," and that includes hers -- while her Aug 31, 2022 · A husband took to Reddit's AITA to see if it was wrong for him to refuse to share funds for his SAHM wife's hobbies and interests. Dan started dating ‘Fran’ in their junior year. But judge… I talked with my husband about what he felt was inherently wrong with our son researching. Jan 29, 2025 · One 18-year-old found himself caught in a family rift when his relationship with his stepbrother came under fire. We talked it out and it started to make him realize why it wasn't weird and why it was pretty necessary. The situation does not need an ultimatum. Either the has spoiled his son and daughter, which means he has done a bad job, or that he is lying to save face, he is expecting is his son to be a parent to the daughter. I still don't understand how they got the spouse not biologically related to his father unless the person he thought was his father was already in 23 and me, in which case he would also be able to see that his 'son' isn't a match. Who relays on his mom and dad for money. He knew nothing about this, he was dating a girl who was toxic and lied about BC to baby trap Aug 24, 2022 · Image source: Low_Ice8875 The woman began her post by revealing that her husband sneakily got their oldest son a motorcycle for his 16th birthday. Immediately afterwards, my son started wearing a beanie. He is upset and cranky. He Died Before The Wedding, And Now His Parents Won't Share The Money May 3, 2024 · Research suggests that without strong communication skills and practiced space to engage in difficult conversations, people in a romantic relationship might face troubles during certain transitional periods in their relationship. The author of the post shared that despite her new sister having a room prepared for her, she decided that she wants to take over OP’s room because Jan 17, 2023 · This mom canceled her bisexual son's birthday party after he made a sexist remark in front his friends, and AITA Redditors believe she was too harsh. Then, over the last several months, I’ve noticed strange behavior, especially around her. He kept asking me to get into the car for my safety’s sake and because I was hurting myself. Jul 10, 2023 · Here Are 11 AITA Submissions From This Year Where Both People Were Declared The A-Hole — Now You Have To Decide Who's The Bigger A-Hole. However, this comes with a lot of pressure. Aug 23, 2022 · "Matt had a complicated personality change at age 11; we put him in private school, and maybe the contact with other teenagers brought out a selfish and elitist side of him. Hello, I wanted to provide you all with an update since my original post gained a lot of attention and sparked various discussions (some were unfortunately rude and disrespectful). Jan 31, 2023 · Just ask this dad, who was chewed out by his ex-wife after not contacting her when their daughter got her first period. ” I live a good life. 2K upvotes and almost 1K comments. One has to suspect it's projection from you onto her. Forcing a relationship is a bad idea. They asked: “AITA for forcing my son to use a bidet and threatening to talk to his friends or take him to the doctor about his underwear?” The Original Poster (OP) explained: “For some reason, my 14-year-old son cannot wipe properly. Feb 8, 2023 · I had chores when I was a kid living at home. NTA for forcing him to pay rent and getting a job. Jan 31, 2024 · A Parent on Reddit Wants To Get a DNA Test for Their Child & We Were Not Prepared for This Plot Twist May 30, 2024 · In 2019, I was, err… assaulted and I had a son (underage pregnancy). All the time. So naturally, they came to visit the “Am I The A**hole” (AITA) subReddit. "My daughter has been dating her boyfriend for roughly 4 years now. AITA for refusing to force my son to apologize to my wife for "ruining" her New Years toast speech? My son ‘Finn’ (18) is from a previous relationship. I went to college and some grad school. Aug 29, 2022 · At the time, OP says she was just 10 or 11 and her parents made her feel very much that her new sister’s well-being was her responsibility: “I told them I didn’t want to be a big sister and Feb 15, 2022 · I asked my husband if he was willing to risk his relationship with Hayleigh by not walking her down the aisle. Nov 28, 2024 · The man also disclosed that his son even accused his stepmother of “doing this on purpose because "she already doesn't like me. Her boyfriend is the same age as her and not a bad kid, but he is still a child in my eyes. Mom and him will have a conversation when she is calms down. My kids took him up on that, and they haven't spoken to their dad in 4 years. Nov 30, 2024 · In a post titled “AITA for removing my son and grandson from my will after he assaulted me?” OP described a devastating series of events that began with an accident during a motorcycle ride with his grandson earlier this year. The post caught a lot of attention and collected over 8. Since early childhood I had full custody; his mother is not in the picture. Then it's the namesake at (38:53). My own parents would never have expected me to be at their beck and call to come clean up their messes on demand. He forced them to attend his homophobic church when they were with him, and eventually told them they weren't welcome back until they had better attitudes. But you need to leave him. Started treatment for my anxiety and depression Lost my father NTA. Aug 16, 2022 · But, as a mother in reddit’s famed-AITA subreddit found out, there are limits to what you can ask of your children and their futures — and that word “ask” is pretty essential in really NTA Sharing a room is bette4 than no room at all. She explained why she refused her brother-in-law and his wife’s demands to do an unmedicated water birth, but wondered if she was a jerk for enforcing her boundaries. And they can pass it down to future kids. Read less » Nov 20, 2023 · Luckily AITA allows a jury of Internet strangers to rule on our personal choices, giving us some insight, validation or in some cases, hopefully some much-needed self-reflection. Jul 20, 2023 · Well, things recently got messy for a man on the “Am I The A—hole” subreddit who wrote a post titled, “AITA for enlightening my ex-MIL on my reasons to divorce her daughter?”. It turned out to be a last-minute gift that she knew nothing about, so since she couldn’t really do anything, the mother decided to lay out a couple of strict rules: the teen was told to drive within a speed limit and only while accompanied by his 28M views. Her parents are strict and they ended up breaking up. Their dad is hit or miss (mostly miss) on a relationship with them. 3 days ago · The fact that he downplayed his son’s behavior and didn’t take it seriously, especially after the suspension, shows a lack of accountability. I believe he’ll be okay eventually but you can’t terribly force him or he’ll resent driving and you. The conversation with his ex then got heated, as he brought up how she had used him in the past and, therefore, he did not owe her anything. After the breakup, resist gossiping about or badmouthing your ex. tbf - I have done 23 and me, and it only shows how you are related to someone if they are already in the database. It shut him up fast. 2M posts. It’s really troubling that he sees his son’s racist jokes as just “his sense of humor” and isn’t addressing it in a meaningful way. UPDATE: It’s been a rough first week but thankfully my mother arrived this morning to help out. Reddit user @No-Tap8247 took the infamous /AmITheAsshole Subreddit for some I told my son that I wouldn't allow her to visit our home. Simply put, it cost me everything from my marriage to my son to my place in the community. Like this parent, who took it upon themselves to right the wrong of a grandfather. Discover videos related to Aita for Divorcing My Husband for Wanting A Son Update on TikTok. We were both young when he was born, so his childhood was a little unstable for a bit. In August 2021 my son wanted to try out for football(my ex pushed for it) I paid for it but my ex and I had an agreement that he would do most of the carting him back and forth because I was pregnant and had pre-eclampsia and also my grandpa who I'm very close to had advance stage cancer and I was helping with his care. She asked the sub: “AITA for backing out of attending my son’s wedding because his brother isn’t invited?” Speaking in an exclusive chat with Starts at 60, the Sydney woman revealed her son is now in his 40s and lives with his male partner in the city. If you didn´t you could have ended up wth a son that went no contact on both of you, since kids often see parents as a unified force to fight, if there is a major conflict. It needs you dumping him there that very moment he told you he skipped the party and reservations you’d made for watching a movie and out do dinner with her. When their conversation resulted in an ultimatum, the Original Poster (OP) wondered if she was in the wrong. We went back, and his mom came out to try to speak to me because, of course, I was embarrassing them in front of her boyfriend’s family. NTA to him but the ass to yourself for not reading the room. I wish my value, in your eyes, didn’t depend on other people’s valuation of me. So there are 5 grandkids in total. . Redditor Throw1987__ reached out to her older son, expecting him to set aside differences for his wedding. When they started dating it was normal and appropriate. Aug 1, 2022 · First up at (23:48) it's AITA for telling my daughter to butt out of my personal life and asking her to stay with her mom? Then it's the namesake at (38:53). He hasn’t only done his eldest son a disservice, his younger sons are also going to miss out on time with their older brother who they probably would love to spend time with. He was very upset and she switched school so they don't get to hang out anymore. It ruined the 1st marriage, his relationship with his son and now it's damning his 2nd marriage and relationship with his mother. Op states AHexwife kept quiet (aided and abetted) about the routinely observed result of abuse due to wanting to protect her (inferred but per op’s wishes identity of the AP will not be clarified or publicly alleged to have been abusive to op’s son) affair partner (again inferred by not using pointed language to the opposite of their identity) aka probably the coach, which would neatly Jun 21, 2023 · This 33-Year-Old Took Out A Life Insurance Plan To Help Support His Future Wife. (this is my favorite ring she passed down to me. The kids were together for about a year, and throughout the relationship, they saw how abusive Lana could be with her controlling and aggressive behavior towards Bryce. My husband got mad and told me I am ruining my son's If it helps, you can talk things through with a trusted friend. " Jan 15, 2024 · Taking to the social network’s “Am I The A**hole” forum, the teen in question explained that his mom passed away when he was just two years old, and last year, his dad married his stepmom Update: we have cut off all contact with my mother in law, we are also moving houses. 8M views. See more videos about Life Update Divorce and Moving on, My Wife Hates When I Interrupt Her, Soccer Wife, Acting Like My Wife, My Wife Hates When People Interrupt Her Pt 2, Your First Move Is Their Last Move. Now Kane has a 1 year old son that he pays child support for. However, it's also very likely that his son DOES want to be out of the relationship, but due to all the manipulation believes that he physically cannot exit the relationship. My son's dad (25m) and I (24f) havent been together since my son was 4 months old, due to the abuse he gave us. ) AITA for screaming at husband and forcing my son to pay for his boyfriend medical bills out of his college fund? Not the A-hole My husband against my wishes decided to get our oldest "Bryan" (16M) a motorcycle for his 16th birthday a few months ago so they could go riding together. Feb 19, 2024 · “AITA for not letting my son be my daughter’s servant due to a period?” a man who goes by the username Legitimate-Claim-102 posted on the site, explaining that he has two children, a son, 10 Feb 28, 2023 · One man explained to the internet that when his sister got engaged last year, she asked his 17-year-old son to make her wedding dress. He needs to get his head out his ass. Gleb Tsipursky, the CEO of Disaster Avoidance Experts and best-selling author of seven books, including a global bestseller Never Go With Your Gut: How Pioneering Leaders Make the Best Decisions and Avoid Business Disasters who explained that with the increasing amount of remote work available, we’ve seen shifts in gender roles. My academically gifted siblings both got good degrees but still lived at home, rent free being financially supported by my parents. Discover videos related to Update Aita for Divorcing My Doctor Husband Update on TikTok. See more videos about Life Update Divorce and Moving on, I Regret Divorcing My Husband, Husband Reaction to Pregnancy, Acting Like My Wife, Christmas with Husband Ex Story Time, Ive Been Losing Interest Fiance Pt 3. we and my sister's family visit her very often , she has a lot of toys for the kids but we never thought to transform a room into a nursery. My son (17) is the only grandson he had. Even in the house. I’m guessing this is more of the dad guilting the son. Update: AITA for kicking my son and his gf out?. I have a boy and a girl. I kept walking until my foot gave out on me. You wouldn’t want them to do that to you. You should've done that a long time ago. We wrap up on a listener submish (49:11), AITA for flying back to my college apartment for a job interview during the height of the COVID pandemic? Mar 6, 2024 · Despite my background in communication, my heart belongs to visual media, especially photography. He always got along with the boys more than the girls. If my dad had left his lunch dishes in the kitchen and it was my night to wash dishes, I would've cleaned them. Nov 9, 2024 · This is exactly what Redditor ytys45 — a 29-year-old man who recently bought and moved into his first home — has been dealing with since his parents loaned him money for a downpayment last Dec 21, 2023 · “My husband snapped out of his shock, and got mad at me for laughing at him. You might find that the Jan 11, 2025 · Read and React to 10 Am I the A-hole Reddit Stories with me from the r/AITA subreddit that are unbelievable including " AITAH For Not Giving My Girlfriend My Social Security Number So She Can Run A Background Check On Me" and the update to the story. TikTok video from Beyond Beautifull (@beyondbeautifull): “AITA for forcing my son to sell the car he is inheriting? Subreddit: r/ AmItheAsshole Posted by: u/No_Advertising_2814 #fyp #redditreadings #redditreadings #blacktiktok #foryourpage #reddit #blacktiktokcommunity #foryou #fyp #beyondbeautifull #aita”. For many of them, moving in together often marks the first shift of a larger extent in their partnership. The first thing that might strike some readers is the fact that this woman felt the need to actually go online and ask “am I the [jerk] for not wanting to look after my ex-husband’s biological children?” as if it was ever a question. They’ve been dating for about a year. 26. His story, shared on Reddit under the title 'AITA for telling my step-siblings that they should stop forcing the LGBTQ community on my brother?' has the internet storming to provide advice. He has left the car to my son in his will. He is blaming me for breaking them up. Am I the a*****e? Reddit users call out father and his ‘evil’ wife 49. UPDATE Okay so I made the original post about 2 months ago and since then things have been a bit crazy lately, so I just wanted to update as I had people asking if George was okay. A man recently asked for advice about how to deal with the fact that his wife is being unfair to his son. “[My MIL] started Jul 5, 2024 · Image credits: u/Critical-Physics-999 “I have both girls in therapy already,” lamented the frustrated mother of two. A woman brought it to Reddit when her son’s wife opened up to her about not being comfortable with her husband’s ex-girlfriend being invited to all the family events, and asked if she could disinvite her from family stuff Jul 18, 2024 · Image credits: Charming_Passage3440 OCD can cause some pretty abnormal behavior. The post managed to garner over 12K upvotes as well as 3. My son is 17. The Replying to @growing_past_me UPDATE: AITA for telling my MIL to move out after she cut my husband, eldest daughter and I out of her will? This is not an update by OP, but comments that give the story more context. As many of the commenters noted, the husband’s behavior very closely matches the “compulsions” and intrusive thoughts that people with obsessive–compulsive disorder have. Laci should not have been told about this unless OP had previously agreed to it. Sounds like she tried (and failed) to take advantage of an extremely wealthy man when she was Maya's age, is assuming Maya is doing the same thing, and is bitter that Maya actually gets to have the rich husband OP wanted for herself. Dec 10, 2024 · The man concluded the post and wrote, "So, AITA for refusing to let my parents move into my new house?" Internet sides with Redditor who refused to let parents move into his new home People on the internet sided with the man who made the post on Reddit's AITA forum and explained that he refused to let his parents move into the new house that he Feb 2, 2023 · Bored Panda reached out to Dr. They gotta stop giving him money for living expenses. When I'm not at my desk, you're likely to find me in the streets with my camera, checking out cool exhibitions, watching a movie at the cinema or just chilling with a coffee in a cozy place . I moved out, studied and worked throughout my time there - almost trying to compensate for my earlier failure in their eyes. I told him he needs to get his head out of his a$$ because cooking is gender neutral. Reddit Has Feelings About This Mom Canceling Jun 16, 2022 · “My husband and I have been married for two years and have five children: his daughter from a previous marriage (16), my two sons from a previous relationship (13 and 15), and two children Aug 2, 2022 · Cut to the vacation, and all her fears have been realized. My rent was £600pm at the time and our son eats a phenomenal amount (he does a lot of sports), so he contributed a teeny tiny amount to ensure his son had a roof over his head and food in his belly the 317 days out of 365 that he wasn’t with him. " Concluding his post, the man stated, “I admit I yelled at him and he started crying and for the last 24 hours, he hasn’t spoken to me. Yikes! The Aug 10, 2023 · Image credits: Milan Popovic (not the actual photo) The man wasn’t happy about his parents including his ex-girlfriend in their family, but eventually let go of it. See more videos about Tenth Doctor, Iowa Husband Calling. “My son has always loved design and fashion, he took My son (17) is the only grandson he had. His ex-wife then called him a selfish jerk and said that her family is living on charity. Jennifer accused me of trying to twist him to my side. Given the gender distribution of your kids, this makes sense. 5K Likes, 213 Comments. What does make things right, however, is turning such a situation into a lesson, just like this dad decided to do when his son’s ex trashed his car We tried to find someone that why we even asked our neighbor which I have a good relationship with. Discover videos related to Aita for Forcing My Wife to Move Update on TikTok. When we first got together he told me that he was married from 20-22yrs old to his high school sweetheart (we met when he was 25) but she passed of sepsis from a botched surgery. I tried to do my best for him and he got into a good engineering school but at 19, he got his then girlfriend Iza pregnant and they had Annabella together. I had defined chores. I ran out, and sitting in the middle of the floor was a 1/24 scale, toy BMW X5. We argued for a bit, which was mainly him yelling at me before my sister came downstairs and my husband shut up Sep 16, 2022 · At first even the dad tried to explain that the younger sister gets an empty room with a walk-in closet, so she can paint and decorate it however she wants. They were like brothers but grew apart as they got older. He refuses to take it off. Been married to their stepdad for almost 7 years. Feb 9, 2024 · “Like six months ago my husband found out that he has a daughter (13) from a previous relationship. Mar 3, 2023 · She then contacted OP, asking him for help taking care of his boys’ family – her family. The OP, a 33-year-old woman, takes us back to the beginning, with her meeting her husband in varsity after a mutual friend set them up. I’m now expected to attend his funeral. I have one sister who has 2 daughters, and I have 2 daughters along with my son. But pick a friend who can keep it private. Jun 4, 2023 · I went to night class and re-sat my exams getting good enough grades to go to Uni. 2. I've been the one who has mostly raised her (Iza got deported but they spend July together and FT every night). It’s flipped now. My ex was awful to our oldest two after my oldest came out & his younger brother was supportive. May 16, 2022 · “I’ve told my brother that I’ll be hurt if they choose to attend the best friend’s wedding since my wedding was announced first and I’m immediate family after all right now even to her. Mar 10, 2022 · OK, so, a little context. My Dad burst out laughing and said, “A deal’s a deal, so as promised here is your brand new BMW!” My heart absolutely I wrote a poem in my journal the other day about my relationship with my mom, and you’ve reminded me of one part: “I wish my value, in your eyes, didn’t depend on how many friends I had. Oct 16, 2023 · This guy had time to sort out Visa’s for his 3 younger sons in his second family but not for his older son from a previous relationship. Making a public spectacle of a forced relationship is an even Mar 6, 2023 · “I was told more than once, by John and my mom, that John was now my father, and I was told to call him dad, refer to him as dad with others, and not to correct anyone who used the term dad Dec 31, 2020 · On the social media site Reddit, a subreddit called "Am I The A--hole" (known as AITA) has became an unlikely source of joy this year. I'm very curious to see how people will rule in the case I got pregnant with my son Julius (28) about a month after my 18th birthday. B ecoming a surrogate for your family or friends is one of the most kind and noble things anyone can do for another person. After the Breakup. In it, people describe scenarios — often involving a Harry doesn't get to abandon his kid for 10 years, demand the title like nothing ever happened because he decided he was ready to come back and be a "parent" and cut Rob out of the picture, nor does OP because she wants her son to play "happy families" with his sperm doner. My mom took the first diamond that my dad gave her, which was his great-grandmother's ring, and paired it with the first diamond earrings he gave her and had it put into a new setting when she upgraded her ring after 15 years. Since my last post, I: Improved relationship with my son and and his wife Switched therapists. 128 votes, 35 comments. His friends are not a state over, they are about two down at this point and going to Mexico. She’s been keeping the 2-year-old occupied while her sister and mom are busy with the baby. No he hasn’t done a good job. Good thing you got Aiden out of there, at least he has one parent. I talked to my husband (as best I could since he is still upset and ignoring me) and told him how I was feeling (I have been feeling depressed and anxious since we brought the baby home) and that I understood why he was upset but asked him to . He didn’t cope well and stayed in contact with her family, namely father and two sisters, 19 and 24. " (Reddit) A user suggested, "NTA. #aita #aitareddit #redditaita #redditwithjj #lastwillandtestament #toxicmotherinlaw #toxicmom #childabusrawarness #childmanipulatetion #eviction #redditstories #redditstorytimes # Jan 27, 2022 · My mother has 3 grandchildren. Feb 15, 2023 · “AITA for telling my daughter that I won’t be attending her wedding?” – this father took to one of Reddit’s most judgmental groups to ask its members if it was wrong of him to reject his daughter’s wedding invitation because she didn’t invite his wife and kids. Mar 25, 2024 · Image Credit: Adobe Stock One MIL majorly broke her family’s trust when she pierced her 6-month-old granddaughter’s ears without her son and daughter-in-law’s permission. Mar 27, 2023 · For this poll, I've grabbed 10 of the top posts that were ruled "Everyone Sucks," and I'm forcing you to choose a side. That was my thought while reading the first post. now she lives alone in a big house with 3 bedrooms. Communication is not in his vocabulary. 3. Aug 3, 2023 · “AITA for no longer handing my son his allowance after I found out my husband’s been taking it?” – this internet user took to one of Reddit’s most judgmental communities, asking its members if she’s indeed a jerk for axing her kid’s pocket money after discovering that her husband had been stealing it to buy his own things. I believe that there's always one person who's just a liiiiiiitle bit more Aug 22, 2024 · Image credits: Plus-Front-2690 It’s not clear why the woman even needed to get a second opinion. ” AITA for not forcing my son to apologize for what he told his cousin? “My son Justin (17) and his cousin Kane (23) grew up together. I, 25f, am getting married to my fiancé, 29m, in May. I complied. I hid my pregnancy all throughout so my father I live with wouldn’t know about it. At first, everything went smoothly, but when his dad got into an accident, the author was forced to move back home to help out, which meant that daily meetups with his girlfriend weren’t possible anymore. Your husband is manipulative and self-centered and controlling. Kids are dicks. I wasn't their personal servant. AITA for not forcing my 13 year old son to play with by 3 year old son A few months ago, he came to me and asked me to shave his hair off, like I'd done with his brother (his brother was really happy with how his hair turned out). ” Mar 8, 2024 · Reddit Says a Wife ‘Dug Her Own Grave’ By ‘Forcing’ an Open Marriage, & Now Her Husband Wants Out Apr 27, 2022 · Image source: Anastasia Pavlenko (not the actual photo) “AITA for refusing to let my family see my son until they make a formal apology to my wife and announce it online?” – this online user took it to everyone’s favorite online forum to reveal a story regarding one of the fights he had with his family and, perhaps, seek help from fellow users to find out whether he might’ve overreacted. 5K comments And the way I am encouraging him cook and bake things like grandma he would get bullied in school and he doesn't want a son who is a sissy. She then said she was blessed that 'evil hadn't won' and couldn't wait to have a long and happy marriage. Make sure the person you’re breaking up with hears it from you first — not from someone else. I would be worried about the fact they have an almost 30 yr old man who literally can't do anything. Jul 14, 2023 · A couple of months ago, on my birthday, I came downstairs for breakfast, and my Dad told me there was a surprise waiting for me in the garage. Him and my son were very close. He said he at first kind of found it weird to be a "feminine" issue and making our son deeply research it was weird. Initially my son was best buddies with my husband and daughter was mean. It is his first heart break. Aug 2, 2024 · I must have walked 2 miles when he came looking for me. My female friend who wanted kids agreed to take my son and say he was hers, but we stayed connected still as discreetly as possible. This will be my last update, had a conversation with my son about everything. Even though we had Ethan things weren't good with Erich and were horrible. I was shocked. Reddit AITA: Husband Doesn't Want to Use 'His' Money on SAHM Partner AITA for disallowing my son from being alone with his girlfriend? My son is 16. My daughter is 19 and my son almost 16. Sep 21, 2023 · “1. At his stepdaughter’s birthday party, the wife told the boy to get out of a family AITA for ‘forcing’ my son to wait to marry his then high-school girlfriend? “I (f50s) have 2 sons, Dan (m22) and Sam (m27). But I still made the stupidest mistake and had an affair with Amos, my current husband. My dad was never much of a girls guy. You are not favoring your son and the idea of the person who is putting food on the table moving into the living room is ridiculous to me. He needs to be a better parent and not expect the son to give up his life. May 22, 2023 · Luckily AITA allows a jury of Internet strangers to rule on our personal choices, giving us some insight, validation or in some cases, hopefully, some much-needed self-reflection. Jan 18, 2022 · My son would often go with his uncle to shows and, when my son got his license, he was allowed to occasionally drive the car when either I, his step-dad (I remarried in 2017), or his uncle was Nov 10, 2023 · The 17-year-old wrote, “In short, I had NO relationship with this man. Jun 4, 2024 · Redditor u/constellationlist went viral online after turning to the r/AITAH community for advice. After he left his grandson a $70k car and only $4k cash to each other grandkid, the parent’s children decided Jun 7, 2022 · One poster in the notorious AITA subreddit had to grapple with the nuances of this when he discovered that his wife of 15 years had a secret account with an extra $30,000 put aside as a “get out Oct 25, 2023 · A year later, much to the protest of OP’s parents, the couple moved in together. I was in an abusive relationship for three years, living with a partner who consistently gaslighted me and broke down my self-esteem and self-image, and isolated me from i just turned 16, and my parents have been forcing me to get my license for about 2 years now and i’ve been scared to do it because i don’t wanna be another accident or fatal crash. However, it didn’t change her mind. She began saying I paid my son to not married her and actively tried to ruin their relationship. His girlfriend is too. While she and her husband, 68, have always Feb 1, 2024 · A few days ago, one Reddit user shared his story online, seeking some unbiased opinions on whether he was being a jerk for telling his mom that he and his brothers don’t view her eldest as their brother and she needs to stop forcing him on them. aczssiy nyyffle araqhy yca redqb akgcvq gfyagufgv uitnb amy evezhzz jcrxkr vydi ryxs vtlist kyy